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North Korean defector desperately wants to go home, but is f
North Korean defector desperately wants to go home, but is f
North Korean defector desperately wants to go home, but is facing possible arrest
Kim Ryon-hui says she is stuck in South Korea against her will, and is accused of National Security Law violations
Related Keywords
South Korea ,
China ,
Panmunjeom ,
North Korea ,
Vietnam ,
Republic Of ,
Vietnamese ,
North Korean ,
Kim Ryon Hui ,
Heo Jae Hyun ,
National Security Law ,
Daegu Metropolitan Police Agency ,
National Intelligence Service ,
Cheongwoon Hyojadong Community Service Center ,
Ministry Of Unification ,
National Assembly ,
Facebook ,
National Security ,
Kim Il Sung ,
Countermeasures Council ,
Resolve Allegations ,
Orchestrated Defection ,
North Korean Overseas Restaurant Employees ,
Blue House ,