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International with me nicky arun good to have you with us this hour. The u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Has vetoed a draft resolution rejecting Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital all fourteen other members voted in favor of adopting a resolution. The studies of jerusalem as the future of two states should be determined through a negotiated settlement between the israelis and the palestinians and the decision and actions which purport to alter the character status of jerusalem have no legal effect what we witnessed here today in the Security Council is an insult it wont be forgotten your belly unilateral actions increase the risk of radicalism the conflict good they got into seclusion can become and will not get out of control the accusation that the United States is setting back the prospects of peace in the middle east that is a scandalous charge we support the just cause of restoring legitimate National Rights of the Palestinian People we disagree with the us decisions you know law treats recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel we urgently need to relaunch the Peace Process the fact that this veto is being done in defense of american sovereignty and in defense of americas role in the middle east Peace Process is not a source of embarrassment for us it should be an embarrassment to the remainder of the Security Council head of morgan talks is through the latest development in the jerusalem crisis and how the draft resolution was received. U. N. Security council was called to a meeting by egypt now egypt to put forward a resolution that essentially intended to give legitimacy to all the outrage that has taken place around the world sense donald trump and the United States recognize jerusalem as israels capital and move the u. S. Embassy to that city and now says this is happened there have been protests all over the world against it there was a meeting of fifty seven different muslim countries that assembled to condemn the decision and we then heard from egypt on the floor of the u. N. Security council condemning the actions that were taken by the United States because with of jerusalem is one of the issues there must be settled through peaceful negotiation between the palestinians and the israelis and yet some to changing facts on the ground in jerusalem is considered an illegal unilateral measure and will have no legal impact since it goes against International Law now what made the meeting unique was not only did we hear normal critics of the United States condemning the decision but we also heard you know western european allies of the u. S. Nato states condemning this action by the United States and boldly disagreeing with the usa for what took place so this is actually the u. N. Ambassador of france but only if you remove it from the region caused by the december sixth announcement and the way it can be interpreted these effects must be avoided we cool all regional polluters to help comb the situation. Now nikki haley the u. S. Ambassador took to the floor and she defended the actions by the United States the United States has been the primary supporter of israel and when she spoke she said that the United Nations should be ashamed of this proposal that was put forward she was ashamed of the vote which had taken place she accused the United Nations of not being supportive of israel of being anti israel and she was harshly critical of the International Community for the proposed resolution what we witnessed here today in the Security Council is an insult it wont be forgotten its one more example of the United Nations doing more harm than good in addressing the Israeli Palestinian conflict now in response to the United States we have seen a statement from the Palestinian Authority the Palestinian Authority has accused the United States of essentially mocking the International Community with their decision to move their embassy and recognize jerusalem as israels capital and now at this point even though fourteen members of the u. N. Security council supported this resolution the single vote from the United States caused it to be vetoed and prevented the resolution from passing the entire chamber was united against a Single Member of the United States voting for a resolution or following mondays session at the u. N. The israeli president praised the american veto he says nikki haley quipped and its a kind of truth and espouse that dominance trumps moved to recognize to resell them as israels capital has provoked dana and widespread outcry. Other students have been involved in protests and clashes with Israeli Forces for almost two weeks the United States decision to end its neutrality on the status of the disputed city has also triggered mass protests protests in other countries including indonesia and turkey has been met with condemnation from european and Muslim Leaders to. Worry. We spoke to experts based in both israel and palestine about the u. S. Veto. Ive been surprised that so many countries have decided that instead of taking the palestinians to the Security Council to discuss why they decided to react the troops announcement by firing rockets at israeli kindergartens instead they have decided to take israel to the Security Council what they should be doing is encouraging the palestinian leadership to return to the negotiating table with donald trump in his announcement did not rule out whatsoever there being a palestinian capital in East Jerusalem hes just reflected the reality that for three thousand years jerusalem has been israels capital it can still happen violence is not the way to bring it about theres no surprises this is very much expected the United States was expected to come up with this veto but none of that is its very significant do assured that the rest of the world. Is asserting the fact that this american decision is illegal and that is a dramatic change that is happening there all of the United States views of the the middle east and particularly the Israeli Palestinian conflict in the history of this process the americans were too biased and less sensitive to the International Legality which was a major structural defect in this Peace Process that isnt of this is that we are witnessing the end of the role of the United States as a sponsor through this process which under very important setback for the american middle east policy. Still is in Washington State say three people died with an amtrak train derailed from a bridge i made to kmita highway on monday part of the train was left dangling from the bridge and the passengers cars passenger cars fell on to the right i see similar can have the details. An amtrak train has derailed from a bridge onto a major highway just forty miles south of Seattle Washington now the drill train hit vehicles on the highway and multiple fatalities have been reported we conducted triology of the incident we performed extrication using the jaws of life to remove the injured. There are three confirmed fatalities that we know of and we transported over a hundred patients now amtrak confirmed that there were Seventy Eight passengers and five a crew members aboard and the train departed from tacoma shortly after eight am in the drill meant occurred during rush hour which is possibly the worst time that this could happen according to the Washington Transportation Department this was a new service that only launched this morning the point of defiance bypass project was intended to quote improve passenger train reliability and reduce congestion by rerouting trains to an inland route prior to that trains were forced to slow down due to curves and single truck tunnels now the governor of washington said that it was a ongoing and a serious situation and has even declared a state of emergency in the counties affected. Processed as related vienna on monday as all three is new Coalition Government which includes a far right party with more than over five thousand dollars to risk on the downside viennas historic home this is the ceremony took place among them were anti fascist students and the left wing groups they were confronted with a heavy Police Presence the protesters marched through the streets with placards bearing slogans such as dont lets not seize goven a major concern for them is that key state positions have been given to the far right Freedom Party it will take on the foreign interior and defense ministries as well as the vice chancellor ship. Theres been widespread condemnation of this agreement across many european Media Outlets lots of fears that this will lead to the the far right side of the coalition having more and more say over politics in austria but we can look at what the well the coalition of put out themselves of what they say their policies will be we can expect that theyll be an increase in direct democracy along the the switch small of putting big votes to the people in order to get their opinions on which direction the country goes in next but one decision that wont be put into the peoples hands like that its been confirmed that austria has no intention on holding in a brags that s. K. U. Referendum any time soon we can also expect tougher immigration control we could also expect the austrian government to push for an end to turkeys accession to the talks we can also expect to see this austrian government pushing more for an end to sanctions against moscow the. Regarding the sanctions against russia yes we would like for those to be lifted we will try to play a part in this is a mediator to find a solution in the interests of yours so europe and russia can overcome the differences when you talk to people on the streets of vienna opinion still very split over the direction the country is headed in the arctic things so i think we have seen this before it was triumphant brags that in england and i think that taking it i really dont think its get going it will it its going to throughout europe theres a return to the far right you can see this in germany. World with the f. T. Got a lot of votes and if someone speaks about the refugee crisis you get the impression that this could have been handled better. In the good norman i think the far right are correct theyre working for the people doing what people who wants them to do so im in favor i am happy with the situation well twenty seventeen hour c. In the far right its rise to prominence in european politics if we look right to the beginning of the year of course we saw builders pushing hard for the the dutch prime ministerial race and their elections there we also saw Marine Le Pen in france be the number one challenger to a minute ground in the french president ial elections where is here in germany where im talking to you from the alternative for Germany Party of they took up seats for the first time in the bundestag in germanys Parliament Well while sebastian could denies that he has any truck with the far right the fact that it had to go into coalition with the with the austrian Freedom Party has seen him heavily criticized him in political scientists verna packed south as the e. U. Will have to reconcile itself to austrias new coalition. West european governments wont take any significant actions against this new or strong government because on the one hand right wing populism has been growing in all these countries and the selfconfidence of europe centrist and left this government has been shattered by this rise of right wing populism and on the other hand the former coalition between the r. P. And the. Did not hard to europe nor to austria law or any policies taken which are contradictions store humanitarian and rule of law standards in the European Union fearful european governments dont see any reason for harsh restrictions and even central to right now. Russia and china are the main threat to americas global dominance thats according to president trance new National Security strategy document outlines the ways in which washington can advance its influence and preserve its prosperity this strategy recognizes that whether we like it or not we are engaged in a new era of competition we also face rival powers russia and china that seek to challenge american influence values and world documents strongly criticizes moscow and its International Policy in particular it claims russia uses technology propaganda and to worsen and attempt to shape the world fundamentally opposed to americas interests. They start with the wrong premise they start with the idea that we have an empire we have a responsibility and it isnt. A believe its a moral responsibility and we are the decider and we should influence people because we are exceptional and theyre all start with the wrong things so its just a matter of degree because of where people america has been among the greatest forces for peace and justice in the history of the world when the American People speak all of us should listen i want to believe that trump heart is with us who are thinking that we should have more open relationships and talking he said it before but he has had to back off and i guess the pressure is too much were the deep state the people who control the media there is a different option and it doesnt have to be more militarism and more confrontation there is no need for that its time we came into a modern world where we can actually talk with people. And his speech announcing that hes trying to g. Trump nevertheless that the u. S. Aims to build a partnership with russia and china as an example the scientific recent intelligence cooperation between washington and moscow which helped to prevent a series of terror attacks in russia on sunday for want of a piercing coast to thank him and the cia the u. S. President said he and the whole of Americas Intelligence Community were pleased they helped to save lives but leaders also would create this was a positive example of the countries working together. I compliment the both president s for doing this and it makes no sense on some of our policies because at the same time we have this signal that we cant talk and work with each other and help each other at the same time we just had a budget that was passed where the risk five billion dollars allotted to building up defenses and Eastern Europe to stop russian aggression theres something awfully weird about there at the same time if we can be civil and talking to each other why do we and i speak for our country why do we have to spend so much money pretending that were going to be invaded and then were threatened by a russian aggression that makes no sense whatsoever well you case foreign secretary has also been taking aim at russia he says most guy was now more hostile towards the west than at any time since the cold war bar stones and made the comment ahead of this weeks meeting with his russian counterpart in moscow as to see a check and it has the story. Ahead of this first visit by a u. K. Foreign minister to russia in five years johnson has certainly been making some curious comments in his typical manner for starters he has drawn some comparisons between russia and sparta i was reading few citys history of the political war it was obvious to me that athens and its democracy its open this its culture and civilization was the end of United States in the west russia for me was closed no militaristic and democratic like spots are well worth johnson has also said that russia has not been so hostile to the u. K. Or western interests since the end of the cold war and quote now was speaking to the sunday times on the oh so popular issue of russian meddling he said again that he see no evidence of russian influence when it comes to the bracks it referendum if you remember in the past hes even used the words not a sausage of evidence but he has said that there is some evidence that there has been russian trolling on facebook this might be in reference to some of the numbers released by facebook that have said that only two hundred people in britain had seen any adverts which cost just over seventy p. These numbers are certainly quite curious given all the endless talk about this alleged russian meddling and facebook influence when it came to that referendum now also ahead of this visit its curious that some apparently here in westminster are nervous about what is going to happen when Boris Johnson finally gets to moscow for talks with his counterparts we have seen the chair of the Parliamentary Group on russia and labor as he chris bryant publish an open letter to Boris Johnson warning him of certain things that could come including things such as his food potentially being spiked some kind of influence to not let Boris Johnson get enough sleep things like honey traps why beautiful kremlin agents as well as maybe his phones being hacked or bog. Hes also been warning to stay away from any drinking games and has been letting Boris Johnson to be weary of being alone in an elevator and making faces so that this doesnt get used against him in the future but that said Boris Johnson has made it clear by sort of repeating his mantra of beware but engage but he does plan to have serious talks when it comes to the situation in syria and specifically collaborating with russia to defeat isis terrorism so certainly lots to look ahead for when it comes to this visit later in the week. Three people have been killed and twenty nine others injured in a car bomb attack in the southwest of afghanistan twelve of the wounded were soldiers and one of those killed was a Security Officer according to local officials no group has yet claimed responsibility early on monday Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack on an Afghan Intelligence Training Center in kabul armed militants stormed a building at the complex leading to intense fighting with Security Forces local Authorities Say three of the attackers were killed heres journalist starr with more on the assault. One car bomb has exploded theres another wonder the attackers that brought them with them its quite an embarrassment to say the least because these areas should be protected these or areas where Afghan Intelligence trains its members in new recruits and next year it is another facility that tasked with providing security to other installations in kabul in all across the country what we see these days is that militants targeting kabul in other major cities which is almost a new front line for them in the last few months weve also seen americans and other nato countries pounding board i says as well as taliban positions and Afghan Special forces have been carrying out regular operations so it could be a retaliation but certainly what we see more and more that the Afghan Government and its International Allies failed to prevent these attacks from taking place in kabul as belong mentioned their Islamic State has recently carried out a number of attacks in the region on sunday i saw militants killed nine people in neighboring pakistan last month two died after an Islamic State attack on a cable t. V. Station and in late october seventy two people were killed by islamists in two separate afghan mosque attacks during friday prayers. The son of the former libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is planning a political comeback according to a family spokesperson sayas al Islam Gadhafi will run for president next year the announcement is expected to kick start the president ial race and in libya on sunday activists also came out in favor of another potential candidate National Army commander Khalifa Haftar it comes in the wake of some of the worst turmoil witnessed in libya since the outbreak of war in twenty eleven and the unrest shows no sign of stopping. A former u. K. Ambassador to libya all of the miles told is with so many rival groups fighting inside the country elections could actually make the situation worse. And the second of gadhafi is ten children sayas was one of the most powerful figures during the rule of his father he was brutally killed by western backed insurgents in twenty eleven syosset face the Death Penalty for crimes against humanity the jury in the uprising but was released after six years in jail. But he knows whether there will be an election the u. N. Representative gave an interview a couple of weeks ago in which he said he hoped that conditions would be suitable for an election but its by no means clear that they will there are several different claim claimants to be government none of them have im absolutely clear claim because none of them has control over the whole territory and that situation means that an election are wouldnt really make any sense fact it might even even make things worse so from Islam Gadhafi and when his father was still. In charge in libya and some success in getting the attention and even admiration and support from outside libya and britain for example the world the world some people who were convinced that he was the hope for the future and in other countries too i dont think those feelings were widely shared enjoyed libya. Frances president among all mccrum celebrated his fortieth birthday on saturday however instead of congratulations the president faced a wave of criticism over the venue he picks for his party. Staying in france the altie family welcomes a new member as we launch a brand new french language channel on monday and the studio in paris will bring these to the french speaking wild party is now available in four languages with the new channel joining our english spanish and arabic language versions and our colleagues have been doing their bit to make the new edition feel right at home straight away. You mean you dont usually teach. Left in the. Cement plant in life you speak french. You will soon theyll say thats a new born again still good people son was busy helping them to discuss. Well show you these in the days stories by following to us on facebook and twitter ill be back in about thirty five minutes with the headlines ill see you then. Join me every thursday on the all excited im sure ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Welcome to max geysers financial survival guide. Looking forward to your best without. Junks this is what happens to pensions in britain dont you watch kaiser report. Shows seem wrong why dont we all just dont call. Me old yet to shape our disdain comes to educate and indeed train because the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Apply to many clubs over the years so i know the guy even so i got. The ball isnt only about what happens on the pitch for the final school its about the passion from the families its the age of the shaper money billionaire owners and spending two to twenty million player. Well its an experience like nothing else going to be true so i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game like great to watch all chance with. The thinks its going to. Loom broadcasting around the world from washington d. C. Im. Coming up at this point futures trading began on monday just because the Mercantile Exchange just a week after the trading of fifty point options began on the Chicago Board Options Exchange will talk about what it means for the former u. S. Trading commissioner part chilton plus the u. S. Is the biggest consumer of your radio but could that change our t correspondent david miller well tell us now lets get to todays top business and financial headlines. Regular tax structure the European Commission is looking into whether the sweden based company was given unfair Tax Advantages by the netherlands according to Member States cannot give tax benefits to multinationals that arent allowed to other firms during a press conference a spokeswoman for the commission explained the probe is focused on interests here which is one of the groups that operates the entire business. We state in our preliminary concerns that we have concerns that to. Tax rulings from two thousand and six and two thousand and eleven may have allowed interact he had to pay less tax and given them an unfair advantage compared to other companies subject to the same National Taxation rules in the netherlands which would confirm to be in breach of the u. S. State rules ikea quote

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