by Monica Smith — April 15, 2021 . RALEIGH – The Lulu eGames, NC State’s largest annual startup competition, draws the attention of student and faculty entrepreneurs from across campus. This year 160+ entrepreneurs entered the competition to battle for over $100,000 in award money. A group of volunteer judges hand-picked 19 finalist teams to advance to the second round of our highly competitive startup competition. For the first time since its inception in 2009, ten final round winners were announced virtually via a Facebook Live video stream on April 8, 2020. Student teams walked away with anywhere from $2,000 to $15,000. The competition is composed of two tracks – the student track, where solo-preneurs or teams can compete, and the Daugherty Endowment track, available to university spin-out companies. Student teams can compete across five different categories: Arts Venture, IBM Built on Cloud, Social and Environmental Impact, Design and Prototype and New Venture.