Obits, Friday, April 16th, 2021 April 16 funeral announcements Services for a New Hampton resident, 83 year old Verlene Maher, are Tuesday at 10:30am at Holy Family Parish in New Hampton. Burial in Sacred Heart cemetery, Reilly Ridge, in rural Lawler. Friends may call 4-7pm Monday at Hugeback Johnson funeral home in New Hampton, and an hour before services at the church. -- Services for a rural Winthrop woman, 65 year old Linda Moore, are Monday at 10:30 at St Patrick's Catholic church in Winthrop. Burial in the church cemetery. Visitation is 2-5pm Sunday and an hour before services Monday at the church's Parish Center. There will also be a rosary and scripture service. Fawcett Schmitz funeral home in Winthrop is assisting the family.