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Leafhopper Brochosomes: Nanoparticles Inspiring Future Mater
Leafhopper Brochosomes: Nanoparticles Inspiring Future Mater
Leafhopper Brochosomes: Nanoparticles Inspiring Future Materials
They look like tiny soccer balls, but they make leafhopper insects highly water-repellent. Get a closer look at brochosomes and new research on their unique properties.
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New York ,
United States ,
Illinois ,
Farmingdale ,
University Of Illinois ,
Roman Rakitov ,
Chris Dietrich ,
Elizabeth Bello ,
Carly Tribull ,
Marianne Alleyne ,
Richard Baxter ,
University Of Illinois Urbana Champaign ,
Department Of Entomology ,
Illinois Natural History ,
Brochosome Research ,
Farmingdale State College ,
Illinois Natural History Survey ,
Illinois Urbana Champaign ,
Insect Science ,