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Publically of deciding what it wants to be. Who its leaders are and what it wants to stand for. The house moved to remove Marjorie Taylor green from both of the committees she served in. The education and Budget Committee. Despite near unanimous opposition from her party. Vote was 230199, it came amid mounting outrage among the crazy Conspiracy Theories she has spoken. 11 represent are cans moved over the aisle to remove her. Which sends her in to a legislative exile. Green apologized for none of out. They expressed regret for her comments and said she quote stumbled in to qanon after doubting media reports. The problem is i was allowed to believe thing thes that were not true. You see, School Shootings were true. And 9 11 happened. You i never said the things that im being accused of today during my campaign. I never have said any of the things since being elected to congress. Shall we stay divided like this . Will we allow the media that is just as guilty as qanon of presenting truth and lies to divide us. Here is the briefest reminder of greens greatest hits. Americans are like blind sheep, just going through life. Not paying attention. Theres an islamic invasion in to our Government Offices right now. How do you get avid gun owners and people that support the Second Amendment to give up their guns . Maybe you accomplish that by performing a mass shooting in to a crowd. The socalled plane that crashed in to the pentagon. Odd, never any evidence shown for a plane in the pentagon. Q is a patriot, we know it for sure. Many in the government are actively worshipping satan or they call moloch, q is saying that they participate in pedophilia and spirit cooking. Theres a Once In A Lifetime opportunity to take this had global cable of Satan Worshipping pedophiles out. Sorry to interrupt your meal of cooking, satan green today blamed her problems on the media when as you saw, those were her words not the product of any media kabal or cable, as she prefers it. During the debate before the vote. Republicans argued that punishing green would set a bad precedent. While democrats kept their focus on the substance of her a remarks. The conduct that we are talking about today continued after she was a candidate and after she was elected. Mr. Speaker, i urgent my colleagues to look at this image. We are dealing with conduct that brings shame on this house. It is exactly the kind of conduct that helps fuel domestic terrorism. Who is next, who will the cancel culture go after next. Now they are coming after ms. Green. I fear if we open this particular pandoras box, we will not like what happens next. The house Impeachment Managers who will present their case against donald trump on tuesday next week have sent him a letter asking him to testify at the senate trial and he rejected that, adding there will be no written statement and they expect the trial to end next friday or sunday and they will file more legal briefs monday. And today, one Senate Republican leader expressed around eagerness to get it over with. I think its in his best interest to not testify and i think most senators would like to expedite this. And smartmatic, the Voting Technology company that became the target of voting fraud claims, has filed a 2. 7 Billion Defaation fox news, some of the hosts and two of trump lawyers. Here they are. They have all been named if the suit and at various times, all of Them Trafficked in claims about the election and the companies that were just made up. This is a serious lawsuit. The company says it has identified at least 100 false statements and implications made on fox news programs. Smartmatic, which is a company that was founded in 2005, in venezuela, for the specific purpose of fixing elections. Thats their expertise. How to fix elections. They did it a number of times in venezuela. They did it in argentina, and they messed up an election to a in chicago. We know one of the smartmatic people has went to texas and turned that county blue after having been an executive with smartmatic and all of a sudden, this one election, Terrant County is blue. Joe biden took his campaign to take back the country from the trump agenda. This one symbolized a lot. Biden laid out the priorities and the approach to dealing with a longtime adversary. America is back. America is back. Diplomacy is back at the center of our Foreign Policy and leading with diplomacy, means Standing Shoulder to shoulder with our allies and key partners again. I made it clear to president putin, and in a manner different from my predecessor. That the days that the United States rolls over in the face of russias aggressive actions and interfering with our elections, cyber attacks, poisoning its citizens, are over. The president said he will stop trumps plan to withdraw our troops from germany, a move that lets face it, all serious Military Commanders instantly viewed as a mistake but were powerless to stop. Biden is also ending arm sales and other support to saudi arabia, in its war with yemen, as biden pushes for passes of his Coronavirus Relief bill, theres news on the vaccine front and its big. Johnson johnson has officially applied for that Emergency Use Authorization from the fda, for its vaccine. Which is administered, lets remember, in a single shot. If the application is approved, it would be the third brand name Vaccine Authorizationed for Emergency Use in our country. Its a lot and lets bring in the lead off guests on the thursday night. Two veterans of journalism, one of Foreign Policy. Jonathan lamire, White House Reporter with the Associated Press and ben rhodes, former Deputy National security adviser for president obama. Extremism is the brand of gop. Do you agree and will what happened today make this Congress Woman a rallying cry or a marter or a disgrace or a mixture of all three . The difference of a Secret Ballot Vote for liz cheney verse this public vote today, where 11 republicans joined democrats to say that this woman does not deserve to sit in committee, in the house of representatives, tells you all you need to know. She sent out a triumphamt tweet tonight around 9 30, saying she wanted to thank all of the Real Republicans that stood with her today and in trumpian fashion, she said that each of you will be represent remembered. So, she is going to be watching her Fundraising Totals in the days to come. Im sure, she will achieve maga martyr status, more than she was in 48 hours ago. When she had raised nearly 2 million. She was not as senator is bill cassidy of louisiana, a republican forthrightly said, expressing regret is different from disavowing and condemning and she did not do that as you noted in the open. She is trying to have are it both ways like Kevin Mccarthy. And the truth is, brian, that the republican members and representatives and senators are not particularly choosing radicalism. People like andy bigs and paul gosar, congressman, they believe this stuff. They are on planet rudy. I love listening to Rudy Giuliani talk. I want to be where he is. It seems that its a happy place. But its not here. The problem is, most of the members are realizing that their voters have been radicalized, with trump off the stage and all twitter. They are going home and their brotherinlaw and the High School Roommate tell them all this stuff. When these members of the Republican Party try to say that stuff is not true. I experienced it myself. So, unless the voters are peeling radicalized, this is where their representatives will follow. Jonathan lamire, i will talk to about the last president that you were doing. It is february 4th. The gop is as strong today as november 4th. It seems like its waivered a little, brian. This is still Donald Trumps Republican Party. Yes, there were some republicans that were today, voting for stripping this the Congress Woman of her Committee Status far more revolted against Liz Cheney Last Night and in the wake of her vote to impeach president trump. The point that was made, yes, donald trump was silent on twitter. Polls suggest that his popularity has slipped a little. He is still popular among republicans. We know the trial that is set next week, that outcome is preordained, five republicans voted to have it, the proceedings move forward. The rest including Minority Leader Mcconnell Have said know, it should not be happening in the first place. And we have seen a silence from the former president , you know, he is going to pass on the opportunity to appear before the trial. And he is also, we know he is off twitter but he stayed quiet. He has stayed low. The people around him, know the outcome is done. They dont want to do anything to mess around. They know this is still his party. Ben rhodes, we are going to have to ping pong back and forth between your bailey wick and our two journalism guests. I will say this, the spine of the superb book you wrote about your experience in the Obama White House stares at me on the shelf across from where i do my work. And you were nice enough to come on, during the depths of the trump years when i would routinely ask you, what must our allies and adversaies make of us now. So, its a new day this february 4th. The headline of our president s speech at the State Department, america is back. What els did you take away from that appearance today . Well, brian, clearly eed to reassure the rest of the world that you are going to ditch the kind of radical approaches, taken under donald trump and once again, they will stand for a set of values that we share with the allies and he spoke about specific policies that will move us in the direction, and consequences for russia and what its been doing, including the poisoning and imprisoning of alexei navalny, and the war in yemen with saudi arabia that has been a disaster. And just hitting the notes of what the world would want to hearer from an american president. The challenge, brian, to link the conversations is the world was very pleased to hear that. Certainly the allies were pleased, they were looking over joe bidens shoulder at the craziness that continues to infect the Major Political parties. He needs to revitalize democracy Around The World. Its under assault. From russia and china and all manner of adversaries Around The World. And our own democracy is badly in need of repair here at home. For joe bidens credibility to carry through on the world stage, not only does he have to demonstrate that he isfollowing those words with actions in his Foreign Policy, he has to demonstrate that he is making progress in fixing the democracy at home. Ronald reagan used to call us the city on a hill. This congresswoman is way out of the realm of democracy in any way. And Foreign Policy and domestic policy are very much tied together. Ab, ben is a diplomat. He finds links in topics and he did it there again. You invoked the name Kevin Mccarthy which could be called the weather in hawaii of politicians. If you dont like what you are seeing or hearing, wait a couple of minutes and it will change. Before i ask you about him, we have a look here at the many faces of Kevin Mccarthy. Let me be very clear. Theres no place for qanon in the Republican Party. I dont support it. Qnon, i dont know if i say it right, i dont know what it is. This house voted to condemn the lies of qanon, the president bears responsibility of the attack by mob rioters. I always think that everyone across the country has some responsibility. So, a. B. The question is indelicate, does he think we are stupid and has he made a Deal With The Devil as leader in the house . Well, i wrote a long piece on mccarthy that came out earlier this week before he dug a worse tunnel for himself last night when he came out from this hours long Conference Meeting and had the nerve, he is very cheeky in his walk backs and his reversals, and his protection of donald trump. Very cute is the way, is sort of the way i characterize his style. To come out last night and pretend it was called qnon, and he does not know how to pronounce it, because he doesnt know anything about it. When next to the president of the United States, he and Mitch Mcconnell and Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi, the top four leaders in the congress, have the most important intelligence on the planet. And he knows everything about qanon and not only should he have known everything about it six months ago, he should have known everything about it following january 6th, a time when he panicked and begged the president to send support. Saying no, we are wee we are being attacked by people that are trying to over turn the election. He knows better. And on to see him red faced saying that last night and saying he is not certain about it, it must not be a big deal shows how unfit he is. To throw his members under the bus and make them take a vote for something that he should have handled by himself five days ago and was getting loud phone calls from corporate donors about the mess he should be cleaning up is just, all you need to know about how weak he is, and how he wanted the members to take on what he just couldnt face himself. Jonathan lamire, are you surprised to the degree that donald trump has gone silent of course, absent any presence on twitter. He released a comical letter today full of rich material resigning as a member of the Screen Actors Guild and as many pointed out on the web, with kind of a homemade not quite president ial seal at the top. Which looks a little more like a seagull grabbed some stuff in flight. Are you surprised at the degree to which, im sure at the advice of council, he has gone away . He was terrific in home alone 2. So lets give him credit where he and due. So its a blow to the group to lose his membership. We should take a pause there. Its striking to see how silent he has gone and its throughout washington. That since his twitter account was taken away from him a couple of days after the Insurrection T the change in feel. Everything is quieter. Not just for members of congress, but members of his own party that dont have to be asked about what they think of his latest tweet. Though silent, as discussed, his hold over the party persists and very few republicans dare defy him, and certainly we have reported that he is being quiet, despite the odd Press Release because of the looming trial. Because he doesnt want to do anything to inflame the situation further. That could get any republican senator to change his or her mind. He and his team know they will be acquitted they dont want to run the risk of that changing and they dont want to run the risk of him being barred from running or Holding Office again. Its key to what ever his next act will be. The silence will persistity at the end of the trial, and after that, i bet it ends. Ben rhodes look around government, pentagon, hollowed out, stomped on. Cdc, stomped on. And that sadly includes the State Department. So, it was big symbolism that the president and Vice President made it their stop today. I was reminded tonight try this on for size, if perhaps you hadar forgotten as well. Trumps first Foreign Policy speech was delivered in saudi arabia as one does. Yes. Quite an infamous moment where he could stand next to a bunch of dictators and put his hands on a glowing orb and that sent a message to the world the kind of leader he was going to be. A man who found affinity with the dictators like saudi arabia and Vladimir Putin of russia. And i think joe biden going to the state Department Today was doing two things. The first thing is as you said, brian, trying to buck up a workforce that has been decimated, there was an exodus of Foreign Service officers, some were purged and there were had political attacks on them from the president of the United States and the Secretary Of State under donald trump did not get the back of his own personnel when they were attacked so joe biden wanted to go over and send a message and talk to any of us, and tell you that the agencies and including the State Department, it was worse when he they went in there with the morale and including and perhaps most prominently our National Security agencies, the Intelligence Community in the state Department First and foremost. In addition to being a message to the diplomats. It was a message to the world. You know, the world is going to watch the first speech that the an american president gives in Foreign Policy closely. They are going try to disearn what he says. He is signaling, look, we are back, we are going to be back in terms of playing the traditional role of American Leadership that you have not seen in the last four years. We are back as an ally, we are not going to do crazy things like withdraw our troops from germany, which are a symbol of americas 70 year commit to europe. We are back support of the Democratic Values that the state Department Needs to defend, everywhere around the word, day in, day out. And again, to draw on our other consideration, we are back in acknowledging, and i thought he said Something Interesting today. America has got problems. The world has seen particularly on january 6th, the problems we have with our own democracy, but if we can show that we can fix had those problems at home. In some ways, it makes us a more credible voice abroad. We, like other countries have had corruption in the country. We have had Conspiracy Theory base extremism in the country, and the nationalist trend that trump and putin represents. I think what joe biden was doing in the State Department, is not only were we defending American Values in the way that you expect an american president to do Around The World, we will do so, informed by the experience of having to fight for Democratic Values in this country as well. And so, i think, you know, it was a right setting to send the message, not just to the workforce here in the United States and at embassies Around The World that were clearly watching this. So all the foreign governments and foreign publics that are consuming it as well and most of whom were breathing very deep sigh of relief that he was standing there at the State Department delivering the message instead of standing with dictators over a glowing orb in saudi arabia. Our thanks to ben rhodes to ab stoddard and Jonathan Lamire for starting us off. And Marjorie Taylorgreen may be out of committee assignments, but what does todays vote tell us about the future of the Political Party some are calling qop, or the gopq, political veterans are standing by and the question of putting masks in every mailbox, thats a vaccine that is a potential game changer The 11th Hour getting under way on a thursday night. Thursd. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla Prescribing Information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Upbeat music transitionsâ„¢ light under control. Upbeat music transitionsâ„¢ Signature Gen 8â„¢ available now, in 4 vibrant style colors. Transitionsâ„¢ when you switch to xfinity mobile, youre choosing to in 4 v get connectedolors. To the most Reliable Network nationwide, now with 5g included. Discover how to save up to 300 a year with shared data starting at 15 a month, or get the lowest price for one line of unlimited. Come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. You can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. Stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with Peace Of Mind at your local xfinity store. The squas worst enemy. Ar15 in hand. I have never seen that before. Is this is a Precedent Setting Event . It is. We have never seen him before that. Marjorie taylorgreene no longer serves on any house committees. Today reduces her clout in congress and it means by the way, that she can not bring home the bacon for the people in her district who put her in congress. House Budget Committee members can bring stuff home, not her. She isdoing a lot of fundraising by painting herself as a victim. She has that going for her. And james corvil, and mike murphy, veteran republican strategist and strategic reviser to Republican Voters against trump. We know how that went and he is the cohost of his podcast. 61 republicans voted to oust liz chainy her management post, Secret Ballot, 11 republicans crossed the aisle voting to oust qanon Congress Woman from her committee assignments. Do they fear extremists or welcome them these days in the Republican Party . Well, it kind of depends on the faction. I guess, i will be a spin doctor, and say, ten republicans voted for impeachment and we surged to 11. So we have a 10 increase in impeachment. Its grim business. Brian, she is out of her mind wacko, and you know, they chose to kind of look the other way. Which is politically dumb, because she is its not like they can give her uncrazy pills and now she will turn in to a respectable member of congress. She will keep doing her stuff and the democrats are doing to gleefully go after the republicans for no going on the record against her. Kevin mccarthys strategy seems to get on to next week and not do what they need to do to win a majority and purg this kind of stuff and its all about Fear Donald Trump in the primaries. James carvile, at the end of the day, for people who are actually patriots, this is sad. All of it. As a political matter, how should your party play this Going Forward . Keep playing it. I mean, they cant live without this vote. Its like 30 of the selfidentifiable republicans think well of qanon, make them pay and go after the other 70, and make it clear that its the congress as a whole that had to deal with it and they stood mute. Talking about space beams sent down from space to start fires in california. This is not just looney stuff, this is looney as a tune. This they wont do anything, extract everything out of the fact that they are terrified of offending these crazy people. Its a legitimate thing to do and they should pursue it with great vigor as they did today. Mike murphy, how will the topic of jewish space lasers play in the battle for the suburbs in all the congressional races two years from now . You know, i it doesnt sound like a big winner to me in the whole parkland didnt happen. Today, she basically said is that whoops, i was tricked by that interweb and im the victim here. Theres no real apology. So, you know, she is going to be a money maker nor the democrats. She is going to be a problem for the republicans. You know, its trouble and they, they decided to kind of punt. Mccarthy went to the caucus with the easiest cheap Applause Message you can have in politics which is hey, we all have to stay united. So lets not fire mary cheney and that is a Secret Ballot so vote your heart, and i brought Congress Woman crazy pants that stood up and pretended the apologize for a while and they clapped and felt good and nothing changed on her and as james said, the democrats will beat it like a Government Mule forever and in suburban districts where are we havebeen put out of business by trump, its a big machete and they will use it. Greene will Say Something crazy. God, i cannot speculate, i need to put a bolt in my head to think like her and it may start up again and we will have another vote like this. With steve king, remember the caucus . We handled it. And we have lost the courage of that because of the fear of donald trump. By the way, carville, his wifi strength is better than yours and he is in a hotel. The challenge of pushing the biden agenda in the middle of all this going on. 6 we are back and still with us are James Carville and mike murphy. I was asking about the democrats because next week, we will be in the post super bowl period, we start an impeachment trial. Im tempted to ask you how Many Republican votes to convict would there be if it was a Secret Ballot . But, what do you think is the best outcome here for the party . Well, its always going to be tight, i mean, we have 50 50 senate, relying on the Vice President , plus five in the house. It will go from one tight thing to another. I dont see that changing. I do think we will pick up a couple for republicans. I think people will be stuns how powerful the presentation is of the Impeachment Managers. Everything that i see and hear, it will be better than 55 than the original 55. I really do. And its going to be some rivoting television and Rivoting Sound Bites and rivoting video. The people that put it together, all of them are very smart, they are committed to on and i think they will do a great job. Mike murphy, it may define cognitive disonence, to sit behind a desk that was ransacked by rioters defiled, luted and vote in affect that theres to nothing to see her. But that aside, our friend tim miller wrote, trump should testify and if not, be called out as a coward, do you think that gets the democrats anything . They should call him a coward, and he is a coward, the lawyers will not let him testify, testify. But he will go on a rival he Network Named after a furry animal, and you know, to hannity, and somewhere safe, he will do a running commentary. He wont do it in any binding way. And you mow, this is going be down to the presentation. Because if it was a Secret Ballot, i think the republicans would quickly do him in. But that fear magnet is turning him them in to cowards in a treasonness way. If mitch cant get to 17, it will be three. You know, nobody wants to take the is shot at trump and miss getting to the goal by two votes. If mitch and the caucus had 13, or 14 commitments he will find the other four or five if its a good presentation. Nobody wants to do the near miss because of the political price they are afraid of playing. Thats why the sass video is important. He is writing how to fight back, and not go in a defensive crouch. People should look at it from the Republican Party and learn from it. I will say, if the lawsuit against fox news is successful, they will rename themselves as the marmaset network in the week. Thank you both for being here. Intense fire from the political right because of his instance that we all wear a mask to protect ourselves and each other andhe is not backing down, nor so you. Dr. Vin gupta with us when we come back. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage, and got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com and got them back on track. Everyone is at risk for enamel loss. When you drink or eat something thats acidic it sucks the minerals out of the tooths surface. Pronamel is formulated to help deliver minerals to the tooths surface to help reharden and strengthen your enamel. Johnson johnson has now requested Emergency Authorization from the fda for its coronavirus vaccine, if approved, it would be the third available in the u. S. It only requires one injection. It is easier to store and transport. And lets say this plainly, one shot will keep you out of the hospital and keep you from dying. Full stop. We are pleased to have back with us tonight, dr. Vin gupta, Critical Care doc and Assistant Professor at the university of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and evaluation, and educated at princeton, cambridge and harvard and a member of the u. S. Air force reserve. How do you sum up, what is your reaction to the j and j news . Its great news for the reason you pointed on out, brian, that it will keep your viewers from seeing me and my colleagues in the Intensive Care Unit. Thats the key piece here. I have i have been part of a few Vaccination Clinics in the last few days and people are confused because we are throwing on out the percentages on efficacy, heres the thing, if you are willing to take them when its your turn, any of them will keep you out of the Intensive Care Unit from severe pneumonia, so its a key piece. We keep hearing that the Biden Administration wants to send is masks to every american household, we hear that the Biden Administration wants to do accelerate the at home test. Its as if they were listening to you during april, may, june, of last year. Well, you know, if you will humor me. As always, i like to show things to your viewers to show how simple at home tests are. I have the test that the Biden Administration is about to scale can. Let me show to all americans and everyone viewing it, how easy at home testing is. You just pick your nose with one of these guys for a few seconds in both nostrils, theres a little liquid you put in the dropper and you dunk it in there, like so, and you let it sit for a second. And then this becomes a dropper in to this test sensor, you put five drops in there. Im not actually doing it and it will connect to blue tooth to your smartphone, 15 minutes later, you get a positive or negative. That is how simple it is. At home testing is not just the future for right now. The present and the future. But its doing to be how we test ourselves, i think, going down the road in to the future for the next pandemic, god forbid that happens. But that is how we will arm people with knowledge so they can test themselves. Thats the right thing to do. With masking. Just since you brought it up. For everyone out there, they should be looking, i know we have been talking about double masks. At the minimum, we have been talking about it for months. Fit is important. If you get this blue mask. This blue mask is great. But then maybe tie the ear loop so you have a tighter fit. Or get one of the cloth masks. Multilayer mask clips that you can make the tight er fit around your ears. That will be the key, high quality mask with the appropriate fit, vital. Is there a way to sum up in 45 seconds how bad it has gotten for you, by dint of the fact that you have been out there ahead of this really advocating mask wearing for all based on the notion that we could save, what, 80,000 souls . Its been tough. Brian. I mean, i will say that. For example. You know, i have been advocating that educators across the country just get vaccination before they go back in to the classroom. At least high risk educators and i get, i have been caught in a few kerfuffels because its common sense. Most Public Schools dont have the resources of private schools. They dont have testing. They dont have the able tot have great ventilation immediately. The quickest way to reopen schools for high risk teachers is to get shots in arms. Like the governor of oregon. Common sense stuff is political, and i paid the price. Dr. Vin gupta, thank you for our questions and all of your appearances going back a year now, its a sad milestone we are approaching. Greatly appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up for us. The chances are low, but the jackpot is potentially huge. And life saving. We will look at the people in pursuit of scoring a Covid Vaccine that was otherwise destined to go to waste. I am robert strickler. Ive been involved in communications in the media for 45 years. Ive been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. For me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. And i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. It has helped me an awful lot. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. 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As we mentioned this news j and j vaccine will hopefully soon be available nationwide, Millions Americans are the desperate to get their shot of any kind. Some are going to Great Lengths to make sure that no vaccine goes to waste. Carry sanders has our report tonight on the socalled vaccine hunters. They are the vaccine hunters. The young and old, on a hunt in search of unused vaccine. If theres any chance i can get it. Its worth standing in line. Both of the vaccines are kept at extreme temperatures, and its good for five hours once its room temperature. Its unclear how much vaccine has gone to waste, adhoc systems is been developing online because its happening enough. Groups are Crowd Sourcing where to go. For the moment, this is working. Theres no down side to what we are doing here. Any harm is better than the trash. In seattle, 65yearold kevin okeefe was tipped off that a fridge had broken at the local hospital and doses were going to spoil. My son they notified you and you ran . Yeah. Hunters now linger in their cars at sites hoping today is the day. We stay here, sunday, monday, tuesday, and today. You have been waiting that long . Yes. Monica and her 72yearold friend sylvia alvarez, not visible to register in florida because they are from mexico. Left overs however, are fair game. The Vaccine Hunt Ers with the motto, waste not, want not. Our thanks to Kerry Sanders for that report. He further reports that many of the same people will be back in the same line tomorrow. Coming up the cost of Conspiracy Theories the cost of toxic politics, you will hear from a woman that was a target of all of it. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis,. Otezla is proven. To reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. 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So you dont just brush to clean, you brush to build. Pronamel intensive enamel repair. [ Engines Revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. In a year of changes. Dont take chances on your taxes. Be 100 certain with jackson hewitt. Well get your taxes done right, guaranteed. Last thing before we go here tonight, we have had our fun with Marjorie Taylorgreene, the qanon Congress Woman, whos beliefs in jewish laser beams, and all of it is flat out crazy. Its what happens after four years of lies and misinformation and disinformation soaked up by americans like the Congress Woman, the people that took our capitol by force and those at home nursing anger and grievances, and some of whom may think nothing oft phoning in a death threat. The hatred in our midst is toxic and real. Is listen to a real member of congress, democrat of michigan, targeted by the yanon Congress Woman, among others. Listen to her telling Congress Today what this has done to her life. This is so hard because as many of my colleagues know, my closest colleagues know, on my very first day of orientation, i got my first death threat had. It was a serious one. They took me aside, the fbi had to go to on the gentlemans home. I didnt even get sworn in yet. And someone wanted me the dead for just exiting. And so, i ask my colleagues to please, try not to dehumanize what is happening. This is real. And you know many of our residentsfrom the shootings in charlottesville, too. The massacre at the so, i urge the members to please, please take what happened on january 6th seriously. It will lead to move death and we can do better. We must be do better. Thank you. Congress woman talib to take us off the air tonight and with that, that is our broadcast for this thursday evening. With our thanks for being here with us. Good night. Some very exciting news today. The former Vice President has a job. Not the former former Vice President whos now president , no, i mean the immediate former Vice President mike pence. The Heritage Foundation has announced that former Vice President mike pence is going to go work there. He said today, the Heritage Foundation announced today that former Vice President mike pence will join the organization as a distinguished visiting fellow. What exactly is that job . What exactly is he going to do there . Its kind of beside the point. But heritage is very excited to have him. Working together with the

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