M4MM Announces 2020 Diversity & Inclusion Champion of the Year Award Recipients January 28, 2021 The Diversity & Inclusion 2020 nominees included Weedmaps, Cookies, Curaleaf, Cresco, and Suterra who made efforts to promote a diverse and inclusive industry. ORLANDO, FL, UNITED STATES, January 28, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Minorities for Medical Marijuana (M4MM) announces their 2020 Diversity and Inclusion Non-Profit Champion of the Year award recipient, Colorado based Cannabis Impact Fund. This organization’s mission is to promote racial justice, heal the planet, and support communities in need by leveraging a conscience Cannabis sector is in direct alignment with M4MM’s goals and vision. Curaleaf has been recognized as The (3rd Annual) 2020 Diversity and Inclusion Corporate Champion of the Year award recipient. The Diversity and Inclusion 2020 corporate award nominees included Weedmaps, Cookies, Curaleaf, Cresco, and Suterra who have all made extraordinary contributions to promote a more diverse and inclusive industry. However, Curaleaf was selected the winner based on votes received from M4MM members, followers, and the cannabis community alike.