Obits, Thursday, May 20th, 2021 May 20 funeral announcements Services for a Waverly man, 87 year old William "Bill" Beiner, are Saturday at 11am at St. Paul's Lutheran church and School. Burial with military honors in Harlington cemetery. Visitation is Saturday, 9:30am until service time at the church. Kaiser Corson funeral home in Waverly is assisting the family. -- (note date of following obit) Services for a former Oelwein woman, 85 year old Mary Jean Glass of Naples, Florida, are Thursday, May 27th at 10:30am at Zion Lutheran church in Oelwein. Burial in Hope cemetery in rural Maynard. Visitation is 4-7pm Wednesday, May 26th at Jamison Schmitz funeral home in Oelwein and an hour before services at the church.