May 13, 2021 Local business leader and entrepreneur Damian Lang will address the Washington State Community College (WSCC) class of 2021 at its commencement ceremony at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Marietta College Dyson Baudo Recreation Center. Lang was born and raised in Waterford, Ohio. After high school, he set his sights on achieving his dream of starting a business. Less than a year later, in 1985, he launched Lang Masonry. From the beginning, he recognized the value of supporting his community and made it his priority to hire local workers. The company grew and shifted its focus from residential to commercial, industrial, and institutional projects. While the name of the business changed to Lang Masonry Contractors, Inc, the close-knit, small-town spirit remained a constant part of the company culture. In fact, many of the employees who were a part of the original crew are still with the company today.