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We will make sure they have what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself and respond to this attack. Theres no justification for terrorism. Theres no excuse. Hamas does not stand for the palestinian peoples right to dignity and selfdetermination. Its stated purpose is annihilation on the murder of jewish people. President biden making it clear that the United States stands with israel, promising support following the hamas Terrorist Attacks. The president also confirmed that there are americans being held hostage by the terror group. Well get an update on what is being done to try and free them. And weve seen more explosions in gaza this morning as the conflict enters its fifth day. Well get a live report from israel in just a moment. Also ahead, National Security analyst for nbc news and msnbc clint watts with an overview of the war and what could happen next. Good morning and welcome to morning joe. It is wednesday, october 11th. Lets dive right in. Israel is ramping up its strikes against Hamas Terrorists. Warplanes hammered neighborhood after neighborhood along the gaza strip yesterday in retaliation to the atrocities the terror Group Launched over the weekend Killing Hundreds of israelis. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is vowing to destroy the Terrorist Organization. Israel ordered a total Siege Of Gaza, stopping the entry of food, fuel, and medicine. The only remaining access from egypt was also shut down yesterday because of the nearby air strikes. Israel says it has regained chrome of the areas hamas hit over the weekend. The Israeli Military has summoned 360,000 reservists to join the fight. Roughly 4 of the countrys total population. Meanwhile, there are signs the war is escalating into neighboring countries. Yesterday there were exchanges of fire along the Israeli Borders of lebanon and syria and, willie, all the while we have up to 100, possibly more, hostages whose lives hang in the balance. And some of them american. All told, more than 2,000 people have died in what now is a war between israel and hamas. Israeli Defense Forces say 1,200 israelis have been killed since saturdays Ambush Attacks by hamas. Helps ministries in gaza and the west bank say more than 1,000 palestinians have died there. 14 americans are among the dead. President Biden Yesterday confirmed americans are being held hostage by hamas. Its not clear exactly how many were taken captive. At least 20 americans are missing. Between 100 and 150 people are being held captive. Hamas has threatened to excuse if israel bombs without warning. Families of the missing americans are sharing the little they do know and asking both the israeli and american governments to do more. I normally dont use my phone on the jewish sabbath, but it was an emergency and i needed to know where my son was. I turned my phone on at 8 23 in the morning. When i turned it on, there were two texts in a row at 8 11. The first one said, i love you. And, immediately at 8 11, it said, im sorry. And so i knew immediately wherever he was, it was a terrible situation. I took it to mean, i love you and im sorry because whatever is going to happen is going to cause you tremendous pain and worry. We know that he was injured in a gun battle. I mean, they were all civilians at a Music Festival, and they were fish in a barrel sitting in this bomb shelter. Terrorists came to the door. They were throwing grenades in, shooting machine guns. The mother of one of The Americans missing. Joining us now near the gaza border in israel, nbc news chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel. What does it look like today . Reporter well, it seems clear we are heading for a wider war, an announcement was made overnight by israels Defense Minister saying that israel will go into the gaza strip in a Ground Invasion. He said what is in gaza will be no more. That this offensive began from the air and that it will continue later on with forces on the ground. We are now preparing for a ground war here. What u. S. Officials are trying to do by sending warships to the mediterranean, by making statements like we heard from President Biden last night, is to prevent this war, a wider war, which is coming from spreading out and becoming a war across the middle east. Right now were seeing a softening campaign, a Media Campaign where israel is leading out the justification. It could be soon in the next few days or in a week will be a push with Ground Forces into gaza. Were getting horrifying reports yesterday as journalists were allowed into some of the areas that were terrorized, women, children, babies killed. What more can you tell us happened there . Reporter i went into this kibbutz youre talking about and later well be going into another, i believe. So that was the kibbutz where journalists were allowed to go in for the first time as israeli troops were still clearing it. They believed it was secure enough to enter but there was still gunfire in the area, incoming fire. The israeli troops going house to house looking for any potential hamas fighters. They found bodies on the ground wearing uniforms on the ground and many bodies. We went into homes of people who had suffered terrible Home Invasions where fighters stormed in the kibbutz, went house to house, kicking down doors, killing people in homes, ripping them out of their homes and taking them back to the gaza strip. The town looked frozen in time. Meals still on the table. Blood stains on the ground. You could see what happened in this kibbutz where dozens of israelis were killed, the Israeli Soldiers were collecting the remains, putting them in body bags and counting them and adding them to this growing death toll. And that is just one community and this happened in several where hamas went on a Killing Spree, massacring people and taking hostages back into gaza and the scale of these atros kis is only now coming to light as israeli is going back in and resecuring communities. I think that will remain the case as we go into phase two of this war which is a ground inracial. Will this Ground Invasion lead to a wider war with lebanon, potentially with other countries as well, iran, lebanon being the biggest potential causes of concern because both of them support hamas. The viciousness of the atrocities you witnessed yesterday in kibbutz we will see Hell Rain Down in israel. Richard engel, thank you so much. Lets go to National Security analyst for nbc news and msnbc, clint watts. What more do we have new this morning you can share with us about the way israel is responding here . Yesterday an interesting day. You really saw the Israeli Military kick into gear. Several things happened. One, you saw Richard Engel here near ashkelon where some attacks were coming in from gaza but the ire dome took out a lot of those rockets. In this area here this sderot, they believe theyve cleared most of it. There was a brief gun battle in ashkelon. They believe they have cleared the israeli side and cordoned off what is gaza. What is that Ground Invasion going to look like rich around was talking about and how will they do it . All of this area here, the buildup of troops looking at a much wider war, the second thing are the air strikes inside gaza city. Several mosques and a refugee camp area were hit yesterday. You are seeing strikes against naval targets out in the water and much more larger attacks, i think youll see, up and down the gaza strip as the day goes on. The humanitarian situation down here in this area youre starting to see lots of humanitarian issues arise as people start to flee from these cities trying to figure out what they can do. The egyptians have not opened to the south. Just like richard was talking about, everyone is wondering will this turn into a multifront or larger war . Should the israelis go into gaza, will this change . We did see some rockets fired and some israeli Missile Strikes in lebanon where hezbollah is stationed. Everyone is wanting to know will hezbollah jump into this fight . In the Golan Heights some rockets fell in from there. Note, for both militant organizations, militants in syria, militants in southern lebanon, command and control is not always a strength, theyre not always 100 aligned. Any of those small instances can trigger a bigger war. Will this expand out . What will the role be of countries like egypt and is iran linked or coordinating behind the scenes with these militant groups behind israel. Clint, i do have questions about the inevitability of a wider war and implications of the United States. A more basic on the ground question first, and that is as israel retaliates, what is the sense of where the hostages are . Is there any possibility that their lives, again, are in danger as they potentially could be caught in the crossfire . What are the negotiations we hear in terms of their location and potential return . Mika, most believe in the large, urban areas throughout here, mainly around gaza city but even down here in khan yunis, you might have hostages spread out. Are any of the hostages being killed and wounded during the air strikes . I dont think theres a good answer to that. Remember at the start of the show we were talking about the u. S. Military possibly coming in to help do Hostage Negotiation, understanding intelligence around it. Were going to see more International Cooperation but at this point i think it is a big unknown especially as things like electricity and power are cut to gaza. That means cell phones, other Electronic Devices, the last tether to potential hostages, may be going away as well. All right. Nbc news National Security analyst, clint watts. I know well be hearing from you again. We appreciate your insight. Secretary of state Antony Blinken will be traveling in a show of solidarity. The top u. S. Diplomat is expected to meet with senior israeli officials to discuss the situation on the ground and what Additional Resources the u. S. Can provide. He is scheduled to arrive in israel tomorrow. Blinken will then head to jordan to meet with senior officials there. Yesterday Secretary Blinken and Vice President Kamala Harris stood with President Biden as he offered unequivocal support for israel and warned against those who might view the situation as an opportunity. There are moments in this life, i mean this literally, the pure, unadulterated evil, is unleashed on this world. The people of israel lived through one such moment this weekend. The bloody hands of the Terrorist Organization hamas, a group whose stated purpose for being is to kill jews, an act of sheer evil, more than 1,000 slaughtered, slaughtered, in israel. Among them at least 14 american citizens killed. Parents butchered using their bodies to try to protect their children. Stomach churning reports of babies being killed, entire families slain. Young people massacred while attending a Music Festival to celebrate peace to celebrate peace. Today americans across the country are praying for all those families rimmed apart. A lot of us know how it feels. It leaves a black hole in your chest, feels like youre being sucked in, the anger, the pain, the sense of hopelessness. This is what they mean by human tragedy. An atrocity on an appalling scale. We will continue to stand united supporting the people of israel who are suffering unspeakable losses and opposing the hatred and violence of terrorism. The Department Of Defense has moved the striker to the mediterranean and bolstered our aircraft presence. We stand ready to move in additional assets as needed. Let me say again to any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of the situation, i have one word dont dont. Our hearts may be broken but our resolve is clear. President biden sending an extremely strong message and many Big Questions including how did israeli or u. S. Intelligence miss the Warning Signs of these attacks . National security adviser Jake Sullivan was asked about that yesterday. Well play for you his response in 60 seconds. [bell ringing] and doug says, you can customize and save hundreds on Car Insurance with liberty mutual. he hits his mark center stage and is crushed by a baby grand piano. Are you replacing me . With this guy . Customize and save with liberty bibberty. He doesnt even have a mustache oh, look a bibu. [limu emu squawks. ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The Israeli Government has placed a high premium on its Intelligence Capacity as it relates to hamas, as it relates to the west bank, as it relates to hezbollah, and why it is that they did not have warning from this is not a question that i can answer from this podium. What u. S. Intelligence, anything that crosses your desk that would have suggested this was coming . We did not see anything that suggested an attack of this type was going to unfold any more than the israelis did. White house National Security adviser Jake Sullivan yesterday confirming the lapse in intelligence. So were going to bring in the host of Way Too Early, jonathan lemire, and former Chief Of Staff at the cia and Department Of Defense, jeremy bash, an nbc news National Security analyst. Jeremy, a lot of moving parts we want to get to with you including the implications for the United States in terms of a wider war. Obviously the very complicated situation of hostages being held right now, some of Them Americans, and what Tony Blinkens objectives will be as he heads there. But, also, how it is fair to ask in this moment, there are some questions that are completely inappropriate in this moment. Theres no context here. No one side versus the other. Pure evil, pure terrorism. Lets agree on that fact. But my question to you is, is it also impossible that as they came in on hang gliders, by air, by sea, by water, on their feet, this was practiced, coordinated, is it possible israel had no clue . Its possible, mika. Theres certainly some warnings at a high level. I think israel lacked the tactical warning how this attack would unfold. A new warning suggests the Hamas Terrorists did two things very effectively, first, they conducted a disinformation campaign. They were talking on their phones to each other basically saying, oh, this is just an exercise or we feel deterred. Were going to stay on the sidelines. They transmitted, allegedly, secretly to each other, although israel was listening, and took the message, oh, hamas is not going to attack. The other thing was use technology, use drones to take out several of the watch towers, the sensors along the gaza border and that blinded israeli forces. There was a Force Posture Breakdown if they were concentrated at one base and were not able to quickly respond because they were not responding or actively working on social media real time from the battle front. There was a multiplicity of breakdowns, a perfect storm. Not unlike our 9 11, a breakdown in intelligence, a breakdown of analytics, of aviation security. I think this will be analyzed for many weeks to come. So geo strategic question for you, does this Security Breakdown along with the deep divisions going on and distractions, some would argue, in netanyahus government, does it impact how the United States approaches this . Are there going to be requirements for transparency for, i dont know, netanyahu to get it together for the United States to really be able to be a partner in dealing with this evil . I think the president of the United States delivered one of the most impactful speeches by a world leader ever. It was extraordinary in its moral clarity. There was not a message of engaging in restraint. And that the United States is going to have skin in the game. Were going to put forces into the region including that Carrier Strike group that was referenced by the president precisely to deter iran from using its surrogates and proxy, using surrogate in hezbollah to attack israel or other partners of the United States. I think this was an extraordinary statement by the president. I sent a note to and adviser and said, where did that come from . It came from his heart. Israel responded similarly. Quote, President Bidens speech was the most passionately proisrael in history. Our people will remember and cherish the speech and the man who delivered it. Sometimes a thorny relationship between the president and Prime Minister netanyahu but no daylight here. The complications between biden and netanyahu set aside at least for now. This was a full throated defense from President Biden and we will have to see about the political situation and this Siege Of Gaza. Right now the United States is in and its all in. Secretary of state Blinken En Route to tel aviv as we speak to meet with israeli leaders. An Aircraft Carrier group has been sent to the region, the possibility of more. A show of force and a warning, a warning, to iran and anyone ems in the region, the president said, who might be looking to take advantage of this situation. There was a very firm, firm message from President Biden yesterday, dont even think about it. The United States is here. The question is what kind of aid can we get there . That has to come from the congress and, as well be talking about later this morning, theres still no House Speaker and may not be one for a while, so that will hinder american efforts and as strong as the president was yesterday, they do worry about the message it sends to the rest of the world that washington cant get its house in order. So, jeremy, let me ask you a tactical question, at least 100 hostages, maybe up to 150. President Biden Yesterday confirmed americans are among them. Hamas has shown quite clearly it does not play by any conventional rules. Hostage negotiators coming in is nice but hamas doesnt show any mercy. A willingness to sacrifice hostages and use their own people as human shields. How difficult a predicament is this for israel right now where theyd like to go in and, frankly, wipe out hamas but they have to be careful doing it . No country has faced a Hostage Crisis like this probably since the United States faced it with respect to iran in the late 1970s. There is no precedent for this. And i think the main tool the United States will have to lean on are third countries. Were going to have to talk to the egyptians, to the qataris. These are the countries that in the past have been able to go to the leadership of hamas, to other people inside gaza to try to get deals done, to try to negotiate ceasefires, to try to negotiate cross shipments of humanitarian aid. I think theres no other option. I dont see u. S. Special Operations Forces staging a Daring Rescue inside gaza. We havent been on the gaza we havent been inside gaza since essentially 2005. It will be a very challenging situation. Were going to have to take our leave from the israelis. I think well be providing a lot of intelligence there, listening, watching, trying to run Human Sources the best we can to try to pinpoint the location of the hostages. But at the end of the day, the way were going to get them out is probably through a negotiated settlement. Yeah, and, again, the answer to my question has been just in terms of what happened, whats going to be the breakdown of trying to figure out what happened with this Intelligence Failure perhaps for our own knowledge and for our own protection . Two things can be true at the same time. The u. S. Can face evil and say evil is for what it is. For example, ukraine still has a long way to go as a country and yet we stand with ukraine, the United States, as they fight and die to save the world, for the safety of the world. I guess my question is, will there be an extended look at the Intelligence Failure inside israel and also the question about the Division Within the government. Can they at least put their divisions aside, perhaps get extremists out so there is a functioning government in israel that can take on this evil that the United States can support . Mika, working with National Security officials, they adopt the posture youve adopted, we have to fight this war, be tactically smart, be morally clear. By the way, lets quickly learn the lessons of any breakdowns because there are still several communities along the gaza border and they have to understand how breakdowns in Civil Defense cannot occur here in the coming weeks and months. I think undoubtedly israel will take a very hard look at this. Theyre very good at adaptation, probably better than the United States. With respect to the political divisions, weve been encouraged seeing them close ranks, one nation, one people. They have divisions on domestic issues but thats not at the fore and netanyahu has reached out to others. I suspect israelis will come together and fight this war because this will go on for a very long time and its important the United States continue to have israels back. Nbc news National Security analyst jeremy bash, thank you very much. We appreciate you coming on again this morning. And coming up on morning joe, state Department Spokesperson matt miller will join us with an update on the u. S. Response to the israel hamas terrorist war. Plus, the battle for the House Speaker gavel officially begins today. And it looks like it will be a long fight with gop tensions very high and no clear favorite in sight. What will happen . We need a speaker now. Well have the latest next on morning joe. [man struggles] i need some sleep. [man relieved] if you struggle with cpap, you should check out inspire. Inspire. Sleep apnea innovation. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com its not just designed to look good. Learn more and view Important Safety Information its built to command attention. Its not just a comfortable interior. Its a quiet refuge. Theyre not just headlights. They light the way forward. The new fully electric audi q8 etron models. 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I think that explains this ad i saw. Kevin mccarthy was a terrible speaker. He voted to raise the debt ceiling and he turned his back on the gop. Kevin mccarthy is wrong for america. Thats why you should vote for Kevin Mccarthy. Hes the best. He reached across the aisle to raise the debt ceiling. Hes perfect for america and he would make a great speaker. Dont vote for a washington insider like Kevin Mccarthy. Vote for a washington outsider like Kevin Mccarthy. Dont vote for Kevin Mccarthy. Vote for Kevin Mccarthy. Kevin. Kevin. Kevin. Kevin mccarthy. Its either him or him. Paid for Kevin Mccarthy not Kevin Mccarthy. And now since jimmy put that On The Air Mccarthy says he doesnt want to be voted back into the speaker seat. House republicans are set to begin the formal process of selecting a new speaker later this morning. Republican Led Lawmakers will hold an internal election Behind Closed Doors. The republican conference met to hear from the two congressmen who have formally entered the race, Steve Scalise and jim jordan of ohio. As we mentioned, despite signaling he would be open to the speakership again, nbc news has learned Kevin Mccarthy has asked members not to nominate him for speaker today. Nbc News National Affairs Analyst john heilman and michael snell. Handicap this race for us. We had a lot of republican members saying nobody is even close to 217. There are 433 members currently in the house so you dont have to get to 218. The conventional wisdom is this will be a battle, no consensus candidate. Nobody is close to 217. How will this play out here . Willie, good morning. Look, right now the race is in a dead heat. You mentioned it right there. Majority leader Steve Scalise, how judiciary chairman jim jordan, neither are a clear frontrunner in the race. Both have picked up significant endorsements from across the conference. As you mentioned no one is close to that subsequent 217 votes needed to be speaker. How this will play out right now is an open question. One thing is it will be a lengthy process. House republicans this morning are going to huddle Behind Closed Doors with the intent of nominating a candidate for speaker. A big question this morning whether or not the conference will accept a rules change to increase the threshold to nominate a speaker from the majority of the conference to that 217 vote number. The point to avoid a messy fight over speaker. Whether that takes effect is to be seen. John heilman, given the massive horrific assault on israel sparking a war in retaliation that could spread like wildfire across the middle east and has a lot of interesting implications for the u. S. How important is it we have a speaker of the house right now . How high can you count, mika, on the importance scale . Pretty important. Look, what we saw last week in the deposing of Kevin Mccarthy was a lot of things were in play there. The House Republicans were not, for that period of time, a functional majority to be able to run the house, under the most stressful circumstances with the stakes as high as they could be on the world stage, is what will be on display today. This is a situation of great chaos and could be a lengthy prolonged circumstance. After Mccarthy Being knocked out that the House Republicans are any more have their stuff together any more than last week, not a unity candidate. Both Steve Scalise and jim jordan and publicly and privately claiming to have the race locked up. Steve scalise says dont Pay Attention to the public endorsement count. Jim jordan, because he is perceived as a bomb thrower, a lot of question whether that is something the House Republicans will be able to get hund. This house without a speaker today or tomorrow but potentially through the end of the week if the republicans cant pull it together, theres some chance this could take quite a long time, is a very difficult and dangerous situation on the world stage. American leadership, as joe biden pointed out, is essential. In terms of being able to do the kind of aid for israel, you have to have a functional house. We dont have that right now. Representative massey said he thought only a 2 chance, 2 , that the house could come up with a new speaker by days end. To johns point, the rest of the world is watching america here and waiting for its support for israel. I know the officials tell me theyre floating the idea of linking israeli and ukraine aid. What are the chances you give that of succeeding in congress once a speaker is put in place . Jonathan, i think the odds of that happening are pretty low. Of course israel aid is of high importance to congress overall, particularly republicans, and weve seen them emphasize that in the wake of hamas attack over the weekend. But is ukraine aid on the other hand has been a Lightning Rod within the House Republican conference. Weve seen it divide the conference bitterly. Last month, actually, we saw a vote on the house floor where more republicans voted against sending more aid to ukraine compared to those who voted in favor of it. So i think the fear there is while i spoke to tom cole, the republican from oklahoma. He said while hes supportive of ukraine and israel aid, he doesnt like the idea of jamming those no are skeptical of sending aid to ukraine into supporting this Joint Package by including israel on it. Were hearing from others who says sending to one of the u. S. Closest allies is of most importance. That should be dealt with separately. I think lawmakers want to do that in a speedy fashion, once the house can get back to legislative business, once we have a speaker in place. So that idea has been floated and some lawmakers may try. I think theres a low possibility that comes to fruition because of the difficulties laid out. John heilemann, briefly on the politics of this, bidens speech seemed to get global respect and respect from extremists on fox news. How do you think this plays out in the weeks and months to come as this could be a wider war, will last quite some time and also given what we have and have not heard from the republican frontrunner on this . The question you have at the level of president ial politics, especially in a primary campaign, you tend to have an almost exclusively domestic focus. In a general election where someone the two candidates, the nominees, National Security and strength as a Character Attribute become more important. These are more domestic when something this big happens. In iowa the last couple of days and heading to new hampshire, republicans are trying to figure out how to talk about this. Their own ability to look president ial to convey command of Foreign Policy and in some cases trying to find a way to gain advantage over the other. Mike pence took a big swing at donald trump and ron desantis and ramaswamy. The one thing republicans can all agree on, the only thing they can agree on now is it was a bad idea for joe biden not to do the hostage swap that was done but the xlegstist around that. For republicans that has become the only talking point. Somehow joe biden is responsible for this. The 6 billion is terrible and was responsible by giving that to iran, 6 billion we know, we could go into the weeds about what that was. If this is a ground war that takes many months, this will be at the center of the president ial campaign. Thats why joe bidens speech yesterday, the stakes for it, both diplomatically and politically were sky high. I agree with you. He could not have done better yesterday in terms of generating bipartisan respect. As Admiral Kirby said yesterday, that money can be frozen. Its not in iran. And that fund was set up by the Trump Administration. Just putting a pin on that. John heilemann, thank you very much. Congressional reporter for the hill, mychael schnell, thank you for being on. The horrors of hamas attacks as families wait to hear from loved ones. Well be live in israel. Plus, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle will join us as aid to israel is gaining bipartisan support on capitol hill. Also ahead, former california governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be a guest here this morning. Morning joe will be right back. Will be right back he grew up a middle class kid in a middle class town. And while joe bidens traveled far and wide scranton, pennsylvania has never left him. He knows what life is like for working people. And knows middle class life is too expensive right now. 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After a Statement Released by harvard Student Groups on the israel hamas war was widely condemned. The Ivy League University faced National Backlash after the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee issued a statement blaming israel for the deadly hamas attack that targeted civilians. The learn was cosigned by 33 other organizations. Criticized by School Alumni including lawmakers from both sides of the aisle. Lawrence summers, former harvard president , said he was sickened. Republican senator ted cruz, a Harvard Law School alumnus, called the schools silence, quote, utterly indefensible. Harvards president broke her silence writing in part, quote, atrocities perpetrated by hamas. Atever ones individual views of the origins of longstanding conflicts in the region, adding, while ournts have the right to speak for themselves, no Student Group, not even 30 Student Groups, speaks for Harvard University or its leadership. Mike barnicle joins us at the table. Mike, a statement from the president finally a couple of days later but not really a condemnation of the statement put out by Student Groups, a jewish student, a Doctoral Doct Student Of Jewish History at harvard has an oped in the Wall Street Journal, just one excerpt, quote, how can we share dormitories, classrooms, and ideas with students who would make excuses or even celebrate if we and our families were hacked to death by a hamas terrorist tomorrow . So that gives you an idea of the climate on campus, if youre a jewish student, how you must be feeling right now, jew student at several universities where we have seen some of this stuff. You know, for universities, mike, that put out statements about every little wrong they believe that they see in the world, to not come out strongly against this stuff, i guess we shouldnt be surprised, but its pretty shocking. These are troubling times were all living through, willie. And its not Just University campuses, its not just Harvard University, its in the halls of congress, its various statehouses throughout the country, and in Street Corners where people are talking about what happened this past weekend. There is a huge difference between the definition of militant and terrorist. A huge difference. And the idea that we live in a culture where there seems to be some confusion between militancy and terrorism, this was pure terrorism. Yesterday, we saw the president of the United States give perhaps the strongest, firmest outline of who he is, who we are, as a nation in this troubled world that youre ever going to hear from a president. And good for joe biden. And good for larry summers, incidentally, who immediately upon this weekends rallies on the harvard campus, came out strongly in support of common sense. This was an act of terrorism, an act of barbarism, that we saw over the weekend. And if, you know, god help the poor palestinian people, but guess what . Their biggest ally is not hamas. Hamas has been taking care hamas has controlled gaza since 2007. They have done very little for the palestinian people, other than put them in constant peril because of one thing, hamas is a Terrorist Organization. Yeah, and mika, if you look at some of the other statements, the rallies weve seen even here in New York City in support of whats happening right now, or what just happened in israel, the massacre of civilians, its its hard to see how it wouldnt be easy and quick for a University President to come out and condemn that immediately. Whats what are you equivocating on . Whats the question in your heart . Youre worried about offending somebody . Were talking about the slaughter of civilians. This one should be easy. Some things are hard. This one should be easy to condemn. I completely agree. Its the reality of the moment. This is not to be put in a larger context. This is not to be explained in any way. Theres no explanation for the evil. And this, i think, applies to members of congress, as well. You dont need to have israelis in your constituency to see this for what it is. A Terrorist Attack. And i think University President s across the country to echo what we were hearing from the head of the adl yesterday need to watch joe bidens speech and need to look at what is happening there and call it for what it is. Because theres free speech, and then there is speech that really distorts the facts of the moment. Meanwhile, the u. S. Is ramping up military aid to israel in several key ways. The times of israel reports the first Transport Plane with advanced american ammunition has arrived in southern israel. Israels Ministry Of Defense released this video of that initial shipment of weaponry arriving last night. The idf says that the ammunition is intended to, quote, enable significant strikes and preparations for additional scenarios. The move comes after the u. S. Began deploying warships and fighter jets near israel earlier this week. Current and former senior u. S. Officials tell nbc news the movements are designed to send a blunt message to iran to stand down, specifically, when it comes to any consideration by tehran of unleashing the lebanese militant group, hezbollah. At the same time, the Wall Street Journal reports the u. S. Is considering sending a second Aircraft Carrier near israel to deter other regional powers from joining the war between hama and israel at this point, given the Terrorist Assault on israel. Additionally, a u. S. Official tells nbc news that the u. S. Government has sent a team of technical experts to assist in hostage Recovery Efforts in israel. Thats the massive complication here. And Secretary Of Defense lloyd austin says the Department Of Defense now has a small liaison cell in israel, working with Israeli Special operators. Were going to get a live report from the pentagon straight ahead to hear more on this. Well also get an update on the situation on the ground following more air strikes this morning in gaza. And well be joined by State Department spokesman, matt miller. Well talk to him about The Americans who are still missing and the efforts to find them and much more. Thats all straight ahead on morning joe. Thats all straight ahead on morning joe. My name is marie. Im 49 years old and im a business owner. I own a lemonade and Ice Cream Shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. Im still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. I did not want a dramatic change. I wanted something subtle. And im really, really happy with the results. Its still me, but with fewer lines. Botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crows feet, and Forehead Lines look better. 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Well have more of his comments straight ahead. Welcome back to morning joe. It is wednesday, october 11th. Jonathan lemire, Mike Barnacle still with us. Joe out sick today, but willies here with me. And the death toll continues to rise as israel enters day five of its war against the Terrorist Group, hamas. As of now, more than 2,000 people have died since the fighting, the assault began on saturday. That includes at least 1,200 israelis, more than a thousand palestinians, and 14 americans. Israeli officials also believe hamas has taken at least 100 people hostage. Yesterday, President Biden confirmed americans are among those being held captive in gaza. Now israel is ramping up its attacks against the Terrorist Group, as it prepares for a ground assault. More than 360,000 reservists have been called up to join the fight. Willie . Joining us now, State Department spokesman, matt miller. Matt, good morning, its good to have you with us. Do you have an update on americans killed, number one. Americans held hostage. We heard some numbers from President Biden in that strong speech yesterday. What can you tell us today . There are 14 americans who we have confirmed, unfortunately, have died as a result of these Terrorist Attacks. I do, unfortunately expect that number to rise further today. I dont have an update on that now. And as the president said yesterday, we do know that there are, sadly,mericans who were kidnapped by Hamas Terrorists and taken into gaza. We have been focusing our efforts over the last few days. The Secretary Of State has been on the phone with leaders in the region sending a clear message that anyone who has any ability to influence hamas, to get a message to hamas, to send one very clear signal, that they need to release all hostages immediately. We were talking to jeremy bash in our last hour, about exactly what you just discussed, in that youre not dealing with a rational actor in negotiating with the release of hostages in hamas. So you have to go at this with third parties. So are you hopeful that theres someone in the middle east that can prevail upon hamas to release hostages . Well continue to work on it. I wouldnt want to put any kind of percentage on it for the exact reason that you state. We are dealing with a brutal Terrorist Group here, whos depravity was on display on saturday, when they kidnapped israeli citizens, grandparents and children and slaughtered people in cold blood. So we know very clearly who were dealing with, but at the same time we do want to get messages through to them that we are serious, that you need to release these hostages, and you need to do so immediately. And thats what well continue to do. Since the weekends catastrophe, terrorist catastrophe, has the Secretary Of State been in contact with saudi arabia, with the united arab emirates. Is there a level of dialogue going on there now . He has. Hes talked to a Foreign Ministers of both of those countries, as well as other countries in the region, egypt, and can go through a long list. He spent saturday and sunday and monday over the long holiday weekend, working the phones here at the State Department. He was at the white house, making phone calls to leaders in the region. And we will depart later today for israel and on to further travel in the region, including jordan, where we will engage directly with other leaders. I will say, one of the messages that he has heard from leaders in the region is how shocked they are by hamas activities. This is really a kind of depravity that we have not seen since isis, the isis attacks in Northern Iraq and syria, several years ago, when you see, as i said a minute ago, them slaughtering children and kidnapping children and women and grandparents of a Holocaust Survivor in a wheelchair, who they pulled across the border into gaza. These are really brutal activities that i think shocked the world. And one of the messages this secretary has been making clear to counterparts, as i said, is both that hamas hamas needs to release all terrorists, but that hamas actions really ought to be condemned for what they are. Terrorist. So matt, talk to us a little more, if you will, about the Secretary Of State blinkens messaging while hes in the region later today. And particularly, talking to countries who, you know, have more of a relationship, perhaps with hamas, or rephrase, those working with israel, egypt, who tried to give a heads up when they got intelligence that this could be coming. Give us the lay of the land . So the first and foremost goal of this travel is to show israel that we stand with them. That we will be in solid support with them. That we will get them everything they need to defend themselves against this act of terrorism. There are munitions and weapons already on the way, that will continue to be on the way to provide israel with what it needs to protect itself from terrorism. And the Secretary Of State will deliver that message clearly to the Israeli Government and to the israeli people. Hell also want to listen directly to israeli leaders about what else they might need. As the president said yesterday, we expect to engage with congress on that question when they are back, so Secretary Blinken will want to hear directly from israeli leaders, including Prime Minister netanyahu, what it is exactly they need. But he will also be sending a message to others in the region. And its not just with respect to hamas, but its this message that you showed the president delivering at the beginning of this hour, which is, to anyone else in the region who is thinking about taking action to enter the conflict, who might want to take advantage of this opportunity, to hurt israel at this time, do not do that. It would be a mistake. Thats a message the secretary will deliver very clearly while hes on the ground. So, matt, im wondering about the latest on this threat to execute hostages and where that stands right now, in terms of any type of discussions as to where these hostages are and how serious these Hamas Terrorists are with that threat. Look, weve obviously seen those threats. We take them quite seriously, for the reasons i just said. Weve all seance the kind of depravity that this organization is capable of. So it is something that we take very seriously. And it is why we are so focused on getting these hostages released. Its why the secretary has been sending messages to others in the region. Its why the president has made Hostage Negotiation and rescue teams or i should say, experts available to consult with leaders in the Israeli Government and will continue to do so. But this is obviously a very difficult situation that were dealing with, with respect to these hostages in gaza. State department spokesman, matt miller, thank you very much. Im sure well be hearing from you again. We appreciate your coming on this morning. This afternoon, President Biden will stop by a roundtable with Jewish Community leaders and delivering remarks on his unwavering support for israel following the hamas Terrorist Attacks and his work to combat antisemitism. Here now is more from President Bidens speech yesterday. So in this moment, we must be crystal clear, we stand with israel. We stand with israel. And we will make sure that it has what it needs to take care of his citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack. Theres no justification for terrorism. Theres no excuse hamas does not stand for the palestinian peoples right to dignity and selfdetermination. Its stated purpose is the annihilation of the state of israel and the murder of jewish people. My team has been in their constant communication of our israeli partners and partners all across the world from the moment this crisis began. Were surging additional military assistance, including ammunition and interceptors to replenish the iron dome, were going to make sure that israel does not run out of these critical assets to defend its cities and its citizens. My administration has consulted with congress closely throughout this congress. And when congress returns, were going to ask them to take urgent action to fund the National Security requirements of our critical partners. This is not about party or politics. This is about the security of our world the security of the United States of america. This is a moment for the United States to come together, to grieve with those who are mourning, there is no place for hate in america. Not against jews, not against muslims, not against anybody. We reject what we reject is terrorism. We condemn the discriminate evil, just as weve always done. Thats what america stands for. For 75 years, israel has stood as the only guarantor of the security of the jewish people. And we will make sure that the Jewish State Of Israel can defend itself today, tomorrow, as we always have. Its as simple as that. These atrocities are sickening. Were with israel. Lets make no mistake. Thank you. Mike, that speech from the president yesterday lauded by israelis, by the people, by the leadership, the former ambassador to the United States saying it was the most passionately proisrael speech in history. What did you see in that speech yesterday, in the emotion from President Biden, who talked about a trip 50 years ago, where he met golda mier and began to understand the israeli viewpoint and how they sit in the United States. I saw an angry president , anger at the events of the past weekend, anger at the lack of acknowledgement amongst some members of congress and others in this country, who dont know the difference between, again, militancy and terrorism, anger at what has happened under his watch, anger that anyone would think that the United States was indifferent to what is going on in israel or lack of support for israel, anger that the world seems to be a neighborhood that is increasingly dangerous, with increasingly isolated groups of people. Theres a social indifference, somewhat. Angry at the antisemitism that seems to rack this country and the globe. Just anger and an articulate anger. And hes going to speak again today. President biden will make another address about Israel Seated at a roundtable to discuss further the antisemitism in this country. This is something is that he appears to be very committed to. He is. And hell be joined by the second gentlemen of the United States, doug imhoff, who himself is jewish and speaks on this issue quite a lot. And this is a week the white house had originally geared to being around the economy. The president was set to deliver a series of specious about his efforts to help americans on junk fees, a major speech in philadelphia about bidenomics. Those are still on the schedule, but they are taking a backseat. This is a crisis across the globe, one that is testinging American Leadership and resolve. And yesterday, certainly, the president met that test. Aides have said that they believe it was one of his strongest speeches taking office, reminiscing to those about ukraine after russia invaded there. They say this is what animates this president. Hes certainly a global statesman in the aftermath of the pandemic and the trump years where he has rallied the world to stand together on the defense of democracy. Weve seen that with kyiv and now hes trying to do the same with israel and showing american resolve. And ill just add, mika, how mike was saying about the president s anger, theres also frustration not just at lawmakers who havent sufficiently condemned what happened, but frustration at the House Of Representatives that theres no speaker and that could handcuff what the american what the United States can do to help israel. I think theres real frustration there, that washington looks like its broken, and its harder to preach about democracy on the world stage, when it doesnt seem like its working at home. Like, if they brought back republicans dont see this as an urgent situation, i dont know what is. There are problems on both sides, here in our domestic government, but also in israel. Joining us now, New York Times Foreign Affairs opinion columnist and threetime recipient of the pulitzer prize, tom friedman. And tom, im glad to have you on to talk about the context around the challenges ahead. Youve been covering this conflict for more than 50 years, almost 50 years, and you have never seen anything like this. You have made that very clear in your piece in the New York Times. And two other points that you made, Benjamin Netanyahus side of the bargain is that he has to reconnect himself with liberal israel, so the world sees this not as a religious war, but a war between the front line of democracy and the front line of theocracy. I want to hear about the challenges with that given the divisions hes facing there. And also, you say, for israel to do what is most in its interests, not those of hamas and iran, will likely require some very tough love between biden and netanyahu. I would like to hear more about that, as well. Well, mika, thank you for having me. This is, for me, ive covered the middle east for 50 years. Ive seen israelis and palestinians do terrible things to each other. But its usually, its palestinians Suicide Bombing or bombing a bus or a disco in israel, israelis bombing gaza and hitting military targets, was also creating massive civilian casualties. This kind of very facetoface murderous adventure against men, women, and children, shooting babies at pointblank, thats isis stuff, mika. Its not the kind of stuff weve seen up to now in this conflict, much of, at least. So i think the important point that i tried to make in my column today is this is a time that israels got to be really, really smart. And by that, i meant, ask itself every morning, what does my enemy want me to do, and how do i do just the opposite. So right now, hamas and its supporters want israel to go into gaza, with the early, to invade it. And get, and enmesh there in housetohouse fighting. That would also cause a lot of civilian casualties. And bog israel down. Bog israel down, possibly then on three fronts against hezbollah in northern israel, in the west bank, and in gaza. I think its very important whatever israel does, if it has to in order to hit the hamas targets that it needs to, it do it as much from afar and not get dragged into the heart of gaza. I think it would be a huge and you know, beyond that, we have to remember, mika, theres going to be a commission of inquiry when this war is over in israel. And when that commission of inquiry happens, the number one witness needs to be a man named Benjamin Netanyahu. This is a leader who did not prioritize the fight with hamas, who did not prioritize israels conflict with iran. His number one priority was a judicial reform, a judicial coup detat in order to strip the Israeli Supreme Court of its power to oversee the Israeli Government. That push basically fractured israeli society, fractured the Israeli Military, triggered 40 weeks in a row basically of hundred thousand plus israelis demonstrating in their streets, and triggered Israeli Air Force pilots, reservists, the tip of the israeli spear to say, we dont fly for a dictatorship, we fly for a democracy. That was going on. That was completely distracting the Israeli Military on the eve of this fight. Netanyahu had one ounce of dignity, he would have resigned already. But this man is the number one person responsible for this failure in israel. Never let him on your show without him having to answer for that. Because people told him all along, you are fracturing the military. This is dangerous what youre doing. A week before this war, i quoted a former israeli Director General of the Defense Ministry saying, our Reserve Units are not right right now. We are not prepared the way we need to be. And what he has done has been one of the greatest abdications of leadership in the history of the jewish state. As bad as you describe the situation, is it possible for him to pull the government together and act in a way that the United States and the world can work with to try to stamp out this terrorism . Thats a very important question youre asking me, and this is what i hope President Biden is saying to him, which is that, youve got it think about who the israel National Security minister is, mika. Hes a man named etimar. This man when he was a young man was considered so radical and so kooky, the israeli army wouldnt take him. That guy is israels National Security minister today. Hes in that cabinet, because bibi needed a cabinet who would protect him from his corruption charges. When you are facing a mortal threat to the state, the idea that you have one of the proud boys as your National Security minister is is incredibly reckless and irresponsible. So he needs to create a National Unity government with the very best of israels military establishment, some of whom are in the Opposition Parties now. Theyre talking about doing that, but these guys dont want to serve in a cabinet with these knuckleheads. You have to understand, mika, this is the weakest Israeli Cabinet i have ever seen. I would not let the members of this Cabinet Serve as waiters for my kids bar mitzvah, let alone run this war at this time for israel. Im going to set aside the cautionary tale i think youre telling, as it pertains to another Trump Administration oh, you should mika mika, you shouldnt. This is offbroadway to our broadway. This is what happens when you entrust your government to people who are completely inappropriate to running a government at such a strategic time, and who absolutely put their ideology ahead of their own countrys economics and National Security. Its called the house and representative republican caucus. Okay. Well, i was just going to put it aside for day or two, but i hear you completely. And i completely understand. And i think we have to talk about this more and look about the reality that this country confronts when a similar type of Government Structure is set up with people who are totally unfit for office are put in office. Setting that aside for now, im curious, because leaders in the region were as shocked as you about this attack from land, from hang gliders, on foot, on golf carts, from the air. It is fair to believe that this Hamas Terrorist Group is in a situation where they are going all in. Is it fair to believe that they have nothing to lose. They must have known the response to this would be swift, robust, and it would be immediate war, correct me if im wrong. So im curious about other interests poisoning this already poisonous situation. Iran. And i ask about russia. So you know, mika, these are all really critical questions. Basically, what my column tried to make this morning is that i believe hamas was out to trigger a ferocious israeli response that would cause a lot of casualties among hamas own, you know, supporters and civilians in gaza for one purpose. Hamas is strategic hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood that it is part of, regionally, is seen as a strategic let. The attempt to put together a deal by the United States, saudi arabia, and israel, that would normalize relations between saudi arabia, the most important slim country, and the jewish state, and as part of that deal, israel would be expected to make concessions to the palestinians, to revive a twostate solution, with the palestinian leadership in ramallah, the decent palestinian leadership in ramallah, the Palestinian Authority, that has recognized israels right to exist. For the Muslim Brotherhood groups in the region, the islamist groups, the idea of normalization between the keeper of the two holy mosques at mecca and medina and the jewish state and the moderate Palestinian Authority in ramallah, that is a fundamental strategic threat to iran, to hezbollah, and to hamas. And i believe what triggered this war was their belief that if they can drag israel into gaza, force it to cause massive casualties, that will make it impossible for the saudis then to go ahead with this deal. So i know Secretary Blinken is leaving for the middle east this morning, and im sure that on his Priority List is actually to not do what the others want the United States to do, but actually to go ahead with trying to forge this new relationship between israel and saudi arabia, including the Palestinian Authority in the west bank and reviving a twostate solution. We have to keep our eye on that ball. Im sure the president and Secretary Blinken are doing that. And by the way, just, how about joe biden, you know . You know, these Knuckleheads On Fox every day say, you know, this 80yearold guy cant put two sentences together. He put the western Alliance Together around ukraine. Hes putting an Alliance Together now on israel. And one thing about joe biden, you can tell about that speech, mika, no one had to right that speech for him. No one had tory that speech for him. I cant think about a single republican let alone a democrat who would give that speech at this time. It was a powerful speech and it was heard loud and clear in israel. Tom, i want to follow up on your point you just made in the piece, which is that there needs to be some pressure of restraint here from israel for the good of the larger peace process. Obviously, we know now we all felt about 9 11 in this country. Thats how israelis are feeling today. They want a response. They want retaliation. They want redemption for their babies and mothers and grandmothers who were slaughtered. So how can you prevail on Prime Minister netanyahu and indeed the israeli people that its wise in this moment to actually be restrained . How do you make this case . And if its not a Ground Invasion of gaza, what is appropriate here . Well, willie, you know, again, its a really important question, which is why i was trying focus on it today. The foremost dangerous words in the middle east, willie, are once and for all. Were going to finish this problem once and for all. Theres no problem youre going to finish in that part of the world once and for all. And theres only one thing worse, really, for gaza. The only thing worse than a hamasled gaza and a nobodyled gaza. So if youre going to go in there and take down hamas, you better have a very clear idea of whos going to run the place. Because it can produce its own different kind of insecurity for you. And thats why im appealing to israelis to dont make the mistake that we made after 9 11, which was running off head long and that was part of that mistake, into iraq and afghanistan, without a clear plan of what happens the morning after the morning after. The morning after these things, you just get in there, you pound people, you express your rage, you bomb people. But everything has to be focused on what happens the morning after the morning after. And i think israel needs to think really clearly about this, because theres a reason, despite all the violence between israel and hamas, it ended up having to deal with hamas again. Now, i hope there is an alternative, if not hamas, at least some alternative leadership there, thats ready to behave differently at some point. I have no illusions about that. But you have a real problem. Hamas wiped out all alternative Power Sources in gaza, political Power Sources. And therefore excuse me if you eliminate them, what are you left with . So i understand the rage, the need for Israel Restore its deterrent. I would say another point, willie, reading the papers this morning, there was a threat you know, what worries me, if you said, hey, tom, what worries you at this second right now . What worries me at this second is that a second front opens up between hezbollah, israel, and the north of israel. I do not believe that israel right now, in the frail condition of its army and its people, can handle a second front, if it really explodes on the israel lebanon border. We have a u. S. Aircraft carrier now pulling up near cyprus. It is not im not predicting this, but it is in the realm of possibility that the United States would have to intervene on israels behalf, if you got a fullscale missile war going in the north of israel, between hezbollah and israel. Now, what does that do . This iraqi proiranian Militia Leader said, if the United States enters this war, well go after their troops in this region with drones. You are off to the races if that happens. We have to really follow that Northern Front of israel now. That is the trigger of a regionwide war. And by the way, Vladimir Putin, maybe hes watching our show right now in moscow, willie, and you know what hes thinking . Geez, about two more weeks of this war, and ukraine will have no weapons, and if america gets enmeshed in a war in the middle east, wouldnt that just be so tasty for Vladimir Putin . So all of these things are connected. And weve got to see them in that global context. And thats why weve seen president zelenskyy out a lot in the last few days, raising his hand in solidarity with the israelis, but also saying to the world, dont forget about us. You raise the important question, tom, of the north, and of the role in iran in all of this. Weve heard some people say publicly that iran greenlit this operation from hamas, this savage attack on the border and into israel. Weve heard others publicly saying, officials from israel and the United States saying, we dont see a direct link, because frankly, if they said that publicly now, iran is responsible. So how do you deal with that question . We know that iran supports and backs and funds hamas and he has hezbollah and those groups. So if iran is shown to be explicitly responsible here, What Happens Next . Well, you know, iran has been a longtime financial and military and training backer of hamas. Whether they were specifically involved in this operation, theyre part of an alliance with hezbollah and hamas to basically surround israel and create a deterrent for iran, should israel try to launch rockets against Irans Nuclear facilities. So, you know, right now, the iranians know that israel has submarines in the persian gulf, and that should iran, you know, enter this war in any more direct way, israel has a retaliatory capacity. Israel also has a record of using targeted assassinations of iranian officials in tehran in order to deter tehran. But this incredibly combustible combination of iran and iranianbacked militias with drones is a it just shows you how complicated the situation is. Think back people compare this to the 73 war. When the 73 war happened, willie, basically, henry kissinger, he just had to make three phone calls. One to president sbath, one to president assad in syria, and one to golda mere in israel. Who do you call now . Half the people you call now, the phone comes off their wall. Were talking about Militia Leaders, were talking about small cells. And that is incredibly its part of the incredibly complex geopolitical environment we have to deal with now. Israel, i would say this is probably the first time in history, finds itself at war today on two fronts with nonstate actors, hezbollah in the north and hamas to the west. So, you know, trying to even get a ceasefire now acting through states to get to the nopstate actors will be extremely allenging, but welcome to the future. This is the future of warfare. Its not a war between israel and a super power, even a regional super power like iran, its war between superempowered angry men. And the first arch type of that was Osama Bin Laden are Hell On Wheels in order to confront. So, tom, were sure that iranians appreciate the clarity of your thought, as youve told us this morning, especially with regard to the israeli army going into gaza, welcome to fallujah, overextending itself, items like that. But what about perhaps the most dangerous element in all of whats going on right now, and the most dangerous element, some would submit is, as you just referenced, bibi netanyahu. Given the rocky relationship, the upanddown relationship between the president of the United States and bibi, whats to prevent bibi from trying to win the moment and lose the war . You know, really good question, mike. I dont know. I think right now hes, im sure, extremely chastened. He knows history historys judgment awaits him down the road. But what i fear most, hes surrounded with a few exceptions like the Defense Minister, yoav gallant, whos a serious guy. The rest of this cabinet is just a bunch of knuckleheads. Thats why he needs to get some of them out, bring in people like gantz, who is a former Chief Of Staff for the Israeli Military, former Defense Minister, bring lapiv and his opposition party. Get a group with serious people. I hope hell do that. But i dont guarantee he will. Hes worried that people will join his cabinet now that abandoned him in three months, right about when hes be having to testify at his corruption trial. This is a guy on trial in three cases, not 91 like in our country, but three. And the parallels, bibi and trump are brothers from different mothers, okay . They are the exact same dna mix. And they both got their respective countries into places they never should have gone out of their own personal interests and mistakes. And americans need to watch this scene in israel. This is what it looks like when you entrust a leader who is completely compromised by his own Corruption Trials to navigate a country through an incredible dangerous and difficult moment. If you like the show youre seeing in israel, then bring it on in the United States. But if you dont, think hard and long that this is a serious moment. This is not a joke. This is not the politics and entertainment of sports. There are moments in history where you need a leader who is a serious navigator, not a clown. And this is one of them. And we could face the same one. You know, youve got to understand, were at a moment in the world where there are two giant tipping points in play. One is around ukraine, one is around the middle east. If we can bring ukraine, this war to an end with the ukraine thats in nato and on a path to entering the european union, that would be the biggest geopolitical shift in europe since germany joined the west east germany joined west germany. If we can bring israel and saudi arabia and the Palestinian Authority into an alliance in the middle east, that would be the biggest geopolitical shift in the middle east since camp david. Both of those are now hanging in the balance and we need to keep our eye on that ball. Yeah, and in the case of the former president here, its 91 counts over 4 indictments and also civil suits that hes dealing with. He is drowning in legal issues. New york times opinion columnist tom friedman, thank you so much for all of your insights this morning. We appreciate it. Pleasure, mika. All right. Still ahead on morning joe, earlier, we heard the strong response from the white house to members of congress who have fallen short of issuing their full support for israel. Ahead, well talk to lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle who are standing strong with israel. Well ask them where things stand on capitol hill and are they going to get a speaker . Plus, well go live to cnbc for a look at the emerging economic costs of the war against hamas. Were back in a moment. Back in t vo in three seconds, pam will decide. pam im moving closer to the grandkids wait. I got to sell the house vo dont wait, just sell directly to opendoor. Easy as pie. pam piece of cake. vo whichever. Get your Competitve Offer at opendoor. Com. With wet amd, sometimes i worry my world is getting smaller because of my sight. But now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. Vabysmo is the first fdaapproved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments. Which means doing more of what i love. Vabysmo is the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. Vabysmo is an eye injection. 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This is one of the largest proisrael rallies since the hamas attacks. There are thousands of people here, but before they even showed up, police were here doing security sweeps. Reporter the increased Security Measures spread across the country. The department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau Of Investigation are working closely with state and local Law Enforcement and Jewish Community partners. Reporter the president adding, there is no place in the United States for hate against anybody, jews or muslims. In l. A. , police are patrolling jewish communities. Pittsburgh, where a mass shooter killed 11 people at a synagogue in 2018 has also added patrols and beefed up its intelligence gathering. While jewish leaders are calling on people to be vigilant. Historically, it is known that antiisrael violence equates to a huge increase in antisemitic actions in other areas. Reporter competing rallies can be flash points for confrontation, which is also playing out as a war of words on College Campuses. Students at multiple universities across the country are being criticized for Organizing Protests against israel in the wake of the attacks. At harvard, a coalition of 34 Student Organizations released a letter saturday, that said they hold the Israeli Regime entirely responsible for the unfolding violence. Under pressure for not responding, the universitys president issued a statement tuesday, condemning hamas and saying no Student Group speaks for harvard. Nbcs Stephanie Gosk with that report. That harvard situation is really inexplicable and worth more discussion. Coming up, republican Congressman Mike Lawler of new york and democratic congressman Jared Moskowitz of florida will be our guests. Well talk with them about aid for israel, the speakers race, and much more. Morning joe is coming right back. More. 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Joining us now, republican Congressman Mike Lawler of new york and democratic congressman Jared Moskowitz of florida. Good morning to you both. Thank you for being here. I know youre off to a classified briefing about israel in just a moment, so we appreciate you stopping by. First of all, Congressman Lawler and then congressman mosquovitz, what can you say about The Americans that the Administration Says some of them likely have been kidnapped and are being held hostage and americans who are still stuck inside of israel, about getting to them and getting them out. Well, i think, obviously, this is a terrible tragedy, 14 american lives killed among the hundreds of israeli innocents that were killed, obviously great concern about the number of people missing or presumed to being held hostage. I think the United States in cooperation with the Israeli Government and military needs to do everything in our power to get these potential hostages home, but also to evacuate american citizens that are in israel. I have been calling for two days now for the military to send in es to help expedite the evacuation. I have hundreds of citizens, residents of the 17th Congressional District of new york who are in israel currently and want to come home. And the problem is, we have no u. S. Commercial air carriers, aircrafts that are currently operating. Turkish Airlines Just suspended operation. And so, it is very, very difficult to get people out. And the military needs to help expedite that removal. Congressman moskowitz, what are you hearing from the citizens of your district . Well, theyre angry, willie. Theyre angry, theyre shocked. I mean, to see such barberism i was at the kibbutz in august, where these babies were all killed. So to hear about beheadings, to see young women kidnapped, raped next to a dead friend or spouse, to see a Holocaust Survivor taken hostage, who thought that they would never have to go back to that again in their life. And so people the anger is palpable. And you see that not just in my district, but around the country, Around The World, i mean, theyve taken a hundred hostages. Not just israelis, not just americans, but italians, folks from other countries. This is an international crisis. And so thats why youve seen President Biden with the speech last night, thats why youve seen why youve seen United States say we stand with israel. And so that is why it is important that Congress Stand with the folks of israel for the largest Terror Attack in history. Just like they stood with us when we had 9 11, we must stand for israeli. And Congressman Lawler, you and the Foreign Affairs committee passed a resolution expressing assume for the state of israel in all of this, but there is the question of whether the wider house without leadership in place can get the money and resources it needs, new money and resources to israel. Are you concerned at all that this protracted race to choose a new speaker could impact the ability to support israel . This is one of the reasons why i was totally opposed to removing Speaker Mccarthy to begin with. You never know what will happen and we should never remove a speaker without cause. Unfortunately the house right now is paralyzed until we elect a new speaker. I think currently the administration has the resources and ability to move Military Apparatus and do what they need to do to support israel, but we need additional aid. We need to add funding especially to help supplement the iron dome. But we need to get back to work. We have a lot of work to do, there are a lotof crises. Hamas is a Terrorist Organization backed by iran, period. It is why we introduced the ship act earlier this year to put more sanctions in place on iran i cant think patrolling yum. There is a lot that we need to do in addition to funding to take on the Terrorist Regime that has brought, you know, israel to its knees here. I believe very strongly israel is our greatest friend and ally. They will get through this with our support. And they will come out of it stronger. But we need to make sure that they have the resources and the capabilities militarily, financially, to do everything they have to to eliminate hamas and any other bad actors that try to take advantage of the situation. And feel free to add your two cents about the issue of the lack of leadership in the house and how that could hinder aid to israel. But also the administration is floating idea of linking aid to ukraine and israel in the same package. Do you feel that would be a good step and can it pass . Ill take the second first part. I support aid to both ukraine and israel. Now is the time to make sure that the United States is helping our allies Around The World. Obviously if that aid gets held up, im for separating that because im not as you know politics on ukraine are different. So im not going to hold up aid to israel over aid to ukraine although i support both. As far as what is happening across the aisle, the Democratic Party in this country needs a functioning Republican Party. We have a two party system. So while democrats dont vote for republican speakers and republicans dont vote for democratic speaker, im hoping my colleagues across the aisle figure this out quickly. It is in americas interests that we dont have chaos obviously in the house. We have to pull together and help our allies and show the world that dad works, Congress Works and that our adversaries can see that well do it on a bipartisan basis so nobody else thinks that they will get involved in this war. So we need to make sure israel has all the tools they need to eliminate hamas and myself, Congressman Lawler and the rest of congress will do what we can to make sure that happens. Congressman lawler, we were talking earlier on this program about the reaction of some Harvard Students over the weekend who issued a proclamation indicating that israel was solely to blame for what happened over the weekend. And im wondering culturally, we seem to be a fractured country anyway, but the idea that so many highly educated people, including some members of congress, seem not to know the give between the definition of militant and terrorist. Your reaction to that. I think this has been one of the most disturbing aspects frankly of society. I think that we have seen a big uprising of antisemitism on College Campuses across this can un. And that is what i view this is. Why earlier this year i. Duesed the stop antisemitism on College Campuses act. This would strip federal aid for students that promote antisemitism. This is a big part of why this happened. You have Terrorist Organizations that fundamentally do not believe in israels right to exist, that do not believe in the jewish peoples right to practice their faith. And if we dont root this out in our College Campuses and stop promulgating it and promoting it, it is going to continue to fester and so i think these institutions from harvard to columbia to cuny, they all have a responsibility to crack down on this. This is not a free speech issue. You have the right to free speech, you have the right to say what you want, but we dont have to pay for it and we dont have to promote it. And i think these institutions have a responsibility to crack down on it. I agree. Congressman moskowitz, do you want to weigh in on this . As grandson of a Holocaust Survivor and my grandmother was put into a rail car and shipped as part of kindred transport out of germany, this is not a surprise to me. Im not shocked by the antisemitism were seeing because it has been building. Weve been raising the alarm now for months and years that antisemitism is on the rise in this country. And by the way, it is a both sides issue. And so the fact that were seeing it come out seeing people go to the streets immediately after women are raped and babies will be headed oig . It is ugly, shocking, but we know it is there and that is why we have to everything we can to make sure that we root out antisemitism in this country, that we take a tough stand. That is why President Biden was very strong last night on that subject. And that is why it is important that i stand here with my colleague to show that this is a bipartisan issue and we wont allow what happened in israel, we wont allow what happened in germany, to ever come back because the people who are chanting in the street celebrate being what happened, that is what they want. They want elimination of the jewish people. Republican Congressman Mike Lawler and democratic congressman Jared Moskowitz, thank you both very much for coming on the show this morning. We appreciate it. Thanks for having us. And still ahead, well go back to israel, Richard Engel will bring us the latest from the gaza border. Also ahead, well have a look at some of the other stories making headlines this morning including new federal charges for republican congressman George Santos. Plus prosecutors are trying to force Donald Trumps legal team to reveal their Defense Strategy in the federal election case months before the trial. Well explain why. Plain why. 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Also ahead, National Security analyst for nbc news and msnbc clint watts is at the big board what could happen next. Welcome to morning joe. It is wednesday, october 11. Lets dive right in. Israel is ramping up its strikes against Hamas Terrorists. Warplanes hammered neighborhood after neighborhood along the gaza strip yesterday in retaliation to the atrocities. The terror Group Launched over the weekend killing hundred us of israelis. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is vowing to destroy the Terrorist Organization. Israel ordered a total Siege Of Gaza stopping the entry of food, fuel and medicine. The only remaining access from egypt was also shut down yesterday because of the nearby airstrikes. Israel says it has now regained control of the areas hamas hit over the weekend. The Israeli Military has summoned 360,000 reservists to join the fight, roughly 4 of the total population. Meanwhile there are signs the war is escalating into neighboring countries. Yesterday there were exchanges of fire along the israeli bore borders of lebanon and syria. And we have up to 100 and possibly more lives hanging in the balance. And some of Them Americans. All told as of this morning more than 2,000 people have died in what is now a war between israel and hamas. Defense forces say at least 1200 israelis have been killed since saturdays Ambush Attacks by hamas. Health ministries in gaza and the west bank say more than 1,000 palestinians have died there. 14 americans are among the dead. President Biden Yesterday confirmed americans are being held hostage by hamas. It is not clear exactly how many were taken captive, but the white house says at least 20 americans are missing. Israeli Officials Say between 100 and 150 people are being held captive. Hamas has net threatened to execute them if israel bombs them without warning. American families are asking the governments to do more. I normally dont use my phone on the jewish sabbath, but it was an emergency and i needed to know where my son was. So i turned my phone on, i believe at 8 23 in the morning, and when i turned it on, there were two texts in a row from hirsh at 8 11. First one said i love you. And immediately at 8 11 also it said im sorry. And so i knew immediately wherever he was, it was a terrible situation. I took it to mean i love you and im sorry because whatever is going to happen is going to cause you tremendous pain and worry. We know that he was injured in a gunbattle. I mean, they were all civilians at a Music Festival. They were fish in a barrel sitting in this bomb shelter, terrorists came to the door, they were throwing grenades in and shooting machine guns. The mother of one of The Americans missing. Joining us now near the gaza border in israel, Richard Engel. What does it looks like there today . Reporter well, it seems clear we are heading for a wider war. An announcement was made overnight by israels Defense Minister saying that israel will go into the gaza strip in a Ground Invasion. He said that what is in gaza will be no more. That this offensive began from the air and that it will continue later on with forces on the ground. So we are now preparing for a ground war here. And what u. S. Officials are trying to do by sending warships to the mediterranean, by making statements like what we heard from President Biden last night, is to prevent this war, a wider war, which is coming from spreading out and becoming a war across the middle east. But i think right now what were seeing is a softening campaign, a Media Campaign where israel is laying out the justification for this and the next phase, dont know when, but it seems like it could be fairly soon. Perhaps the next few days or in a week will be a push with Ground Forces into gaza according to the Israeli Defense minute industry. So were getting horrifying reports yesterday as journalists were allowed into some of the kibbutzs across the border that were terrorized, women, children, babies killed. What more can you tell us about what happened there . Reporter so i went into this kibbutz that you are talking about and later will be going into another i believe. So that was the kibbutz of kfar aza. Journalists were allowed to go in there yesterday for the first time. Troops were still clearing it. They believed it was secure enough to enter, to bring in some foreign media, but there was still gunfire in the area, still incoming fire. The road troops were going house to house looking for any hamas fighters. As far as i know, they didnt find any. But what they did find were bodies of hamas fighters still on the ground wearing their uniforms. I saw one with his hands still on the trigger. And many bodies. And we went into homes of people who had suffered these terrible Home Invasions where hamas fighters stormed in the kibbutz, they cut a hole in the fence and went house to house killing people in their homes, ripping people out of their homes and taking them back into the gaza strip. The town looked frozen in time. There were meals still on the table. Blood stains on the ground. You could see what happened in this kibbutz where dozens of israelis were killed, Israeli Soldiers were collecting the remain, putting them in body bags and counting them and adding them to this growing death toll. And that is just one community. And it happened in several communities where hamas really went on a Killing Spree massacring people and then taking hostages back into gaza and really the scale of the atrocities is only now coming to light as israel is going back in and resecuring these communities. The people are not going back into their homes for now, they remain closed military zones and i think that will remain the case especially as we go into phase two of this war which is a Ground Invasion. The big question is, will there be a phase three, a phase four. Will this Ground Invasion lead to a wider war potentially with lebanon and other countries as well. Iran, lebanon being the biggest potential causes of concern because both of them support hamas. The viciousness of the atrocities that you witnessed yesterday at kfar aza and i know other kibbutzs is probably why were about to see such Hell Rain Down on gaza. Richard engel, thank you so much. Lets go to National Security analyst for nbc news and msnbc clint watts at the big board. Good morning. So what more do we have new this morning that you can share with us about the way israel is responding here . Yeah, so yesterday an interesting day. You really saw the Israeli Military kick into gear. Several things happened. One, you saw Richard Engelelon took out a lot of the rockets. And in this area here, you saw the Israeli Military clearing out that area. They now believe that they have secured most of it. There was a brief gunbattle where militants were killed in ashkelon. But they believe that they have secured the israeli side and cordoned off what is gaza. What will that Ground Invasion look like . All of this area here you are seeing the massing of troops, the buildup of troops looking at a much wider war. Second thing to really look at is the airstrikes. Weve been talking about the airstrikes and you are starting to see those hit inside gaza city. There are several mosques hit yesterday. But there are also strikes against naval targets and much more larger attacks i think that you will see up and down the gaza strip as the day goes on. In points to some of the bigger issues which is the humanitarian situation. Down here in this area, you are starting to see a lot of humanitarian issues a rise as people start to flee from these cities. They are trying to figure out what they can do. Egyptians have not opened the border here to the south. A Bigger Picture of what is going on though, just like richard was talking about, everyone is wondering will it turn into a multi front or much larger war. Should israelis go into gaza. And yesterday we did see some rockets fired and some israeli Missile Strikes that hit in southern lebanon, this is where hezbollah is based at. Remember there was a war between israel and hezbollah in 2006. Everyone is wanting to know will hezbollah jump into this fight. And also in the Golan Heights and from syria, some rockets that fell in from there. For both of these militant organizations, militants in syria and southern lebanon, command and control is not always their strength. But any of those small incidents can trigger a much bigger war. So the question now, will this expand out, what will the role be of countries like egypt, but also is iran linked or coordinating behind the scenes with all these militant groups around israel. And i do have questions about the inevitability of a wider war and implications to the United States. But just a more basic on the ground question first, and that is as israel retaliates, what is the sense of where the hostages are . Is there any possibility that their lives again are in danger as they potentially could be caught in the crossfire, what are the negotiations do we hear in terms of their location, and potential return . Yeah, mika, i think that is the big open question. Most believe that in the large urban areas throughout here, mainly around gaza city but even down here in khan yunis, you might have hostages spread out. The question what nobody really knows, are any of the hostages being killed or wounded during the airstrikes. Remember at the start of the show we were talking about the u. S. Military possibly coming into help do Hostage Negotiation, understanding the intelligence around it. You will see more International Cooperation i think around those hostages. But at this point i think it is a big unknown especially as thing like electricity and power are cut to gaza if it is preinvasion, that means cellphones and other Electronic Devices may be going away as well. Coming up, are House Republicans any closer to choosing a new House Speaker . An update on that process and where it stands today. New projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. When you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. Visit indeed. Com hire and get started today. Only the sleep number climate360 smart bed lets you both sleep up to 13 degrees cooler or warmer match your job criteria. On either side, and at your ideal level of comfort. Your sleep number setting the allnew queen sleep number® c2 smart bed is only 880. Sleep next level. Shop now only at sleep number. The Israeli Government has placed a high premium on its Intelligence Capacity as it relates to hamas, as it relate to the west bank, as it relates to hezbollah. And why it is that they did not have warning from this is not a question that i can answer. What about u. S. Intelligence, was there anything that crosses your desk that suggested this was coming . We did not see anything that suggested an attack of this type was going to unfold any more than the israelis did. White house National Security adviser Jake Sullivan yesterday confirming the lapse in intelligence. So were going to bring in the host of Way Too Early jonathan lemire. And also former Chief Of Staff at the cia and Department Of Defense jeremy bash, an nbc news National Security analyst. Jeremy, a lot of moving parts to get to you with you including the implications for the United States in terms of a wider war. Obviously the very complicated situation of the hostages being held right now, some of Them Americans and what Tony Blinkens objectives will be as he heads there. But also how it is fair to ask in this moment, there are some questions that are completely inappropriate in this moment, there is no context here, there is no one side versus the other. Pure evil. Pure terrorism. Lets agree on that fact. But my question to you is, is it also impossible that as they came in on hang gliders by air, by sea, by water, on their feet, this was practiced, this was coordinated . Is it possible israel had no clue . It is possible, mika. I think there are certainly . Warnings at a high level, but i think what israel lacked was specific tactical warning about how the attack would unfold. New reporting this morning out of israel suggests that the Hamas Terrorists did two things very effectively. First, they conducted a disinformation campaign. They were talking on their phones to each other basically saying, oh, this is just an exercise or we feel deterred, well stay on the sidelines. And they transmitted these messages allegedly secretly to each other although israel was listening and took that message that hamas wont attack. And they also used drones to take out several of the watch towers. And that effectively blinded israeli forces. There was also a Force Posture Breakdown of the idea of being concentrate concentrateed at one base. And so there was a multiplicity of breakdowns. This was in some ways a perfect storm. Not unlike our 9 11 when we had a breakdown of intelligence, analytics and aviation security. I think that this will be analyzed for many, many weeks to come. And so geostrategic question for you. Does this Security Breakdown along with the deep divisions going on and distractions some would argue in netanyahus government, does it impact how the United States approaches this, will there be requirements for transparency, for, i dont know, for netanyahu to get it together for the United States to really be able to be a partner with israel in dealing with this evil . Mika, i think the president of the United States delivered one of the most impactful speeches about israel and middle east by a world leader ever. It was extraordinary in its moral clarity. People were asking why is this president ial speech different than all other president ial speeches. It is because there was not both sidesism, there was not of israel has to engage in restraint. There was clear i think stance that well have israels back and well have skin in the gup. Well put forces in the region including that Carrier Strike group precisely to dedetear ter iran from use its surrogates to attack israel or other partners. And i think this was an extraordinary statement by the president. It was clear, direct and impassioned. I sent a note to one senior adviser, i said where did that come from and the answer was it came from his heart. And jonathan lemire, israel responded similarly. Former israeli ambassador to the u. S. Said President Bidens speech was the most passionately pro israel in history. Our people will always remember and cherish this speech and the man who delivered it. Sometimes thorny relationship between the president and Benjamin Netanyahu, but no daylight here. No, those complications between biden and netanyahu set aside at least for now. This was a full throated defense from President Biden for israel and its right to defend itself. There could be complications down the road to be sure. Well have to see about the domestic political situation in israel as well as the duration and impact of this possible Siege Of Gaza. But right now, the United States is in and it is all in. Secretary of state Antony Blinken en route to tel aviv as we speak to meet with israeli leaders. And an Aircraft Carrier Group Already sent to the region. There is a possibility of more. A show of force and a warning, a warning to iran and anyone else in the region the president said who might be looking to take advantage of this situation. And there was a very firm, firm message from President Biden yesterday dont even think about it. The United States is here. Now, the question is, what kind of aid can we get there. First shipments have already gone over, that is true. Some the d. O. D. Can do on its own, some the white house can do on its own. Many has to come of course from the congress. And as well be talking about, there is still no House Speaker and there may not be one for a while. So that will hinder american efforts and as strong as the president was yesterday, some senior white house aides say they do worry about the message it sends to the rest of the world that the congress cant get this done. And so let me ask you a tactical question. Clint watts was talking about the hostages, the least 100, maybe up to 150, and americans are among them. Has mass has shown quite clearly in the last few days it does not play by any conventional rules. So Hostage Negotiators coming this is nice, but hamas doesnt show any mercy obviously. They show a willingness to sacrifice hostages and use their own people as human shields. So how difficult a predicament is this for israel right now where they would like to go in and just wipe out hamas but they have to be careful doing it . No question has really faced a Hostage Crisis like this probably since the United States faced it with respect to iran in the late 1970s. There is no precedent for this. And i think the main tool that the United States is going to have to lean on are third countries. Well have to talk to the egyptians, well have to talk to the qataris. They have been able in the past to go to the leadership of hamas and other people inside gaza to get deals done, to try to negotiate cease fires and cross shipments of humanitarian aid. I think there is really no other option. I dont see u. S. Special Operations Forces staging a Daring Rescue inside gaza. We havent been on the gaza we havent been inside gaza since essentially the american presence left even when israel was there before 2005. So it will be a very challenging situation. Well have to take our lead from the israelis. I think that well be providing a lot of intelligence soak there, meaning i think that well be listening, watching, trying to run Human Sources the best we can to try to pinpoint the location of the hostages. But at the end of the day, the way well get them out is probably through a negotiated settlement. And again, the answer to my question has been just in terms of what happened, what is going to be the breakdown of trying to figure out what happened with this Intelligence Failure, perhaps for our own knowledge and for our own protection. Two things can be true at the same time. The u. S. Can face evil and say evil is for what it is. For example ukraine still has a long way go as a country and yet we stand with ukraine, the United States, as they fight and die to save the world, for the safety of the world. And i guess my question is, will there be an extended look at the Intelligence Failure inside israel and also the questions about the Division Within the government . Can they at least, you know, put their divisions aside, perhaps get extremists out so there is a functioning government in israel that can take on this evil, that the United States can support . Yeah, mika, in my experience working with israeli National Security officials, they dont get defensive, they adopt the posture that we have to be tact particularly smart but lets learn the lessons of any breakdowns. Tactparticularly smas learn the lessons of any breakdowns. They have to understand how the breakdowns cannot occur here in the coming months and week. So i think undoubtedly israel will take a very hard look at this. They are very good atted a dapts tags. Probably better than the United States. And so i fully expect that. With respect to the political divisions inside israel, i think weve all been encouraged seeing them close ranks saying that they are one people, one nation. Yes, they have divisions on domestic issues, but that is not the fore. And they talked about a unity government. I expect israelis will come together and fight this war because this will go on for a very long time and it is important that the United States continue to have israels back. Coming up, our conversation with Arnold Schwarzenegger, he weighs in on the Terror Attack in israel and politics here at home and what inspired his new book. He will join the table when morning joe comes right back. K youre replacing me . Customize and save with liberty bibberty. He doesnt even have a mustache. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine only pay for what you need. 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more can be overwhelming. So, ask your doctor about botox®. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. Its the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. So far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand chronic migraine patients. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. 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I dont think that it matters if you are a child out of europe or america or born in asia, whatever. I think it is a horrific thing that has happened. Unprovoked attack on israel, tremendous violence. So many people have gotten killed. I mean, totally unjustifiable action. And so i think that, you know, i was saddened when i saw it. Why does this happen. All over the world there is this unnecessary violence. Because of a lack of communication, lack of understanding that we can go much further in life working together and working out things together. And you know, coming up with Solutions Rather than violence. Violence as weve seen in history has never gotten us anywhere. And so just terrible for israel and i think that you know, i hope that there is peace as soon as possible because i would like to see the palestinians and israeli people live next to each other in peace and be friends rather than attacking each other. And the reason i mentioned history of europe and childhood is because of the long lineage that points from the holocaust back to what were seeing here today. Right. No doubt about it, governor, we were so moved by your visit to auschwitz. You and i were there around the same time. And im curious your thoughts about the continued stench of antisemitism not only across europe, in the middle east, but we see it still here in america. Well, we have to do everything that we can to really talk about this issue. And i always feel because im a very positive person and i always feel like that through dialogue and by sitting down with each other, not seeing the other side as the villains, i think it is very important that we always stress that because especially today where in america, the democrats hate the republicans, republicans hate the democrats. There are people within the Republican Party that are more to the right, they hate them, and people on the left in the Democratic Party that they are also hated within the party. And so there is all of this hatred and dislike going on. And so what im saying is basically, you know, i would go much further when i was governor by Work Together with the democrats and letting them know they are not the enemy. That i am a strong believer that if you want go and make california successful or america successful, we can do this the best possible way by having democrats and republicans Work Together because why only use 50 of the brain power. I want to use 100 of the brain power. I know that we think differently. I know liberals think differently than i do as a conservative. And i think that ultra conservatives think different than i come because im more of the center. But we still have to get together and we still have to figure out how do we make their ideas and my ideas and everyones ideas come together and play like a sports team where the team plays together. It doesnt matter what the Party Affiliation is, democrats and republicans, independents. All kinds of people on the team. But they all play together. They dont ask each other what party do you belong to and then they Start Playing together. So i think that it is just ludicrous in politics that people hate each other because they believe differently. So we just have to stress getting together and solving problems together. You have the unique perspective he have having searched and worked in politics and transcending it as the movie star that you are. And im goning about that moment after the attack on the capitol and you made that speech with the conan sword. Talking about how we needed to be together. This was an attack on who we are. What gives you hope, governor, that we can come back together is this because there is so much doom and gloom around our politics. I tell you, when i think back to the 60s today when i came to america, i mean, you have to understand that there was tremendous craziness going on in this country. I mean, this was the decade where john f. Kennedy got assassinated, where Bobby Kennedy got assassinated, where Martin Luther king got assassinated, the vietnam war and hippies started rising up and everyone started getting stoned. There were the protests against the vietnam war. There was the Democratic Convention in chicago where there was tremendous violence and people were attacked and clubbed and people died and all this kind of stuff. And then watergate. So there was madness left and right. But america pulled out of that. And so this is why i always have hope. Ive seen it firsthand how america does come together. All america is always looking for is great leadership. And in those days we had Ronald Reagan coming along and he started pulling the nation together and i was very happy that he was a man i admired very much because he was in the center. You know, he was not like the crazies today. He was talking about gettingry of pollution. He started the resources in california. And president nixon started to create the epa in washington to go and protect the environment. And so he wanted universal health care. And this is what people did. Really not so many parties. And now i feel like on the left and right you see people becoming party ver advances rather than public servants. We have to think about what is best for the country not my ideology. I may think one way but it might not be the best for the country. So democrats have great solutions, republicans have great solutions. And i think if they Work Together more often than they are doing now, i think this country will be much better off. And i want to talk about your book and be useful 7 tools for life, first of all, have a clear vision, dont settle. Talk about that. I think it is so important that you have a very clear vision of what we want to do in life, what are we passionate about. Even though you were in politics, you were very passionate about talking to the people about policy and about the important issues. So that is why you sit there because you had a vision. And so you are successful because you had a vision. Everyone that i talk to that is successful, they always say i had this dreaming or i had this goal, i had this vision. So you have something to chase. And then work becomes much more fun rather than what most people more than 70 of the people in america, you know, they hate their jobs. Because they are not really having a clear vision of which direction they will go. And so im saying have a clear vision, put the phone down, put the ipad down, the computer down, and think about what are you really passionate about. And i feel if you have that, then that will help you much more to be successful. And the other thing is not listen to the naysayers which is another important thing that i mention in the book because so many people say this is impossible, you cant ever do that. But as Nelson Mandela said, everything is always impossible until someone does it. I heard this my whole life. When i came to america, they said you can never go to america. And when i came here, i said i want to be a body building champion. They said it will never happen. And so it was always no, no, no, it cant be done. Getting in to the movies, then it was impossible with an accent and with the body. And i just had a clear vision of those things. I didnt listen to the naysayers. I worked my butt off to get there. So all of those principles that i used to be successful not only in body building but show business, movies and in the governorship and policy and all this stuff, i talk about that. I put the tools out there so that other people can use that and also be successful. But that is what it is all about. People should be happier about their work and they should be successful. And that actually number one, which is dont settle, have that vision and go after something you live, actually goes into your number three issue, which is ill quote you, work your ass off, meaningful pain builds character. Youre putting in the work, youre putting in the hours. I heard steve jobs say hey, it is a lot easier working around the clock if you are doing something that you love, something that you are obsessed with. Here you are saying the same thing. Have the vision, have something that you really love, and then put in the hours, put in the time. That pain will equal the gain down the road. Absolutely. Because so many people today look for the shortcut. And i say ive been around now for 76 years. And i have tackled the biggest challenges. And the way i have been able to be successful is working my butt off. Work, work, work. When i came to america, in body building there was no money. I worked on construction sites. And i worked in the gym five hours a day. I went to college and got a degree in business. I was taking acting lessons. I was taking stunt classes. And all this stuff, i was working, working, working. For me the day was 24 hours, six hours i slept and the other 18 hours i worked my butt off. So i want to just tell people i did this with everything. Body building, show business, and the governorship, it was work, work, work. And having the passion for it. And i think that this is a key thing is it is not for the shortcuts but just go all out and go for it and i think that anyone and everyone can be successful if you use a certain kind of tools that will help you to make your life more pleasant and more successful. I dont want to give away the entire book, so ill just to the last of the 2508s. Break your mirrors. Learn more about the face of the neighbor and less about your own. Where did that come from . I felt very strongly when i came to america that i was received with open arms. And everyone helped me. I got the free gym membership, i got to come over to america for free, i was getting gifts like silverware, dishes, a black and white tv. So tremendous generosity. So i always wanted to give back to america. I started with special olympics. And then had of the president s council of physical fitness and traveled all over the United States to promote health and fitness amongst the kids in the schools. And then later on i got involved with afterschool programs and then later on becoming governor. But my fatherinlaw, sergeant schrieber, who started the peace corps and job corps and aid to the poor and a this, he always talked about that. And he does a speech at the university at yale where he said to the students, the commencement speech, he said tear down this mirror that makes you always look at yourself and you will be able to look beyond in a mirror and you will see the millions an millions of people that need your help. Sarge was a very wise man. Oh, yeah. Youve lived his advice. The new book be useful 7 tools for life. So great to have you with us. Congratulations on the book. Thank you for having me. Well be right back. Ghrit bak upbeat music with the push of a button, constant contacts ai tools help you know what to say, even when you dont. Hi constant contact. Helping the small stand tall. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. 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Kevin mccarthy might run to mcc replace Kevin Mccarthy. I think that explains the ad i saw. Kevin mccarthy was a teshlt speaker. He turned his back on the gop. Kevin mccarthy is wrong for america. Thats why you should vote for, Kevin Mccarthy. Hes the best. He reached across the aisle to raise the debt ceiling. He is perfect for america. Dont vote for Kevin Mccarthy. Vote for an outsider like mccarthy. Kevin. Kevin. Kevin. Kevin. Kevin mccarthy. Its him or him. Since jimmy put that on the air, he says he doesnt want the seat. The House Republicans are beginning a formal process of selecting a new speaker. In a few hours, lawmakers will hold an internal election Behind Closed Doors. The conference met last night to hear from those that have entered the race to be speaker. Steve scalise and Kevin Mccarthy has asked members not to nominate him for speaker today. Nbc News National Affairs Analyst, john heilemann. And for the reporter, michael snell. Lets start with you on capitol hill. Handicap this race for us. A lot of republican members coming out of the room saying nobody is close to 217. Thats the number this time around. Theres 433 members in the house. Conventional wisdom is that theres no consensus candidate. How does this play out from here . Good morning, willie. The race is in a dead heat. Majority leader Steve Scalise, house judiciary chairman, jim jordan. Both have picked up endorsements from across the gop conference. No one is close to that subsequent 217 votes needed to be speaker. How this is going to play out right now, is an open question. One thing is it is going to be a lengthy process. House republicans will huddle Behind Closed Doors with the intent of nominating a candidate for speaker. The big question is whether or not the conference will accept a rules change to indicate a speaker from the majority of a conference from the 217vote number. The point is to avoid a messy takeover for speaker. That will give us an idea of how the speakers race plays out. Given the massive horrific assault on israel, sparking a war in retaliation, that could spread like wildfire across the middle east, and has interest ing implications for the u. S. How important is it that we have a speaker of the house right now . How high can you count on the importance scale . Pretty important. We saw last week, the opposing of Kevin Mccarthy is a lot of things were in play there. One of the things you came away with was the reality that the House Republicans were not for that period of time, not a functional majority. The question of whether they could become functional again, under the highest level and the most stressful circumstances, with the stakes as high as they could be, is really on display here today. This gives us a situation of great chaos and could be a lengthy, prolonged circumstance. The house is not theres no indication with mccarthy, after mccarthy, being knocked out, that the House Republicans are anymore have their stuff together anymore than they had it last week. Not a lot of clarity. They are both privately claiming to be to have the race locked up. Steve scalise said dont Pay Attention to the endorsement count. Jim jordan leads the public endorsement count. Because he is perceived of being a bomb thrower, thats something that the House Republicans will hopefully be able to get behind. As you said, a house without a speaker is a house that does not work. This house Going Forward, not just for today or tomorrow, but potentially all the way through the rest of the end of the week, if the republicans cant pull it together, which theres some chance that this can take quite a long time, is a difficult and dangerous situation on the world stage. American leadership, as joe biden pointed out yesterday is essential. Theres a bipartisan consensus for, you have to have a functional house. A live report from israel on the aftermath of this weeks Terror Attack there. What were learning about the counterstrikes in gaza. I was stuck. Unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. I needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. Is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms. Better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be lifethreatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. High blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. 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Israel is launching a new wave of air strikes in the gaza strip, reducing parts of the border to rubble. As we enter day five of this war, the death toll continues to rise. 1,200 israelis and 1,000 palestinians have been killed. 14 americans are among the dead. 20 are missing. Some are leaved to be held captive in gaza. Nbc news chief Foreign Correspondent, Richard Engel, has the latest. Reporter israel is bombing the gaza strip relentlessly. Targeting hamas leaders, a university and the port. Hitting the Border Crossing with egypt, where palestinians are trying desperately to get out. Power and Water Supplies have been cut. The people of gaza has no choice who rules them and are already suffering. This man, doing all he can to comfort his daughters. Dont be scared, he tells them. Around 1,000 palestinians have been killed so far. And this is just the opening phase. Israel is now prepared to send in tanks and troops. Israels Defense Minister promising a war that will change gaza forever. He started the offensive from the air. Later on, we will also come from the ground, he said, adding, it will only intensify. The United States, israels closest ally, is fully behind it on this one. The pentagon has deployed warships to the mediterranean. They are actively trying to prevent this war from spreading across the middle east, by signaling to hamas allies, iran and hezbollah in lebanon, not to get involved and sit this one out. Israel remains in a state of shock, as the scale and brutality of the massacres last weekend are still being uncovered. Troops found families murdered in their homes. Its something i never saw in my life. Its something we used to imagine with our grandmother and grandfather. Reporter dozens of civilians were killed here as hamas gunmen went housetohouse and killed men, women and children and carried back whoever could go back to gaza. Absolute hell broke loose and destroyed everything. One of the most beautiful places in the world, as far as i know. Completely destroyed. The stories and the images of the savagery are just shocking. Richard engel reporting from israel. Nbc news has learned american officials are investigating whether hamas received advanced training from islams revolutionary guard corps. Thats according to u. S. And r officials. Lets get more from courtney cubby. This is your story. Fill us in. Major implications for the response here, if it can be determined that iran we know iran supplies and funds hamas, if it made a direct connection to this savage attack in israel over the weekend. Yeah. You hit the nail on the head with that, willie. Iran has equipped hamas for decades. This is not knew. What we are hearing, though, as part of the larger pushback by intelligence agencies and intelligence agencies all Around The World, who are trying to determine if they had any shred of evidence, that may have pointed to this massive, deadly assault that hamas is going to unleash on israel. Agencies Around The World are looking back to see if they could have seen something, if they missed something that may have indicated. One of the things were looking into, is if some of the terrorists who flooded across the border fence in israel, may have been trained directly by iran. And specifically may have been trained by the revolutionary guard force. That being said, it doesnt mean that iran had control in the planning or assault that occurred last week. We do know, according to officials, that hamas has been planning this for months, maybe longer. This massive and deadly and coordinated assault. As part of that, another thing that we heard from u. S. Officials was that last month, there was a series of protests and demonstrations, along the border fence. We know they are looking into whether or not hamas may have used the crowds as cover to plant explosives at several locations along the border fence. One of the ways that the terrorists were able to breach the fence and get into israel, is by explosives along that border. That opens up a massive line of questioning here. With this fortified border wall, that had cameras, sensors, was supposed to have Quick Reaction forces, israeli Defense Forces that were supposed to respond quickly if there was a breach, how was hamas able to breach in several locations . Thats something that u. S. Intelligence agencies are looking into to determine now, willie. That would be serious advance planning. And National Security adviser Jake Sullivan said he thinks iran is complicit in this. What it means is some of the questions your investigation is getting at here. Courtney kube. Lets go to israel and east of the gaza border, where we find raff sanchez. Share with us what you saw. Reporter thats right. The military took us half a mile from the gaza border. This is a place that was a penalty, rural community, single floor houses. A lot of green space. A lot of room for kids to run around. But the town we toured yesterday, was a scene of horror. The Israeli Military showed us the hole in the fence, cut by the Hamas Terrorists. And we followed their path, as they went killing and kidnapping through this community. We saw houses burned out. We saw blood all over the floor and the walls. You can only imagine what happened in the houses. The residents have been evacuated. Theres eerie silence over the place. On saturday morning, it would have been filled with gunfire, full of screams. The bodice of some of the hamas militants were lying there, rotting in the bright sunlight. And because we were only half a mile from the gaza border, we could hear firefights continuing between israeli Ground Forces and hamas militants. Israeli military says, it is now in control of the border fence. It says it has stemmed the flow of mosque terrorists from gaza. Late last night, when we were further away, we could hear the machine gunfire from the helicopter. And we learned that hamas militants had reached the city itself. One of two things must be true. Either there are terrorists coming out of gaza or there are still terrorists who are remaining hidden, five days on from the surprise attack starting saturday morning. Either way, they are not sleeping in their beds right now. Israel is in stunned National Unity. A feeling that americans will remember after 9 11, as you and i talked many times over the last couple months. This is one of the most divisive years in israels history. All of the political disputes have been put to the side here. Earlier, i spoke to the leader of the israeli opposition. Former Prime Minister of israel. A fierce, fierce rival of Benjamin Netanyahu. He told me he is prepared to enter into a National Unity government for the good of the country, if Prime Minister netanyahu wants him there. Listen to a little of our conversation. This is inspiring, the way people are reaching out to each other. The way you know, half of the country is now living with the other half because people said, our house is open. Come over. Were going to live through this together. Were going to make sure everybody understands that all disputes we had, all the disagreements before doesnt count now. We are brothers and sisters. Reporter the thing that mattered a week ago does not matter today. Its that this country comes together. He would struggle to join a National Unity government, that would include netanyahus farright coalition partners. Ill close in saying, in gaza, not far from where we are, the ministry of energy said they have run out of fuel for the strips only power plants. They shut that plant down now. It may be soon that the 2 million residents of gaza are completely without electricity. This has a potential to be a humanitarian disaster on a absolutely massive scale. To give you one example, dialysis machines in hospitals may shut down if theres not power to keep them going. You may have people dying in hospital beds because the dialysis machines arent working. Every indication we have is that israel is preparing for largescale ground defensive, urban war fair inside of gaza, one of the most densely populated place on earth. And that has the potential to add to what is an already truly dire situation inside the gaza strip. Theres calls from International Organizations to open a humanitarian corridor into gaza for some of the essential equipment and material that youre discussing. A couple of days ago, we began to hear reports and it seems too heinous to contemplate. Too heinous to be true. It sounds like with your own eyes, you can confirm that they were. Reporter willie, it is unlike anything i have seen. All of the conflicts, all of the natural disasters, i have covered, to see such horror concentrated in such a small place. As i said, the smell of death was overwhelming. Only 700 residents. Geographically, its small. Israeli forces continued. Felt almost like every minute, they were finding new bodies. Children among them. The whole situation has been a nightmare that israelis cannot wake up from. You saw willie when President Biden spoke at the white house yesterday. The outrage was clear on his face. It was clear in his voice. And the Prime Minister spared no detail. He talked about what he said were women raped when the Hamas Terrorists came in. He talked about soldiers that were beheaded. And hundreds of young people at the Music Festival that were rounded up and slaughtered. And his words were echoing in the ears of President Biden when the president appeared in front of the cameras yesterday, to voice solidarity with israel and his determination to stand with this country during this crisis. Nbc news Foreign Correspondent, raf sanchez, inside the border with israel this morning. Thanks for your reporting. President biden will stop by a round table with Jewish Community leaders and deliver remarks on his unfavoring support for israel and the work to combat antisemitism. Heres some of his address from yesterday. Theres moments in this life, when evil is unleashed on this world. The bloody happeneds of the Terrorist Organization hamas. A group that stated the purpose for being is to kill jews. An act of sheer evil. In this moment we must be crystal clear. We stand with israel. We stand with israel. Well make sure it has what it needs to defend itself and respond to the this attack. Theres no justification for terrorism. No excuse. Hamas does not stand for the palestinian peoples right. The state of purpose is annihilation on the state of israel on the jewish people. 75 years, israel has stood a guarantor, for jewish people Around The World. The atrociies in the past can never happen again. Let there be no doubt, the United States has israels back. We always have. As simple as that. Atrciies are sickening. Make no mistake. Thank you. This was the call that came from President Biden that raf mentioned. Heres israeli Prime Minister netanyahu speaking with President Biden. We were struck saturday by an attack, who said we have not seen since the holocaust. Hundreds massacred. Families wiped out in their led beds and homes. Women raped and murdered, 100 including children. This evil has gotten worse. They took dozens of children, bound them up, and executed them. They beheaded soldiers. They mowed down those that came to a nature festival. And put five jeeps around the depression in the soil. And they mowed them down. Making sure they killed everybody. We have never seen such savagery in the history of the state. They are worse than isis. Even worse for isis. We need to treat them as such. Joining us, is frank four. In it, you write that zionism is e of bidens primary commitments. Its not a belief he acquired in his political career. Its something he learned from his father in the aftermath of the holocaust. If israel didnt exist, we would have to invent it. Bidens zionism will shape how it frames the moment, politically, despite israels slide away from democracy and despite the rising criticism of the jewish state within his own party, biden remains a true believer, who doesnt have any qualms linking its struggle for existence to a global struggle against barbarism. Thats part of the reasons his aides have discussed rhetorically linking israels war to the ukraiian cause and the defense of taiwan. Any president would express robust support for israel in the aftermath of the hamas attack. The question is, how the feelings of solidarity survive through the slog of war. How serious are the conversations . It feels like a global message about the importance of democracy and peace in the world. And can break through some of the politics here at home. Right. Theres a hope that because ukraine aid has been stuck in congress, becausemaga republicans have opposed it. Its an effort to push it through and break through that deadlock up there. His quotes go back to the childhood. He has been in the state of israel, dozens of times. He has a relationship when netanyahu first arrived in washington, as a junior aide in the israeli embassy. And one of the first conversations they had when biden arrived in office was, hey, can you imagine we would be in these jobs. But there is a bitterness and depth to the relationship he has with netanyahu. He has conversations with him, over the course of this war and hes able to conduct them in a style that he is able to pose questions about israeli strategy, based on trust that hes banking now in his builtup over the course of his career. Its interesting. What i could see happening here, given what youre writing here. And to push your theory forward. Joe biden has an opportunity here, to move from people seeing him as a transitional president , even with what hes done in ukraine and with nato and unifying the world in that respect. But linking it to israel and taiwan, move from transitional president to unifier of the world order. If successful, that would present a moral question for trump republicans, would it not . Yes. Trump policy at large, biden has presided over alliances as they have navigated some of the trickiest moments in Foreign Policy. The recent history of Foreign Policy. Whether it is ukraine or the applied pressure on china, these are instances whether conflict situations can spin out of control. And hes been able to moderate where he has been able to be extremely aggressive on ukraine and delivered world war levels of aid to an ally who is fighting a proxy war. Without that conflict dangerously spinning out into a nuclear conflict, hes managed to put pressure on china without the pressure to spill out myer tearily. Militarily. And he will be in this instance where he is expressing he is a wartime president , expressing the most heightened levels of solidarity with the israeli ally. And hes going to have to try to help manage that crisis. That doesnt spin dangerously out of control. It really is the best case for his experience. The president has been forceful and effective on the world stage. Hes indicated his erts are hamstrung by the turmoil at home. Hes drawing the contrast often. The House Speaker, we heard from him in arizona a week or two back at the mccain institute, talking about the threats that persist to democracy. The white house aides you speak to, what is the frustration level, that despite biden being a global statesman, the polls show him in a deadheat in terms of president ial campaigning against donald trump next year. Right. Polling dont hinge on Foreign Policy. A few notable exceptions. The frustration with House Republicans is extremely large. I think before this israel, and the hamas invasion of israel, and the atrocities that there was little strategy or hope for getting the necessary ukraine packages through the house. Theres bipartisan talk about linking the aid packages together, which is the hope they have to get ukraine the arms ukraine needs. You wrote a book about this president of the United States who is now fighting a twofront war. One in ukraine, having pulled nato together in support of ukraine versus russia. And now, one in the middle east. Israel against iran, hezbollah and hamas, against terrorism. He indicated in his words, nobody had to write that speech for him. It was him, unquote. What was your impression of the speech . Did you think there was a level of righteous anger you had never seen before in that speech delivery . That speech was emotional. I agree that he was channeling his own sense of anger and despair that the calls with beebe netanyahu began over the weekend. Netanyahu narrated in detail days before what happened at the Music Festival and other instances in israel. Biden felt the same anger and despair that netanyahu felt. That israel is an issue that he feels pirtly connected to. Its engrained in his liberalism. He comes from this prior moment, where israel was the ultimate underdog story. And going back to the trueman administration, zionism was a liberal cause. I think generationally, nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer is in the same place that biden is, if younger members of his party arent. When he delivers a message like that, you know its sincere. Staff writer at the atlantic, frank ford foer, we appreciate your piece. Coming up on morning joe, israel remains focused on mass targets in gaza, the exchange of fire across the northern border with lebanon and syria is fueling fears of a wider war in the middle east. A live report from lebanon straight ahead on morning joe. If you struggle. And struggle. And struggle with cpap. You should check out inspire. No mask. No hose. Just sleep. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com a live picture of gaza city, coming up on 4 30 in the afternoon, as israeli air strikes inside the gaza strip continue. And for the thirdconsecutive day now, israel is reporting attacks launched from lebanon. Officials say they identified shellings coming from syria. Israel has fired back at both countries in response. The new exchange of fire on the northern border raising concerns that the nation could see a repeat of israels war with hezbollah in 2006. Joining us live near the lebanon israel border, matt bradley. What more can you tell us here . Yesterday, we saw some of that action. We had front row seats here. Just over my shoulder, what looked like outgoing artillery or rocket fire, heed towards northern israel. Israel has responded with their own air strikes and rocket fire or guided missiles. This is going on for just a couple of days. It pales in comparison to what were seeing in gaza and israel. It doesnt have the fearsomeness of the fighting. But the fear is considerable. Hezbollah is a stronger military force. Hezbollah resembles an army than a military group. It dwarfs the power of hamas and the lab knees army here. They have so much capability because they control ports. They have a powerful Political Party in lebanon. And they control a lot of borders. They have international trade. This allows them to train their soldiers better. And like hamas, theyre a beneficiary of iran. A lot of reports, very controversial reports, saying iran not only planned this invasion or planned this attack by hamas, or they ultimately green lit it in a meeting with hamas and hezbollah officials in beirut, in lebanon. That implies a broader conspiracy that hezbollah was a part of. Hezbollah has not engaged in the fighting that we saw in 2006. Thats the fear here, that that war, and it was very much a war, it killed nearly 1,500 lebanese people and hundreds of Israeli Soldiers, that could break off. That would broaden it out in a regionwide war. We heard from President Biden warning other parties not to take advantage of what is obviously the frailty of the islamic army at this moment and the situation Going Forward in terms of the chaos. Hezbollah is in a position to take advantage of that. They are along the border and they could reach into israel. So far, neither side has done that. Stha could change anytime. Can you speak to the level of sophistication that hezbollah has in contrast to what gaza has on the strip there in the Israeli Border . In addition to all of the weapons that hamas has, in terms of what we saw on saturday, what we saw on saturday, is not that different from what was seen in hamas in the past. The big difference was the motorpropelled hang gliders. Here, hezbollah has been using guided missiles, as opposed to the rockets that hamas has been firing into israel in the past couple decades. Hezbollah is a real military. Its a beings long project. They have the capabilities of mostly of any real army. So, they are also in terms of technology, in terms of training, they have a sophisticated military setup. They do resemble more of a formal military than simply just a militant group, a rag tag bunch of guys with a. K. 47s. They are artillery and guided missiles. And a command structure that allows them to react and maneuver in a more nimble way than we saw the chaos that was in the ranks of hamas. They dont have an air force. Were talking about a military capability that would put hamas to shame. And they could split this war and create a twofront situation for israel. One that would be very, very difficult for them to handle. Matt bradley reporting for us from lebanon, north of israel. Still ahead on morning joe, a look at the Financial Impact of the war, including possible sanctions for countries with ties to hamas. The breakdown, as well. New inflation data, what it means for the u. S. Economy. Thats straight ahead on morning joe. I needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. 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One of the largest banks in israel estimate the cost of the war to be 6. 8 billion with a b. Lets bring in dom chu for more on this. Certainly rising, as this war begins to really take hold. Youre correct. Its difficult to look at the economic implication of war when theres so many humanitarian issues at play. Those economics can have a huge influence on how things progress on the ground in the middle east, and with regard to the Global Response to try to put a stop to the bloodshed, like sanctions and everything else. The International Monetary fund for the drop in economic uncertainty. The direct results of seeing reduced activity in commerce areas, less traffic and outright shutting down. Those are all direct effects on israel. The global inmri kagss resonate, as well. Consumers have been watching Oil Prices Trend higher for months now. And just when we were starting to see some of the science of easing prices in the coming weeks and months, war in the middle east has cast more uncertainty on the prices. It comes at a critical time, ahead of the Holiday Shopping season. Its not to say that the bloodshed is all about oil. But the effects of the higher prices will call attention for many Around The World, who think that a war in israel and the middle east, does not affect them. At the same time, one of the places that has been seen benefits, if you want to call it that way, in some perverse way. All of this is being viewed as positive for companies that make weapons and instruments of war. Think about what matt bradley said about the capability les of hamas, versus hezbollah, versus the Israeli Defense force. In the weekend aftermath of the invasion, they bid at the market value of defense factors. The view is, that a long war with ground elements in play, will add for demand with musicians and everything else. Those see a tailwind when russias invasion of ukraine started. That faded this year and this puts a focus back on defense contractors. You mentioned some of the wholesale inflation data coming out. Businesslevel inflation came in this morning hotter than expected. It complicates the Federal Reserve job, as well. Its probably safe to say that fed chair jay powell and his colleagues at the central bank. Theyre not just watching data but staying abreast of whats happening in the middle east. The Higher Oil Prices are adding to the inflation story. Has implications for higher rates. They are talking about longer rates going sharply higher, as being helping them in combatting the inflationary story, helping to slow down the economy. What it means, in times of stress and war, investors still flock to the safety of u. S. Government bonds. That will make things more complicated for the fed, guys. Cnbcs dom chu. Thank you for the analysis this morning. Coming up, we turn to some of this mornings political headlines, including why the special counsels office wants Donald Trumps attorneys to tell them what the strategy is going to be. Well explain why next on morning joe. But the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. Vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are antiachr antibody positive. In a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. Most participants taking vyvgart also had less Muscle Weakness. And your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. In a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. Vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. Tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. Vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. 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Ask your doctor about skyrizi, the 1 dermatologistprescribed biologic in psoriasis. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Welcome back. Some looks at the other stories making headlines this morning. Robert f. Kennedy jr. s independent bid for the white house seems to be doing well, at least financially. A super pac affiliated with his campaign, says it raised 11 million in six hours, following kennedys announcement to the super pac. It is in talks with elon musk for his support. Theres no word yet on my potential contributions. Jack smith is pushing Donald Trumps lawyers to reveal their possible Defense Strategy for the upcoming election interference trial against their client. In a court filing yesterday, smiths office asked, that the former president s attorneys be forced to confirm whether or not they plan to go with an adviive Council Defense when the trial begins in march. Since trump was charged earlier this year, his lawyers have repeatedly claimed that the former president was relying on bad legal advice when he tried to overturn his 2020 election loss to joe biden. In smiths filing, if trumps legal team is using that defense, prosecutors should be given access to more communications between the former president and the attorneys he plans to blame. Judge Tanya Chutkan has given trumps lawyers next friday to respond. And embattled congressman George Santos has a an array of charges, incluing wire fraud and identity theft. The new accusations we made in an indictment that laid out how the new york republican charged his donors credit cards repeatedly without authorization, while distributing toney to his campaign and personal account. Prosecutors say santos also lied to the federal Elections Committee and the public about the financial state of his campaign. Santos is due back in federal court in two weeks. He declined to comment on the new charges. Hes still a congressman. The hits keep coming. Youre seeing people announcing theyre getting back into this race to knock him out. Calling him an embarrassment to the district there. Meanwhile, prominent election denier and trump ally kari lake officially announced her run for senate in arizona yesterday. Lake who never conceded her loss in the 2022 arizona governors race was endorsed quickly by former president trump. Meanwhile, in neighboring colorado, the former president faces a lawsuit to keep him off of the ballot in 2024. The suit says trumps role in the january 6th insurrection disqualifies him. Joining us now colorados Secretary Of State, jena griswold, chair of the Democratic Association of secretaries of state. Its great to have you in studio with us. Explain for our viewers this 14th amendment case to keep donald trump off the ballot. Does it have a shot . Good morning, thanks for having me on. To start off with, i just want to recognize whats happening in israel, say my heartbreaking for israelis who are facing this tremendous Terrorist Attack by hamas. But to get into the meat of the 14th amendment, so section 3 of the 14th amendment says that anybody who swears to uphold the constitution is disqualified from office if they subsequently engage in insurrection or rebellion or give aid or comfort to the enemies of the constitution. This lawsuit is filed saying that donald trump is disqualified from the colorado ballot. We have a hearing on the case on friday where trumps attorneys will try to get the whole case kicked out, but trial is scheduled on october 30th, and i think its a good case for a court to resolve for Election Officials across the nation. And so would that be contingent on his being convicted in a federal case that he was, in fact, guilty of committing insurrection, or is it just based on the interpretation of the people suing . So historically you did not need a criminal conviction to remove someone who would be disqualified. So its a civil case. You know, there are Big Questions around how section 3 of the 14th amendment works. This provision was put in place after the civil war and used to remove hundreds of confederate officials and soldiers subsequently during reconstruction, but some of the big constitutional questions include whether if someone is disqualified under the provision is disqualified from only being seated in office or also from being put on the ballot. Who gets to make that decision, is it me the Secretary Of State, or is it a court of law . So were looking forward to the court deciding system of these big constitutional questions. Many experts say this is a long shot to keep him off the ballot. Others worry about the consequences of keeping donald trump off the ballot and what he could say about that in terms of election interference. Do you believe its a long shot as well . I believe a court should make a determination. And at the end of the day, donald trump is a liar. As soon as this lawsuit was filed, he screamed election interference. He uses lies and conspiracies to try to undermine american democracy. That wont change whether or not this lawsuit is filed, but these are Big Questions and donald trump engaged in insurrection. We have the video. We saw exactly what happened. Theres a clear provision with language in the u. S. Constitution that needs to be interpreted by a court of law, and i hope the court does give us some guidance on what to do in this situation. So whether donald trump is on the ballot or not next year, theres still going to be a National Election for president of the United States. Thanks to the former president , its not going to be what it used to be years ago, even as long as eight years ago. Its all different now. What specific presentations are you in the middle of making for whats going to happen next year in terms of how do you retain poll workers, many of them volunteers who dont want to suffer abuse and everything like that for standing in the poll. Yeah, donald trump has unleashed this massive attack on democracy that has not stopped, Voter Suppression laws have passed all across the country. It will be more difficult for some americans to cast a ballot. But its more than just that. Election workers are facing violent rhetoric and colorado actually has lost since 2020, onethird of the elected county election workers, so the county clerks because of all the vitriol and folks saying im going to retire early. I dont need to deal with this. In colorado, weve really gotten in front of this. So for example, i led a series of laws making it a crime to retaliate against election workers. I led the first law in the nation on insider threats, which its now a felony to compromise voting equipment. Im sure were going to have good elections. At the same time Election Administration is now much harder in the United States than it was previous to 2020. And its not unique to colorado. Arizona is struggling with this. There are states across the country where people dont want to go through getting threatened by participating in the process. Thank you so much for being here, chair of the Democratic Association of secretaries of state, colorados Secretary Of State, jenna griswold, thank you. Jonathan lemire, what do we expect to hear from the president today . We know hes going to address. As were getting word from israel that theyre forming a National Unity government to combat the threat from hamas. It will be a split screen here in washington. Were going to hear more words from President Biden vowing support from israel when he speaks this afternoon and the House Of Representatives will try to elect their new speaker, mika, but there are few expectations that it will happen today. All right, that does it for us this morning, well see you tomorrow morning. Jose diazbalart and ana cabrera pick up the coverage after a quick final break. The first time you made a sale online with godaddy was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. We just got an order from dinosaur, colorado. Start an easy to build, powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. Start for free at godaddy. Com were travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. Ooh, take this exit. Hows the heart . I feel like its good. You feel like its good . How do you know when its time to check in on your heart . How do you know . Let me show you something. It looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card. That is a medicalgrade ekg. Want to see how it works . Yeah. Put both thumbs on there. That is your heart coming from the kardiamobile card. 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