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Israeli airstrikes hit their target take aseans money ended today break after Prime Minister netanyahu vowed mighty vengeance for such an unprecedented attack by hamas. At least 250 people have been killed in israel, making of the countrys deadliest attack in decades. The Palestinian Health Ministry Says more than 213 have died in israeli strikes on gaza. Israel is cutting off gaza supplies of electricity, fuel and goods. The military says full of Ground Operations are now imminent. Prime minister rishi sunak says he will work with International Partners for the next 24 hours to coordinate support for israel as calls of condemnation and restraint come from capitals around the world. I should also tell you that in lebanon, Palestinian Refugee camps, hundreds have taken to the streets to celebrate the assault by hamas. Now, good morning. Welcome to sky news international. Israeli forces spent the night striking back from the sky and on the ground after hamas launched the deadliest day of violence in israel for 50 years. Israeli Prime Minister, benjamin netanyahu, without Mighty Ben Shunts while hamas leader has warned the assault that began and gaza will spread to the west bank and also to here in jerusalem. Almost 250 people have been killed in israel since hamas launched a perigee brackets. Sending fires bursting through the Gaza Barrier Fence just over 24 hours ago. More than 230 have been killed and israels retaliatory strikes. Mass gunman in southern israel and the Israeli Defense forces say the situation is still not fully under control. This is how the crisis began to unfold early on saturday morning when Palestinian Militants crossed over the heavily fortified barrier and into israel, fighting broke out in a number of border towns, including and what they call operation alexa floods, they launched thousands of rockets at israel. In these following cities theyll face bombardment. Israel retaliated with its own Counteroffensive Launching A series of airstrikes across the gaza strip, which have continued into this morning. I correspondent begins our coverage. Overnight, the Israeli Military has been Hitting Targets inside the gaza strip in revenge for yesterdays attack by hamas. In turn, hamas has continued to fire rockets into israel. The boom and flashing the iron dome Defense System intercepting lit up the dark sky and could be heard across central and southern israel through the night. This morning, Israeli Security forces are still fighting to regain full control of southern israel after hamas militants invaded yesterday. This was a station in the israeli town of which had been taken by hamas. Hamas fighters initially used a bulldozer, explosives, to open Security Fence that surrounds gaza. Some had pickup trucks, others on motorbikes, easily entered nearby israeli towns and villages. Israeli Defense Force was taken completely by surprise. [speaking in a global language] our first goal is to cause the area of the enemy forces that have been infiltrated. I call on all citizens of israel to a night to achieve high school, victory in the war. Its really death toll is high and an unknown number of israelis have been kidnapped and taken into gaza. Lets just will now be on rescuing them. At the same time, exacting revenge on hamas. It will be an extremely tricky operation. Israel says it is turning off electricity and fuel into the gaza strip and has one gazans to leave any that might be law hiding gaza fighters. If you want the life in gaza will never be the same again. Its only into its second day. The show every sign of being a longer difficult warhead. Alasdair bunkall, sky news. To skies International Affairs editor, wake, or in ashkelon incident israel. Dominic, Israeli Defense forces say that they are still operating against infiltrations in some eight areas. What is the latest that you have . Yeah, as you said, 24 hours, more than 24 hours after it was launched its unprecedented attack israeli territory, they still dont have their own territory under control. To hostile situations that they are much worried about involve. A police 50 hostages each recording in a coutts area, just outside gaza. The other of key, dozens of miles inside gaza. The israelis are really in shock from what is an unimaginable nightmare, a real horror. Something theyre not prepared for. Theyve never really seen it coming. Theyve seen the palestinians launch the attack that no one saw coming. The two pillars of Israeli Society, the two things that israelis depend on most at the moment, their military and retaliatory agencies have been completely taken unawares by surprise. Adding to that, paulson enemy, hamas, has transformed itself into a completely different kind of fighting force. Able to launch its multi problem attack on land, sea, air fronts. Also, penetrating through the very expensive what the israeli sought was an impregnable Security Fence that surrounds gaza. 29 points now these rallies say. Through those breaches, they have pulled hundreds, if not thousands of fighters on motorbikes, on jeeps. They went through Neighboring Kibbutz around gaza and deeper into israel. Massacring civilians, killing soldiers, taking armored vehicles. Also, taking hostages. What has been happening overnight is an exchange of missile fire, rocket fire. Were hearing about a dozen miles north of gaza, fairly constant sound of israeli guns firing missiles into gaza. In return, munitions have hit a number of sites in ashkelon. They entered from a center. The israelis these really say that the operation is now underway, retaliation for what the palestinians have done, continue to do. A Ground Operation is imminent. Israeli Prime Minister has said No Hiding Place [inaudible] and they will all be turned into rubble, he says. Gaza needs to move out of gaza or across gaza to avoid the areas of where the israelis will be striking with artillery. Of course, the operation that is expected to go on for a long time will be, i think, in for the long haul. Its going to be to the complicated by the fact that palestinians have taken 150 hostages, it seems. Civilians and soldiers. The loss of any hostage in Israeli Society has been a country in the past. Its been once or to. To lose that many is tormented. To some israelis, never really having to go through this in the past. Palestinians are releasing videos of these hostages being taken into gaza. On videos unverified, but still deeply distressing to israelis. Harrowing for anyone to watch. One of the israeli born being slapped around by palestinian kids. Another family being held by palestinians. One is a woman. The fears that palestinians are going israelis to do their worst. Something so disproportionate that they draw and other actors that support palestinians rather region. For the region, for israel, we wait to see how israel will respond. Yes. Dangerous days, indeed. Dominic, thank you very much indeed. Rishi sunak has denounced the attack. Currently and depraved, saying israel has a right to defend itself. Joining us now this guy correspondent matthew thompson. Matthew, of course, this assault, the scale of the assault, has taken Western Governments by surprise. What more is rishi sunak saying . Yes, it has. As much as a check is your best press, it takes allies across the world by surprise. They have been partially united in condemnation. Rishi sunak, he was off the mark yesterday to tweet his response and he said, the barbarity of todays atrocities becomes clear, we stand unequivocally with israel and the attack by hamas is cowardly and prayed. We express our full solidarity. Israeli Prime Minister, working International Partners in the next 24 hours to coordinate support. There have been [inaudible] with keir starmer as well. Being clear in his view as this was [inaudible] to defend themselves. Okay, we have the. Thank you very much indeed. Theres been universal condemnation as matthew was saying from the west with President Biden describing hamass attack as a constable. Including russia and saudi arabia have called for a ceasefire. In lebanon and in iran, hamas has been celebrated and praised. U. S. Correspondent looks at the global reaction. The seriousness of this moment cannot be overstated. It represents a truly bloody Turning Point in this long conflict. From the back foot to the offensive the consequence of saturdays terrorism against israel will be truly terrifying in gaza. In washington, unequivocal support from israels closest ally and biggest backer. Today, the people of israel are under attack. Committed by tears organization, a laws. In this moment of tragedy, i want to say to them into the world that there are tears everywhere. The United States stands with israel. We will not ever fail to have their back. Making sure they have the help there citizens need, that they can continue to defend themselves. We had that unwavering support, he knows what is really devout revenge looks like. He doesnt know how further huge bloodshed cannot be avoided. The company shun of thousands of rockets fired on israel and the breaking down of the Gaza Border Fence suggests an operation that was once in the planning. I was military command said this was not a hit and run operation. We started an all out battle, he said. That is true. We just dont know what happens next or why this could spread. American officials have said they hope it remains confined to gaza. Maybe, its hard to see how. Security situation in the west bank with a weak palestinian leadership that is distinct from causes a hamas has been deteriorating all year. 2023 has been the most violent in two decades. It has boosted support in the west bank for hamas and gaza. They celebrated so there is lebanon in beirut. They celebrated. Behind this is the militant group, hezbollah, who was well read hurst the tax from the north to pressure israel on another front. Lebanons broken Policy Making things even more dangerous. The biggest unknown, ron. How israel was brought on to their conviction that this is, in the, and an iran program. Their influence stretches through syria, lebanon, down to gaza. Just last month, netanyahu was of the u. N. Touting a possible peace deal. In saudi arabia. He wants it,. So does the saudis. Now, not likely. This will be everyones focus right now. Gaza. Israel told civilians to leave. Where . To they closed it. Watch how egypt responds. They could open the southern Border Crossing and face 1 million refugees. A long, long conflict that has been forgotten, ignored, tolerated which many for too long. A grim, new twist. Mark stone, sky news. Joining me now is the conservative mp, former chair of the defense select committee, Tobias Elmwood cove. Morning, thank you very much for being with us. First of all, what are your thoughts on the well, the awful situation unfolding here . The sheer scale of this attack, the planning, the training, the firepower, the hardware. It must taken many, many months of coordination to fire so many rockets. To breach that heavily horrified Border Defenses dump that surrounds gaza. To do so not just in one place, but in a series of places, this couldnt have been done without outside support. Clearly, figures have been pointing to iran. Hostages that you covered is very, very serious. That will thwart israels ability to counter attack. They are Big Questions now about not just iran, but hamas leadership that is based in gulf countries such as in qatar, in doha. What is going to happen to them . At this countrys going to sit on the side or theyre going to condemn what is happening . It is absolutely right. Other nations around the world are directly contempt this terrace attack. I would go further. I would hope to see us as a permanent member of United Nations Security Council call for an Emergency Session in new york. This, clearly, is this serious escalation in the conflict and many, many years indeed. Just where we are on the ground here, the taking of hostages, the taking of so many hostages, clearly, makes us a very difficult and complicated response for israel. It does. Tensions have been rising between israelis and palestinians in the west bank, not in gaza so much. There will be some Big Questions about why israel didnt pick up on what was going on. Bear in mind that they have an Extensive Network of informers. We have agents, high tech surveillance. Somehow, this was able to happen. As you imply, huge knock on consequences. Not just in the country self. Israel will hit back hard. Also, retaliation against gaza. Also, west bank to potentially in jerusalem. Im concerned that this is going to spill will, way beyond israel and into the region itself. New hat lebanon with its is really iranianbacked hezbollah fighters and syria where ice is operates from as well. You have a direct clash with iran. This makes the point about revolutionary guards. Hamas says, we know theyve been listed as a terrace group, but Islamic Revolutionary guards and iran, have such proxy votes right across the middle east, still isnt. I hope theres another move that britain will consider. Doesnt this all show how far we are from peace . How we are from this two State Solution . The west keeps banging on about two State Solution, two State Solution. We see this morning how that lies in tatters and how far away we are from piece here. Youre absolutely right. Attending the United Nations meeting as a Foreign Minister for the middle east. Trying to organize some kind of long term solution. It was never there. This whole issue of concern in the middle east has taken the back foot because weve been so involved in ukraine, with the rise of china, so forth. Weve been distracted by other matters to what is going on and leaning into the challenge in the middle east. Its flared up on a major scale. Everyone will be returning back to this area to see what can be done. Okay, thank you for your time. Joining me now is associate of the middle east, north africa program. Chatham. I cobourg, good morning. Thank you for being with us. I just wonder what your thoughts are on how dangerous the moment this is. Good morning. It is a dangerous moment. As he just said, there is the implication way beyond gaza. Obviously, we focus right now and in the events in israel and we already see the operation of israel in gaza. If you look with the northern form with hezbollah, looking in the west bank and east jerusalem, how that is going to affect Normalization Efforts in the region. Of course, when iran gave its blessing to massacre of hundreds of civilians and soldiers, it poses the vulnerability of the middle east and how things can deteriorate in a very short period of time. Just as regards the israelis, israel prides itself on security, on its intelligence. And its intelligence particularly inside gaza. On its defense. Yet, this is happened. How much of a blow is it to israels government . It doesnt take a military genius or intelligence expert to know that it was one of the worst fiascoes in Israeli Intelligence history. 50 years since 1973 and another infamous failure of intelligence community. There is another one. [inaudible] its an operation one. Really any soldiers to defend them. The fact that the misperception that hamas has no interest and escalating military situation, keeping up on the military and military struggle, its painful. Hundreds of people paid with their life as a result of it. Sadly, many more hundreds on both sides will pay with their life in the next days and weeks. I think, clearly, theres a need to learn from this from this mistake. Its not about having information or not having permission. Its how it is done and the system is failing Time And Again. Whether its with the intentions and the capabilities. By the political level and failing to understand Time And Again [inaudible] obviously, nothing can justify what hamas did yesterday. On the other hand, thinking theres a Military Solution for this conflict and not a political one, leaving that the situation and the status quo can remain in this condition, it has been a dangerous solution. As i was saying with Tobias A Wood [inaudible] chuck in the west of the two State Solution, of peace. Joe biden hasnt paid much attention to the Peace Process in the middle east. Is this a moment . After whatever the war brings, is it a moment to rethink the entire way we deal with and think about middle east peace . You know, the two State Solution became a mantra of talking about whatever the situation undergone and marking the 30th Anniversary just recently. We can say were not realizing the twoState Solution is what was in vision 20 to 30 years ago. Its still probably the best solution that needs to be readdressed, seeing the expansion of settlements. Considering most of the population of palestinians were born and 93. It needs to be revisited to see what is the most viable push to restart negotiations and peace and how to get to this point. I disagree. Its not an issue to govern willingly. The National Community decided to give up completely on the two State Solution. Again, it was coined time again [inaudible] not the United States, not the european union, now that were outside of the european union. And the uk, we neglected it. Now, yes, i really hope from this terrible bloodshed this over, if you go back to the negotiation table. Before we even go there, to try to bring people to think about what they want . What is their version of their country . Both palestinians and israelis, to promote peace and coexist. Sadly, we will be in the same situation Time And Again. Thank you very much for being with us this morning. Thank you. Well, awash is the vice chair of the palestine campaign. He told us the palestinians want peace and to return to the land that has been taken from them by israel. First of all, the palestinians want peace more than israelis do. That is an important thing to say because we, as palestinians, are they pressed people. Where the people who are being trampled on. I meet refugees from lebanon who have been [inaudible] and their children who just want to return and live in peace and it is a town that youve been returning has been attacked. It was created on the land of the path still in the village. [inaudible] half to gaza. What they want is a few kilometers away, to return to their homeland. We want peace as palestinians. It has to be a just peace which allows their history to return. [inaudible] occupied territories and we start to see peace prevailing. Palestinian view of events here. I will be back a little bit later. For now, lets go back to leah as sky news center. Thank you. Yes, coming up on Sky News Breakfast traditional rainfall in scotland, unusual warmth in the south as unpredictable weather continues. Continue s. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Conference officially opens home of the xfinity 10g network. Today with announcements on nhs reforms and technical we start with Correspondent Amanda a case. Joins us live from the purple. Roster, mendenhall is happening today. Good morning. Good morning. So, the Party Conference here in liverpool officially opens later on this morning with the speech from angela. She will focus on affordable housing. Really, this is an opportunity for labor to flush out some of their broader policy areas and explain to voters what it would really mean to elect a labor government in the next election, which we are expecting next year. We are told that their overriding focus is on Economic Growth they have two big announcements overnight towards that. The first is to create an extra 2 million nhs appointments to get people off of the waiting list and back into work. Theyre fronting this with 1. 1 billion pounds, which they say theyre raising from abolishing the tax status. What theyre going to do is pay existing nhs doctors and nurses to do overtime on the weekends and in the evenings, to run additional clinics to provide those extra appointments. Clearly the issue of long and i just waiting, this is one that really resonates with voters. Its one of the Prime Ministers key parties, cutting those waiting list down. That hasnt gone particularly well for the Prime Minister so far. This is a new idea from labor. Clearly, we know that currently the nhs consultant doctors around. Strike we know they are struggling to cover the hours that they have. That will be the question raised with this idea. The other big suggestion is Technical College of excellent where young adults will be trained and specific skills for local businesses and councils have identified is a shortage that there are shortages in cloud computing, that can technicians, green specialist, which is another idea they say will help boost the economy. Thats not to say that there isnt criticism coming into labor. Graham from the union, the biggest donor to labor have accused the party of being too [inaudible] she says they shouldnt limp into downing street. They need bolder policies. She is much more on the left wing of the party. Storm is a big supporter of corbyn. She wants to see no more nationalization. Jeremy corbyn himself is also speaking today at an event. At the main conference, a defensible for the world transform, for more socialist ideas. Thats one to watch. Also, theres going to be a big protests of people who want to see labor do more on their green areas later on this morning. Still, the party, nearly 20 points ahead of the polls. I think the main message weve been hearing from storm or said he doesnt want the team to get complacent, but show they are serious about program of government. Amanda, thank you. And no doubt, labor conference will be trump Sunday Morning with trevor phillips. He will interview keep political players including shuttle health secretary, west reading, live from 8 30 this morning. Disk a state with sky news. Torrential rainfall continues to better Scotland Today. In the uk south lake up to sunny and warm conditions. Prize of scotland saw months of rain and 24 hours. Saturday evening, cutting off train airlifted to safety after landslides blocked roads. Meteorologist joe wheeler. Good to have you with us. We will be waking up wondering, how is it possible that in the north it is trestle rained, but down south it is warm and balmy. Different areas of weather, pretty much. In fact, what weve got is High Pressure to the north, low pressure to the south. Those are blocking system. That rain belt is caught in the middle. Its also lined with the jet stream, which means theres nothing there to move that on. So, weve seen this incredible quantity of rainfall between friday night. I would say this morning. Its not gone yet. In fact, theres another wave. Waves of energy that push their way along and intensify that rain. Some precip Scotland Today could see another 60 to 80 million meters. That was on top of what weve seen of 143 between 1800 on friday and 5 00 this morning. So, pictures are quite extraordinary. Meanwhile, of course, down to the south, it is, calm settled. Its not something for everybody this morning. There is some kind of cloudy and messiness around. It will take a while to clear. The air itself is warm. Starting off with temperatures between 16 and 18 degrees celsius in some places. We will see them rise to a high of 25, could push 26. Yesterday was 25. 4. That, over the next few days, our temperatures in the south start to drop where scotlands start to rise. That will balance out. Unfortunately, we balance out just below average. It is going to turn chilly tours into the week. Joe, i love the weather. Thank you so much. Really appreciated. This is Sky News Breakfast. Coming up we have to take a look at the mornings papers. Many reporting as beings described that 9 11 moment. 9 11 moment you deserve better than that. Im hungry, im in a hurry, i dont have time to make anything healthy. You could if you had a blendjet. Blendjet . Its the portable blender that makes the healthy choice the most convenient choice. I dont know. It seems like a hassle. Hahaha wrong. Just pour in some milk, add some frozen fruit, and bam youve got a nutritious and delicious smoothie. Mmm that is good. Youre welcome, sad office guy. Get yours today at blendjet. Com are we in in an ad . We sure are. Youre watching Sky News Breakfast. This morning to review the papers with journalist Nikki Hodgson and author gentle aldridge. Thank you for joining, us ladies. Of course is where gaza and palestine dominate the papers. We will start weather sunday telegraph. What were seeing here is the complicity, i suppose, of the hamas operations suggest it was planned for months. Sunday telegraph along the lines of israel suffering that 9 11 moment. I saw that. Whats so shocking about whats happened this weekend is the fact that this was planned for months. You know, the gaza strip was attacked as major places, israeli places were attacked by hamas. Yet, israel didnt seem to know anything about. What we know is that the Israeli Intelligence services are, you know, most involved in sophisticated in the world. The way in which they deploy intelligence to understand what is going on with hamas and terms of having people place and Palestinian Territories and so many areas, they have access to information. Yet, they absolutely didnt see this coming. I think it will be disturbing to the people of israel who presumed that they were safe because of complex intelligence. Obviously, it tells you how careful it has been plagued by hamas. Maybe there are agents and the recent places israelis wouldnt expect. It is you know, hundreds of people are dead already. Israelis and palestinians. There are certain elements of the story. Not the most complicated things are that hot israeli hostages are being taken. That will be held in is israel may seek to bomb. You know, theyre going to have casualties in that regard. And, you know, this picture of the front of the telegraph this morning of this terrified family as theyre being escorted to safety. Thats one of the things that is running the fame, janelle, running through all the papers this morning. The sunday express headline, human shield horror. This is a gamechanger. Weve seen tensions rise and fall for decades. Here we are, with troops, scouring the streets of israel, snatching people from their beds. This is playing out in the papers today, particularly and sent expressed. And this one, thats part of the strategy. As you alluded to. All the papers have alluded to in terms of hurting people in the gaza strip and what theyre saying is theyre going to take more hostages. What one is saying is that theyve taken so many israeli hostages because we wanted the Palestinian Prisoners to be part of their strategy to take those people, take the hand. Its interesting because theyre claiming theyve captured generals and senior figures from israel. Really, i think they capture the headlines for this is the fact that its women and children, families also being taken. Theyve been placed in tunnels and say, you know, this takes it to a different level because civilians often and up being the casualties of any war, but in this case, civilians are not only the casualties, theyve been taken as an active way that not an area where theyre shelling. Taken off the streets. It is a gamechanger, a complex story, which is so hard to even talk about in the time that we have today to unpack. This is a gamechanger for people caught up. They escalating and we will hear from kossin earlier on Sky News Breakfast, live from jerusalem. It has to is a big story last week. Scrap by rishi sunak at the Party Conference. Here we are, talking about things that well have moving forward over deeply today. Yes, obviously, we had [inaudible] very strongly saying he was wrong decision. Rishi sunak and his speech, the conference last, week pledge that money that was saved in a lake of age as to that is the powerhouse rail system, there are other ramifications. After getting over the shock, i think its being denied the north. Theres now this report that there are thousands of people that were due to be a clear line that wont anymore. 6500 people who would have been employed in the next two years, and a 17 and a half thousand people who were to be employed in the final phase from manchester for 2030. Obviously, those people have not been hired yet, but the point being that this could have created a lot of industry for the north. This wouldve been positive terms of the sort of employment to do something major for the country, for the infrastructure. Thats not gonna happen anymore. Interesting, wanted, to see what happens . The labour Party Conference and what news they make. They have that, havent they, storm, or that he will be able to reverse the decision of what rishi sunak said. For now, thank you so much for your time. Its been good. Now, israel vows vengeance and our reporter is anderson speaking [inaudible] journalists for you later. 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Welcome, back i look at join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. Sports this morning. That Max Verstappen has n has thanks very much jackie lets take a look at some of the other stories making news this morning. Almost 2000 people have been killed in western afghanistan by powerful earthquakes thats according to the taliban, 6. 3 magnitude earthquake struck 40 kilometers west of several aftershocks have been struck the regents since, local authorities expect the numbers of casualties will increase, Search And Rescue efforts continue. Well cobble close its last remaining high street store today after the retailer collapsed, 93 old chain has been closing its 400 uk stores over the past month after Rescue Attempts failed. The retailer has blamed inflation, competition from rivals and supply chain challenges. Prince of wales has told young environmentalists to think big and dream bigger to protect the world. The comments came in a prize book, Prince William launched the project in 2021 to discover and scale of groundbreaking solutions to repair the planet. It has been ruled out in london for the premiere of the newest feature of martins courses ease Catalog Killers of the flower moon, three and a Half Hour Western Crime Drama has had its debut at the royal festival hall. Skies Arts Entertainment correspondent Katie Spencer has a few moments with the famous filmmaker who has no intention of slowing down. He is one of the most influential filmmakers, Martin Scorsese at 80 is even more determined not to sit still. With this killers of the flower moon. They have the worst len possible. A drama weve come to expect from the director, but this his first question of sorts collaborating once again with Leonardo Dicaprio to tell the true story of the series of killings overlooked in oklahoma in the 20s and 30s, indigenous Native Americans murdered by White Americans during a brutal land grab for their oil. Its important for you not to sit still . I mean the point is it so hard, look at what youre doing, its hard work. You have to really want to do it, i think. And so to be on a movie set, or a location, to be dealing with all the issues, the environment, the production, i think its something that you have to really feel strongly about and you want to say, youre burning to say. Sadly the actors strike stopped any of the film stars from coming to the Film Festival to no doubt rave about what its like to work with the master himself. Scorsese of course doesnt do short, three and a half hours long thats the best time retorted breaks wisely. Lets do the horror film fans, realistically to make a couple of more films. It might automatically play to pack Screenings Cinemas are still suffering with audiences yet to return to precovid levels. The filmmaker believes that change is inevitable. My hopes are such that with the new technology and the new generation, younger people will see the world in a different way. That sentiment will evolve and its something to look forward to. Thats up to the younger people. With his influence echoing modern cinema, Martin Scorsese talks, and you listen. Katie spencer, sky news. Lets take a look at the weather. Warm memories wherever you go. Your weather, sponsored by qatar airways. Central and southern parts will stay warm for the next few days while in the chilly north persistent and Heavy Rain Over Scotland will slowly clear. As you can see the met office has issued amber and yellow warnings for heavy and slowmoving Rain Expiring at 3 00 this afternoon, set your alarms, at the most disruptive rainfall is expected in western and central scotland. Northern britain is mainly cloudy now with heavy rain over much of northern mainland scotland. Most places are fine but there are some fog in the south. Rain over Northern Scotland will turn increasingly light and patchy this morning while Southern Scotland will brighten up with any patchy Rain Clearing. Elsewhere, it will be mostly fine and very warm again but some western coast will be rather gray, Northern Scotland will see Rain Clearing into the far north later while southwest will catch the knee can expect a few showery outbreaks tonight. Your weather sponsored by qatar airways. This is Sky News Breakfast, coming up, we will be presenting live from Jerusalem S Live As jerusalem vows mighty vengeance against hamas. Its 8 00, this is Sky News Breakfast live from jerusalem this morning these are the top stories

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