Royal Family latest: Prince William 'beyond livid' - wanted to respond to Harry and Meghan | Royal | News :

Royal Family latest: Prince William 'beyond livid' - wanted to respond to Harry and Meghan | Royal | News

| UPDATED: 09:11, Sun, Mar 14, 2021
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Meghan and Harry made allegations of racism against the royals in their bombshell tell-all as they spoke about the skin colour of their child Archie being a topic of conversation before he was born. Both of them refused to say which member of the Royal Family had brought up the subject with the Duke of Sussex. Buckingham Palace issued a statement shortly after the interview aired on ITV on Monday to say the royals were "saddened" by the Sussexes' claims which the palace insisted would be investigated. Days after his brother shocked the world with his claims, William was forced to deny his family is racist, saying the royals were "very much not a racist family". 

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