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Die juristische Presseschau vom 27. August 2021: Bebauungspl
Die juristische Presseschau vom 27. August 2021: Bebauungspl
Die juristische Presseschau vom 27. August 2021: Bebauungsplan von Datteln IV unwirksam / AfD kann gewählte Posten nicht einklagen / Präsenzunterricht ist Pflicht
OVG NRW erklärte Bebauungsplan des Kohlemeilers Datteln IV für unwirksam. BayVerfGH hält AfD-Klage zur Wahl ins Verfassungsschutz-Kontrollgremium für unzulässig. Schüler:innen haben keinen Anspruch auf Distanzunterricht.
Related Keywords
Germany ,
Paderborn ,
Nordrhein Westfalen ,
Austria ,
Greifswald ,
Mecklenburg Vorpommern ,
Iraq ,
Poland ,
Brunswick ,
Niedersachsen ,
Polish ,
Iraqi ,
Austrians ,
Wiebke Ram ,
Rechtsprofessorin Ulrike ,
Klaus Ott ,
Allgemeine Zeitung ,
Industrieskandal Germanies ,
Olg Koblenz ,
Jonas Jansen ,
Corinna Budras ,
Industrieskandale Germanies ,
Heinz Christian Strache ,
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Other Court Action ,
Public Prosecutor Office ,
Administrative Court Has ,
Constitutional Court ,
School To Be ,
Court To The Election ,
Cross Constitutional Court ,
District Court Paderborn ,
Company To ,
Court Brunswick ,
Threat To Health ,
Review From ,
Fsc May ,
Posts Can ,
Had Told ,
Bayverfgh Believes ,
Chairman Of Judges Detlev Small ,
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ,
West Germanies ,
Issue Of Climate ,
October Proposed ,
Alliance Calls ,
Koalitionsszenarien Thought ,
Scheme Will ,
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Change In The Long ,
Justice Verfgh Bavaria ,
Parliamentary Body ,
Rules For ,
Complaints That ,
State Education ,
Olg To Nordstream ,
Wednesday Announced ,
New Eu Gasmarkt Regeln Also ,
Operators Put Gazprom ,
Federal Republic ,
Ex Vw Chef Winterkorn ,
Winterkorn From Performing ,
Witness Darmstadt ,
Pim Because ,
Teacher Stefan ,
One Witness ,
Attack Was ,
World Pole ,
From Afghan And Iraqi Want ,
However The Border Has ,
Medical Aid ,
Prosecutor Eike ,
Was Shot ,
Brecht ,
Presse ,
Presseschau ,
Edien ,