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Donald trump which concluded just a few minutes ago in philadelphia. Chris, to your point about ms. Being made here, trump refused to say that he would veto national Abortion Ban. Trump also repeatedly refused to say that he thinks or wants thinks that it would be good, or wants for ukraine to win the war in russia. He would not say it and then he talks about how hes very concerned about the number of troops that russia has lost after they invaded another sovereign country . I mean, it was stunning. Joy, to your point about the way that Kamala Harris turned it to him directly, i want to read that part from the transcript. Kamala harris says to the camera,. Donald trump was fired by 81 Million people so lets be clear about that and clearly hes having a very hard time processing that but we cannot afford having a president of the United States up in the photos in a free and fair election. I can tell you i have traveled the world as Vice President. World leaders are laughing at Donald Trump. I have talked with military leaders, some of whom work, and then she turns with you, and they say you are a disgrace, and when you then talk in this way in a president ial debate over and over again about Court Cases youve lost because you did in fact lose that election, it leads one to believe that perhaps we do not have in the candidate to my right, the temperament or the ability to not be confused about that fact, and that is deeply troubling and The American people deserve better. That is playing those two terms that you are talking about. The camera, talking to people at home and talking to her opponent in ways that deeply rattled him and shes able to do it in the same answer. Joining us now is the democratic Vice President ial Nominee And Minnesota governor Tim Walz. I really appreciate you making time to be here with us tonight. Thank you. Thanks for having me, rachel. Great night. You are in a Watch Party in arizona. You figure it was a great night. Tell us how you assess your running Mates Performance this evening. I am out here in mesa and folks across the country got to see a president for all americans. You saw president Vice President harris conduct herself with Dignity And Layout her plans for an economy in tackling real problems and doing it all with Grace And Dignity and then on the other side, i dont know how to describe it. You saw a nearly 80yearold angry narcissists continue to veer off into things that in any other setting might actually be funny, but they are dangerous in the setting. They are dangerous because this guy anywhere near the White House is simply unacceptable, but i think the good news is a lot of americans are going to see this clip. These things are going to go around. Theyre going to talk to their neighbors and see what Vice President harris is bringing to them. She talks about them. He talks about himself. She talks about real issues. He goes on tangents that are hard to follow so i have to tell you i am excited about this. It is what we all knew. Im glad more people are engaging and we have an opportunity and all of this, doing it with joy. A politics of joy, a politics of possibilities for seeing this guy rooting against america. He is rooting for failure. He does not want good news. He does not want good economic news. He does not want to see Unemployment Inflation going down. He wants to see the worst because whatever twisted vision he has, he thinks hes the guy to fix it when he is the guy who started the problem. So, she did a great job. Im really proud of her. You know, your Running Mate, Vice President harris, one of the things she was just getting praised for at this table here is that she right out of the gate was able to get to a lot of the details of her policy proposals, the kinds of practical proposals you are talking about like Child Tax credits and deductions for Startup Businesses and first time homeowners and she laid out those things and those things it is important to communicate those things to The American people with such a big audience watching tonight. It was not necessarily news though, because we know that is what she is running on. On the other side, the other candidate, former President Trump did make a bunch of news tonight. He refused to say whether he would sign a national Abortion Ban. He refused to say that ukraine should win the war in russia and that would be better. He was asked nine years after he first said he wants to get rid of Obama Care do you yet have your own Health Care Plan and he responded by saying i have concepts of plans. All this was new information in terms of Donald Trumps plans. I wonder if that Changes Anything for you in terms of thinking about how to campaign against him and his Running Mate. Americans should know. We know what a nonanswer is. Of course he would not sign a ban against that because he wants it. He is The One who ruined row. He brings about it all the time. Of course is not going to do anything for ukraine because he wants putin, his buddy, to be in there and he wants to undermine the alliances that have kept peace in the world. Again, when you ask them for a plan, nine years on healthcare we know what is going to do. Hes going to destroy the aca, get rid of preexisting condition protections and attacks social Security And Medicare and The One thing he is clear about, he will give Tax Cuts to the wealthy because that is The One thing he actually followed through with. He has no plan. When i was at the dday memorial, it was clear that other countries deeply concerned with Donald Trump coming back, deeply concerned that his inability to do anything other than a transactional shakedown of our historical allies, as we sat on the beaches of normandy for americans died protecting europe, but protecting us. That is the thing. You give on it ukraine that empowers china. It empowers putin. You have a leader in Kamala Harris that understands the importance of these alliances. She understands what it truly means to stand up for the western democracies and she truly means to talk about others. Donald trump talked about himself 99 of the time. But he wasnt talking about that, he was talking about Victor Or Bonsall could not have been clear and i would just like to say, she did her job. Americans need to do there is. Get engaged, talk to your neighbor, do some doorknocking. It was clear tonight that there is only one person on that stage that should be president of the United States and that was Kamala Harris. One of the more interesting and one of the more unpredictable moments in the debate was a backandforth with the former president about whether or not he believes that he won or lost the last election. He has made some contrary remarks about this in recent days. He tried to claim, not very credibly, and was called up by one of the moderators, tried to claim those recent comments were meant sarcastically. It really didnt seem at the moment as though he was joking. The reason this is not just about 2020, it is about now is because presumably his attitude toward american elections carries through from the last one to this next one. I have to ask of you and your campaign and Vice President harris are fully expecting that even if you wipe the floor with him, even if you win by a lot in november, that he is going to list the entire Republican Party both nationally and in every state that he can in trying to claim falsely that he won. That is who this guy is and lets be very clear. This is a threat to the democracy. It is the most treasonous thing you can do, to undermine a fair and free election. He has never had Anybody Support his insane rhetoric around this but look, this is dangerous. 140 Police Officers were hurt and some were killed. This has caused issues across this country. We are ready for this. We know its going to be a tough race. We know hes not going to concede. Thats why i say once again to americans, get out there and get engaged. Im going to give a huge thank you to election workers. Folks who do the Hard Work of democracy for no money, they are being put at risk by the recklessness of Donald Trump because he cant, at nearly 80 years old, do something that my fourthgraders when i taught them did. When you lose a game, you go shake hands and you congratulate the other person and you move on. We are in this together. This guy cares nothing about the democracy. He cares nothing about The American people. He cares about himself and himself only so again, and i appreciate the moderators calling him out on this, Re Questioning him on it, making it clear that he lost but this guy is a threat. We know it comes down to the Battleground States so for all the listeners out there, we need you. We need you to get engaged. We need you to send a message and i just came a few minutes ago from talking with Mesa Mayor giles, a republican, who says im a strong republican. I dont agree with all of your positions but you are standing in the breach of democracy. Donald trump is a threat to that and he probably stood there with he and his family. That is the type of things we need americans to do across this country. Kamala harris is going to be the president for All Of Us. You dont have to agree with every policy but it is very clear she trusts this democracy. She puts the constitution above everything else. He does not. Im going to get the opportunity to have a debate with someone who is on the stage because Mike Pence sure isnt because he was willing to put the constitution above Donald Trump. It is absolutely critical people know what the threat is. I want to ask you about the prep for your debate with Jd Vance coming up. While weve been talking somebody just handed me something im going to do a not very Tv Thing and read it to you in totality. Im going to redo the whole thing because this was i dont think you know about this, but this is just posted online via woman you might have heard of his name is Taylor Swift. She has posted this online along with a photo of her cat. Im going to read you what she just posted. Quote, like many of you, i watched the debate tonight. If you have not already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most. As a voter, i make sure to watch everything i can about their proposed policies and plans for this country. Recently, i was made aware that ai of me falsely endorsing Donald Trumps president ial run was posted to his site. It really conjured up my fears around ai and the dangers of spreading misinformation and brought me to the conclusion that i need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter. The simplest way to combat this information is with the truth and she says quote, i will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 president ial election. Im voting for Kamala Harris because she fights for the rights and causes i believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she has a steady hand, gifted leader and i believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by cold and not chaos. I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of Running Mate Tim Walz, who has been standing up for lgbtq rights, ivf in a womans right to her own body for decades. I have done my research and i have made my choice. Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say especially to firsttime voters, remember that in order to vote you have to be registered. I also find its much easier to vote early. I will include a register and find early voting dates and info in my story. With love and hope, Taylor Swift, childless Cat Lady. I have to get your response to that, mr. Governor. Wow. All of those things i am incredibly grateful first of all to Taylor Swift. I say that as a fellow cat owner. That was eloquent and it was clear, and that is the type of courage we need in america to stand up. Weve seen it out of those republicans who are at the dnc. We have seen it out of women who would like to have their own personal lives kept personal but are forced to go out there because they nearly died because they cant get Abortion Services in a pregnancy and now you have somebody like Taylor Swift coming out and making that very clear. This would be the opportunity, swifties. Kamala harris. Com. Get on over there, give us a hand. Governor walz, you do have your own debate with Jd Vance coming up and coming up weekly. Have you started rapping for that yet or do you have thoughts about how youre going to approach that . Yeah, i need to. Hes a yale guy, a public school teacher. I think its a good opportunity to contrast where we are at and you will hear me talk like i have about things that impact americans, making sure they have the opportunity to thrive, making sure we are being factual and how we talk about that so im looking forward to it. I will work hard. That is what i do. I fully expect that Senator Vance as United States senator, yale law guy, he will come well prepared but i think what you saw tonight is The American public is on the side of truth. The american public is on the side of things that impact their lives in a positive way and i will continue to put that out and continue to lift up this incredible vision that Kamala Harris brought out tonight, this incredible change in our politics to be joyful, hopeful and look, she knows what it is. We can be joyful but dont Mistake Or Kindness for weakness because she called that out and i said i did enough lunchroom supervision. You put bullies in their place and she put a bully in his Place Tonight and right before our eyes, Donald Trump got angrier and smaller and more irrelevant. We need to keep pressure on for 56 days to win this thing. We dont know yet what voters will think of Tonights Debate or how many people have tuned in to watch it. The immediate reaction from the political observers i serve with here at msnbc is that your Running Mate Vice President harris essentially wiped the floor with Donald Trump tonight. Joy reached and said the word she chose was destroyed. Chris hayes and Lawrence Odonnell had an interesting colloquy between them as to whether or not this mightve been the best televised president ial Debate Performance ever, not just against Donald Trump and in any president ial debate so again we dont have yours at large will view it but i think at least here, our tiny Focus Group thinks that she did very well. Given that, it does not necessarily lend itself toward an obvious next choice. You could just leave it at this and decide it was a pretty good way to leave yourself in the minds of voters before they head into the Voting Booth or you could agree to another debate. If Donald Trump agreed to do it, do you think Vice President harris should debate them again after tonight . I dont want to speak for her but i would be there encouraging her to do it every day if she could. We know theres going to be nothing new. Its the same old tired agenda he brings every time and she is bringing this new hopefulness, this ability to be able to articulate what americans are asking for. The agenda that he brings up, No One is asking for that. In his mind, you know, 99 of people, whatever that is, it is him and whoever else is in his head. Those are the people thinking that way so she will make that decision. We agreed to these two debates. We will carry them out and see where it goes but again i would just encourage americans, dont believe this thing is over by any stretch. This thing is going to be a margin of error rates. We know it will be close. We know there will be an attempt to try to discourage people from Voting But Taylor swift is right. Get registered early, get engaged and maybe make a few phone calls. Do it or not if you can, contribute. Those are the things that help us take this message to every corner of the country. Democratic Vice President ial Nominee Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, i know a lot of pressure on your schedule tonight. Thank you so much for spending some of it here with us. Good luck, sir. Joy. I just want to point out that Taylor Swift has 283 Million followers, and 1 Million people have already liked that instagram post, and it only came out during our interview . Maybe a little bit before but it is not even the first post. Shes posted like three other things since then so Taylor Swift is not just a celebrity. She actually, you know, commands a humongous squad of particularly young white women, and i think it is important to point that out because one of the places that democrats have never been able to do well is among white voters, even young white voters, even young white women. Dobbs has changed a lot but you also have people like Taylor Swift come in and culturally put forward a version of young womanhood that is super modern and she has been relentlessly attacked by the Jd Vance world is being a bad Role Model because she is unmarried and so she now is leaning into that exact demographic that Jd Vance relentlessly targets, that he relentlessly disrespects and she commands so much popularity among her super fans that they have changed the nfl, in a lot of ways, so its not a small endorsement. Its a big deal. A lot of her fans are too young to vote and too young to buy concert tickets, so Taylor Swift fandom is made up of the fans and their parents, their moms and their dads and if there were ever a campaign and the Candidacy Tailormade for A Push For Girl Dads on choice, on eliminating exceptions for and incest, on the positive Role Model and leadership, the Humility And Joy that harasses brain, this may be a sort of Door Swinging open for girls for harris. Can i just say is a hopeless Bleeding Heart Liberal who is also a football fan. I didnt think you could get football in the national divorce but this Travis Kelce Situation like i did not see that coming but somehow we are sort of ending up with it and ive just got to say i will take it. I know Kendrick Lamar is going to be at the Halftime Show and its also a theme of the Harris Campaign as they not like us. In a real way to your point about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce and that pop cultural phenomenon, you know, this idea of the sort of Weirdness And Extremism and Jd Vance going on all these podcasts and the man owes sphere and the purpose of a postmenopausal woman and all the stuff it is really true that like this sort of Fringe Weirdness is a huge part of what is the modern reich, the Donald Trump coalition and it is a strange cultural moment which like that is their play. The play is like the Rfk Vote and the man oh seer sphere. That is the only person hes ever had jobs working for, and that is who bought him his u. S. Senate seat, 15 Million gave him that senate seat. Its the only election he has ever run in and they put him as Vice President to Donald Trump. They couldve picked somebody to normalize Donald Trump but instead, they picked the intern to the Eccentric Billionaire who doesnt believe in democracy and who spent a good part of his own political life trying to convince his fellow Rich Eccentric rightwing billionaires that they should move to floating Shipping Containers in the middle of the sea because no landbased continent could contain their brilliance. By the way, he is now the person with the second closest finger on the button to a 78 yearold declining Senior Citizen who you can see right now is cognitively declining and not only that, but they are running against the whole culture. It is beyonce in Taylor Swift and Kendrick Lamar in the nfl. Its all of it. I hate to wrench this back to reality but its like literally [ inaudible ] ive never been impressed by Celebrity Endorsements. I think they are helpful to the base that you already have. They tend to be people the base already identifies with. This is someone who crosses it all. This is, i think, the most important Celebrity Endorsement Weve ever seen in a president ial campaign, especially since it is so close and could make that kind of difference. The harris for President Campaign now has the two most perfectly timed and most important endorsements of this campaign. Joe bidens 27 minute timed endorsement after he said im not the candidate, perfect timing. It just put a rocket on her to the nomination. This, about 27 minutes after the end of the debate, and it is so important, i think, to the people who are going to be consuming that Taylor Swift endorsement including those fathers of eightyearold girls, that she said i watched the debate. I didnt decide this yesterday. This is a new candidate. Its a new candidate for All Of Us and so i watched a more than 90 minute debate. I watched this candidate against the other candidate and i thought about it in here i am in here is my endorsement. The timing on it is absolutely exquisite. The wording of it is flawless and perfect right down to the Cat Lady stuff. For someone who has never been impressed by a Celebrity Endorsement, this is perfect and powerful. There is also something that is amazing, nonbook and about the Taylor Swift endorsement and the cheney endorsement. Coalition. Lets bring in Alex Wagner and Claire Mccaskill who are in philadelphia at the side of the debate. What did you guys think . That was fun. There were moments im going to say when i ran over to clear and i was like is this are you seeing what im seeing . I will just say, we have been hearing your coverage in New York. One of the things that really stood out to me tonight was the stagecraft of these two candidates, the fact that Kamala Harris repeatedly almost constantly looking at the camera and talking to you at home, the fact that Donald Trumps pronoun of choice is not you or me but she, directing all of his comments to Kamala Harris and she was directing all of her answers to the viewers at home. She knew who she was making a case to and to me it felt like she was making a case to moderates and republicans like over and over again, she was speaking in language that i think was welcoming to people who might still be on the fence and even some of the most incendiary topics, issues of race and identity, she talked about uniting the country rather than sort of taking trumps bait and talking about the politics of the personal, not that it wouldve been necessarily an appropriate given the deeply personal Attacks Trump is launched on her but that is an effort to show that she has an expansive view of the presidency and wants to bring back into the fold people who may be skeptical about where the democratic party is on questions of Identity And Race and also bring in people who maybe just dont know that much about what Donald Trump has been saying and what her reaction to that is so i was really struck by the welcoming, involved nature of her responses. Sorry to interrupt, we are just going to go to Kamala Harris live here. Folks who have been knocking on doors, well, you know. We have a lot of work to do, okay, and tonight, i think, highlighted for The American people what is at stake. I started the debate by talking about it and it became apparent throughout that hour and a half that look, this is very much two different visions to our country. Hours, which is a vision for the future, and his, which is about the past and taking us backward and as i said on the Debate Stage, we are not going back. We are not going back in so we know what we are fighting for. We know what we stand for, and that is why we know what we are fighting for. We are fighting for the dignity of all people. We are fighting for the dignity of work. We are fighting for middleclass families. We are fighting to uplift people understanding the true measure of the strength of a leader is not based on who you be down. It is based on who you be lift up. That is what we stand for and so we have some work to do because listen, i think that we think today was a good day, and it kind of was, but we have 56 days to go and this race is tight. We have got to win pennsylvania. And we are going to win pennsylvania. And, it is because of you. It is because of you, who have signed up, who have volunteered. You are organizing. Your helping us to email and text and knock on doors and talk to your neighbors and your friends and heres the thing about the spirit of our campaign. It is peopledriven. It is about the people. It is about uplifting our country. This is a campaign born out of love of country. We love our country. We believe in who we are. We believe in The American people. This is a campaign about bringing folks together knowing the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us. It is about inclusion and it is not about division and it is not about the meaning and namecalling. It is about lifting folks up, working folks, families, children, people who are not just trying to get by, but trying to get ahead. That is what we stand for, so lets get out here for these next 56 days. Hard work is good work and we will win. We will win. See you later. Vice president Kamala Harris in the second gentleman, her husband, Doug Emhoff speaking to a Watch Party tonight in philadelphia just after the conclusion of tonights blockbuster president ial debate. They are playing Taylor Swift right now and that maybe they would be doing it anyway, but Taylor Swift just issued her mega Celebrity Endorsement of the Harriswalz Campaign with a post on instagram that, as joy pointed out, had instantly 1 Million likes and counting, perhaps the most anticipated and potentially most consequential president ial Celebrity Campaign Endorsement that we have seen and i dont know how long. I dont even know what to compare it to. Can we go back to our Friends Claire and alex . They are in philadelphia. Clear, we soberly ripped the camera away from you because we wanted to get Vice President harris and her Life Remarks at that Watch Party, but i need to hear more from you about what you thought about her Performance Tonight and how this went. Listen, his premise of the debate was, she is not strong enough to negotiate with people or to go Toe To toe with people and what The American people watched was her going Toe To toe with him and owning him. From the moment she walked out and chased him down to shake his hand and introduced herself, and then the way she reeled him and you know, like Shooting Fish in a barrel on the Crowd Size and people leaving his rallies. She got it, and she really owned that debate from that moment on because that is when he got mad. That is when he got rattled. That is when he got so agitated he started talking about eating dogs, and all of those things. If he just turned into this debate and you havent really been paying attention you go got that guy is running for president . Thats weird. I think she demonstrated how good she will be going Toe To toe with the bad guys in the world as she did a really good job going Toe To toe with this guy. We just saw her tell that Watch Party in philadelphia, and not so many words, she said today was a good day. I think the campaign i dont know if they are reading the instant response or if they just know what happened on the Debate Stage but clearly, i think this went as well as i think most observers think it went. I will ask you the same question i just asked governor Tim Walz we just interviewed live here, given how well this went for Kamala Harris, should she debate him again or should she just leave it at this . , i dont think he would debate again but i dont think she should miss the opportunity to ever have a sidebyside contrast. I think this check so many boxes for her. People get to know her better, they see her strength, they see she is focused on them and not herself and i do Think Alex is right. She really looked at the camera and repeatedly said this is about making sure that you feel good about the future, that your government can do something for you, that will help you in it was just such a stark difference. You should know that alex is not next to me right now because trump has come in the Spin Room, just so you know, that has happened and he is desperately trying to get the attention that i think he needs as oxygen at this point even though i think most of the people in this room that are here spending on his behalf know that he had a bad night. As you literally standing there like hes his own surrogate trying to get people to talk to him . Exactly. He walked in the room. We knew something was going on because Secret Service was around. Everybody was assuming it was going to be Jd Vance. It is actually Donald Trump walked into the Spin Room to spin on his own behalf wow. That is something. That is not a sign of Strength Or Confidence in your own performance when youre trying to extend past the final bell there. Live images of what is happening there in the Spin Room. Jen psaki, how do you think Vice President , Harrison Donald Tim Walz did . The song they were playing, heres a lyric from the song they were playing. Im so sick of running as fast as i can running if i would get there quicker if i was a man which i dont know if they know how perfect that song was for this moment. But one of the things that really struck me about the debate was she shifted the power to mannix and youll remember watching Hillary Clinton Debate Donald Trump. From the moment she did that handshake she didnt just like reach her arm out, she chased him down to shake his hand and he never really recovered control of the debate, which was so interesting because its just a reflection also to me of how she has been underestimated over and over. I dont know if anyone here feels as a woman in a male dominated Business Youve ever been underestimated but people can relate to that out there. Let me tell you about that. There were many moments where she made him smaller. She was bigger and i think she reached the people sitting at home. The last thing i wanted to add because we havent talked about yet i dont think, is her Abortion Answer was a complete masterpiece. It was so well done, so passionate, so informed, they will take that because the question is what do you do now, right . She did well in the debate. You dont become resident from winning a debate just asked john kerry, hillary clinton, many people. They can take that and use that to build support among the women that they need more support from. The white women. She is not where Joe Biden was among women quite yet in terms of the percentage he won in 2020. There is more room to go. That Abortion Answer i thought was one of the best moments along with many great moments. We are going to take a quick break here. We have a lot more to get to tonight. We are all staying ahead of the debate what they wanted to see. It will be interesting to see everyones take on all of this. Im going to tell you that i have traveled the world as Vice President of the United States and World Leaders are laughing at Donald Trump. I have talked with military leaders, some of whom worked with you, and they say you are a disgrace. Ive had terrible Flooding Problems on my porch. Now i understand why. Right now leaffilter is offering a free inspection, on your schedule. 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Soulmate [giggles] why do you need me . [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to tmobile 5g home internet. And now his attention is spent elsewhere. But im thinking of her the whole time. Thats so much worse. Why is that thing in bed with you . This is where it gets the best signal from the Cell Tower ive tried everywhere else in the house theres always a new excuse. Well if we got xfinity you wouldnt have to mess around with the connection. Therapys tough, huh . Mmm. Its like a lot about me. [laughs] a Home Router should never be a home wrecker. Oo this is a good book title. You want to talk about this is what people wanted, pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to Term Suffering from a miscarriage, being denied care in an Emergency Room because the Healthcare Providers are afraid they might go to jail and she is leading out in a car in the Parking Lot . She didnt want that. Her husband didnt want that. A 12 or 13yearold survivor of incest . Being forced to carry a pregnancy to term . They dont want that. And i pledge to you, when congress passes a bill to put back in place the protections of roe v. Wade as president of the United States i will probably sign it into law. Vice president Kamala Harris speaking on abortion at Tonights Debate. Alex is standing by with California Governor Gavin newsom. Just a few minutes ago Donald Trump entered the Spin Room. There had been some speculation, some rumors earlier in the day that he might pull a trick like that. I actually was skeptical because i was able to enter this arena with a large hoagie wrapped in brown paper. This was not a highly secure facility for someone who is just survived an assassination attempt. Nonetheless, he was just here spending his spin. What do you think that represents . An act of desperation. He knows he got his clock cleaned from the moment she came out on stage. She had the courage to go over there, shake his hand and introduced herself as Kamala Harris. She commanded the room from the second she came out. She was a commander in chief and she had him on the defense the entire night and this was a Prizefight It wouldve been tko in the second round. She did as well or better than any of us couldve hoped for and i know her well enough to know this. The best is yet to come. She can do even more, with more time on the campaign trail, youre going to see the quality of her performance only improve. You know we just laid that sound of the exchange she had with Donald Trump on his role in overturning roe v. Wade. At one point he said he had done a great service to the country by appointing Supreme Court justices and then said it was what everybody wanted. When you think about the issue that could decide the election that could be the whole ball game. The way she was able to humanize that and talk about 12 and 13yearolds who are clutching Teddy Bears as they are giving birth to the babies what she didnt say the same 12 and 13yearolds in mississippi, there was one that had to bring her kid to seventh grade. That is Donald Trumps america. She was able to bring that to life in the significant way. That was one of the most significant moments because she spoke for millions of women and parents like me with two daughters. That was a significant, significant moment and heres why it was significant, as well. It is not an indictment of Joe Biden by any stretch of the imagination but it shows the differentiator. It shows what she is able to bring in terms of her communication, particularly on issues like that, to another whole level into this new and expanded audience and that goes back to why Donald Trump was in the Spin Room. It was a bad night for him. Her ability to talk about abortion in a deeply emotional way is resonant enough that i think its not just about fathers and daughters were women but men, people all over the country understand the gravity of those situations. People are sick of the way women have been treated in this country, sick of the way the Lgbtq Community has been traded, sick of how immigrants have been treated. The african american community, there are sick of it. That was another great part of this debate near the end when we talked about the issues of race and she elevated that. I saw there was a young African American Girl in the Spin Room. She walked from the back of the room to the front of the room, i almost get emotional about this, and she was looking at that screen because she saw herself. That was a different level of attachment. That didnt come from here, it came from here and that is what she brought tonight. This was not a great night for her, it was a great night for this country, for freedom, democracy, social and racial justice, the rule of law. I am filled with pride and im also filled with pride because that is the Kamala Harris ive known for 30 years. Weve been saying this. Im telling you, that Kamala Harris i have known for 30 years, and this levity, she is back in a profound and deep way and i think this is a tough night for the campaign for the trump campaign. In another way, how they react or overreact to this will be more determinative than the punditry in the moment and how the first Flash Poll moves. I think this was shape shifting in a deeper way and it will show itself over the course of the next few weeks. Will you know, its the Kamala Harris youve known for the last 30 years. Its also the Donald Trump the country is known for the last nine, maybe even the worst version talking about dogs and cats being eaten. Dogs and Cats Tonight or at least breathing a sigh of relief tonight. Note hannibal lector, at least. Trump has become kind of a bad imitation of himself and what we saw tonight was a Vice President former prosecutor laying the straps repeatedly for trump. He kept walking into the mother it was his fathers Silver Spoon or the size of these rallies or have been a disgrace on the world stage. Each and every one of them he responded to. It was too easy. It was too easy. I mean, this just shows how consequential this election is. She laid those traps and i want to compliment her, but they werent that complex. There just trigger words and you just watch you saw his physiology, you saw his eye movement. You know where he was going to go its also what the rest of the world does to Donald Trump. She was absolutely right. Ive been in those rooms with foreign leaders. Ive met with dozens of them. They all say exactly what she said tonight. He is so prone to flattery and as she said, favor. Terrified of being humiliated. How easily manipulated he becomes because he is weak, weakness masquerading as strength and that weakness was exposed tonight and a pretty profound and consequential way because it was over 90 minutes and he couldnt get off the mat. Do you think this debate is the Difference Maker that needs to happen for i guess what feels like we are being told its going to be the tightest election of our lifetimes, that there needs to be some meaningful change to move the numbers in any definitive way. I think we all have to be careful not to over hype. I think we can over analyze, too much punditry as i say. I think this unfolds over the next few weeks. Lets give you a couple of examples. Honestly, i think the Taylor Swift endorsement, how trump reacts so that and how that can create a few news cycles, how he reacts in terms of his grievance and his the parties on those networks and how he goes out and does these large scale events and is consumed by how unfair this was and how rigged this was and all of a sudden this could expose something even more damaging than the punditry on the situation tonight. I am a little subjective, but i cannot objectively imagine in those 60, 80 counties within the seven Swing States that people truly were open argument interested in evidence, how anyone could have concluded that there wasnt just one commander in chief and her name was Kamala Harris on Stage Tonight had it was an eventful evening. Do you think there should be another debate . Absolutely there should be another debate, and it should come in october. He said anytime, anywhere. Lets do it. Why wouldnt we . All right, governor gavin newsom. I think were just going to take the show on the road, rachel. We are going to follow this ride wherever it goes looking for a miracle. I would pay good money, i would buy the tshirt. I would do the whole thing. Simone Sanders Townsend joins us. I, too no genocide at the hands take moment and i thought that was great because it showed that she was in command and not scared, that she is not afraid of engaging and i think it put Donald Trump back on his heels because he was like oh, whats happening here, how you doing so i thought that was a good moment and then she very, i think just masterfully insured that the footing on the economy was strong and that she was very clear in her own words what it is she is going to do, what she believes Donald Trumps plan means for The American people and then at every single turn throughout this debate, she baited him and he took it like he mentioned wharton. We all know he went forward and yes, but why are you waiting in . Like i feel for the Debate Prep Team that prepped Donald Trump because i just know is a former strategist, i know thats not what they encouraged him to go up on that stage and do. The Back And Forth with David Moore shouting him down about the dogs and the cats, i was literally flabbergasted. That moment, can i just say that the way that landed was Donald Trump made this false claim. David weir said weve looked into this and check with local authorities, it didnt happen and then trumps response was, but i saw it on television. And then David Mure was like i got this from the city manager. That actually was not just him saying something wrong in getting called out. It was him admitting that if he sees a thing on television that counts is true to him. A doddering grandpa moment. If hes trying to present himself as a commanding presence it was just a bad as bad as when David Muir or the other moderator followed up with him and said, do you have a plan on Obama Care . He didnt answer and he said ive got concepts of plans. Codifies president harris had given at that Answer Tonight about anything and she would be being eviscerated on the front page of the New York times tomorrow so i look forward to seeing the coverage because Donald Trump needs to be covered just as rigorously as Vice President harris has been covered. I thought she gave very fulsome, clear answers. She also weaved her personal narrative and with the policy, and with the contrast and responded to the things that she needed to respond to and left the other things that the wayside and gave good facials where they mattered. She found moments to turn to the camera and speak to the people at home and there are many moments from that that i hope will be turned into ads from the Campaigns Perspective because im sure a lot of people watch. But not everybody did and people need to be reminded from this debate what happened on the stage because it may be the only one. We just saw Life Images there of Vice President harris in the second gentleman leaving philadelphia, heading to newport New York for tomorrows 9 11 commemorations. Donald trump did more than take the bait. Tonight what happened was she beat him at The Business Of Television and the reason this is so important is because that is what hes actually good at. When he lied and said no i didnt inherit 400 Million of real Estate Portion from my father that is exactly what he did. He inherited it and squandered it. He went bankrupt six times but he became a Business Success in political success because hes a good entertainer. He failed over and over. There was that moment when they were going Back And Forth about the economy and he said you know, the Tariffs Matter because during covid, we saw that we didnt manufacture any chips here so we need those test and she looked right at him and said yeah, thats why we instilled the chips act. We invested 1 Billion to manufacture them here and i will just say during the debate i spoke to some republicans, former members of Trump Administration who said well, i still dont know her policies and i said how . And said im just Hearing Handouts you know a little Bit Housing a little bit small business, Child Tax credit. Those are handouts . Often what is cutting corporate taxes . They are both stimulus for different groups of people and it goes right back to simones point. She didnt give enough detail yet Donald Trump was present for four years said i have concepts to replace obamacare and the last thing i would say the other thing i heard from republicans over and over the moderators didnt like Donald Trump they only like Kamala Harris. Really . Well, he got an additional five minutes. He spoke 39 times to her 23 times and for she was so masterful, she didnt scream and shout because she cant because shes a woman, because she is a black woman because if she got outraged in any way she would get it for that and she laid it out and she was masterful and how this whole night went and you know it because when you went to the Spin Room he said yeah, she wants a rematch because she knows she last. I think politically we will see what the voters say and what everyone thought but you get a larger take away and here it was that she answered questions, gave it as good as she got it without ever going over the line, which he did, and he often did not answer questions and lied. Some of his fans and some casual viewers may not catch every lie. That is the thing about his lies but you got the overall impression of her time that she was giving answers and you did not have to be listening that closely to notice so, abortion is a big issue. Does he support the national Abortion Ban . He wont say. And he will say i havent talked to jd about that. He said i would sign it or wouldnt sign that i dont know. We havent talked about that. Showing strength there. I thought that take away in the Mood And Energy people and with was in her favor even after his lies in the fact that he had more debate experience. Were going to take one more quick break. When we come back we are going to check in with david so rough and undecided voters. We have a lot to get to. This was a big night. Stay with us. As it relates to my values let me tell you, i grew up a middleclass kid raised by a hardworking mother who worked and saved and was able to buy our first home when i was a teenager. The values i bring to the importance of homeownership, knowing not everybody got handed 400 Million on a Silver Platter and then File Bankruptcy six times bankruptcy six times Putins Agenda is not just about ukraine. Understand what the European Allies and our nato allies are so thankful that you are no longer president , and that we understand the importance of the greatest Military Alliance the world has ever known which is nato. What we have done to preserve the ability of zelenskyy and the ukrainians to fight for their independence, otherwise putin would be sitting in kyiv

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