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And sold russian assets. Sputnik v no longer protects against coronavirus. New strains, invisible to antibodies when the gomley center promises an updated vaccine. Hello, at inv news, in the studio egor kalyvanov. So, israel launched new strikes in two directions; in the north of the country, on the border with lebanon, five militant groups were destroyed. The National News agency, in particular, wrote about the attacks. Lebanon, fighter jets allegedly invaded the airspace of this republic and fired missiles at hezbollahs locations; in the south, over the gaza strip, planes continued to fly all night and all morning. The israeli army reported hundreds of strikes on hamas targets and several eliminated commanders of the group. Civilian objects also suffer from the attacks, since almost the entire gas sector is densely populated cities, turning one into another. Hamas attacks on israel have not stopped. Moreover, the geography is not expanding that much. For the First Time Since the beginning of the war, sirens sounded in the cities of akko and krayot. In israel , the identification of victims of terrorist attacks and funerals continues, and intelligence agencies and investigative agencies are publishing fragments of interrogations of captured militants. The plan was to walk from house to house, throw grenades, kill everyone who is there, including women and children. For the hostages they promised a reward for anyone who brought the israelis to gas, a 10,000 apartment. The fate of the hostages, of which israel estimates there are more than 200 and includes 30 children, is currently one of the most difficult aspects of the confrontation. However, the leaders of the socalled political wing of hamas try to avoid this form. They are not hostages, what would you call them, prisoners or anything else, you are going to release them, i said we will free them, but now they are in different places, if israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cares about the safety of people, if the europeans and Americans Care about this, let them force israel to stop the aggression, find out what these different places are, now one of the main tasks Israeli Intelligence services, among the prisoners the majority of foreigners are us citizens. This is precisely how the white house explained the sending of military advisers with experience in Counterterrorism Operations in iraq to israel. I can say little, there are officers with suitable experience who we believe corresponds to operations that israel is currently conducting or will conduct in the future. Against this background, problems arose for the American Military due to the military bases located there in syria; in the Current Situation in the middle east, washington took the emergency so seriously that joe biden even interrupted his speech, which was dedicated, among other things, to the conflict between israel and hamas. Excuse me, i need to go to the situation center. There is one problem that i need to solve. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The group took responsibility for the attacks the Islamic Resistance of iraq, the militants support palestine, have previously attacked american targets, one of the attacked bases is located next to a large oil field, it is now controlled by the americans. Our special correspondent sergei halashevsky is following the events unfolding around israel on the spot. All israeli authorities maintain a strict blockade of the enclave, do not allow food, medicine, or fuel to enter there, and about air strikes on the gaza strip, and this night the rescue squad also came under attack palestine, at that moment they were clearing away the rubble just from the previous raid on palestine, the total number of victims continues to increase, at the moment it is already more than 500 people who died from israeli airstrikes and more than 15,000 people were injured, at the same time the israeli army is inflicting strikes on the south of lebanon, this is a hezbollah position movement, but the military emphasizes that this is a response to the shelling of hezbollah and israeli territory, and recently, just the day before, Israeli Defense minister galaland said that they are ready to the next stage, to conduct a land operation and thats how he announced it, it will be a deadly combined attack from air to sea on land, but the military here in israel is afraid that it will prevent them from doing their job, and may politicians who are now conducting intensive negotiations on regarding the hostages, yesterday hamas handed over to the israeli side and the palestinian red moon two elderly women, these are seventyyearold nurit cooper and eightyfiveyearold livshetz from kibbutz from kibbutz neroz, abducted with them husbands amiram, eightyfive years old, and eightyyearold odet, it is yohivets husband who continues to remain in captivity of hamas, the day before there was information that hamas agreed, had already practically agreed to release 50 hostages with dual citizenship, but in exchange demanded to arrange fuel supplies to the enclave, which israel did not lets go, these negotiations broke down and as a result, only these two elderly women were released, well, in the gas sector itself they are no longer talking about the fact that it is on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe, it is already there began, people stand in kilometerlong queues for water, there is a catastrophic shortage of it, there is not enough food, medicine, the day before, by the way, israel announced that it had revoked the work permits of 18,000 palestinians. Who live in the gaza strip, previously these palestinians who had permission could come to israeli territory and work here, now they are all fired, just recently french president emmanul macron flew here to bengurion, he will meet with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and palestinian president mahmoud abbas, sergei halashevsky reports from israel, the United States is developing plans for the Mass Evacuation of its citizens from the middle east, as the newspaper writes. Joe Bidens Administration is seriously concerned that washingtons support for israel has put the lives of hundreds of thousands of americans at risk. Approximately 600,000 us citizens live in israel, and over 80,000 live in neighboring lebanon. If a ground operation begins in the gas sector, they will all need to evacuate. This event is with complex logistics, you will have to use warships and aircraft. At the same time , unnamed officials admitted that the success of the operation is not guaranteed; when preparing such a largescale evacuation, it is necessary to consider the worst scenarios with an unpredictable outcome, the newspaper quotes. Meanwhile, today google and apple have disabled information about Road Conditions and traffic jams in israel and the gas sector on their map services. As google stated, this was done for reasons of safety of local communities, but how bloomberg found out. The israeli army sent a corresponding request to the company in order to maintain the secrecy of the movement of military equipment. In the svo zone, soldiers of the Army Special Forces and the Central Military district received state awards on their professional holiday. Medals for courage, suvorov, zhukov, as well as insignia of the order of st. George. Their comradesinarms, special forces scouts akhmat, hold the defense in the kremennaya area around the clock. Report by il lyadvin. Footage of a night hunt by Akhmat Special forces behind enemy lines on in the krasnolimansk direction, the elite Reconnaissance Team aida is working. A strong point with a garrison of six people crumbles in just 2 minutes. And this is an ambush by an enemy sniper trio, several shots are fired and three targets are hit. These forays into the forests near kremennaya undermine the attacking potential of kievs forces, which have noticeably intensified in this direction. The enemy is attacking around the clock from the directions of chervonodebrov and zhitlovka with the goal of encircling the flint. According to captured ukrainian soldiers, the Ukrainian Army is faced with the task of capturing the city before november. Extensive reserves have been brought here, but the group is operating according to the already known counteroffensive tactics. Barrage detachments, nazi battalions that stand behind the mobilized and throw them into meat assaults on some sections of our front, reached up to 30 attacks per day, this is something colossal for this section. We havent encountered yet. And this is the same case when the number of attacks does not translate into quality. In addition, attackers often act uncoordinated. Many foreigners dont really know the area. And thats why it turns out to be unsettled. Hades group interferes with the enemy with the help of drones, and the guys use the entire arsenal of warbirds available today. The main advantage of such formerly agricultural drones is their large Payload Capacity of up to 45 kg. From them the guys drop 82 mm onto enemy fortifications. Mines, and of course, where without fpv, such small birds with a grenade or rpg shell can even fly into a hospital. Copters are assembled and repaired in this flight center, and here fighters can improve their skills simulators, so that your fingers and hands do not forget their work, because there are periods of rest between combat exits, accordingly you must always keep yourself in working condition. The fighters have prepared dozens of such lines, even if a point is discovered, the enemy has only wondering if the gun is still there or if it has already been moved. Mortars of various calibers, automatic grenades and heavy artillery fire around the house as the enemy approaches; there are enough resources for this. We dont have a hunger for shells, its like, well, were releasing, well, we can release 150, 200 shells per day, that is, per day, for example, 80 second, well, 1200, we can afford 50, 60, 70 per day according to ags, we can say we dont keep count, the density of fire hits the enemys morale, which is often after unprincipled assaults retreats, throwing down his weapon, these kalashnikov assault rifles are a clear example, ilya lyadvin and gormichkin, ntv, lugansk peoples republic. On other topics, one of the Worlds Largest manufacturers of elevators and escalators, the Finnish Company kone, sold its russian assets. Further Business News and denis talalaev, denis, who is it for . Got it . The Russian Company s8 capital, which has such a rather interesting pool of businesses, includes the production of tires and the distribution of lotteries. Finnish elevator manufacturer kone has divested itself of an asset. In russia, they were bought by the Russian Company s8 capital, the parties announced the deal this morning. The finns did not have any production in russia, but the deal will include, as reported, a service portfolio, that is , servicing 7,000 pieces of equipment, including highspeed elevators in six regions. According to some estimates, which the kommersant newspaper reports that the transaction amount is up to 1 billion rubles. Armen sargsyan is considered the owner of s8 capital. This company owns the ato lottery distributor, marketplace price. In the last 2 years the company has become much more visible; last year it bought the russian assets of another large elevator manufacturer an american one, and in the spring of this year it also bought the russian business of a german manufacturer. Finnish kona has been supplying elevators to the soviet union since the midthirties. And the current departure from the country is explained by russias military actions in ukraine. The general director of the Management Company a101 comfort, igor vdovichenko, says after foreign manufacturers left russia. The quality of service of the Successor Companies has fallen, and the products from china, turkey and russia , the businessman notes, are not always satisfactory to developers , the Investment Company glincom says that turkish elevators do not meet speed standards for highrise buildings, russian elevators can often rise no higher than 3035 floors. Today the state sign showed software that is reported to will allow atms in russia to work with new banknotes in and 5,000 rubles. About a thousand, we are not talking about it yet, they are sorting out the design there. Usually, atm software is updated by the manufacturers themselves, but after the american ncr and dibald nixdorf, which occupy up to 70 of the market, left russia, the state sign had to take on the unusual task. Today at the presentation , the state sign showed how its Software Works on an atm of the south Korean Company hyosong at the domestic atm saga. And so the state sign was asked will it be software is security placed on atms from so called unfriendly countries . We are talking about a device that performs a number of functions and lets say, solving the problem of installing some Additional Software there when the manufacturer does not want it, this puts the user of this device at risk, so this is not part of our plans, one of largest aluminum producers in the world, rusal, seems to have found what it will make this aluminum from, the Russian Company announced that it is buying 30 of the shares of the chinese alumina producer , the company fen new materials, the deal, depending on the conditions, will amount to 260350 million. Its meaning in russal is explained as follows the company gets access to a stable source of alumina at more favorable prices. Alumina is a white powder that looks like it is obtained from ore, and only then aluminum is made from it. Events in ukraine, sanctions complicated rusals access to raw materials; for obvious reasons, it lost control over its clay plant in ukraine in the nikolaev region. And also in march last year, export to russia. And australia banned aluminum ore. The rusal deal once again shows the increasing dependence of the russian market on supplies from china. As bloomberg writes, exports from china to russia have grown by 57 this year. Russian exporters continue to prepare to pay taxes at the end of october, the ruble continues to rise in price, now the dollar has dropped below 94 today for the First Time Since midseptember, and the euro is again worth less than 100 rubles. A rising ruble is a bad prospect for exporters. But overall, the fund for trading it is now neutral, oil does not show anything intelligible, so the movement on the russian stock market is also barely noticeable. Deputies and senators proposed to roscosmos an idea on how to make money, namely, by selling advertising on rockets, such a bill was submitted to the state duma. Its authors want to give the state corporation the right to place advertising on Space Technology and install advertising structures on space infrastructure facilities. As follows from the explanatory note, this could become a source of additional income, both for the russian budget, and for roscosmos, they want to divide the money in half. It is explained that roscosmos has already even explored the potential demand for such a service, and has shown that Large Russian banks and Insurance Companies are interested in it. Moreover, companies wished to participate in the process of naming spacecraft and devices, also for a fee. Roscosmos estimates that it can earn approximately 200 million rubles a year from advertising. Previously, the soyuz Rocket Launcher with the sberbank logo and khokhloma launched in october twenty years to the 180th anniversary of the bank was not informed how much it cost, citing commercial secrets, egor everything about the economy. Thank you, denis telolaev, for Business News. Clinical trials of the updated coronavirus vaccines sputnik v and sputnik light are planned to be completed in december. This was announced by the director of the gomale center, alexander ginsburg. It was there, let me remind you, that the first version of the drug was developed; they were effective against covid19 in the first 2 years of the pandemic, but with the advent of the omicron strain, as ginsburg noted, its effectiveness began to fall, completely the satellite lost its protective properties with the spread of the socalled kraken, that is, in fact, from the beginning of this year, it is expected that the updated version of this vaccine will go into civilian circulation in march next year, according to gunzburg, covid has not gone away yet, and it is constantly adapting, in at the same time. Some experts believe that the virus has become less aggressive, the level of collective immunity is already quite high, and a new vaccine is needed primarily to protect vulnerable categories of people, for example, the elderly, those who have chronic diseases or never had coronavirus, so morat sedikov and i are not among these people, you and i got sick, and yes, then there is an emergency, marat sedikov is with us, what do you have today, egor, today you asked to extend elenas house arrest blinovskaya, let me remind you, blogger, author, marathon of desire for a lecture course on personal growth, is accused of tax evasion of almost a billion rubles, detectives explain that blinovskaya tried to escape and can destroy evidence in the case, well, our correspondents work in court, and through they will contact us directly in a few minutes. Thank you, lets continue, but for now ill say goodbye to you with this, until the next news release on ntv 16. 00, see you, at tinkov insurance we simplify your life, sign up for osagovingkov insurance and receive payments in case of an accident in just a day. Terikon, he is the only one. Magnit, spaghetti shebyakinsky, 479. Magnit, price, what you need, the vtb team is with you, with the vtbon application, transfer money quickly and conveniently, cool idea, but by whom . Invented by those for whom translations are made. This is an opportunity take care of those who are far away, they always remember us, we came up with a vtb debit card and the best application for ourselves, so that your life becomes more convenient, switch to otb right now, a triple portion of strips from rossticks, two slices of cheese on a large golden bun, our very big big maestro burger, only in rostix and kfc. 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Barannikova apparently did not intend to give the money, so she came with her husband, aleftina marchenko, who will continue. The intercom camera recorded the last minutes of vladimir kirdyakins life. A pensioner and his spouse go out onto the porch, wait for the realtor and have no idea how much this service will cost them. A man wearing a knitted hat suddenly dealt a crushing blow to kirdyakins head, then another one, the pensioner fell to the ground as if knocked down, not having time to understand what was happening at all, the realtor womans aggressive companion turned out to be her husband, evgeniy barannikov, who decided to help with picky clients and teach them good manners. Yes, open it. The unconscious pensioner began to panic, the aggressive couple lifted the man to take him away from prying eyes, in the end they decided to drag him into the apartment, but they couldnt go in

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