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Coconspirators. Well, today, everyone can see every moment in this courtroom. You can see it with your own eyes. This is the very first Pretrial Hearing for the Georgia Rico Case against defendant trump and others. As a matter of history, what you see unfold here, what unfolds minute by minute is the first time trump is seeing inside a courtroom where trump and his defendants will stand inside a trial to overthrow an election, to abuse power to hold on to power, illegally say the prosecutors. Well put this back up here. When you look at this judge, when you look inside the courtroom, this is where these defendants will be judged. At times what you might see might remind you of any other courtroom in america. People standing and sitting for the judge, the Bailiff Keeping Order in the corner of the room. The judge going through papers. Sometimes what we might see will be at times repetitive or dry. Yet what you are looking at is where these individuals will be judged for their roles in the racketeering to stage a coup. That makes todays hearing different for reasons we all know, because seeing the different. Reading or hearing about charges or a booking is certainly something very different than seeing actual mug shots, as the nation and world felt when these bookings first hit. Now today we see the process of the representatives for these indicted codefendant you see here. Ken cheseboro and Sidney Powell making their case as their defendants walk the line from the booking to this court process. And codefendants lawyers asked why should one of them, cheseboro, deal with a jury, sit there for weeks if not months, listen to all this evidence related to others in this case, arguing hes never been there, never met ms. Powell. I show you that because that is what theyre entitled to do. Theyre making a fairness argument about why the man on the upper left should not be in the rico case, the rico trial of the woman on the lower left. But they lost today, the judge denying the motion to sever the cases. Thats a win for the d. A. s prosecutor who held firm, putting those two on trial for their alleged joint rico acts. They also, the prosecutors broad ton argue today that trying this case once is better than, quote, the same case 19 times. Judge, we contend that we must prove the entire conspiracy against each and every one charged. Each and every one charged. So, the support in the interest of judicial economy would have to make the economy as to whether or not the court wants to try the same case 19 times. Prosecutors today also hammering the point that in a rico conspiracy, any one defendant is on the hook for what the others did in the alleged conspiracy, as long as the evidence is there that the prosecutors can prove that holistic case. So, weve heard a lot from both defendants about they didnt know the other people, they were located thousands of miles apart, they didnt even know that the other parts of the conspiracy were going on. The case law is clear that that does not matter. Of course any time a person enters into a conspiracy, they are liable for all of the acts of all of their coconspirators, and thats it. Evidence against one is evidence against all. Evidence against all. Thats the case theyre making. Prosecutors on offense today. They won that motion i just mentioned but they also ran into some skepticism from the judge over the d. A. s plan for this fast sweeping trial. We contend that a trial of these 19 codefendants will take four months. In terms of the number of witnesses, theyre in excess of 150 witnesses that the state intends to call. It seems unrealistic we can handle all 19 in 40 something days. There you go. Thats the judge basically saying to the d. A. And shes represented by the line prosecutors, same as jack smith we see more observing the case than arguing himself. But its the judge saying, hey, are you really going get this done this quickly . Several esteemed lawyers said in these coup cases in washington and georgia could be the most important trials of any u. S. Government officials ever. Some say it could be actually the most important case in American History period. Now, thats a matter for law and history and historians to debate over time. What i got to tell you tonight, seeing is different. Just like the last trial of the decade made an impact not only because of the case you may remember state of california vs. O. J. Simpson. It also was a big deal was the cameras were in the courtroom. California, like georgia, let the cameras in. Federal courts dont. And that can make all the difference in the world. Together as a country, and i bet people abroad in other countries, when defendant trump walks into that room and some of the other defendants i mention walk in, they are going to see this process play out. The point is not necessarily to root for a particular outcome, although its a free country, and people are free to wash the case with their own interests or ideas in mind. But if nothing else, what will be on display in the same courtroom you just saw, is the wheels of Justice Holding anyone and potentially everyone accountable. No person above the process. No person above the transparency, no person beef the law. Were joined by maya wiley and melissa murray. We showed some of that. Were going to put more back on the screen. Todays hearing had the lawyers and the news. Doesnt have the key defendant trump or others. What does it mean, Professor Murray, for people to see this, which they dont get to do in the federal cases . As you suggested, theres a level of transparency where the individual can actually see what is happening in the courtroom, hear the arguments being made on both sides, and watch as the judge deliberates. This is something thats utterly absent in the federal system at the trial level, at the appellate level and at the supreme court. Weve gotten some changes because of the pandemic. The court live streams audio. But weve never gotten an opportunity to have cameras in the courtroom at any level of the federal judiciary, and i think that does detract from the prospect of true transparency in this important set of courts we try many of our most important cases and have results in in of our most important issues. Maya, im curious, same question to you. If i may exempt the three of us as both lawyers and nerds, i think we know why this can be interesting or intellectually nourishing, or if youre in law school, you study, you read it, you see it. Maya, my question to you is why should everyone else care, and would you recommend people watch parts of this when we get to trial . Oh, i think were going to see a lot of people tuning in to parts of this and possibly as much as they possible can. But its because of the stakes. The stake here is understanding that one of the most that the most powerful person in the country at the time of the allegations allegedly did and also a bunch of powerful people around this person. So this person at the time being the president of the United States and lawyers people who are usually trusted to uphold their oaths that they make to be a member of the bar and stand up in court or make any other representations in a criminal process. This is a big deal. If weve learned one thing about the American Public over the past several years as weve watched all of these issues about your democracy unfold is that they will tune in because of the stakes. They do care. And im sure melissa, along with me, along with you, ari, have just been really gratified that it has demystified a lot of the law for a lot of folks who are thankful to say, oh, i appreciate understanding this now. And the opportunity to learn and understand it better. Because the law should not be mystical and should not feel like you only need a legal translater to understand either the states, or whether the system is working and how it worked. I think its important to democracy. Yeah, that makes sense to me, and its sort of why the courts are supposed to be transparent. Both of you have alluded to, and i mentioned aspects where that comes up short. We can debate that policy. But in general, especially when america was first founded and the court system was developed, it was seen as a check that there would be transparency. You would be judged by your peers. And so often on this program we talk about all the shortcomings, the work yet to be done. I think the public Transparency Part of this, the accountability, is one of the things that can work well, particularly if you want to go into court and bs or lie or spin or say wild things. People are going to watch it and see it. Theres another part i want to play from today, maya, where the prosecutors were talk about this idea about what it would mean if they gave in to the trump codefendantss to have a billion of 19 trials. This involves victims. This were victims targeted by the enterprise, and their lives were turned upside down, and thats an important part of this case and having those people come and testify multiple times over and over would both inconvenience but more importantly traumatize them. As mentioned, they won this argument, at least with regard to those two codefendants. Maya, your thoughts on that skirmish today as well as what i mentioned, the judge giving d. A. Skepticism about doing this all together really fast. I think all these exchanges on these points from whether to sever or not and what it might mean in terms of how quickly this case can go to trial, it demonstrates how human these processes are. They impact people. You know, whether its mr. Cheseboro or ms. Powell saying, look, youre going make this harder for me to prove my innocence as well as make me sit through their long proceedings. And the judge, i think, rightly saying, yeah, but thats actually not a harm to you in the sense of how we look at and balance the law here. But at the same time saying, look, it actually really does matter, because we all saw what happened to two black women in term os their lives because lies were told about them, and we have heard from them directly about the trauma to their lives. It is retraumatizing and it does matter. Whether and how it impacts real people who have been victimized. I also think whats particularly interesting to me is a very real assessment of the differences in strategy between the District Attorney in Fulton County and jack smiths team. One went more surgical and one went broad. There are upsides and downsides to both. But in the hearing today we heard some of the downsides, which is there are real challenges to going Fast And Furious with so many people and 150 witnesses. Yeah, its funny, you say that, were observed that, and as lawyers we tend to be extra cognizant of it. The doj approach has been a scalpel. The d. A. Brought a baseball bat. Either welcome back effective depending how you wield it. The judge is supposed to be independent and fair. The judges skepticism notable there as well. I want to thank Professor Murray for being here. Maya comes back. Bill maher is here tonight i have been telling everyone. The one and only bill maher. Political comedian extraordinary. Kevin mccarthy looking at another threat from his right todaying but first, trump apparently ignored some key warnings about how he could get searched if he didnt comply. That was from his own team. Its new evidence jack smith has. Were back with that in 60 seconds. At in 60 seconds. For asthma driven by eosinophils. Its designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. Fasenra is not for sudden Breathing Problems or other eosinophilic conditions. Allergic reactions may occur. Dont stop your Asthma Treatments without talking with your doctor. Tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. Get back to better breathing. Ask your doctor about fasenra. ella fashion moves fast. Setting trends is our business. Get back to better breathing. We need to scale with customer demand. 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The judge says the upcoming civil trial will focus on penalties, how much defendant trump has to pay because the key finding is that he already defamed her again. Were also learning details on the the jack smith documents probe. Abc reported that trump was warn by his own lawyer that he could be searched. A lawyer saying, if you dont comply with the grand jury subpoena you could be held in contempt, and trump would we ply then according to the notes, what happens if we dont respond or dont go to ball . The lawyer responds they could go to a judge, get a Search Warrant and arrive here. That is what happened. The reporting cites a transcript of voice notes made by Donald Trumps then attorney evan cork ran. Hes one of the many attorneys who have gotten caught up in these legal probes, including the jack smith probe. Maya wiley is back with us. Maya, im cure your thoughts as to how that works for jack smith. Someone might say, wow, he knew that was coming or acted recklessly as kind of an opinion, but what would jack smith do with this . Well, this just goes to underscore a point about trumps state of mind. If youre facing criminal charges and part of the allegation is, you did a crime, you know, by definition, different from a civil trial, you have to establish exactly what was going on. You can do it by inference. You dont have to be direct evidence. And of course in this case, the fact that he had the documents is already a legal problem for him. But on the obstruction, on the fact that he had the request for the documents back and then said, i dont have them. I dont know. But yet hes having this exchange with an attorney, really plotting out, well, what if i do this . What if i had them this way . What if i refuse to comply . It establishes a frame of mind that is extremely helpful to the prosecution and extremely harmful to trump. Yeah. He was on the conservative hugh hewitts radio show. I want to play a bit of that. Did you tell anyone to move the boxes . I dont talk about anything. You know why . Because im allowed to do whatever i want. I come under the president ial records act. Im not telling you. They ask you on the stand, did you order anyone to move boxes . How will you answer . Im not answering that question to you, but im totally covered under the law. Just a brief exchange there, maya. As you know, we take thought with what we do play. We chose to run that excerpt. Its striking because number one, i think mr. Hewitt asks a fairly straightforward question that could come up at trial if he took the stand, and it shows that even some trump allies or conservatives are curious about how its all going to play out . Does he have reasonable defenses . Could he be convicted in two federal trials before election day . That seem to be mr. Hewitts concern. What do you make of what we heard there . You know, i heard a donald trump that maybe listened to some of the directions and advice he probably got from some of his attorneys, which is not to answer concern questions. Because look, theres no right answer to that question, right . If he says no, perjury, thats one thing. And if he says yes, thats an admission. So that he cant win. Normally he can be quite, you know, loquacious, as we know. He likes to talk. And he was very clear that he shouldnt. And i think that was different from the donald trump we sometimes see who can be quite reckless with what he says and, you know, anyone who has imagined a client like him probably cringing. At the same time, you know, part of what it does is says, i have a legal argument, and it doesnt matter what i did. That legal argument will save me. And as a matter of law, that is simply untrue. Yeah, and that you wouldnt have gotten this far the judge and others have already found those were government materials. They certainly have been returned, right . If the government comes and seizes something thats yours and you have decent lawyers and youre him, by now you would have gotten it back. He hasnt gotten anything back, which suggests your point, it wasnt his. Maya, thanks for being here. Take care. Let me tell folks whats coming up. Kevin mccarthy, remember that rough and rocky road to the speakership . That nightmare as come back as he faces off with matt gaetz. But coming up sooner, bill maher on the beat. Were getting into everything from trump to marijuana to a. I. Stay with us. Stay with us rsv is in for a surprise. Meet arexvy. the first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. Arexvy is used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. 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Today one of the maga Congressman Who led that famous charge against the speaker bid in the first place with those 15 rounds of vote, hes back. Matt gaetz threatening speaker mccarthys job unless there is a vote on what could it be . Raising the minimum wage, dealing with climate change, Rebuilding Coal Mines . No, nothing about peoples lives. A vote to immediately begin a process to impeach the president. House republicans dont say what the evidence of wrong doing is, but heres gaetz. When we get back to washington in the coming weeks, we have got to seize the initiative. That means forcing votes on impeachment, and if Kevin Mccarthy stands in our way, he may not have the job long. So lets hope that he works with us, not against us. If you know the classic song turn down for what, the question would be impeach for what . Usually if you want to take that step you would also be laying out a meticulous, nonpartisan and evidentiary reason why. Mccarthy is stuck in a pickle if you look at it politically, and gaetz is threatening not one but two people in line to succession. He wants to roe move the president and speak per he doesnt pursue impeachment. A reckoning for mccarthy was over the deal to avoid defaulting on debt, which President Biden received with some bipartisan support. Mccarthy apparently has weeks. If he is going to deal with this, he has to deal with calls for a government shutdown, and it comes back to whether gaetz has more votes for mccarthy. We know he complicated life in the early squabble, but can he do it on these issues . Well be watching. Now, as mentioned, this is a Programming Note for the immediate future. Hbos bill maher is my special guest. Hes going to be here live next. Stay with us. Be here live next. Stay with us to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category. Suddenly, lifes feeling a little more automatic. Oooooohhh. 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Im not going to explain it there are others in the culture willing to mock the arena and enter it, sharing views. So, if you follow comedy or politics, you might know where im going here, because i bet you know bill maher, from his very first tonight show spot to his political takes today. Would you welcome please bill maher. Surprised if bush goes around the white house trying to scare him. Boo all the material youll see on this show has been satirized for your protection. Its depressing enough having just had a birthday and being 66. Please dont ask me to start doing grownup things like run for president. Talk about comparing biden to trump. You cant believe this guy is not worse than joe biden. The you think that in any way compares to what trump tried to do, you cannot tell unlike things apart. As they say, snap. I love that you always give me a Lifetime Achievement award. Were not everyone done. Call that the joe rogan experience. I think he got the bill maher experience. Are you ready for the full disclosure . We like bill, we get to be around bill, and hes got his own hit hbo show, so full disclosure, bill maher had me on that program, which i appreciate. When hes been here we talk about his dream guest. Theres no free speech right to incitement. Do you think a wider violent rhetoric, especially on the right, is contributing to all of this . Of course. I think were in a cold civil war in this country. I did ari melbers show a couple weeks ago, and i like him a lot. I think hes a big talent. Something most republicans get wrong. Hair style. Your dream guest . Youve already been on, so i cant name you. Please. Ied like to have hillary clinton. Okay. I hope shes listening. Well, a lot of people are listening, as they say. As you know, bill, what jayz said on the famous scarface remix. I know you know. Guess whos bizack. Bill maher. I notice you put yourself in the package. Were being open with the fact that were in the life stage, youre a person you have interesting people. I have a thing on a. I. Coming up, from your show and not from your say. A. A. I. . Whats that. We get to talk to each other. Appreciate you being here. We could get into anything. I want to start with you with what happened today in georgia. Because you understand the power of imagery. We were showing this at the top of the show. You could see in the courtroom. You could see the judge. You can see the lawyers. You can experience whats going to happen, and you know, whether that gives you california o. J. Vibes. Its a lot more than what you see in the jack smith federal case. What do you think this will do to our understanding . So what happened in georgia today . I spent all my day getting ready for you. No, i dont know what youre talking about. They held a hearing. Okay. They ruled that two of the trump defendants who wanted to split had to be tried together. My question, is does it matter americans will see these play out on tv in. Yeah, it will probably help trump. First of all, i concede to no man by hatred for donald trump. I think i established this better than anybody. I was the only one who was saying he would Never Leave Office voluntarily when everyone else was laughing at me. Every democratic politician. Ha ha ha. Well, okay. You smoked too much pot bill. Turned out i smoked just the right amount to get that right. I got say, the mugshot, he nailed it. Nails the mugshot. You mean the Facial Expression . Unbelievable. He nailed it, and they love it. And you know, i think instead of having five trials, they should have combined them all into one hes generally a piece of crap trial. No, i said this a long time ago at a certain point to the people who like him, it just looks like, well, you couldnt get him on russia. You couldnt get him on ukraine. You couldnt get him on stormy daniels. So you just keep trying. And it just becomes white noise to them. Isnt he leading biden now in the polls . Well, so you said several things. I guess one answer to your premise is if your premise is true and thats how they feel, the question is, are there going to be more of them or less of them . Right. If you look at the jan 6th sentences. Yesterday prud boys got the stiffest sentence yet. You talked about the political division, violence, cold war, how bad that is. Those people convicted on Different Things than trump is accuse of because hes not being roped into sedition. My question to you would be, if you see these headlines, if youre a normal realtime reality adjusted person, does that help or hurt donald trump . Probably hurts him with people in the general Reality Community who say, i dont want more of this. I got to stop and say, i dont think this helps, the media world that we live in where we sit here and everybody else is just a deplorable whos reality challenged. I just for years i made fun of fox news for good reason. Yeah, i didnt say anybodys deplorable. I get that. Im with you on that. But theres never an understanding on why. A lot of conservatives said to me is, what you dont get is we dont like trump either. Oh, i think thats fair a lot of them dont. But then a will the of them a lot of politicians pretend to like him. Right, but they see him as the one thing that is standing between them and something even crazier. And there is a lot of crazy on the left. And i think it would be helpful if the people who watch this would see that. Just crack a window a little bit, and you maybe understand why people would you have to try to understand why half the country is looking to donald trump as some sort of savior. Yes, its not what we think, but, you know, people are not selfdeporting in this country. Half the country isnt going away. Even if the democrat wins the next time, theyll still be here and still have these view, and some of them arent crazy. You talk about here at this table and on this program we have a lot of trump people on. We had John Eastmans lawyer on a week and a half ago explaining his view of what theyre doing. So were hearing that all. I do think theres a difference between, say, an honest debate about immigration or Corporate Power and some of what has become the magnified lies. You talked about it with joe. The lies are a larger problem to even have a working democracy. So funny. I mean, after i was on joe rogan and other day, and yes, i dont understand how they can equate this equivalency between trump and biden, and in a lot of cases i guess joes now for trump, pretty much out there saying it. Do i love everything about biden . No, but, you know, i just dont understand how they can look at what trump did now, does the hunter biden scandal stink . It really does. Stinks to the high heavens. I mean, thats real corruption there, that a lot of the left wing media will not cover. But its nothing like what trump did. I mean, theres just no equivalency. You can say, what aboutism for anything, but like i said to him, you just cant tell unlike things apart if you see that the same way. But, you know, they also shouldnt cover up what bi i mean, if don junior had done the things that hunter biden did, he would be every day. If they found cocaine in the white house . Whose could it be . Who does cocaine around here. We cant figure it out. I got one for you thats pretty bipartisan. You mentioned Lifetime Achievement. You did, because we showed. And i think a lot of people can contribute a lot in all kinds of ways, so i dont think theres any automatic age cutoff. On the other hand, it appears we do have a system that favors certain things, fame and tenure in politics. I want to show you just looking at this in both parties the age issue. Lets take a look. Concerns about lawmakers health after an incidence rofling two of the most senior senators in washington. A spotlight has been on the senators health for some time now. Shes 90 years old. 81yearold mcconnell had other health episodes. Youth is not a word you would use to describe either leagued president ial candidate. I thought about you for this topping, because when i talk to loyal members of the parties, and the party spokesperson, they never want to get into this, because both parties have this. You dont seem afraid to offend. You also feel if you can contribute doesnt matter what age you are. Theres no age cutoff at hbo. My question is, is there an age problem here, and how do we respond to it . Yes, i think George Stephanopoulos is too old to do that job. No, i did an editorial on diane finestein, one of the last shows we did before i was shut down. I cant remember who we were quoting but we were quoting democrats who were defending Dianne Feinstein who was saying the attacks on her were antifemme whats the word im looking for . Misogynistic . Yeah, that too. Thats ridiculous. It has nothing to do with the fact that shes a woman. Its that she thinks the coat rack is barbara stan wick. But in this case, its ridiculous. Remember Strom Thurmond . He was, like how old was he . And was daughtering and drooling. He was in his 90. He was in the senate, and theyd wheel him in and hed raise his hand and you couldnt tell it was up or down. The aide would be like, thats down. If were getting pudding thats youre allowed to run in youre any age. You can run if youre in jail. You can run from jail. Whether theyd let you out to serve a different issue. Well see with the former president of the United States. We get bill in here were prepared. A. I. , superinteresting, big democracy challenge. Im going Play Something for you we made. I want you to watch closely. Im going to warn everybody. What youre about to see is, as we stamped it, fake. Deep fake, not real, but that was going around on the internet. Take a look. Elon musk recently revealed that his long awaited Cryptocurrency Platform launched. Its an Incredible Opportunity that can help you achieve your Wildest Dreams Of Making Thousands of dollars in a few days. Elon musk will tell us all about it. Quantum a. I. Will is this closed software . No, we have made it available to everyone. Well, theyre not there yet. I mean, if you were fooled by that, youre not too bright. I mean, i could tell. Youre ducking the question. What is the question . That wasnt you, right . No, it wasnt, but i could tell it wasnt. Okay, bill, but in a couple years you wont be able to. Lets run the bill part, just the bill. No, we have made it available to everyone. Okay, youre right. Theyre going to get better at this, and its scary now and its going to get scarier. I dont know what youre pressing the point on. What im saying is right now, if you cant tell that, youre just looking to be fooled. Its not that good yet. But yes, it is. But if you want my general view on a. I. Yes, i want you view, and do you worry about very much so. People with gullible now. The problems we have the facts and, someones going to say, but i saw bill maher say it. I agree, this is a terrible problem. I always thought musk was right about a. I. There was a debate going on between him and the usual billionaires who fight each other, and he said from the beginning, this is a worry, a very an existential threat to life on earth. And i thought, absolutely, because whatever happens in movies then happens in real life, and in movies of course, we always become subject to our robot overlords. So its going to happen in real life. But what i do think the hope of a. I. And i think the optimistic view, i think what will happen, is that everyone though its sort of like the bad guy now for good reason, its going to Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer into our hearts by fixing death. Its going to solve medical problems that plagued it for years, i think. And being 67, this is really why youre 67 . Yeah. Bill, you look 66. Im all in hahaha, leave the jokes to the comedians. Thats why ill all in on a. I. For the parts that are going to help us. But yes, we have to put up guardrails. And of course theyve done this already. Biden has had people to the white house, and theyve kind of already agreed on a frame work that says, look, we cant really let private Companies Run this completely. We cant just let this be a competition between people who are looking to profit. Thats why these things its funny you say that because it goes back to policy and capitalism. Its not that we all have a firm understand where a. I. Is going to go, but you just put your finger on it. Elon has been selective and at times said, whos going to be running this . If its a race to the bottom of the profits. That brings us to the last thing we have to ask you about. We may tell more bad jokes. I try to bring it out of you. I cant wait. Inequality in america and the Writers Strike and actors strike. Americas not the poster child. Look at robert rice saying, people cant live without money coming in. People lose track that the strikes are hard on workers. If youre earning 26 k and go on strike, how are you going to live . Youre in this, said things. I dont want to characterize what you said, but should hollywood come to the table, the owners and do more for the creatives and owners and, does it also reflect the larger inequality in america right now . Yes. Yes and yes. By the way, why are you on . This requires writing and by the way, acting. You convinced me youre interested in that question. I am interested in the question. If youre asking, there is a labor union that works within msnbc, but we are not part of the hollywood union, because were all nonfiction journalists. This is your favorite thing. You love to do this. You love to turn it around. What about you . Im jealous. Im jealous that you can work is the view still on . They have writers. I just did tmz. They have writers. But should the owners do more for the creators . The people off camera, the writing . Yes. Every time the technology changes, theres a strike. What i was saying i think the other day was that, you know, thats the card youre dealt. The technology has changed. You cant turn back the hands of time, as cher said. I know shes not a rapper, but it counts. Here in the very moonlight of our segment it counts. In the moonlight of our segment. Do i have that careers. So, okay. So this is technology has changed. Now its about streaming. Now of course the problem with streaming is two of the Biggest Media Companies now, amazon and apple. They dont care about stuff. Its a side gig. Its just a flex to impress their girlfriends to have movie companies. I mean, apple sells phones and amazon sells Hair Scrunchies and tube socks. The last question, i have tube socks. Is that bad for culture we have giant Tech Know Finance Companies that is so important to the culture . Yeah, i guess so. How are we going to reverse that . This is where we are. Its how we deal with it now. Why doesnt the governor of the state, why doesnt he jawbone. Thats what politicians do. You think gavin newsom should be more involved . Absolutely. This is show business. This is what we make out here. Get these Knuckle Heads in a room together and say, look, fix this. Yeah. Because its not just the writers and the actors who are out on strike. Its the people who the people who are really suffering dont make a lot of money to begin with. Yeah. And also what about the restaurant next to the studio . Were talking about hundreds of millions and billions of dollars and lots of people are losing their houses now. Amazing. I love it when you come on. I hope youll come back. Its not a joke. Its a final thought. Its not a joke. You worried im going to tell a bad joke. Im in vegas next week. Its up to you to tell the people. Hes in vegas next week. Not a joke. Think about a bill maher interview, normal interview, ask ten questions. Bill maher interview, its 20 questions. I ask ten questions and you get in eight or ten. Where the mgm grand on the 15th and 16th of september. Mgm grand bill maher and realtime on hbo when it comes back. Well be right back. T comes back well be right back. There are places youd like to be. Like here. And here. Not so much here. If you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. Farxiga and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. 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Including donald trump. But the judge does not seem to be on board with that plan. Plus, new reporting on the Warning Trump received from his own lawyer that

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