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meetings. he's preparing new lines of cooperation with partners regarding weapons. he doesn't say who those partners are, nor does he emphasize just how crucial it is for more international aid to come ukraine's way. just before the new year, the u.s. senate what could be its last package of military aid to ukraine, at least for a while. republicans in congress continue to block a much needed aid package until they get assurances on hard-line immigration policies at the u.s. mexico border. republicans must think this is a game. but if they continue to play, they will let a u.s. ally, a democratic nation, crumble. failure to share a millers -- is so much bigger than ukraine. global stability is at stake, and so is our nation's credibility. russia, china, north korea, and iran are watching very closely. joining me now is the retired united states lieutenant colonel alexander -- he's the former director of european affairs for the u.s. national security council. he's the author of the

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Way , Hit Ukraine , Partners , Aid , U S Senate , Lines , Meetings , Cooperation , Weapons , U S , African National Congress , Military Aid , Republican , Immigration Policies , Assurances , Game , Package , Aid Package , Play , Least , Mexico Border , Russia , Stake , Democrats , Nation , Stability , Failure , China , Credibility , Millers , Crumble , Ally , North Korea , Alexander , Author , U S National Security Council , Affairs , Director , European , Iran ,

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