Lotte was one of the first Jewish prisoners of Auschwitz. At the age of 18, she was forcibly transported by cattle car to Auschwitz in March 1942, along with her two older sisters. Her number, 2065 – indelibly embedded on her left arm by the tattooist of Auschwitz, Lale Sokolov – bore a lasting testament to her early internment at the death camp. Miraculously, through a mix of luck and her sheer determination to survive, Lotte emerged from Auschwitz to find herself all alone in the world, a previously close and happy family life destroyed, her hopes and dreams shattered. It is truly an amazing feature of Lotte Weiss that she was able to discuss a subject as painful as the Holocaust and her personal family tragedy, and leave everyone coming away feeling full of hope, purpose and believing in the goodness of life and people.