Ori Director Criticises "Snake Oil Salesmen" Behind No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk, And Fable Share: "It all started with Molyneux," he says, describing Peter Molyneux, the infamous British designer behind Black & White, Fable, and Curiosity - What's Inside The Cube? (spoilers: he was inside the cube). You may remember Molyneux from any one of his PR disasters, including that RPS interview where the first question is "do you think you're a pathological liar?" Woof. Mahler goes on to namecheck Sean Murray, founder of Hello Games and creator of No Man's Sky, which was widely criticised for Murray's bombastic descriptions of the game that failed to be entirely true. "But what happened then?" says Mahler, "they released a bunch of updates, so let's forget about the initial lies and deception and hey, let's actually shower him with awards again."