Reading Time: 4 mins read Rootkit leverages the ERC-31337 standard — an open-source technology developed by the team which leverages liquidity captured from permanently locked liquidity pools to unlock new possibilities. It is building a complete crypto ecosystem in the form of upMarketCap quite similar to the popular CoinMarketCap but with so much more functionalities and use cases. Rootkit acts as a highly deflationary, yield-farmable token that uses permanently locked liquidity pools to unlock new possibilities. The token utilizes the combination of the Uniswap pricing mechanism, a fixed-supply currency, and permanently locked liquidity pools, Rootkit creates a price floor that is easy to calculate and ensures a minimum lifetime price for that token. This allows for the reuse of the ETH locked in the system multiple times, pioneering past the expected norms of traditional economics. The firm promises to revolutionize how Defi and yield farming has been seen up until now.