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State of ohio receive 200 votes. Hakeem jeffries at the state of new york has received 212 votes. [applause] jim jordan rejected as speaker in spite of the maga shakedown. We have a few sensitive, a little snowflakes in congress. Tonight, why the next vote has been delayed, and why democrats are keeping their options open. There are republicans who are respected on our side of the aisle, jim jordan is not one of them. And then the scene in gaza, where each side is blaming each other for it at the Hospital Blasts that has killed hundreds. And as President Biden departs for the region, what we know about what happens next, between israel and hamas, when all in starts right now. Good evening from new york, i am chris hayes. The Republican Party spent the entire day today trying to install a chief coup plotter, a speaker of the house and second in line to the presidency. Congressman jim jordan of ohio received at the partys nomination for speaker last week, after asking speaker Kevin Mccarthy 14 days ago, and the party failed to secure enough votes to elevate majority leader Steve Scalise. This afternoon, republicans took the vote on jim jordan to the house floor, where he received 200 yes votes. That is 17 shy of the number he needed to secure a majority. That was actually a significant improvement for jordan, closing the gap from 35 votes, from the results of his secret bail out on friday from inside the conference. Jordan and his allies but the rest of the day trying to convince members to get behind him. Jordan even met with his former rival, Steve Scalise, seeking his backing and his help with getting votes. His team says he supports jordan, one source familiar with that meeting told msnbc news that they were unconvinced that scalises support will remain consistent. After a lot of back and forth, republicans decided to postpone another vote until tomorrow, while jordan told reporters to keep going until they elect a speaker. How many rounds are you willing to go to . Until we get a speaker. Youve got to have a speaker, it cant be something where the democrats. We had the republicans and a majority, a small majority, i get it, but 200 votes in the first ballot, was right about where kevin was. Thats 201. Amid all the wheeling and dealing, the goal for the House Republican Leadership Today remain clear, what they want to do, i dont know if they will be successful, frankly. What they want to do is give control of one half of u. S. Congress to achieve of their twice impeached fourtime runner for the president ial nomination. Jim jordan and donald trump work together. They were partners of a sore in their attempt to end americas Constitutional Republic to overturn the election against the will of the people. The house january Six Committee described jordan as a, quote, significant player and trumps effort. And the final report, the committee explains that Jordan Paicipated in numerous postelection meetings, in which senior white house officials with giuliani and others discussed strategies for challenging the election. Jordan publicly challenged the Election Results for pushing trumps lie about election fraud. Something does not feel right here. Our president got 9 million more votes this time done four years ago, yet, he comes up short, even though we gained seats in the house of representatives, something does not feel right. Four days before january six, jim jordan led a conference call, in which he and then President Trump and other members ofcongress, listen to this, discussed strategies for delayingthe joint session of congress, that would be the joint session on the six that passes power from one administration to the next. The group also discussed the issue and social media posts encouraging Trump Supporters to march to the capitol on january six. We know how that turned out. Jordan also had multiple oneonone Phone Conversations with trump, and 18 minute call on january 2nd and at least two separate calls on january six. We know one of those took place around 9 30 that morning and lasted for ten minutes. That is according to the White House Daily diary. Take a listen to how jordan responded when asked about the substance of their conversation. Yes or no, did you speak with President Trump on january six . Yeah, i spoke with the president last week. I speak with the president all the time. I spoke with him on january six. I spoke with general trump all the time. I dont think that is unusual. I would expect members of congress to talk with the president of the United States when they are trying to get done the things that they told the voters that their district to do. I am actually kind of amazed that people keep asking this question. Of course, i dont think the president all the time. Like you said, i talked to him last week. Of course, jim jordan is one of the 147 republican lawmakers who returned to the House Chamber a. N. A. On january six, after they had fled the violent sacking at the capitol, taken to another location under the protection of the u. S. Capitol police, and then they came back into that ransacked chamber, where he and others voted in favor of Donald Trumps coup. Vice chairwoman of the january Six Committee, republican liz cheney, recently warned us against jim jordan because of his track record. What a Jordan Speakership would mean for her party. Jim jordan knew more about what donald trump had planned for january six than any other member of the house of representatives. Jim jordan but was involved, was part of the conspiracy in which donald trump was engaged, as he attempted to overturn the election. If the republicans decide that jim jordan should be the speaker of the house, there will, and i by the way, i dont think that will happen. I think you lose, but if they were to decide that, there would no longer be any possible way to argue that a group of elected republicans could be counted on to defend the constitution. Liz cheney and the general Six Committee did try to make jim jordan answered those questions about what exactly they would be doing, what theyre talking about and the issue of a subpoena. He refused to comply with the congressional subpoena. The committee then referred him to the house ethics committee. Of course, jordan, who wants to lead the institution, has faced no accountability for violating its mandates. Instead, 200 members of his party, the vast majority, voted to elevate that man the speaker of the house, and the role he played in the January 6th Coup is his main qualification for the job. Lets be clear, not in spite of it but because of it. Jim jordan has been in congress for 16 years. He never had a bill on the side of the law. He does not win votes. He has no great relationship within the republican conference. Jim jordan is the partys choice for speaker, at least for now, because donald trump wants his lackey to hold the gavel, so that he can take other run at it. According to new reporting, The Pro Trump Maga wing of the party is exerting a lot of pressure to make that thing happen. Axios reports of a massive push to get House Republicans to unify around jim jordan, including calls to offices, conservative tv host ramping up the pressure on skeptics and a Maga Influencers Taking Aim at hesitate members on social media. They also obtained this no, a producer from fox news for sean hannity emailed to republican congressional staffers over the weekend, quote, sources tell hannity, that the representative is not supporting jim jordan for speaker, can you please let me know if this is accurate, and if true, hannity would like to know why, during a war breaking out between israel and hamas, the war in ukraine, a budget unfinished, white with the representative be against him shorten for speaker . Please let us know, when the representative plans on opening peoples house of the work can be done. Get back to me whenever, we are just asking questions. Its a limping operation. One of the most powerful forces and conservative politics, a network that until recently, am i remembering this collectively, paid nearly 800 million to settle a lawsuit about its own involvement in the coup is bullying individual members for donald trump and jim jordan so that the coup team can get back together, wheeling their power. The message here is that sean hannity if you cross the leader of our party and the chosen speaker. Now, i guess i understand why they are doing it. We know that these kinds of attacks work. Its been pretty effective, time and time again. We have seen republican members say, we dont want this to be the direction that the party is headed, weve descended further and further into any democratic madness and dysfunction. But the vast majority never seemed to have any ability to hold their ground, to use their leverage. They just retreat, and they cave, over and over and over and over again. This entire to buckle around the speakership has been more of the same. The party allowed a small rightwing vanguard to sow utter chaos. Whether it was cowardice, incompetence or a miserable combination of the two, the Republican Party as the finish and worst off, and the american democracy even more there and. Joining me now for the latest is nbc news correspondent atlanta, i feel like there was a lot of projections of confidence this weekend from andy jordan crew. How did it all play out today . They would tell you that it played out pretty much according to plan, and i think that there is a little bit of that that is correct, which is i dont know anyone except for former speaker Kevin Mccarthy, and i had doubts about his vote counting operation, who said that jim jordan would get this on the first ballot. Nobody else said that was in the cards. Clearly, as we saw on the floor today, that is exactly what happened. Jim jordan did not have the votes. Here is the thing though, there were the people that we were expecting to vote against jordan, people like ken buck, people like mario diazbalart. All of those people came through in a way that we thought they would. But then there are the problems that i dont think the jordan team saw coming, and many of us were caught off guard by as well. I know some democrats who thought that when the chairwoman of the committee, grainger, voted against jordan, they thought that she might have made a mistake. That is a pretty important key vote not to have seen coming, and it does spell signs of deeper trouble for jordan. Of course, whos spending these important hours in an overnight period tried to talk to members who say that they are against him. There are some cohorts who have dug in. I think its important to point out in your introduction here, is how many different pieces this touches. When reporters on capitol hill talk about the fact that january six looms large over everything, the reason why there is such a partisan divide within the building, the reason why lawmakers have such a lack of trust between the parties, specifically, democrats towards republicans, its because of january six, and its because of the way that the House Republican majority has moved more into the molds of the 147 people who voted to decertify the Election Results and go against the will of the american people. That is a feature, not a bug of the House Republican majority, and i think that is important to keep in mind, that keeping the election lies alive is a critical part of jordan keeping parts of this conference on board, even today. One of the people who voted against him, congressman ken buck, said that all he wanted to hear from jordan, or one of the things he wanted was the here that jordan knew that biden actually won the election, that it was not stolen. And it seemed as if this morning, the last time i spoke to jim jordan, he could not tell can bump that, and he certainly would not call us reporters that, as we were asking about it. I think thats an important piece that they need to keep track of, in addition to the fact that jordan has other votes that he is trying to win that he cant get to. The other thing that strikes me, chris, in your introduction, is the idea that moderates within this Country Conference can say that they have problems with jordan, and certainly, its a couplet vote to have to go back to my hometown in new york, for example, where is the representative now. Its a tough area to be defending, but they fold it. Any eight of them could have stuck together the way that we have seen hardens do it, and they have not. Thats an excellent point. They have all the leverage here, in the same way to a small group of a well organized vanguard have leverage in the first speaker vote, and they have leverage and the motion to vacate. Mike waller, who has not been shy. Hes talking to every reporter she sees, hes very pressured it and angry at matt gaetz, he couldnt whipping of his own and actually completely be determined of the outcome with a caucus of a people in biden districts, for instance, like mike waller. Well see if he has it in him, or hell complain and roll over. We will see. Ali vitali, as always, and thats according, thank you. Congressman jamie raskin is a democrat, he served on the january Six Committee as the Ranking Member of the oversight committee. He joins us now. How much, how much insight do you and your caucus have into what is happening now . We were having a conversation today, we were really a pass precedent here. It hasnt really happened, no one knows what happens next. We had a conversation about trying to get this out, its hard to say. What is your understanding . On the house floor on the democratic side, there were discussions today at the macro level and micro level. At the macro level, we are seeing this in the context of a series of attacks by the maga rules or ruling faction on the constitutional order, that began on january six, with the violent insurrection and attempted political coup to overthrow President Bidens victory in the Electoral College then went to the republicans trying to sabotage any investigation into what happened on january six. We know that Kevin Mccarthy pulled the plug on even their own plan for an outside bipartisan commission, and then we went from there to an attempted default on the debts at the United States. We went from there to an attempt to shut down the United States, and now, they are trying to install one of the critical pro insurrection Trump Coup Actors in the house, if not the key one, as the speaker of the house. Its a remarkable moment. In terms of the daily back and forth, the inset machiavellian moves, we get secondhand. We are not there in the republican conference, but i will tell you that many of us were told on the way in today that at most, the gop defectors amounted to around ten or a dozen, and they got 20 votes. I think that, they were planning to go to the second or third ballot today. Obviously, the pro jordan forces needed at least a day or night to try to be prudent to go after the large number of unexpected votes against them. I should note that the democratic minority leader, Hakeem Jeffries, got more votes than jim jordan did today. In fact, if it were a First Past The Post election, he would be speaker. That is not how it works, its a u. S. Constitution. Here is what Hakeem Jeffries said about bipartisan conversations happening about resolving the speakership crisis. Lets take a listen. I have no meetings planned with mchenry, highlevel members on the democratic side of the aisle, i am willing and able to have those conversations. They have been ongoing conversations that have been undertaken the last few days. I think its a possibility. Those can accelerate, now that jim jordan clearly is does not have the votes to be speaker. Would you be open to some kind of pack, some kind of deal struck to elect a speaker that was a republican, but in exchange for some sort of demands on rules or a vote on a cr or Something Like that . Obviously, we favor Hakeem Jeffries. This was the 16th time that we voted unanimously and passionately for Hakeem Jeffries. Hes a super well organized, efficient, effective leader, and you can take him at his word. He is totally trustworthy. If we cant get six republicans to come to our site, i said it from the beginning, there are a number of republicans that i can support on the Principle Power sharing basis, assuming that our caucus were to endorse that. We operate as a caucus, were not out there wheeling and dealing on our own. One of the things that i have said from the beginning, is that liz cheney would be a perfect choice, herself. She was the chair of the republican conference. She was the number three republican for several years, a very very conservative republican, but she believes in the constitutional order. We trust her. Mitt romney is another name that has been floated, someone we can trust. Angus king, the independent from maine is another person that we can look at. A lot of my colleagues, chris, come from states where there have been state legislative power sharing arrangements, where gavels are shared, have at the committee is the one side, have to the other. The parties can take turns holding the gavel during the week. It would be a positive thing for us. We need to get aid to our democratic allies in ukraine and in israel. We need to keep the government going. This is a serious condition that the gop chaos has plunged us into are now. Jamie raskin, congressman from maryland, thank you for making time tonight, we appreciate it. You bet. Brandon buck served as pescatarian to Speaker John Boehner and chief Communication Adviser to paul ryan, tara setmayer. She also served as a republican shes also a Senior Adviser to the lincoln project, and they both join us now. I want to zoom in, there are two things here, on one level, it does not matter if youre looking at if youre like me, and what you would like to see is a republican speaker at the house who did not vote to subvert the constitutional order, youre probably out of luck. Mccarthy, scalise, jordan all took that vote, the 1 47, and i think anybody who would win an election probably does. What do you think it says about what is your understanding of the objectors and how unified their objections are . You know, i was surprised first off, surprised how large the number was, and i was surprised that he came out and said, lets do it again, have another vote. They are not backing down. I worried efforts that was a sort of protests for, but they seemed pretty dug in. I think this comes down to the fact that, for a long time, the house has allowed some of the bad actors to get away with things, but this would be an astonishing act of rewarding bad behavior. Lets not forget that just two weeks ago, Kevin Mccarthy was the speaker of the house, and he was removed by his own members. Jordan then ran against scalise and a loss. Yeah, he lost. The only reason he is now and disposition because this team hijacked Steve Scalise and took him down. I think that there are a lot of House Republicans that are very happy, ecstatic that some of their colleagues had the courage to stand up and do this. It would be remarkable to allow that to happen, basically say, there are no rules, we give up, you can have whatever you want, even if its a tiny minority of the conference. This is an important point. Lets stay here for a second, tara, because its true, in some ways, everything has moved so quickly, and theres so much chaos that the internal conference foe on scalise and jordan, they rent head to head. The way that this works is that you usually lose, you accept your loss, and the winner gets more votes. Now, jim jordan has a demonstrated problem with accepting that. As per 2020, and that is exactly what is playing out here. Now, hes not saying its fraud, not a big lie, but basically, the idea is that the person who got more votes, we dont accept, lets give it to the person who had less votes. That is literally the contention. Its so much bigger than that though, chris. Yes, internally, the way that this is working is that the world turned upside down, to brandons point. Jordan lost, and now he is back. There is a lot of bad blood between scalise world and jordan world. Steve scalise actually has experience in leadership and has a wig and understands how to count votes. Jim jordan has not let anything other than being a political Wrecking Ball for the entire time that hes been in congress. Theres a reason why he is called a legislative terrace by boehner. How would you expect the guy that has done nothing but terry things down to get in there and All Of A Sudden be a team player and lead a project to build something . He does not know what he is doing. This is what he does. The fact that republicans are so cowardly that only 20 a dam said no to jim jordan, only 20 out of 217 of however many there are no, that is, to me, contemptible, because none of these people have respect for the constitution anymore. Jim jordan should be on his base disqualified from being the speaker of the house, whether its his role in the insurrection and what he knew beforehand, whether he defied congressional subpoenas. That right there should be disqualifying. He does not even respect the rules. He could not face the officers who were injured that day, like officer fanone and others. At a congressional hearing. Hes a bully everywhere else, but he did not want to face the officers that protected them on january six, and a pot that he was a part of. There are so many reasons why jordan should not be anywhere near the speakers gavel, but what speaks more to this, what is more alarming, is that over 200 republicans are okay someone, has no respect for the constitution. You see how democracies die, there is a quote there, the erosion of democracy is often imperceptible by the masses. Because its low, and it happens in a way that people normalize. Putting jim jordan in the speaker c normalizes the destruction of our democracy and our constitution, and its at the hands of republicans. Shame on them for this. These internal party elections, House Speaker is a strange sort of so we general, in the constitution, a line of succession, a partisan rule, the parties leader of the house, and brandon, one thing that is so striking, when you take a step back, this guy has no resume, no cv for this role other than basically donald trump likes. Right, youre a former boss john banner called him a legislative terrorist. I dont mean this in ideological terms. I just mean in institutional terms. This is not a guide that you would under any conditions think that is the leader of our conference. In a sick way, i was excited to see what he would do, because there is no avoiding the realities of governing when youre the speaker. John boehner used to be a conservative rebel russell. As you know, paul ryan was a darling on the right. When he was in power, you have to start doing things. All of a sudden, youre a rhino, your a swish, nobody can trust you. Jim jordans going would have to fund the government, working with joe biden and chuck schumer, theres no way around the. Its funny, he is actually making a pitch to moderates to say, i have the ability to do some of the governing things, and we can get away with it. Whether he would actually work that way, i dont know, but he has at least become aware that the job requires getting things done, whether he could do, it i am pretty skeptical. Hes rooting for his time in the borough. I cant, chris. Well see, well see. You cant trust that jim jordan will step up to the rule. This is the same philosophy that got Us Donald Trump in 2016 but republicans in the establishment. Oh, hell grow into the job. Jim jordan is not gonna grow into becoming an adult All Of A Sudden. He is incapable of the, and hes demonstrated that time and time again. One thing i do know, he is a grownup. They are all grown people. Brandon back and teresa mayer, thank you both. Coming up, as President Biden departs for israel, what we are learning about a deadly explosion at a hospital in gaza . The latest details are next. Latest details are next. Of doing things. Americas plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating Plastic Products that are more recyclable. Durable. And dependable. Our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. For a better tomorrow, were focused on making plastics better today. Hi. My name is kim and i am 41 years old. Ive been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. I see myself more and i definitely see those deeper lines. Im still kim and i got botox® cosmetic. I wanted to keep the expressions that i would normally have, you know, youre on camera and the only person they can look at is you. I was really happy with the results. 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Palestinian Authorities Say it was an israeli airstrike that caused the carnage. The Israeli Military set an errant rocket fired by the Islamic Jihad militants was responsible. That group denies it. Dozens of palestinians had been sheltering in the hospital, along with patients and medical personnel. According to a member of ctors without borders, quote, we were operating in the hospital, there was a strong explosion, and the ceiling fell on the operating room. This is a massacre. Amen is the host of ayman on msnbc. He reported extensively on gaza, particularly in 2014. It has been no. Obviously, this is just awful, horrible situation. The hospitals in gaza tend to be locus of civilians, precisely in the hopes that there will be no. Bombing in those places. Obviously, they are also places that cant be easily evacuated. Yeah, and this is something we have seen play out time and time again, as a result of the Evacuation Orders that the israelis gave, hospitals became de facto shelters. Not only are they treating the wounded as a result of the war, they are now also serving as a place where people felt that they can camp out and be safe, for those that could not make it to the south or below the certain line that the israelis have pulled them to try to get below in the gaza strip. We saw that at the shifa hospital. There were about 35,000 people sheltered their. This hospital had several thousand as well, not as many as shifa, but this was a smaller hospital in the northern part of gaza, who incidentally, a couple of days ago, when israel told the northern part of gaza to evacuate, they said, we cant evacuate. We have people on machines, people that we physically cannot take out at the situation that they are in medically. As a result, the hospitals stayed open, it was operating under stress because of a shortage of fuel and electricity and backup generators. People cannot get outside and up in the courtyard at the hospital. Its a Christian Hospital and the northern part, the part that israel has instructed palestine to evacuate. The hospitals in the south not all the way in the south, but a little bit in the south. Again, we do not know what happened here. The Israeli Defense forces say it was essentially an errant rocket from Islamic Jihad, essentially, they tried to fire it, it fell. The Palestinian Health ministry, how moss all say it was the Israeli Defense forces. What we do know is that the news and images that the people have seen in the region are hundreds of people bleeding and dead in a hospital, and that has had enormous consequences. The image of the hospital officials, they held a Press Conference admits the bodies of those that had died. It was one of the most jarring things that i have ever seen. They wanted the bodies there, because they knew, regardless of who was responsible, these innocent people are killed as a result of the war. To your point, it did not take long for this to have a ripple effect. We have not seen protests in jordan outside the israeli embassy. We have seen protests in turkey, in lebanon, in egypt, and i can assure you, tomorrow morning, as more of the news spread, and more of the images spread, it is going to complicate the diplomatic efforts underway. I think it puts the governments in the region in dangerous positions. These are not democratic governments, lets be clear by the. These are authoritarian governments that are sometimes use force to suppress any kind of dissent or street protests, but when it comes to this issue, these protests mobilize masses in places like jordan, where the population is 60 to 70 descendants of palestinians, a place like egypt that is very emotionally attached to the palestinian cause. You can expect within the coming days, these leaders of these countries and elsewhere are going to fill the pressure of what happened today in gaza in their own capitals. I should also say here, again, independent of what happened here, which we do not know, and i suspect that there will be a protracted conversation between u. S. Staff officials and israeli officials. Independent at the hospital, as of four or five days ago, the Israeli Defense forces say that they dropped about 6000 bombs on gaza, raqqa, the capital of the islamic state, when it was being taken, had four dozen bombs jumped on them in a month. There is just no way that this level of Air Bombardment is not going to result in many civilian casualties independent of this hospital strike. When you look at the images, again, we have to emphasize this, we dont have our own reporters on the scene. What we are relying on are the accounts of other journalists, credible organizations, News Organizations that have people there. What you can see, were not talking about a the building destroyed, were talking about a whole neighborhoods destroyed, multiple buildings being destroyed. One of the most complicated things in covering a war like this is that in many residential areas, the Israeli Government will take the position, that we are using position weapons, very guided munitions to hit specific targets, that has not been the case according to the israelis in this particular war. What we see is that even in a residential neighborhood, if youre on a certain floor, the floor below it has something that the israelis want to target. If you are not there, and you dont get the notice to evacuate, you become a civilian casualty of war. They have obviously been dropping pamphlets, making these phone calls, given the orders to evacuate, but for some, it is not enough. People are not mobile, they can get out of harms way, and when you are doing this kind of wholesale destruction of neighborhoods and buildings, you can understand how its impossible for some of the civilians to get out of harms way. According to the Health Ministry in gaza, i think its over 1500, i lost track. Thank you very much. Still to come, the dangerous rhetoric on the farright in a senseless killing in Middle America next. Dl america next or more can be overwhelming. So, ask your doctor about botox®. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. Its the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. So far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand chronic migraine patients. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or Muscle Weakness can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox® if theres a skin infection. 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People have noted the similarities between the aftermath of the hamas massacre in israel and the aftermath that the 9 11 in the u. S. On the show, we talked about how thenpresident George Edge View Bush went to a mosque six days at the attacks and spoke out against the harassment of arabs and muslims. We also discussed the danger of assigning collective guilt to an entire ethnic or religious group and dehumanization in the wake of atrocities. That kind of rhetoric has real world results. As we saw in a chicago suburb over the weekend, a 71 year old landlord attacked his Palestinian Tenet and killed her six ruled some. According to court documents, 32yearold told on saturday that the landlord knocked on the or, to ask for a favor, as he has done before. He told her that he was angry at her for what was going on in jerusalem. She responded, lets pray for peace. She stated that he gave her no chance to do anything then attacked her with a knife. She fled injured to a bathroom, where she frantically dialed 911. She was unable to get her sixyearold son to safety. The attack there that the boy 26 times did that, as she desperately called for help. The landlords wife told authorities that her husband listened to, quote, Conservative Talk Radio on a regular basis, and he has been heavily interested in the events that have recently occurred in israel. Here is the thing, it is not hard to find extremely dangerous and dehumanizing rhetoric being used all around us with people with tremendous platforms of power, equating every palestinian to hamass terror. Were in every just wore here. I am with israel. Do whatever the hell we had to do to defend yourself, lovely place. We cannot accept people from gaza into this country as refugees. I am not going to do that. If you look at how they behave, not all of them are hamas, but they are all antisemitic. None of them believe in israels right to exist. I dont like how people tried to differentiate between the palestinians and hamas. To me, i see people with guns. That is some of us. The people without the guns are the palestinians. They believe the same thing. Its the kind of dangerous language being used by politicians, tv and radio hosts in the weeks of hamass attack. Over the weekend, this man in illinois acted on the belief that his tenant simply because she was palestinian was fundamentally a terrace, a danger. Because of that, a sixyearold boy advisors. Hey david. Connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. Lets find the right investments for your goals okay, great. J. P. Morgan wealth management. I have moderate to severe crohns disease. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are looking up ive got Symptom Relief Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. Feel significant Symptom Relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer Bowel Movements at 4 weeks. 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Hezbollah in lebanon is calling for an unprecedented throughout the region, people are pinning it squarely on israel. President bidens plan to meet with israeli president benjamin netanyahu. As a former Senior Adviser and spokesperson for the state department. She is now calling columbus for msnbc, and she joins us now. What is your understanding . Publicly, the position of the Biden Administration and the american government, almost entirely, has been you stand behind israel. John kirby said the other day, nobody gets to tell them how to defend themselves. I think throughout the region, this is interpreted and rationally as in Central American endorsement of whatever israel is doing in gaza. Now that the hospital destruction is being blamed on israel throughout the region, we still dont know the actual answer, what does that do to the diplomatic situation . It makes it so much harder for the Biden Administration to be able to guarantee a way for 1 million gazans to find safety. Working with egypt and see their, jordan, the king there those are autocratic regimes not democracies where there is the consent of the governed. Those regimes are constantly monitoring protests and making sure that they do not do anything that will their in their own control of the country, because its not like they wait for an election to have people speak to the judgments of their policy. They are motivated, by and large, by self interest. It is not in their interest right now in egypt, and saudi or in jordan to ally themselves this closely with the United States. Even if the Biden Administration is going to deliver a hard message to that yahoo, there arent many people on the other side who want to hear any of the messages. This is a New York Times speech, theory at the u. S. Even before the hospital plosion, many people across the region a ce to view it was work with hamas, as an americanbacked massacre of Palestinian Civilians in a pocketed territory of gaza. There have been some theorizing that the public position of the Biden Administration is different to a private position, which has been leaning more heavily on swaying them towards restraint. What do you make of that . Thats part of what the in that it donin the region and played with its a road ship with israel. It is on the front and, and anti public statements, full fervent support for the defense of israel. They used to call it the only democracy in the middle east, saying that is zero is besieged on all sides by people who want to eliminate israel from this map of the earth. That is the type of rhetoric that does reflect the virulent antisemitism in the region. On the more realistic negotiation side, there is a recognition in the Biden Administration that there has to be some gifts from israel that will help not align the region but stop the cycle of violence that has hamas and right wing extremists in israel constantly using the other sites attacks to recruit more people to the cause. So what that looks like, and how that actually happens is the problem, because we do not have many eyes on the ground. We dont have diplomats or even many journalists in gaza. What we do have is a rightwing Israeli Government that is operating as a unity government for the time being that is leaning on a rhetoric indeed United States that says things like, turned gaza into a parking lot. It is the same war rhetoric that we heard in the u. S. , when we were attacked on 9 11, and how we justified our war in afghanistan. There is a big difference in reactionary rhetoric and this idea of selfdefense, and what a Long Term Strategy for peace can look like. Right now, both of those things are at odds with each other. I think i can imagine that this geopolitical priority, which i think is independent of humanitarian, local concerns, for the United States government is stopping regional escalation. That, right now, is a real, real worry for everyone. Nayyera haq, always good to hear from you, thank you so much. It can be very hard to maintain a lot of optimism on the State Of The World in times like this, but once again, we do have some good news, genuine good news from an unlikely source. Well bring you that next. U that next. And jen z. Each planning their future through the chase mobile app. Jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j. P. Morgan wealth plan. Lets go whiskers. Jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. You only turn 30 once. And jen z . Her credits golden. Hello new apartment. Three jens getting ahead with chase. Solutions that grow with you. One bank for now. For later. For life. Chase. 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Thats what u. S. Bank is for. Huge relief. Yeah. The last eight years, the country of poland has had a ruling farright party known as Law And Justice. The parties and condemned lgbtq rights, specifically targeting trans community, in the lead up to this years elections. Its campaigned against the influence of the European Union, of which poland is a member. It has implemented changes to the countrys judicial system, that a European Union court ruled infringed on eu law. It appears Law And Justice will not be in power for much longer, after a points of the party wont clear majority in parliamentary elections held sunday. This was a statement election, the highest Voter Turnout in poland since 1919. Thats even higher than the countrys first free elections after the fall of communism in 1989. Now, change in that country would not happen overnight, the countrys president is a member of the farright Law And Justice party. He will remain in power until elections in 2025. But this weekends election was a huge step in a welcome sign for pro democracy political coalitions, around the world. That is all in on this tuesday night, alex wagner tonight starts right now. Good evening,. Alex t, a thank, you on behalf of everybody watching these channels in these hours for ending on something positive. A little good news. For democracy. It was surprising in heartening, not clear those could happen. Great news. Voter turnout, the biggest since 1918 . Hats off to you. Thank you, my friend. Thanks to you at home for

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