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A much stronger much better place because that Mass Movement will not only help to sweepers into power and carried jeremy over the threshold of number ten downing street it will then help to sustain is in power when we get there really was a thank you. After the break should as Chris Williams and just urged britains multibillion pound medicine industry be nationalized we speak to the good of n. G. O. S global justice now and u. K. Pm tourism a slams jeremy goldens may have a body for its track record in health care at this weeks pm news full of the more coming up in part two of going underground. Prescribe medication is widespread on the u. S. Market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything with ash and my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. To commit some site watch all who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects why it. Was terminally altered what i did was done on a cocktail of legal drugs. Just because somethings legal doesnt mean its something. I played for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i doubt its. Football isnt only about what happens on the pitch to the final school its about the passion from the fans its the age of the super money just kill you narrowness and spending two to twenty million fly a. Book its an experience like nothing else on here because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy great so will transfer. And thinks its going to. Welcome back well in the first half of the show we spoke to former shadow emergencies minister Chris Williams a new call for the nationalization of the pharmaceutical industry im joined now by the director of n. G. O. S global justice now nick dearden there report pills and profits looks at whether Drug Companies are making a killing out of Public Research nic thanks for going back on the show before we get to what relieves him was talking about tell me about this report well essentially i mean people know ive known for a long time that the pharmaceutical industry is completely dysfunctional if what you want to of the industry is important medicines to be researched at the lowest price that we can research them but not everyone would be reaching well maybe not but i think that the pharmaceutical industry has had a very bad rap historically and its fully deserved it and so we thought that we did look into what the situation was now especially bearing in mind all of the News Headlines weve had about the n. H. S. Going to crisis and so on and of course a lot of that has to do with underinvestment in the n. H. S. But some of it is actually to do with the amount of money the n. H. S. Is paying for medicines often paying Big Pharmaceutical Companies british swiss and American Pharmaceutical Companies who are massively over inflating the price of their medicine it was like our lady we got the latest figures when did testament develop Single Company research they have new drugs and of course theyre going to i think theyve risen in price to the n. H. S. By a third of years because thats a testament to how good they are well thats an interesting statistic youve got that thirty nine percent rise in five years of the amount of money just a rise in the amount of money the n. H. S. Pays for its medicines thats that thats the same amount of money more than the amount of money the n. H. S. Deficit comes to so very very large amount of money for the n. H. S. Now you can say well theyre producing important drugs of course fine the problem is twofold first of all many of those trucks have actually been researched with our money with taxpayers money the government hands over money and we use our University System to research we do some of the best research in the world research. New medicines that are vital for saving lives and reducing suffering and and yet we put no conditions on that money that we give to the pharmaceutical industry ultimately because theyre the ones that develop the drugs and so they can end up charging whatever they want essentially whatever the market will stand and we know this because weve got a couple of examples so you look at one drug that was made treated leukemia but it also treated and was very effective in treating multiple sclerosis now when Pharmaceutical Company comes into a company concerned find out about this and they really issued the drug for m. S. For multiple sclerosis and they thought we can charge way more for this than we could for leukemia because the market will stand it and the price rose from Something Like two and a half thousand pounds for one treatment to fifty five thousand pounds it rose twenty two fold for no other reason than the market will accommodate that and what that means is first of all youre not getting Drugs Research that we desperately need because theres no profit in it easy to be argue that we should be getting the only one arguing we lost with the other show about subsidizing the arms industry innovate were subsidizing the pharmaceutical industry but to try and save lives but if were subsidizing it lets put conditions on those subsidies or even better lets run it in a public way when you think the government doesnt have those conditions you give it with all this taxpayer money sloshing around i think its very similar to its like what you just said about the arms industry many people say we dont have an industrial policy in this country actually i think we do have an industrial policy we subsidize and support the arms industry and we subsidize and support the pharmaceutical industry via the money we give for research and development and through the n. H. S. And what it means is now were at a stage where really vital medicines that we all need because our entire medical knowledge depends on them like antibiotics havent been researched properly because the pharmaceutical Companies Say we dont want to go near that because theres not enough money to be made at the end of the day we dont want to fall back antibiotic almost no ones going to. By until it comes out of its monopoly status until it loses its patron because we cant make any money on that you reportedly is in the u. K. As a second largest subs as are all of r. And d. And its in the developing world were helping the developing world with this research sometimes yes but if we really want to help. Get those people who desperately need these drugs access to these drugs we need to control the prices the charge and thats what we dont do at the moment we have no control over the pharmaceutical industry we say yes it would be lovely to research these drugs we give subsidies for it sometimes the pharmaceutical industry takes that up but at the end of the day if you dont have any control over how those drugs are going to be marketed and whats going to be charged for them the people who most need them wont be able to get them would you if youre a big Pharmaceutical Company having been subsidized on a particular meds by the british tax where youre going to want to price itself so that it wont be available on the n. H. S. You would think so however we see time and time and time again the n. H. S. Through a nice body that recommends is this affordable or not as effective or not just right and saying we cant recommend this at this time because its just too expensive even though the british taxpayer subsidize the research exactly of the hoover yes so some of the very drugs that we have researched especially in the early stages and of course thats where most of the risk comes from and this is an old story isnt it the Public Sector supports the most risky phases of development at an early stage the pharmaceutical Companies Take that research and they go on and marketed and patent it and so they can charge what they want at the later stages when its less risky so if you look globally the early stages of research about two thirds of the money comes from public institutions. So great but what that what we then do is give those drugs that medical knowledge to people who essentially have a monopoly over those drugs for the next there was a page of years of drug taken to a patient and thats core to whats wrong with the whole system we hear all sorts about the wonders of the free market and competition and so on but actually here you have an industry were not talking about the free Market Competition the tool youre talking about an Old Fashioned private monopoly which in through International Trade laws with few. Tolerate any competition so essentially for twenty years they can do what they want would you admit though that our lawmakers are bulleted as need to be hanging out with big Pharmaceutical Company big wigs to keep an eye on them is that what theyre doing with having dinner with the job will go to the bosses my fear is that theres a real parallel you can draw here between the pharmaceutical industry in the Financial Sector where politicians of course say this is a really important sector for our economy but unfortunately they dont therefore say we need to regulate it tax it and make sure it works in the public liberal as your report claims that the people from the volatile industry are given preferential places on Research Boards in this country exactly exactly so the whole way the system works including how effective a drug is. You do not have to have proper transparency and accountability for the way you do that research so pharmaceutical companies dont have to release research that proves their drugs arent affected if they only have to release the research that proves they are effective so the whole system from top to bottom has been created in the interest of pharmaceutical corporations and when politicians meet with them and stay close to them i fear theyre not keeping an eye on them and trying to control them what theyre actually doing is it works the other way around theyre actually taking their instructions and taking their orders from the men of course pharmaceutical companies as we saw with the banks ten years ago were saying to regulators if you tax us if you try and control us well go somewhere else and thats why even a very very senior Goldman Sachs employee jim oneill has said if the pharmaceutical industry is not careful in a few years time its going to be in exactly the same situation the banks are in today with huge public contempt and hatred for the fact that they have destroyed the medical knowledge of the last hundred years seventy years fifty years. Through their monopoly status and through driving for ever higher profits rather than trying to trying to do something to improve ordinary peoples lives you know because of ours because williams and his. The the all of your report is that a factor thats related anyway or at least the losses go as far as the British Labor body was over that it should be im happy to go that far im happy to say should be nationalized but actually i think its a i think is a bigger issue than just looking at Old Fashioned nationalization for example yeah ok the government might take over a Pharmaceutical Company but i dont really care if the government is involved in researching and marketing suntan lotion for example what i want is the essential medical knowledge that we all rely on to be held in common at a global level i mean this is knowledge that if we are to advance our societies if were to actually create more equal societies where people dont suffer unnecessarily as they do in their millions today this knowledge needs to be open to wall and that means not just the British Government it means we need to find a completely different way of doing this research and development and i hope for those governments that read this in the south because you know there have been governments over the years that have taken on the pharmaceutical companies at great cost the Indian Government especially the South African government over the years i hope that this gives them a little bit of ammunition to say actually is no reason at all why we cant just make exceptions to trade law as theyre allowed to do and simply license these drugs for local generic production just briefly until we get to that stage what is someone supposed to do if theyre in the western european the United States if private Health Insurers are offering them cheaper drugs and they should be less proven efficient drugs say here on the National Health service being given a drug you can google them now well it was to do when they know theyre being given drugs as they should be. Campaign this is a political issue and we need political change is a Great Organization weve been working with called just treatment which takes patients whove had to crowd source for their own drugs so that they can receive treatment for cancer and so on because the n. H. S. Cant afford these drugs they need to campaign and put pressure on and we all know that the press is interested in people who are suffering unnecessarily when the n. H. S. Is unable to provide because. The high prices charged by the pharmaceutical companies so i think this ones got real legs and we see progress in it what id like to see a government doing is saying actually destroyed is so essential and by the way we helped to fund and research the research for this drug say essentially do the same as india and south africa have done in the past say we dont recognise this monopoly this is too much of an emergency issue a compulsory license and issue generic production and that would give the pharmaceutical industry some pause for thought it need good and thank you well even the bars of westminster that i went to this week seem relatively empty as the British Government focuses on brics is arguably to the detriment of other pressing austerity issues facing the people in the vacuum political gossip about britains foreign secretary Boris Johnson telling minority leader to resume who was in davos this week to address the crisis in the n. H. S. Again currency throughout Mainstream Media it was something labor leader Jeremy Corbyn jumped on at this weeks Prime Ministers questions does the Prime Minister agree with the foreign secretary that the National Health Service Needs an extra five billion pounds tourism a defacto claimed shes bringing six times more than she did to former ulster paramilitary in tempe just stay in power and that the n. H. S. Will be putting six billion pounds more into not i apparently not the only problem with that mr speaker is it was two point eight billion spread like thin gruel over two years and it wasnt just those figures being fiddled alleged corbin in december the months just gone n. H. S. England recorded its worst ever performances with more patients than ever waiting over four hours now the u. K. Statistics authority say the numbers may be worse because the figures have been fiddled fiddling accident in emergency statistics bizarrely to resume answered by pointing to the andy corbin Welsh Labor Party leadership as an example of how poorly he would run the n. H. S. England four hundred ninety seven people were waiting more than twelve hours but the latest figures on. We dont do the labor government. Files on seven hundred. On the way. Corbin said it was under funding from tory run westminster that was to blame for his partys record in wales labor government wouldnt be underfunding the n. H. S. A labor government funded n. H. S. Only good company on the funding social care a labor government would be committed to an n. H. S. Free at the point of use as a human right. Just to kill a did pm drazen may just as you perhaps said foreign secretary twenty four hours earlier said health care was not about cash the only answer he ever comes up with is the question of money given the u. K. Health care system is funded in a low a fraction of g. D. P. Than france or germany it is arguably all about money it certainly is when it comes to support for lower taxes on the multinationals supporting to raise a maze conservative party thats it for the show will be back on monday twenty four hours up to thousands march to remember bloody sunday when a member of parliament chris hazard whether or not the steeple war crimes allegedly committed by british soldiers in ireland could endanger the good friday agreement until then you can keep in touch by social media will be back on monday seventy is to the day that mexico granted communist. Asylum and its embassy the command capital santiago. Is america. The fantasy is reality and hes doing what youd expect a seasoned businessman to do cut all that nonsense out of the mix bring jobs back. I know that i know are true but there are rather you know i thought before or that i think yeah. Im going to let them but i dont touch them then you can keep an eye on what i have seen as a child. That it. Was. Then lets. Get this whole full plate choice i knew you had to pay off the child mysterious said. He she ought to have a. Model for that then after that i will fuck around with mr hague for a gym and lawyer i hope that our family and for. The money. Fears will people been saying about rejected a knight was there was actually just full on awesome ill be only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of marty americans do the same we are apparently better than the blue things that you see the people youve never heard of love jack tonight not the president of the world bank very. Seriously send us an email. No no. One who was really. One of those. How out it was. Hundred sixty nine russia now fleets are could clear to compete in the winter games by the International Olympic committee but some top medal hopefuls are not on the list. A massive explosion rocks the diplomatic district in the Afghan Capital kabul killing at least ninety five people and injuring one hundred sixty. And the u. K. Confirms donald trump will visit the country this year while optimists are already planning to greet the president s with big protests. This is an International Coming to you live from moscow im Kate Partridge thank you for joining us. The International Olympic committee has announced one hundred sixty nine russian athletes will be able to take part in next months winter games in south korea the i. O. C. Hasnt published the names of the athletes but the number matches the size of the Team Announced by russia earlier this week and its already known some of the countrys top medal hopefuls will be unable to compete. Well it was a love hate weakness and much of time attack was a recall of course of a bias i was surely in my belly as much as a material of one of the women. Yes that was just me i was looking on a thing at all for her reality a good role that im paschal the athlete one. Has yet atlas yet leave that he leaves i do with as we have i am glad to see its yeah with which was the way us which much was kept at that flat i think before me that is that dog was not going to ask us to buy and i think in. My thoughts are leaving everything behind and returning home it was my dream to competed in pigs and i was working towards the go through hundreds and thousands of difficulties through sweat and blood. Of a such a minimum of surface rust if ever have to mostly of everybody have him leave the service with his cousin thats when the production of the. Issue could be survivors a good thought for just restore. The truth to come up with a much. More rochelle. Banned from participating in the winter games almost two months ago due to allegations of state sponsored dont paying but kenyan athletes are being given the chance to compete as neutrals only those without any previous doping violations are allowed to take part and they will have to undergo additional tests the i. O. C. Says the final decision is based on an indepth individual review arties has been looking after the criteria weeks after russia had come to terms with no team russia in korea anyone with even the slightest interest in sport in this country was baffled dozens of clean washed and star athletes never got their olympic invitations those whod never been under any suspicion by the sporting federations or even the i. O. C. When they had everyone with a russian passport under the microscope forget about your dream story no explanation that could have been the case but the International Olympic committee then let us know the seventeen criteria they used if you dont match at least one or rather if theres even doubt about at least one of them youre out. That could be suspicion that could even be an ongoing procedure that could be many factors which did not lead to the satisfaction of the panel the purpose is to invite clean russian athletes for which this panel has been and has not the slightest doubt or suspicion again seventeen boxes to be picked to get the all clear theres all kinds of things on the list from the infamous scratches on sample bottles to that obscure final segment additional confidential information provided by wada even one of those gets you a red light but the criteria set by the i. O. C. Itself might well race suspicion not only in russia take the first two which essentially unite all the rest by the way being sanctioned by the i. O. C. Investigators or any antidoping rule violation in the past the latest group of russian athletes who found out theyre not go and were never involved in any of that another box to take issues revealed by the moscow antidoping lab database well its the whistleblower and his team who used to be in charge of it. It was created by the to pursue grigori which includes and had several levels of access until the summer of twenty sixteen it was possible to change any of the data there the World Antidoping Agency coincide with this back and twenty third see it cannot serve as evidence ive mentioned scratches and marks on sample bottles arguably the most solid proof that however was never shown to the public just like the visual results of the bottle flaw experiments back to the waters mysterious Additional Data that amounts to intelligence extracted from its Whistleblower Program and other sources many people in russia would like to know who these sources are and why they should be trusted one more segment additional intelligence provided by the International Winter federations ill tell you what the association that unites these Federation Said the i. O. C. Our request to clarify whats going on some federation official seem to have been racking their brains while the president of the International Biathlon union was particularly outspoken it is very sad if there is no direct proof of should pull into guilt the i. B. U. Tested human numerous occasions and it never tested positive for a banned substance so apparently it sold down to the criteria of choosing the right criteria all russians who can base at the games will have to follow strict rules according to the latest i. O. C. Guidelines they must not display the russian flag in public or sing the National Anthem and the posting of official symbols is forbidden on social media russian athletes are also prohibited from participating in alternative victory ceremonies including any organized by the russian Olympic Committee but russian competitors from display the National Flag in their bedrooms. Well the president of the russian crosscountry Skiing Federation announced the final list of her team while training in austria. The l. B. Has expressed her frustration over the i. O. C. As decision is. Present but before i was encouraging everyone to go to the games and stand your ground now i can see the same because i have Major Concerns over how cynical are the russian afflecks have been treated some panel decides who will be invited and who will be not even if that person did not take part in the such a games and was not mentioned in any reports and this is not just our team im talking about maybe now is the time for you to perform stronger than ever before hold her as high and prove that the where we have been punished is unfair and cynical and against the spirit of sport. Now the u. K. Has announced donald trump will visit britain in the second half of this year activists are vowing to stage a wide scale protests when he arrives but the president seems unfazed i think a lot of the people in your country like what i stand for they respect what i say and those who voted for tough border are gonna come to that now but to those who dont what do you say to them i dont care i dont care its just one of those things i dont i dont say anything you know why because i dont care. Well charles visit had originally been planned for next month so he could open the new u. S. Embassy in london however the president canceled the trip claiming he wasnt happy about the location and the cost of the new building. Only has been looking at how the u. K. And the u. S. Failed to find Common Ground in twenty seven told the u. K. Prime minister to resign may has invited u. S. President donald trump to visit the United Kingdom later this year it comes as the two leaders met at the World Economic forum in davos and also comes amid rumors of a breakdown in the relationship between the two countries if you. Like you. Said it was a. False river this was a great. Place for getting into it whether rumor or not what is real is that twenty seventeen saw a real strain in the socalled special relationship and im afraid. This is the only way. To resume a dont focus on me focus on the destructive radical islamic terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom were doing just fine and perhaps a change of heart by President Trump in order to repair that relationship hes indicated that hes willing to apologize for retreating britain first if youre telling me that the harpy people horrible racist people i would certainly apologize if youd like me to do that i know nothing about them previous announcement of a potential visit by trump has provoked a backlash amongst british politicians i would not wish to issue. To speak in the royal gallery. Previous report suggests that mr trump himself postponed a potential visit to the u. K

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