Qualcomm refines gaming play with Snapdragon 870 - Mobile World Live 19 JAN 2021 Qualcomm renewed its focus on the mobile gaming market, unveiling the Snapdragon 870 platform which it stated will power flagship devices from Lenovo-owned Motorola Mobility, OnePlus, Oppo, Xiaomi and Vivo sub-brand IQOO. The chipset is a follow-on to the Snapdragon 865 Plus released in July 2020, with which it shares features including an Adreno 650 GPU; Hexagon 698 processor; Spectra 480 ISP; fifth-generation AI engine; Snapdragon Elite gaming package; and X55 modem supplying 5G capabilities and peak download rates of 7.5Gb/s. An enhanced Kryo 585 CPU offers core clock speed of 3.2GHz compared with 3.1GHz in the previous model.