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Time. Our coverage of the war in israel continues. More Rocket Attacks and missile strikes tonight on both sides of the border. That toll continues to mount. We have now confirmed americans are among those killed in the hamas attack on israel. Might also be among those being held hostage. We are also learning chilling new information about the deadly assault on a rave festival inside of israel. And maybe putting plan, on the roll around appears to be played in all of this. Live report on that coming up as well. We start though with declining death. Seems to be getting larger and larger as we speak. A spokesman for the Israeli Defense forces say are the seven hard as well as killed so far. Palestinian Health Ministry saying 424 people have been killed in gaza. Including 78 children and we also know that 23 Hundreds Palestinians Injured and 2200 israelis have also been injured. Now confirmed that several years citizens have been killed. Others remain unaccounted for. That is not yet know whether they are among the dozens of hostages. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of a prolonged and difficult war to come. As the Israeli Military continue to launch deadly strikes on gaza. Its real exchanging airstrikes across the Militant Group. I was once the attack, defense secretary lloyd austin announcing the u. S. Military is moving an Aircraft Carrier Striker Group closer to israel. Well begin supplying the country with munitions and military supplies. A lot of stake here to say the least. Ralph sanchez starts off with the coverage. The very latest from israel. Tonight israel is taking the war to gaza. I move a bag. Brings buildings crashing down. Targeting Hamas Tunnels and command centers. Israel is preparing for every instance, including a ground invasion, air, invasion every him. This is our 9 11. Inside of israels own territory, heres come battles are underway. Palestinian militants still at large. More than 24 hours after launching their surprise attack. People cowering in their cars as fighting rages on this highway. 600 israelis killed according to the government. A staggering toll, rising by the hour. Why his National Security council confirming, several americans among the dead. Video showing how under the cover of rockets, hamas fighters infiltrated israel by paraglider. This Music Festival, one of their first targets. This really Emergency Services saying 260 people were killed here. Was just all around me, going tree by tree and shooting. Everywhere, from two sides. I saw many people like dine, all around. Here, A Festival Goer screams for help as she is dragged into gaza. Her boyfriend, hands behind his back, helpless to safer. Her name is noah, a 25yearold student. And the only child of her father. Seen inside of gaza here, apparently unharmed. If you could speak to the People Holding noah what would you tell them . Please do not have a, please, a cry for my father, do not harm her. Send her back in one piece, i beg you, please. We reached the southern city. Bullets crushed underfoot. Evidence of thousands of rounds fired here. This is all that is left of an Israeli Police station overrun by hamas militants. It was a 20 hour gun battle here. With rockets overhead, our team running for the nearest bomb shelter. But in gaza, where 2 million civilians live under hamas rule, there are no Bomb Shelters to run to. The death toll among palestinians, including children expected to climb. Tonight, rockets fired from lebanon from militants aligned with hamas. The latest sign, a war which started in the holy lands, might not end here. Thank you to sanchez for that. From israel, i want to get matt bradley in lebanon. Matt, we are hearing from Israeli Military avenue attack on hamas and gaza. What do we know that . Israeli air force is reporting theyve struck several buildings. Including one hamas headquarters. Spread over three floors. Part of an ongoing operation that Ralph Sanchez described in that package earlier on the news. We are seeing this targeting of operational assets. Described by the israeli air force. Likely to continue as they move in and target these by air. Its rough to scrap, it looks like we are going to start to see an actual ground incursion. That is something weve heard from officials in washington and elsewhere, saying that this is not the end. This is probably only the first phase of a real, comprehensive effort to put hamas on its knees in the gaza strip. But i want to talk a little of what im seeing here in lebanon. We are hearing mostly about hezbollah. Which is distinct from hamas. Similar in the sense that it is unarmed political and Militant Group. On israels borders that have frequently over the past several decades launched sustained, bloody campaigns against israel. And when this all started saturday morning, everybody was looking at what was going on in gaza and israel. But a lot of focus was here in lebanon and on hezbollah. Because this is like hamas, iranianbacked. And has capabilities to strike against as you. So people were expecting that this is where the other foot would drop. And just today, we did see some cross border strikes. We heard the launch of guided missiles, and artillery at farms. Which is an area partially occupied by israel. Partly by lebanon. They struck this area. And israelis struck back. We heard from hezbollah, saying that this was in solidarity this attack with hamas. And that unprecedented attack on israel. But there is more to it. Because this is really something that was kind of, not something escalated. So this is remarkable for what was not remarkable about it. We couldve seen these sides escalate. We couldve seen this turn into a regional wide war. In the past several days. But there was restraint, none of that has happened. As . My, im getting this and. Now i want to see the reporting. To make sure im giving it to folks watching at home. Lawmakers were told during a phone call. Unclassified Phone Briefing tonight. This situation is. At the time of the call, now for u. S. Fatalities. As a result of the attacks in israel. Previous reporting had indicated there were three u. S. Fatalities. We are hearing with this updated number four u. S. Fatalities. If you are reporting what you are hearing, do you know about whether or not that number is going up when it comes to american fatalities . Id imagine the number will go up. I have no additional reporting to add to that. As you said, this is something i did see from our own nbcs own reporter. But, a lot of israelis have american passports. This is quite common in israel. So i think that when we start to hear about just the sheer number of casualties. We are going to start to hear of more americans amongst them. As you mentioned, one of the startling things. One of the things we are going to be looking out for is not just the casualties, but the kidnappings. We start to see americans are among the many people believed. And we do not have the exact figures. Who were kidnapped, taken from israel. Dragged into the gaza strip. It could bring the United States in to this conflict. In a way that a lot of people probably would not like to see. Yeah . Yeah, i think people are worried about that right about now. Matt bradley for us. Thank you. We have new reporting tonight. Nbc News Reporting the unprecedented scale. And the Gorilla Tactics employed by hamas. During the initial attack on israel, indicates iran likely played an influential role in the assault. According to former u. S. Intelligence and military officers. Happening as current officials pushing back on the reporting from the Wall Street Journal. Going a step further saying this. Iran helped the attack on israel. Over several weeks. Joining us now is a member of nbc news investigative unit. Reporter dan de luce to talk more about this. Dan, this dropped a couple of hours ago and i want you to walk us through some of the reporting we are hearing on this. Some of the indications of the way in which a mosque launched the attack. That would indicate it was backed by or planned by iran. Thats right. Jasmine, maybe we should start with what we saw during the assault. What we saw during the attack. So you had a very sophisticated attack in some ways. There were many aspects to it. Coming on the sea at fast speed boats. Which is a very known iranian tactic. In the golf. Iran will often use speedboats to swarm around large naval ships. U. S. Naval ships. And then we saw them hitting points along the southern border with gaza. With israel. Hitting many places at different times. You saw the footage even in the air. So there was a Fast Sophistication to it. There was these kinds of guerrilla tactics. There was this Hostage Taking weve been hearing about. Small Hostage Taking cells that were crossing in to israel. All of this, according to some Senior Intelligence officials who spoke to us. Saying that this is really very familiar. This is kind of the iranian playbook oneonone. Now having said that. We do not know precisely what irans role was. And that is why you see some discussion here you referred to. The Wall Street Journal saying that hamas gave them a full blown greenlight. But they were in on Detailed Planning all the way and including the time. And the white house is saying that they cannot confirm that. Administration officials are not able to confirm Something Like that. But this is an important nuance. Was iran somehow in on it in terms of helping overtime and arming hamas . Or is higher level. Where there are actually orchestrating it and even ordering it. That is what we dont know. And that makes a big difference obviously for a sensitive, dangerous situation. Certainly it does. And of what will come next. And how countries will respond to this. Considering the degree to which iran is involved here. Dan de luce. Thanks for talking us through that. We appreciate it. I would like to bring in my friend, ayman mohyeldin. Just finished up his own two hours coverage here. Paula last 24 hours of coverage here. A man, youve been doing an excellent job and im thankful for that my friend. Lets pick up on something you and i talked off line about. And it is not necessarily surprising. The new reporting we are hearing of the possibility of iran packing this plan of hamas attack on israel. Considering the proxy war iran has been fighting. Along with hamas and hezbollah for decades and decades. I think that we have to talk also about what would be the objective of iran in doing this . Its often iran has used the plight palestinians to their own advantage. Talk to us about that . In the role here. You are right. And there are a few ways to look at this. And i think in the coming days and weeks the intelligence of what iran might have done in this is going to be so critical and i think that is why its so important right now to make sure we have the most uptodate and accurate reporting. Wall street journal article came out that suggested that iran not just supported or financed or gave technical know how to hamas in terms of medicaid this attack, but actually greenlit the operation and perhaps was involved in the planning and direction of the operation. That would be a very different threshold. It is important to emphasize our reporting, nbc News Reporting from u. S. Officials ive spoken to suggest so far that they have not seen evidence to corroborate that. It is important to let our viewers know about that. Because it is not to say iran is not involved. As you suggest, around four years has taken up this mantle of being a pro palestinian power in the region. Obviously it finances and supports and provides technical know how to Militant Groups including hezbollah and southern lebanon. Includes groups in gaza. Like Palestinian Islamic jihad. Also in iraq. It controls and supports a lot of the militias in the country. That four years were fighting americans. As well, places like yemen and syria. So there is no doubt that iran has taking this position of being the primary financier, supporter, Logistical Support or if you will for these Militant Groups. But it would be different to see iran coordinate and direct specific attacks against israel. Something that from my years of reporting on the ground in gaza and certainly elsewhere in lebanon and Palestinian Territories had not been the case before. So it would be a new threshold to see palestinian groups responding to direct orders from iran over what kind of operations and specific tactics to be used against israel. It would be any threshold eamonn, but take a walk with me on this kind of path of what ifs. If in fact they are able to corroborate this reporting that iran was as involved as the Wall Street Journal is implying they were. What happens . We have a possibility of direct conflict we could have never imagined. Iran doesnt have many friends in the region, in fact more enemies than friends in the region. Israel doesnt have many friends in the region. They have more enemies than friends. So you think of the possible direct conflict these nations could be facing. If this reporting is corroborated. And what this war could become. Yes, and you know as well as anyone yasmin. Iran has been the subject of covert operations by american intelligence. Israeli intelligence. For years. The iranians have been pointed fingers at intelligence being behind many of the attacks that have taken place against Nuclear Scientists and even more explicitly as america has admitted. The killing of soleimani. Who oversaw the Proxy Umbrella Cross the region. And the various factions under its control. If iran is proven to be involved in these direct operations. Then the question really shifts to what israel and unites a pair to do. With its allies in the region. And the United States is countries like saudi arabia, united arab emirates, qatar. A lot of capabilities across the region. Would unites its going to, or with israel carry out direct overt Military Operations against iran . In response to this attack. That is not a question i can certainly answer. Its certainly a question im sure a lot of Security Analysts would be looking at. Whether or not israel would carry out this kind of attack. Fundamental question would be well what attack are you going to carry out . What is the objective of the attack . Or wouldve been more strategic, more significant for israel and the United States to try to carry out against the iranian regime. And hearing this reporting as well, i think folks are asking what was the ultimate objective of iran if this reporting is accurate. So far as the Wall Street Journal has gone with the stack. Whats the endgame here really . And then muddy. My friend, as always, thank you for sticking around for a couple more minutes for us. You bet. After the break, for a new nbc News Reporting that u. S. Lawmakers have been briefed. Four americans are among the dead in israel. Live at the white house with that coming up next. Oming up next. R cooking a delicious Chicken Cheddar broccoli recipe, you will want to delete all your delivery apps. Because nothing beats a perfect combo of sweet tomatoes and smooth, silky zucchini. Knorr taste combos. Its not fast food, but its soooo good. Im orlando and im living with hiv. 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Its the only we need. Go, go, go, go ah Touchdown Baby touchdown are your neighbors watching the same game . Yeah, my 5g Home Internet delays the game a bit. But you get used to it. Try these. Theyre noise cancelling earmuffs. I stole them from an airport. Its always something with you, man. Great solid greek salad . Exactly dont delay the game with verizon or tmobile 5g welcome back. Home internet. Catch it on the xfinity 10g network. The reporting into nbc news. Lawmakers were told during an unclassified Phone Briefing tonight. That there have been four he was fatalities as a result of the hamas attacks in israel. A number they were told is expected to rise. For three sources familiar with the briefing. Now i want to bring in Aaron Gilchrist from the white house. Has more reporting on. This bring us up to date on what more we have learned about this . It has been. Weve just gotten confirmation of the reporting youve indicated. We knew earlier this evening there is going to be a briefing, a Phone Briefing for leadership in congress. Both from the house and the senate. And now, we have this statement just coming into our Capitol Hill Team from the Senate Majority leader chuck schumer. I want to read part of it. There are a couple things that stood up to you. Specifically as youve just reference. Saying unfortunately we know there are americans killed. The administration told us they know of for this far. But sadly, we know the toll will rise. We had been told earlier by the National Securities council that there were several americans. Several u. S. Citizens who died in the initial phases of the incursion in israel. Now we are getting confirmation of a number. For at this point from the Senate Majority leader. Another point in the statement. He said quote, administration saying there are taking a close eye on iran. Keeping all pressure on them and their proxies to ensure the situation does not expand. That was something we have heard President Biden say. Also hearing the Secretary Of State say that. Im trying to do everything they could to make sure they were not opportunists watching what happened in israel. Looking for ways to go in behind the rocket fire and assault from hamas. Also of course landing this evening that the Department Of Defense had authorized the movement of a strike group. The navys uss Gerald Ford Strike Group into the eastern mediterranean. Closer to israel. Some 5000 sailors and air assets. Also u. S. Air force squadrons being positioned so that there is this show of force. This show of support for israel. As it continues to mount this response to what hamas has done in israel. Of course we will be tracking the student in the night and into tomorrow. And we will be reporting that in washington. Erin, thank you, appreciate it. I want to bring in four star u. S. Army general barry mccaffrey. Nbc National Securities analyst. General, it is always good to talk to you what we can talk about is the number of american so far. We are getting this News Reporting in. For american lives lost in israel. The number is expected to rise. As we think about that. Kind of on bigger terms. What that really kind of change possibly the Military Posture of americans there . As we look at american lives lost . Certainly its a tragedy to see americans unaccounted for. Some might well be hostages. Certainly its tragedy for families. But thats not what is on the table right now. The israelis have suffered some 3000 killed and wounded. Dozens of hostages that this of disappeared. Theyve lost control of a good bit of their frontier region with gaza. And theyre mindful of the larger peril. From hezbollah. From the west bank. So i do not think what has happened to the Many Americans whom might have well been caught up in this. Its going to be very influential. That carrier battle group. 10,000plus sailors. Three destroyers. A cruiser, air force moving in. F 22, f35, f16s squadrons into the region. That is all to prevent escalation of the war. That is what is going on. We do not want iran to enter the war. I am sure the diplomatics service now engaged throughout the region. To try to ensure that there is not a horizontal widening of this conflict. So the loss of americans as tragic. Im sure we will be trying to do a noncombative evacuation of israel. Mostly by air. But this thing is going to get much worse for it gets better. I would like to talk more on what youve just said in talking about the uss Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Group moving to the eastern mediterranean. Including an Aircraft Carrier there. Top of the objective of that. What that says to the region. And americas commitment and involvement to the conflict that has happened right now. The war happening right now. Well look. Whats on the table right now . Hamas, which has achieved strategic surprise, stunning surprise, they have had tactical victories in their estimation. And the wider arab world. Thats going to be a problem for the israelis. Beyond the dozens of hostages. So i think that what the israelis are now faced with is, how do we get into gaza on the ground . Dominate the situation to try to use special Operations Forces and recover our hostages. That is a dim story. But the u. S. Primarily is signaling to the military, the egyptians, our allies in theory who have a peace treaty with israel. And other actors in the region. Dont take advantage of us. So our purpose, diplomatic and military is clampdown, potential escalation of the war. To what extent general from your estimations should the u. S. Be involved in this conflict right now . We were resolving this conflict. Considering how nuanced it is. And the lives, the number of lives that have been lost so far on both sides. Of course we are a 75 year ally of israel who stand behind them, i think if theyre existential life was a threat, we would intervene. But other than that. It is highly unlikely that we will do anything but to support israel with weapons, munitions, intelligence perhaps. Idf is an extremely competent, courageous military force. They will go after hamas to try to defeat them in the short run. But one thing i might add. Very sophisticated pendants throughout the day keep underscoring there can be no military solution. To the palestinian operation. They will not be any diplomatic solution if hamas ends this war thinking they achieved a victory. So the idf is online. In gaza. Retired general barry mccaffrey. Thank you, sir appreciate it. I want to show you live pictures right now. It is dawn in gaza right now. Weve been seeing some smoke rising. A new day in this war in israel. Beginning there. Our coverage continues, thats coming up next. Coming up next from chrome to duckduckgo. 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There is pushback tonight from the very top. To a new report from the Wall Street Journal that claims iran played a direct role in this attack. Senior members of hamas and hezbollah saying officers of irans Islamic Revolutionary guard worked with hamas since august two planned the attack. Giving the final go ahead last monday in beirut. U. S. Officials saying that they have no evidence to corroborate that report and they are pushing back on the Wall Street Journal Reporting. I want to bring in now senior fellow at the middle east institute. To talk more about. This thank you for joining on this. Appreciate it. I want to read a quote from the reporting in the Wall Street Journal and have you react to this saying this that details of the operation where we find during several meetings in beirut, attended by the Islamic Revolutionary guard officers and representatives of for iranbacked Militant Groups. Including hamas. Which holds power in gaza, and hezbollah. Ifhe Militant Group and political faction in lebanon. Also our matt bradley. Our correspondent on the ground in beirut spoke to a senior hamas official who denies irans involvement. But i think what is integral here and talking of this. The possibility of the degree to which irans and could possibly be involved. If this Wall Street Journal Reporting is accurate. Right. That is what we do not know. We know based on the report what unnamed hamas officials told the Wall Street Journal. Those reports have not been corroborated by anyone else. There doesnt seem to be direct evidence of iranian involvement in this particular operation. Though st. Louis know iran has supported hamas in the past. With financial support. With weapons and so forth. As far as having knowledge or operational involvement in the attack, that is just something that we do not know. I want to talk of some of what youve been posting today. Watching this conflict, this war unfold some, especially on social media have been seeing this happening in what seems to be a vacuum. Saying that this was in direct response essentially to or an attack on israel because of the place in which, he precarious place in which the Prime Minister finds himself in after the internal strife happening over the judiciary system. Because of the hall i friendship that was building between saudi and israel as well. Without failing to mention obviously the decadeslong strife happening between both palestinians and israelis. And having sympathy for both sides. You write this, no to u. S. Officials and politicians. It is possible to express sympathy for israeli civilians killed and injured in yesterdays attack. Without also a racing palestinian suffering and basic humanity. Can you talk more of the at this and what it was that made you want to put this out there . Well i have just been seeing quite a few statements from american politicians. But also a handful of europeans whom in addition to expressing sympathy and outrage over the attacks somehow feel the need also to denigrate, deny humanity, Dehumanize Palestinians and it is very similar to the rhetoric that we hear from the highest levels of the israeli government. And that is of course discouraging. People talking of flat in gaza. Turning gaza in to a parking lot. All of this rhetoric that is prominent on social media. But when we start to hear politicians say things like it is outrageous that people are expressing support for the perpetrators of this heinous act. In reference to ordinary americans. Maybe palestinian americans. Other americans who want to express sympathy or support for palestinians. Because hundreds of palestinians have also died and being killed in the past 24 hours. And it is just very discouraging to hear this sort of rhetoric coming from elected officials and particular. I wish we had more time. Thank you for joining us this late hour. Appreciate it. Thank you. Breaking news everybody. Lawmakers have been briefed. Four americans are dead in the attacks on israel. I will talk to Armed Service Community Member adam smith next. Adam smit next t. Huh, huh, so did their dog roger. Gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest Stuff Smelling fresh. The virus that causes shingles is sleeping. In 99 of people over 50. And it could strike at any time. Think youre not at risk . Wake up. Because shingles could wake up in you. If youre over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. Welcome everyone. I want to turn to capitol hill. Nbc news is reporting in a briefing tonight. Four americans were killed as a result of the hamas attack on israel. They are told to expect the number to rise according to sources familiar with the briefing. I would like to bring you now, congressman adam smith. Democrat of Washington State and members of the Armed Services committee. To talk more about this. Congressman, thank you for staying up late sir. At a preceded. I know you are not on this call, your staff was and you were briefed by it. What can you tell us about what more have learned . First of all, the call was not classified. There was a lot of information that the administration was holding back. They obviously want to be very careful of releasing names of americans whom might be being held hostage. And giving any information on that front. Was mostly a policy brief of what the u. S. Is doing to respond. And three basic goals. One, support israel. In any way we can. Second, contain the conflict is best we can. Working with regional allies stay big part of that. And third, protecting american lives in the region. Ensuring that there are in the region working with allies to do everything we can to make sure americans in the area are protected Going Forward. By containing the conflict congressman . I worried it could escalate things there . You know the Prime Minister netanyahu, military assistance is quote on the way. We know uss Gerald R Ford career strike group is heading to the eastern mediterranean. With, that is an Aircraft Carrier. Are you worried that could cause escalation in the region, versus containment . The main escalation concern is hezbollah to the north. That has been a big focus. Making sure that hezbollah does not get involved in the conflict. We have been working with people in lebanon on that part of the focus. Thats where the conflict could escalate. We are still also again having not had a concert briefing. Trying to figure exactly irans role was in this. Clearly around is the number one backer of both hezbollah and mosque. The weapons, the rockets. Almost undoubtedly came from iran. What is the will be on that, what other plans Going Forward . That is what the escalation could happen. Is if iran and hezbollah decide to get more and more involved in the conflict. And we hope to have our presence and cooperation with israel deter either one of those groups from getting more involved. What are you most worried about that with that possibility in mind . When talking of iran. I know youre referring to this new reporting. I think the nuances important. We know iran has been fighting this proxy war by hamas. For a very long time. The degree to which they might have been involved here which is more problematic than anything. Considering the reporting weve not confirmed here and nbc news. But if in fact it is confirmed, the degree to which the supporting is saying what couldve conflict look like . We mean conflict between israel and iran directly . And subsequently as you put it, is your strongest ally United States . Two things about this first the timing certainly has to do with iran being worried of the growing closeness between israel and arab states. An ongoing effort right now to get a peace deal between israel and saudi arabia. Ive already seen the expansion of the abraham accord to a number of countries. Clearly i think iran had an interest to disrupt that. Now that the reports weve gotten, from saudi arabia, the uae and others. They arent backing off of their efforts to get to Peace Agreements and hold on to those agreements with israel. But around trying to blow that apart is one big concern. The second is hezbollah. What might they do coming down from the north, from the stronghold in lebanon . Also syria. Thats where this could expand. Again, the reports are that all of those allies are not backing off. From their desire to get to a more peaceful relationship with israel, their concerns about iran. But clearly and i havent got a classified briefing on this, yet so i cant say for sure but i do think that it is quite reasonable to assume that he wanted to upset the process. And it was a big part of why this attack happened. Wouldnt it be problematic congressman if in fact the reporting is accurate that both u. S. Intelligence and Israeli Intelligence would not have picked up on irans direct involvement and planning of an attack to this magnitude . Absolutely that is very true. Look, one aspect of this is that not been talked about and are focusing on protecting israel. Dealing with the attack they faced and what might come forward. Weve been working with israel for a long time. On netanyahus obsession with expanding into the west bank. Has unnecessarily i believe distracted israel from the real threat. Hezbollah and hamas. And we will have to tell conversations about that Going Forward. Turn make sure israel isnt the best possible position to defend itself. Congressman, thank you sir. Appreciate it. After the break, how people across the country are reacting to seeing the violence unfold. We are back. We are back. Breeze driftin on. [coughing]. By, you know how i feel. 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Hoping to hear from their loved ones after learning several americans have died and some are missing in israel gaza region. I want to bring in now, more on this, liz its good to talk to you. What are you hearing from people here at home . Who have loved ones in the region . It has been, as youve said it is agonizing for people right now there is so much fear. Even a few miles away from where we are here in l. A. As we speak, there is a vigil underway at a synagogue. I spoke to a woman who lived here in l. A. Earlier today who is desperately awaiting any information of her cousin who is missing right now. He was at the Music Festival that hamas invaded and his family has not heard from him since. Theyve got some indication that maybe he was shot in the leg whilst hordes of people were trying to escape the gunfire. But this woman said that the hardest part of all of this right now, thousands of miles away here in l. A. , is just not knowing. Not knowing if he died. Not knowing if he is being held captive. That has been the hardest part. Take a listen to what she said. It could not do anything i couldnt function because in my mind there is somebody in my family, my blood that is unknown where he is and if he is dead somewhere or if he is kidnapped. We could not sleep all night and i only see, i can only imagine what hes going through. Theyve been running hospital to hospital. Theyre seeing nightmares and as youve been reporting, we are learning that at least 260 bodies were found at the festival. Family has not heard anything. Again that has been the hardest part for so many families. Among hundreds, if not thousands of people here and abroad awaiting any information about their loved ones. Has been . Thank you liz. Appreciated. That wraps it up for me everybody, our coverage of the war in israel continues, after a short break. Morning everybody, 7 00 in london. And so joining us on the breakfast show. Sky news, morning show covera

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