On December 6, 2022, HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) will host a PD&R Quarterly Update virtual event focused on institutional investors in the housing market. Investor activity has increased since the start of the pandemic, driven by investors with more than 1,000 properties. Their increased activity limits homeownership opportunities for prospective first-time homebuyers and contributes to the racial wealth and homeownership gaps. This event will highlight research on this issue and explore actions that various levels of government, along with nonprofits and other mission-driven entities, can take to drive supply to owner-occupants and mission-driven entities. Opening Remarks Secretary Marcia L. Fudge, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Update on U.S. Housing Market Conditions Kevin Kane, Chief Housing Market Analyst, Economic Market Analysis Division, PD&R/HUD Research Panel Laurie Goodman, Institute Fellow, Housing Finance Policy Center, Urban Institute Bruce Katz, Co-Founder and Inaugural Director of the Nowak Metro Finance Lab, Drexel University Elora Lee Raymond, Assistant Professor, School of City and Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology Esther Sullivan, Associate Professor, Sociology Department, University of Colorado-Denver Communities in Action Panel Laura N. Brunner, President & CEO, The Port Terry McDonald, Executive Director, St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County Mayor Bianca Motley Broom, City of College Park, Georgia Click here for speaker bios and registration information.