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Speaker mccarthy with another new. Neil so tonight, a wake up call. It is bound to be the hottest year ever. What can we still do about it . Author john valiant helps us find some hope against this heat. This is american voices. We begin this hour with a warning from gop voters. Donald trump is a loser. It is a message republican candidate, will hurd, is preaching to anyone who will listen. And iowa heard predicted that if his party sticks by the twice indicted, twice impeached former president , that The Grand Party will get what it caught the last time. Donald trump is not running for president make America Great again. Donald trump is running to stay out of prison. And if we elect i know, i know, i know. I know. Listen, i know the truth, the truth is hard. But if we elect donald trump, we are willingly giving joe biden four more years in the white house and america cant handle that. Will hurd got booed telling the truth. Telling the truth. That proved the latest on the gop voters are not ready to move on from trump. At what cost . Could trumps mounting legal troubles helped turn the needle . Well, you know, the bulwark, he writes this. One Classic Wisecrack of the trump era is lol, nothing matters. The idea gleaned from bitter experiences that nothing trump does, no matter how bad it is, will turn republicans against him. Theyre locked in. But are they . And you survey found 25 of republicans now think trump broke the law with his handling of classified documents. That is up 16 points from october. Just months after the fbi search at maralago was conducted. That could make things even harder for trump in a possible rematch with President Biden. Hes already lost to biden once. To win in 2024, he will need to bring more voters into his camp. Will Republican Voters who cast their ballots for trump twice already, yes, weve done that, ultimately admit that he is a proven loser with a whole lot more baggage than he had the last time . Maybe. Check out this new political ad calling for a baggage free gop candidate. No matter how much i loved what he did when he was president , i just dont think hes electable at this point. If donald trump is the nominee, he will lose. Criminal charges january six indictments too much of a polarizing figure. The Republican Party needs to move on from donald trump. I think we need somebody that appeals to the independents. Get someone into that white house. We have to put someone in the dual election that can win. Joining me now, jonathan, editor of the bulwark and tom nichols, staff writer at the atlantic. I was really looking forward to this one conversation. This is going to be fun. Jonathan, we are showing the gop nomination as trump is to lose. The general election is a different ball game here. What is your thought on the Republican Base, understanding that sticking with trump actually means they are not going to win against biden next year. You know, michael, i dont know if that is what it means. This is the terrifying part. Will hurd makes the argument that the reason republicans have to move away from trumps because if they nominate trump to lose, that would be nice to think, i would think that the nominee, a guy who has been indicted twice and will be indicted again, it would lead to him losing. Hes five points ahead of where he was in 2020 against biden. You look at the polling average and he is right about even with biden. Im absolutely not convinced that even a trump under criminal indictment is a surefire loser against biden. Because of the electoral college, i think that hes got a 35 to 40 floor on his chances no matter what. And that is what is really scary. What we need is that we need guys like will hurd just saying the reason not to vote against trump is because hes dangerous for america. Dont support trump because he is dangerous for america. Not because it would give joe biden four more years. What is he afraid of . Another bipartisan Infrastructure Bill . That is ridiculous. Wait a minute. The brother got booed. He spoke the truth last night and he got booed. I mean, this base is telling him you dont want to hear it. We dont want to hear it. So i mean, what does it take, what do you do, how do you move . Its not so much a question of moving them off of trump, they are not going anywhere, but how do you create that for the other 65 of the Republican Base that it seems to have largely checked out of this process to get them to check back in to eclipse trump. To be very honest i dont think that it is possible. There is a narrow chance of it, because we are an active god away, and donald trump is the old, he could have a health event as much as joe biden could, it is possible the next indictment will magically make trump unpalatable for some reason to voters. It is not worth giving up. I dont think anybody should ever give up. Who passed has the last word. But you have to be serious about not laying a predicate that is going to make it harder for biden to beat trump in the general election. The idea is that we have to stop trump at all costs. Do that, but dont in the process, create offramps for Republican Voters to stick with trump in 2024 by pretending that joe biden is the Second Coming of karl marx. There is that. Tom, you have nbc news reporting that reads quote, most of the 2024 Candidate Field has been the past two and a half validating or Turning A Blind Eye to trumps false claims that he won the 2020 election. Priming the Republican Base to believe that trump is a proven winner against President Biden. Now that we have only a few months, you know, in front of us to try to undo that perception, that base appears reluctant to press the case. Where does this go . Where does this leave us at this point to what jonathan and i were just saying about this base holding their hands to their ears not wanting to hear the truth . But the candidates are the ones, i think, that can make a difference. But they dont seem to want to. Two really important points, one is, as jonathan pointed out, everybody is making the wrong argument. They are making a transactional argument. It is not that donald trump is so bad, it is that he could lose. And then we have joe biden, and just remind everybody, of course, well, when david duke was running for governor in 1991, george h. W. Bush came out and said this guy is not one of us. He came within a whisker of actually endorsing the democrat publicly. You didnt see bush coming out and saying you gotta be careful, dont want edwards to win that govern chip. He came out and he said the right thing. This guy is a klansmen, nobody should vote for him, hes not a republican. Nobody is doing that, they are saying well, you know, i know you like trump, i understand why, but hill probably lose. You are talking to people who think he won the last time around. They dont think he is a proven loser. And that is the other problem with this, and you are making an argument that people just fundamentally dont believe him. I think where we are is back in 2016 where you have all these cowardly republicans who say, you know, once trump implodes, im going to scoop up all of those voters. They are all going to come home to me. That didnt happen in 2016, its not going to happen now. If trump somehow implodes in the primary, and probably it would be a great opportunity for joe biden, but this notion that, you know, but for donald trump they would be flocking to tim scott, were nikki haley, it is ridiculous. It is laughable. So you got that piece, tom, what about the legal troubles . They already started to overshadow the sum coming election. They are going to continue to do so as more and more indictments start to pop over the next few months. What does this mean . You are now scattering, you know, this in between primary that are kicking off in january. Debates that are going to be occurring amongst republican candidates, what are we in store for a politically as these legal issues begin to really percolate a lot more, and do you think that they kind of feed the narrative that weve been talking about, or for folks to set them aside . Unless Republican Leaders change course, it Means Nothing for the Republican Party. A lot of the general election where i think that energized democrats and a lot of disgusted independents and swing voters are just going to, theyve had enough of donald trump, and trump fatigue is a real thing. For good reason. But im sorry to say that for millions of americans, being under federal indictment and soon to be under indictment for what looks like overthrowing the government of the United States, it just doesnt mean anything to them. I am from massachusetts. We are the guys that once elected a guy who was in jail. You know, this is an old tradition from the 1930s and i just dont think it will matter much to republicans, because they take that as a signal that trump is doing things right. We have a minute left. I want to get your thoughts on ron desantis who is floating this idea that if you become president , he will pardon trump. Is this a missed opportunity for the sentence once again to carve out that space by the donors want him to carve out to go after trump . Yes, it is. At this Point Desantis has been damaged goods. Its exactly what tom says. Imagine if we are at the Augusta Beating Trump decides not to show up. The moderator asks the republican candidates about the indictments against him. Those republican candidates with the exception of Chris Christie are going to sit around and mouth the same defenses that trump himself will be making. That is like the weird topsyturvy world that we live in where not only are the other republicans on going to go after trump for the indictments, we are going to defend him against them and that is why i dont think that they make any difference in the base. Desantis has missed his chance, and i think it is because he never he always thought worse comes to worse, i could finish in second and run in 2028. I am a young guy, i just left the Governors Mansion in 2026, and that, you know, ask Chris Christie what happens when you miss your moment. History presents its moments once to people. Never twice. And it is a huge mistake. He should have gone for starting six months ago, ten months ago, and instead he was afraid of being on the wrong side of the Republican Base and maybe correctly. Maybe he said this is a cold and i know i will never be able to shake people loose of it. So im just going to abide my time. Maybe that is the correct judgment. But it doesnt mean that hes never really playing to win. Not playing to win. And that is what the game is all about. Youve gotta play to win. Jonathan, tom, thank you gentlemen, i really appreciate you. Next, trumps legal hurricane and signs it might get worse for the former president. Plus, hardline republicans poised to hold the country hostage over the culture war. We are talking about a looming federal spending fight just weeks away. But first, to Richard Louis with the other big stories we are tracking this hour on msnbc. Hi richard. Michael, good evening to you, Breaking News from haiti for us. A nurse from New Hampshire and her child were reportedly kidnapped. The nonprofit she works for said that they were taken from their camp near portauprince thursday. The u. S. Department is saying that it is working with haitian authorities. It happened the same day the u. S. Ordered government personnel to leave haiti amid civil unrest. Military leaders overthrew the for the west african country, allies are not recognizing its new government as of now. And more than 110 million americans are under heat advisories. Storms will cool things off in the northeast tonight, those in the south will have at least a few more days of heat. More american voices for you after this break. This b er. With its customizable options chain, easytouse tools and Paper Trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. E trade from morgan stanley. 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Mark, lets talk about the latest in this documents case. And how damning are these allegations. Particularly when it comes to the attempt to cover up . Objectively, one thing, no surprise. Its very consistent context that we have seen all along. To the supporters, i dont think they probably care or make any difference with respect to them. By mid evidentiary standpoint, Additional Information that is documentary and nature, Text Information that it appears is evidentiary that they already, they the government possess. So there is not a he said she said types and reo. It is more what on this fire so to speak. What do you make of, the new defendant in maralago. The maralago Property Owner manager, rather. Carlos de oliveira. Talk about what his Indictment Signals and what here sense if prosecutors see an opportunity to get the oliveira to testify against trump . These are all self inflicted wounds to all three of the defendants quite frankly. It is their clear there are other witnesses named in the indictment. The assumption would be that those individuals are cooperating whether theyre doing so willingly or just to avoid being the subject of an indictment. Its not a fun thing to be. In the meantime, throughout the process, you know into the day of the trial, any one of these witnesses could start to cooperate. Could turn evidence against donald trump and be a cooperating witness. I imagine obviously to indict him is to increase the pressure. The new information that comes from that with respect to request to destroy the videotapes is very significant because the reality is that there is no objective lee reason for why those checks are true that anyone would want to destroy the videotapes if there wasnt something incriminating on them. We know there is incriminating on. Them that revealed the movement of the boxes and gave the Justice Department hard evidence to show box was here, box that was not there. And then box was back. Yet not, all of them are there. That makes up a lot of the other counts. I want to swing this down to georgia. We have a minute left. Get your thoughts on that. We see the barricades going up outside the courthouse. When grand jury is going to be seated possibly as early as this week. What kind of timeline could that mean. What do we expect there . Particularly, the added piece of rudy giuliani. Conceding that the statements he made is false. This is becoming a little bit more dynamic. I mean, it could be any day. Certainly, it looks like they are wrapping up for this. Anyone whos been a huge Law And Order fan, anyone whos gone to law school has learned a lot from law in order over the years. They know that grand jury indites a ham sandwich. This is pretty much a foregone conclusion that this is coming. All the physical evidence with respect to structure and security would seem to indicate that is the same as well. Now, you add the additional wrinkle, it would be interesting to see who besides donald trump may be indicted. All right, thank you for the update. Really appreciate it. Coming up, as trump gets new charges added to his classified documents, we ask the story of Michael Beschloss to put his legal trouble in context. Plus, the next front in the culture war might be a congressional clash. About keeping the government opening. What republicans are planning after Summer Recess. That bind you to a 3year device contract. Break free with tmobile introducing go5g plus, the first plan that always gives new and existing customers the same great device deals, and youre upgrade ready in two years versus three. Right now, bring tmobile your phone and get the amazing iphone 14 on us. Trapped. Free. Get the amazing iphone 14 on us. Trapped. Free. When i first learned about my dupuytrens contracture, my physician referred me to a Hand Specialist. 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Joining me now, Axios Congressional Reporter Julie Case brought, Kate Put Go Correspondent reporter Catherine Kelly mcmanus and senior politics reporter for huffpost, igor bhavik. Welcome all, julie grace is a Government Chef down inevitable at this point . Say it aint so. Ive talked to a lot of conservative lawmakers that said, a lot of Market Lawmakers across the board said that there is growing fears that its looking more and more inevitable there. That being, said they could pass a continuing resolution and kick things to december. Right, now i dont think its a good sign on friday they canceled recess early because they couldnt pass the agricultural appropriations bill there over disagreements between moderates and conservatives. I think there are going to be fights. Not a whole lot of time to get all 12 bills down there. Its going to be interesting. It will be interesting. So, catherine, how is this going to shake down and shape up with the conservatives . You know, the government spending, how is the test . Well, Like Julie Grace said, there is this division between moderates in the house, some of those folks who want biden districts to give republicans the majority in these hardline conservatives who have a large enough block that some points it does feel like they are a little bit steering the ship. At least heavily, heavily influencing Speaker Mccarthy. While they may be more indicted on trying to keep the budget levels, then the president s budget will crest, they are not necessarily on the same page about more significant Spending Cuts that have no chance of passing the senate. They set up a fight between the chambers before we even get to that point of a shutdown. You cant make this part of it up. You cant. Now, apparently, there is an antiwoke caucus in the house. Its pushing their agenda when it comes to the National Defense authorization act. What should we be watching for in this defense fight . How do you think its going to affect Septembers Spending Showdown that we just talked about . Well, you guys are. Right at least for a continuing resolution and at worst a shutdown, possibly this december, as youve seen, a lot of conservative in the house are pushing very partisan amendments, tackling socalled woke Biden Administration policies. The democrats are fairly opposed to it and saying theyre not going to be included. So, youve got to the White House Senate democrats and most, at, least Senate Republicans looking to avert a fight over this kind of language. Targeting lgbtq people in communities. House conservatives on the other. Its going to be a showdown to watch. I think at the moment they are going to fight an uphill fight. This is going to head to a shutdown. Julie, shifting off a budget and spending, this afternoon President Biden refused to answer questions when he was asked of senator mitch mcconnell, if hes fit to serve. What are you hearing on the hill about mcconnells health scare this past week during the conference, the News Conference he had on wednesday . I talked to numerous members. Theyre all wishing him well and saying that they are trusting what hes telling them. He had a slight episode. He got light headed. I know that senator kramer had said theres a bigger issue, he hopes to hear from him. So, far it doesnt seem like theres anyone really quite yet jockeying for a job. Everyone seems to be hoping hes on the mend. So, catherine, i want to expand out a little bit on julie graces point. No one seems to be jockeying for the job. They are. They have been for a while. Not just necessarily in context of the concern over mitchs house, just the politics of how the senate is changing. What are you hearing . What do you see emerging as this question begins to arise more and more in what may look like a battle within the Republican Senate for the next Leadership Post after mcconnell . Absolutely. Right now, there are three senior senators who look like the future of leadership for republicans in the senate. All named john. Which is a confusing element. But, at the same time those three players have mcconnells back. They have really maintained that he, for the time, being until he is ready himself and to step down and take retirement they will back him. Until his last day in the senate. They are allies through and through. On the other hand, there is, you know, some mcconnell antagonists within the republican conference in the senate that was shown earlier this year that a threat to the leadership of mcconnell from that corner will not be successful with the broader republican conference in its current makeup. Those three johns, also in cornyn, they will be jockeying. They are ready to take that step. Only when mcconnell himself says hes ready to go. Only when mcconnell says its time, right . So, igor going to the end other end of pennsylvania avenue. You had President Biden mocking the House Republicans for considering possible Impeachment Inquiry of him. Do you have a sense from your reporting where this impeachment talk is . How serious is it . Might there be a hearing . Is this something that in the end even some republicans fear may backfire . You saw this week Speaker Mccarthy has opened the door to an Impeachment Inquiry. Coming as far as saying this is rising to the level of impeachable events. I think that once you open the door, a lot of the members are going to not be satisfied by walking that back. Right, now i think they want to impeach several members of the cabinet. As far as the president himself, theyre alleging all sorts of things about his son and his Business Dealings in ukraine. Even republicans themselves acknowledge that they dont have a smoking gun yet. Its all sort of veiled in questions and the administration has to answer questions. On the one, hand you have House Republicans pushing this. Senate republicans looking at is warily. Especially established republicans that would like to avoid this sort of witch hunt, as one would say. Trying to focus on policy and issues. As far as right now, i think the Impeachment Fever has hit the house. It looks like they are going to want to make progress on it. Focusing on policy and. Issues now, there is a thought. Julie, grace katherine igor, thank you very much. I appreciate you. Next, as donald trump hunkers down in a legal hurricane, Michael Beschloss helps us put the moment in context. Why Richard Nixon is once again in conversation. Plus, this summer is teaching us something about our planet and our climate. Daily records adding up to a red alert. Meet the team. Behind the team. The coach. The manager. And the snack dad. All using chase to keep up with their finances. The coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. Anddd check this out. The manager deposited a check. Magic. And the snack dad . Hes getting paid back. Orange slicesss. Because this team all has chase. Smart bankers. Convenient tools. One bank with the power of both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. The federal courts have uncovered a bizarre system of handling the Tape Recordings of the president s meetings and phone calls. Carelessly stored and checked in and out in strange fashion. Its not the crime, its the coverup. That report from 1973 talking about the Watergate Scandal could easily describe Donald Trumps alleged activity at maralago. Prosecutors now saying that trump wanted to delete Security Video at his restored before doj officials could see it. Unlike return the nixon staffers, trumps employees were targeting Computer Surveys and communicating by text message. Trump aide, walt nauta even using an emoji to imply the job was top secret. Take away the modern technology. You have a president ordering his aides to erased tapes. After being hit with obstruction charges, you would think trump would steer clear of comparing himself to nixon. Today, trump went out of his way to post a letter richardson wrote him back in 1987. Perhaps nixon would be proud to hear trump has surpassed him twice impeached and twice indicted. Joining me to discuss, Michael Beschloss, nbc news president ial historian, michael, its such a treat to talk with you. This all michael segment. The michael hour. Heres the deal. How much overlap do you see between the maralago case and watergate . Is that a historical comparison if you will . Obstruction of justice. Thats what we are talking. About thats what we talked about with nixon. Abuse of power, certainly thats one of the things that we talked about with both trump and nixon. To compare nixon to donald trump, to use a metaphor from these storms that are hitting washington and elsewhere, nixon is a lightning bug, donald trump is a lightning storm. It threatens to knock out our power grid. This is a level of magnitude that is way, way, way beyond nixon. Look at it this way. You are mentioning alluding to january 6th. The insurrection that involved the Famous Attack On Congress and threatened to a coup detat that could have overturned our system of government and gotten rid of joe biden. Installed donald trump as an unelected president who might have wanted to serve forever. The scale of that is so far beyond nixon that if we are looking for historical parallel, much more appropriate parallel would be jefferson davis. Jefferson davis of course, was never a president of the United States. But he was the president of the illicit confederate state of america. He tried an insurrection against our american union. For four years failed with his military. But what did davis say after the end of The Civil War . He was indicted. He was never sent for a long time to prison. What did he say a few years later . He said, i and the confederacy did not lose The Civil War. We were cheated out of a victory that we won. Who does that sound like to you . Yeah, the airiness there is very compelling. I was struck by trumps reference to the 1987 letter that nixon wrote to him. What can you tell us about that relationship between trump and nixon . Trump sucked up to nixon for years. It involved a lot of things. He wrote him letters. Aside from this, one this was from nixon to trump. Trump wrote nixon letter saying you are a great man. I admire you so much. He took nixon on his playing. At least one journey to texas at the end of the 19 80s. He kept on trying to get him to buy the apartment in trump tower. Essentially, they had, you, know a couple of things and common. It was a pretty cavalier attitude of the use of president ial power and abuse. I believe that gerald fords pardoning of Richard Nixon was a big message to donald trump that the presidency, if you are elected to it, its a free crime zone. Gerald ford said nixon had suffered enough. The country cannot withstand the ordeal of seeing a former president go to prison. My feeling is, if ford had insisted on an indictment, at least nixon wouldve gotten fingerprinted and was indicted, and at least want to trial i think theres a possibility that trump would have not been so eager to test the limits of penalties for grabbing too much power and breaking the law. Ford may have won the election in 76. The other aspect, i will get your thoughts on, are the aids. Seemingly ancillary players. They actually are important figures in how this narrative plays itself out. Like nixon, these aides face charges. What does the experience from the aids that were around nixon who got in trouble went to jail say about what could potentially happen with nauta and Delight De Oliveira here in the trump case. Well, trump as we know is no student of history. I dont think hes read a history book ever. Maybe he seen documentaries or cartoons. What i would say is that trump is very aware of the fact that nixon did not go to jail, look what happened to the chief aide. Hall or glickman, john mitchell, they all went to jail in nixons stead. So, if trump was looking for a lesson from nixon, i think its more likely that trump aides who know a lot more about history than he does, including perhaps roger stone who worked for trump and nixon, the lesson to take from the next experience is that if you get scapegoats and fall guys, you can let them take the blame from what you actually have done thats done wrong. Michael, the one aspect of this whole thing to me, im really worried about it. But also im curious. Again, weve never been here before. What is your take on the unprecedented aspect of the potential of donald trump going through a trial process, possibly convicted, as he noted today, im still going to run. Im still going to try to serve as president. What does it say about the tension that could exist in this country and the stress that it could press on the constitution, given that you have this candidate running. The way hes running. With all these indictments. And likely he could line wind up winning. We should ignore it. Our system of the rule of law has to go forward. We cant decide whether or indict and try people on the basis of whether they, like mafia mobsters, threatened to have crowds in various cities commit violence in revenge in order to intimidate the court and the american people. That can never happen. That is Something Like you see out of a film. But the unbelievable i think we are getting a little bit numb to this michael, you and i, and everyone. Just remember in American History that we havent seen anything even close to a former president of the United States who is accused of, now, stealing Military Secrets that were classified. If you or i had done that we would probably be in jail right now. Oh, yeah. This is a test of whether ex president s are above the law and we better watch this as a test case that demonstrates that ex president s are not above the law. They are subject to the same criminal penalties that everyone else is. Michael beschloss, historian extraordinary, thank you so much, my friend. Next, Scientists Say july is set to become the hottest month on earths recorded history. Its a wake up call to humanity if only we will listen. Climate journalist john val and is with us. Is with us. Helps you stay connected, safe and charged. The allnew chevy trax starting at 21,495. The possibilities are endless. I always wanted to know more about my grandfather. He. Was a hardworking man who came to new york from puerto rico when he was 17. With ancestry, being able to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Its amazing. Its honestly amazing. From big cities, to small towns, being able to put the pieces of the puzzle together. And on main streets across the us, youll find pnc bank. 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Pick up dad from airport . Ohhhhhh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. This is your moment. Only pay for what you need. Critics declare oppenheimer is magnificent. The New York Times calls it staggering. Its utterly enthralling and one of the best movies of the century. As we say around my house, its hot as hell. This weeks blistering heat, folks, descended on the northeast while states in the south and southwest continue to sizzle. On friday, phoenix marked its 30th straight day of temperatures at 100 or higher. The threat of wildfires also soaring. The summers hundreds of wildfires have scorched canada from british columbia, to nova scotia. Driving people from their homes. And sending plumes of smoke across the border into the u. S. Author was John Vaillant outline this new scenario in his new book, fire weather, a true story from a hotter world. That Book Hit Shelves just as canadas wilderness began to burn. John vaillant is with us here. John, its hot out there. It sure is. How are you doing . It is hot your book argues catastrophic Fort Mcmurray wildfire fought in 2016 was a sign of things to come. Tell us why, and how this all connects. But we saw in Fort Mcmurray, which was a Big Petroleum town up in northern alberta, canada, about 90,000 people live and work there. And it was overtaken by wildfire in one day, on may 3rd 2016, driving the biggest, most Rapid Evacuation Due to fire in modern times. And what we saw there were a suite of conditions, michael, that we are seeing all across canada, and really All Around The World now, and that is freakishly high, recordbreaking temperatures, coupled with record low humidity. So, they are in Fort Mcmurray, you had 90degree plus temperatures. This is Northern Canada we are talking about. And relative humidity is comparable to that in death valley and that creates really explosive conditions. You had houses in whole neighborhoods burning to the ground, practically in. Minutes and really, a series of serial fire storms that swept through the city for days, in fact. Help us Connect The Dots to Climate Change, and how Climate Change is making all of this worse. Yeah, co2 and methane our Greenhouse Gases emitted by industrial fossil fuel burning, which we have been doing 24 7 for about 150 years now, pretty relentlessly. And that has built up in our lower atmosphere to the point that it is retaining heat in ways that it didnt used to. And so we are seeing that in phoenix right now, we are seeing that in miami right now. We are even seeing that in vancouver, where i live, in canada. Its five or ten degrees hotter than normal. And when you have heat, you also have a lot of evaporation. Put your laundry out on a hot day. Its going to dry a lot faster than it will on a cool and cloudy day. So, forests are similar. They dry out in hotter temperatures much more quickly. So, you have these forests that are drying out, and its much more susceptible to fire than they might have been ten or 20 years ago. And the fires that are now able to burn there are able to do so much more ferociously. Because its so dry and so warm, the fire has to do much less work. It cant just devote all its energy to combusting and burning and spreading. And thats what its doing, really, around the clock now in canada. Weve never seen anything like this. So, you have these climate activists trying to sound the alarm. Of irreversible change. Is that right . Number one. Is this as bad as it gets, or could it get worse . Michael, activists are just one piece of it. Honestly, Climate Scientists have been sounding the alarm about Climate Change and the risks it poses to our livelihoods and our forests and our daily lives for the past 50 or 70 years even. Its really been on the news and on the table for a long time. Its just hard for people to really focus on it, it seems, until their own neighborhood is in flames. And frankly, more and more people are having that experience of being driven from their homes by evacuation, driven by their homes from smoke. As so many people on the east coast have now been experiencing, smoke and heat, the likes of which they have really never seen before. So, it is a wake up. Climate scientists and many activists have been awake for a long time. And now ordinary citizens are really literally feeling the heat now and in ways that we never have. Wake up, yeah, its hot as hell out there. And john is telling, its going to get hotter. John vaillant, appreciate you. The bookies fire weather, the true story from a hotter world. More american voices after another short break. Another short break. Still werent as clean as with tide. So were back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. Do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. Its got to be tide. Im a bear. 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But with only 4 grams of net carbs in every delicious serving, youve got the green light. Better starts with breyers. I Michael Steele am in for alicia menendez. Thank you for supporting and spending part of your saturday with us. Be sure to follow the show on twitter, instagram and tiktok at alicia on msnbc. I will see you here tomorrow for more american voices. But for now i handed over to my friend and colleague, ayman mohyeldin. Ayman, its hot, baby its hot i made the mistake of walking to work today. I was not wearing the shirt that im wearing now, i can tell you that for sure. I got to ask you, though Michael Steele, i have two parts for you, i was fascinated and look, you and i follow politics overseas. And in a parliamentary system, you can get opposition and figures to rally around a figure to oust donald trump. And iron sand why the Republican Party, look, im not a math guy, im a simpleton at politics, but if 35 of the base likes donald trump, that means 65 would prefer somebody else. Why cant they agree, why cant they get together and say hey, lets all feel the candidate that w

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