NCDC Weekly Epidemiological Report: Issue: Volume 12 No.15. 4th May 2021 Format Nigeria Commemorates World Hand Hygiene Day Globally, promotion of hand hygiene is one of the cost effective public health interventions for the prevention and control of infections, particularly those caused by epidemic-prone pathogens. In line with this, the World Health Organisation launched the World Hand Hygiene Day which is celebrated every year. This event is part of the global advocacy efforts to mobilise citizens around the world to imbibe a general culture of handwashing with soap and running water, and the use of alcohol-based hand sanitisers. The theme for this year’s event is “Achieving hand hygiene at the point of care” with the slogan “Seconds Save Lives – Clean Your Hands. In recognition of the importance of public awareness of hand hygiene, Nigeria joined the global community to commemorate the World Hand Hygiene Day on the 5thof May, 2021. The national sub-theme “One Nation, One Plan: Turn Nigeria Orange” is a recognition of the “Orange Network Project” which was launched by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) in 2019. This is a network of tertiary health facilities in Nigeria which aims at promoting centers of excellence in infection prevention and control.