LANL: ‘Garbage To Gas … Using Biodigesters To Create Energy’ Wins 2020 New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge - 8:37 am Los Alamos National Laboratory awards a $4,500 cash prize to the winning students in the New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge. Courtesy/LANL LANL News: Student scientists at Monte del Sol Charter School earned a $4,500 cash prize awarded by Los Alamos National Laboratory judges in the New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge with their project, “Garbage to Gas: Using Biodigesters to Create Energy”. “The STEM Challenge’s team-based approach of applying science, technology, engineering and math to address real needs is a microcosm of what we do at the Laboratory every day,” Laboratory Director Thom Mason said. “I congratulate the teachers and student scientists of Monte del Sol Charter School and thank our partners for organizing this innovative contest.”