Still. Going to go. Like. Theyre totally prepared for the second option totally destroy north korea is a sick puppy the north korean regime is calling president trouble. Words a little bit of nonsense obviously hes a pretty smart cookie. He wish you a very happy hanukkah. Even though what is going on and the love thats all over is youre. All about jerusalem. And some of those issues already seeping through into the second year of. Absolutely shocking thats how a group of us republican congressman reacted to seeing a new top secret intelligence document they believe it details the abuse of surveillance powers under the Obama Administration i had that same shock feeling i was like wait a minute this actually happened from our Justice Department and this f. B. I. Thats how serious this is that there has been a real attempt to undermine this president and its the type of information that we need all americans to see immediately the American People deserve. They mosques they want to know whats in this document sadly much of the Mainstream Media will not be covering this today but in this house on this day let us know that indeed we are still one nation under god and willing to protect life the content of the secret document is obviously unknown and its still unclear whether or not it will be released but judging by the comments made by the republicans its thought it could potentially outline a serious political bias within the f. B. I. And department of justice investigating the socalled trump russia collusion claims in turn the democrats called the memo a profoundly misleading set of talking points which attacks the f. B. I. And gives a distorted view of the bureau t. V. Host and political commentator Steve Malzberg thinks the democrats have a reason for wanting to hide this memo from the public. I think its going to put a bigger cloud than already exists there has been a lot of talk that some members of the Obama Administration illegally and without any reason or rhyme went and got warrants against american civilians who were affiliated with trump with absolutely no reason to have those obtain do you think obama didnt know about any of this this was his Justice Department his f. B. I. They were trying to get hillary elected i think this is going to go right to the top and by the way if this is such a bunch of nothing and its bad talking points blah blah blah blah blah from adam schiff and the democrats on the committee then why not vote to release it so you could clear all this up let everybody see it the democrats want to hide this document and we better get to the bottom of it and we all need to see it to come here on the program on on t. V. I want to british student feels the wrath of the media and a historian after expressing her opinion on communism and find out what whipped up such a story right after this break. Many. So i know that. The ball isnt only about what happens on the beach school its about the passion from the its the age of the super money. And spending twenty million. Its an experience like. The british student has been making headlines after appearing on a radio show and confessing her sympathies towards communism twenty four year old. Told a b. B. C. Programme she felt communism was never given a chance to develop in the soviet union and therefore it didnt actually fail the story it whipped up a storm of debate over how universities are luring students to the left with one professor repeatedly quoted saying shes downplaying the crimes of stalin and we spoke to her ourselves about this story. I think its completely hypocritical and very typical of academics like him to kind of passionately you know talk about the death under the savior in but i think this is you know very much selective outrage the media in general obviously dont paint marxism or socialism or really any kind of left wing politics in a in a positive light and thats because obviously in you know the media is owned by so angry people in the media is owned by a billionaire class and have certain interests they want to protect i think people can think for themselves and i wouldnt take their headlines general opinion in the british but. Perhaps its not surprising the story was seized upon it seems red alerts have been flashing in the british media more as of late much was made of the Prime Minister wearing that bracelet featuring frida kahlo a communist known for her concerns about the poor elsewhere a buzz feed science editor was forced to lock down her social media account due to abuse after writing that she wanted to communism for christmas but those the public share the red of the media well according to a new opinion poll nine percent of young adults view communism was a danger to the world compared to global businesses who nearly a quarter think actually posed the biggest threat a political activist george bush shared his view want the story. What one needs to remember is that anybody of my age and older in this country and certainly in the us and across much of the west identify communism in the soviet union and the hard left or extreme left as pretty much different aspects of the same thing in the one nine hundred fifty s. When when the soviet union was showing very significant great significant rates of Economic Growth the mainstream for policy journalists were very much kind of writing these defensive narratives to try and explain away why the demonized system was apparently doing so well i think one needs to distinguish between the propaganda and the historical reality. Italy has launched a website targeting fake news the move comes ahead of marches general election if somebody wants to reporter a fake all they have to do is click a special link online. The service will allow users to identify fake news online a team has been set up to analyze the authenticity of anything flagged up by using special software the italian interior minister has been heaping praise on the system but some experts are slightly more skeptical. Its an entirely transparent and legitimate Public Service tool aimed at protecting citizens from unfounded news there is not even the slightest intention to enter the political debate you cannot create a brew or people checking news because everything that we are talking about its an opinion at the end you can check the region of the news you will never read aerial independent to tell what is truth what is fake so i think we should try to. Fix the all media system it took to do to have an independent media system and then we can talk about thinking is there not. A us Disability Rights Foundation has set out film directors for failing to cast people with disabilities to portray the disabled the groups president says its offensive and humiliating actors with disabilities a group of whom have accused Directors Office criminalisation however something the problem is being exaggerated. Still. You know your boys. Have already come lets just make it the same communities as everyone else not a smart man. But i know what love is yeah yeah yeah my dress blues are a garbage bag in the closet are we going to screw up this is that you dont shrug the storm block. The computer. Im so cut. You know thirty years since my oscar win when no other actor with a disability has appeared in a leading role in a major Motion Picture it is clear to us that having actors playing disabled is in a fan take and so many particularly to Draft Community culturally offensive. My name is stephen hawking. When we go down that road towards regulating free speech to that extent we ruin drama we ruin cinema some of the greatest overtures to people with mental disabilities physical disabilities have been given to us in cinema by non disabled people so its all about how theyre being portrayed marlay in that one has been a great example of someone who has participated in comedy about. Her disability because she thinks that its important to make sure that people of disability are not treated as a separate class but are treated like everyone else so that is i think at the core of what were discussing here today and that just about wraps up the program here on r. T. For this saturday we were talking with more world headlines in about thirty minutes. But bundled up a. Bit. Later. This week. With. Everybody im stephen both. Test hollywood guy suspects every proud american first of all im just george bush and r. V. To say this is my buddy max famous financial guru where hes a little bit different. You know with those up with all the drama happening in our country and im shooting the good have some fun every day americans. And hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great American People. Something that is really important for me not to be only a common man. As we say to be a community of ben dont adopt the newest of bras as he feeds where its soviet power what is that for moscow right damini to. Live their way to be instead of communities and peace. Of a marriage and to deny her right here is something you dont hear in the Mainstream Media something a little bit over redacted theres a growing theory out there that our entire reality is actually a simulation being run by a higher level being like like an animal or kid alien kid and only an animal time kid a garage somewhere just watching us scramble around working a job we hate buying things we dont need and fearing death. Lets see n. B. C. No cover that high where the simulated dairy laster halt. Breaking news twenty percent chance were all just eighty eight characters in a bad video game now under g. M. With the simulated weather. Simulation theory its a little like a matrix it doesnt amazing humans were like inside pods whereas in simulation theory we are part of the simulation and only think we are conscious being aware that with emotions in underwear and Seasonal Affective Disorder and all that stuff and no you dont have to be high to believe day but it doesnt hurt it doesnt hurt at all if it helps. A lot so are we in base reality or are we in a fake one well heres the lawn musk to the given that were clearly our trajectory to have games that are indistinguishable from reality and those games could be played on a set top box or on a p. C. Or whatever and they would probably be. You know billions of such. You know computers except about this. It would. Seem to follow that the odds they were in face reality is one in billions. They arent really in reality its one hundred billion but when exactly i ever been right about anything. The theory works like this the level of computing were capable of has increased exponentially compared to just thirty years ago remember thirty years ago we thought it was amazing that mario could jump up and hit his head on a brick without any long term mental trauma at all but a running back in the n. F. L. So now. Now imagine where Computing Power will be a thousand ten thousand years from now will likely easily be able to simulate life to such a high degree that the beings in the simulations would know its not real and if a thousand years from now everyone is running simulations there would be billions so is it more likely were one of those simulations or that worry and base reality however one thing you are must is missing in his analysis would an incredibly advanced to life form find to this simulation to be out rageous play boring life related well to need to do all we need to evolve into any age while getting furious that our phones not fast enough or water splashed up out of the toilet into our you know what were going to see what enjoy that. But this being a simulator. It would explain a lot of things like why the other sock is missing you know how the cat got on top of the for a why Stephen Miller never blinks but. What always seems to be halfway blink. Well lets assume this is reality i want to propose were living in a simulation of a different kind a twenty fourteen princeton study found that we here in the United States are in an oligarchy ruled by an elite class we are not a democratic republic you cant use javelin what do you believe these two bunny to the study found that if the people the nano leads once something to happen legislatively at the federal level it all it only happens if its aligned with the Business World Corporate America business interests have substantial independent impact on Us Government policy while average citizens and mass based Interest Groups have little or no independent influence yet almost all our Mainstream Media attention and everything that swirls around us all day c. N. N. And all the rest and most of our National Activism is based on trying to change these things that we provably mathematically almost never change. So it isnt that kind of like living in a false world you know what one where we think we matter but its a facade is bull the truman show its our our actions are like punching waves you know like like trying to catch a fart in your hand. Trying to make soccer popular in the us. Media pursued i call this the National Delusion so then its natural to ask can i get out of the delusion out of the simulation can i have a real impact in the case of the simulation theory of our lives no you cant get out you are you are nothing but a little pixilated person in a bad video game which includes back me for some reason. In the case of the princeton study in the case of the National Delusion you do have a way to break out of the simulation its to get active locally or even state wide cities and states are not nearly as bought off and controlled by corporate vampire squid piles of stock. As the federal government is heres an example last week bill de blasio the mayor of new york did something awesome and i know he has some bad things on his record like endorsing Hillary Clinton and killing the new york groundhog on groundhog day. Im not kidding google it but. But i think it was buddha who said people can do good things. And good people can do dog got everything like ok. I believe that was buddha. And donald trump tomorrow announced we were not going to drone bomb innocent people anymore i still give him tons of credit boy i feel like did you say that you said that race is peabrain did. I still give him credit anyway i do blah deal announced that new york city would be divesting all of its billions of dollars from fossil fuels and bringing major lawsuits against five of the Biggest Oil Companies exxon shell b. P. Chevron and Conoco Phillips for yeah good. Thing with. Bringing the rain lawsuit against them for the climate crimes theyve committed for wrecking the lives of so many people in new york city and its not just Climate Change by the way one of the Largest Oil Fields in history thirty million gallons is underneath Brooklyn New York as we speak i dont want to hand i realize how big this divestment is assuming they follow through with it on the other hand i cant help but think. Of course of course you dont in fact in the companies that are actively killing humanity when. I lived in new york i volunteered in coney island after Superstorm Sandy was devastation all right so you would assume the day after sandy new york city would have divested from fossil fuel thats its like a big attack by a pack of wolves and surviving and youre sitting there with like one arm laughed and just open wounds and youre still investing in rabbit wall. Of the shore i dont like what happened im a. Bright does kid goes through my head well keep writing this way. As they only klein points out in her article its also extremely significant that the divestment and lawsuit were announced in tandem because they have the potential to now theyre in a kind of virtuous now theyre in a kind of virtuous market cycle demand cities divest their funds sue the Oil Companies drag them into court to defend themselves all those things hurt their stock as their stock goes down people stop investing they then have less money for oil and Gas Exploration and in this case exploring is a euphemism all right that means finding ways to destroy the planet because we here in america my euphemism ah. We eat it up like a baby bird gobbling up his mothers vomit and im not. Laying boiling Gas Exploration sounds nice but you can use the word explorer for all kinds of awful. Bankers explore the best way to sell you a subprime mortgages thatll bankrupt you a cannibal explores your neighborhood to find the tasty and first to. Kick and throw is your body for the juicy. Spots to get ahead and its all just exploration see the point is bill de blasio never would have done this if it werent for the pressure from activists and it did to this rise groves and environmentalist. Cannot get on the local level forgers city to divest get them to sue the oil and Gas Companies and then moving forward we need to create a world that puts every decision through a sustainability filter is each action sustainable kind of like m. S. M. B c runs every story through what can we make this about russia filter ok. Every action should be sustainable or it should be thrown out we need to stop congratulated the murderers and profiteers as Business Leaders just last week trump congratulated norway on their purchase of r f fifty two fighter jets. Unfortunately the f. Fifty two is a fictional aircraft features prominently in the call of duty video game. Oh yeah i know we were going to back video game i know it but you got to take a. Ok. Ok now i think the news from behind as long as were on the topic of living in a sin is simulation run by. Their evil spawn speaking of that last two weeks the democrats voted with the republicans to continue our governments unlimited warrantless surveillance of american citizens which is funny because american citizens dont approve of unlimited surveillance in fact seventy five percent of adults said they would not let investigators tap into their Internet Activity seventy five percent of us say. Ok i dont want to read or hear every conversation i have with people and their stock just like her regular phone sachs and stuff like that maybe i dont want the government to hear my conversation with my father about the catheter difficulties hes having however is that so crazy how i would even think donald trump wants people to hear his private conversations just about mondays stuff like how difficult it is just scrub the crack he has in his neck. If you were. Ever to be vagina thing hes got to go into your user look for that. Does he do stem cell grunt the irony of a douche bag to sing is oh no. Rift in the space time continuum it is tough to say this time. And you know i was hesitant to do that job because of the sign is a very beautiful thing and i didnt want to associate it with Donald Trumps neck a. It was kind of upsetting to me point being the American People do not support the government spying on us but our federal government is oh and by a. Corporate totalitarian as hats but heres heres this is one ray of hope Chelsea Manning has announced she is running for senate. And were all i think i made clear what a difference i think you can make of the federal level that doesnt mean i dont want to see her when its still cool plus i would love to see the reactions of all those old white men to have a go trans woman they wanted to lock up for simply because she couldnt handle grinning and bearing it while the u. S. Military wiped out innocent women and men and children. I would love. To do just talk to you about the whole terri confinement for a few years of your life because you altidore war crimes. There was a little root of. All those shes running as a democrat she is calling the democrats to task for a lot of theres she would be the first trans woman senator she would also be the first whistle blower senator but she would not be the first prisoner of a. Authoritarian state to turn around to become a prominent member of that same government i remember someone named what was it a blouse in crayon fellow or bananas dont love her so sometimes i. Am speaking of persecuting activists undocumented Washington State activist lara mora villa pando has been targeted by ice immigration and Customs Enforcement they placed her in deportation proceedings in retaliation for her political activism and theyve done the same to prominent immigrant rights activists ravi rog here and gina montra bello saw him on trial so ice has made the jump now from an immigrant Immigration Control Agency to a political repression agency and they deported people for activism now whats that supporting us for an instagram showing immigration in a positive light that was going on or maybe your amazon echo happened

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