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Bottles how did the russians do it a lot of people would love to hear mclarens take on this mcclaren says his word is evidence enough i have seen it ive seen it done in ive instructed it and it can be done it can be reinserted we dont know how the russians did it but we know that it can be done the report revolves around the eyewitness account of grigori watch and of he is the former head of moscows anti doping lab and says he was one of the cogs in the dock in conspiracy in russia hes a wanted man facing charges for destroying doping samples and abusing authority these is a clear violation of the burden of proof and assumption of innocence it and legally not acceptable in doping cases it is a well established rule you have to prove as a doping agency that for ninety nine. Nine point nine percent somebody has doped the medical report is not proven enough to make a colleague steve baron normal all at leeds there must be Something Else and details is politics presumption of innocence out of the window guilty by association these people have been stripped of everything their Flag National anthem and colors. We care about how the russians completing it until they got it the right policy but sure they are a clean nation never mind cleaned out they are to be a clean nation in the wake of the scandal russia admitted to having a doping problem and has since tightened the legal screws only a handful of countries across europe consider dopping a criminal offense russia now does yet the paralympic committees decision has been to ban and those guilty by Association Good Sports Capital punishment it has done of r. T. Islamic state says that it carried out an attack on a military academy in the Afghan Capital kabul killing eleven servicemen and injuring sixteen local journalists worry reports from the ground. There were five suicide attackers two of them killed by Afghan National Security Forces and another two of them detonated their explosives and one of them was detained two said jacket a rocket propelled grenade in four forty sevens were seized. Almost two four hours residence in that area afforded hearing loud explosions there was the use of having small weapons so the fact that these militant groups cant really strike while in target these key military institutions as well as. Security areas in kabul remains a serious source of concern for People Living here in kabul at todays attack. One for the Afghan National Security Forces remember they were killed not on the front line somewhere in some of the more district or in the province where this is every day of fighting i think that alone tells you that cities including kabul is becoming another. Front in the Afghan Government just continues to struggle to prevent these militants from carrying out these attacks. The country seen a wave of deadly terror attacks of late two or three of them in just the past ten days. Following the recent string of violence both President Trump and the commander of u. S. And nato forces in afghanistan John Nicholson said washington would spare no effort to defeat the insurgents and bring peace to the region the taliban responded threatening more attacks in retaliation to what it called a policy of aggression the us is considerably stepped up its campaign in the country over the past year twenty seventeen washington dropped more than four thousand bombs on afghanistan in august and december last year the u. S. Carried out as many airstrikes as it did in the previous two years combined security and political analysts most after him believe that even though military action is important in the fight against extremists this alone will not bring peace to afghanistan. A military offensive is always needed because you have to keep the militant groups at bay from the main cities and from or from taking over the country and different provinces in different parts of the country but considering it as the Sole Response to the Current Situation or the only way to resolve the one conflict will be a wrong understanding because at the end of the day any conflict needs a political settlement and dialogue and that is where the Afghan Government has tried to complement the american strategy which is mainly focused on fighting the militants or using the military might. Turns out you dont necessarily have to be a spy to uncover secret military facilities around the world one strain student was able to do just that just by looking at a global map which shows where people exercise the most trying to explain how fit struck is now raising major security concerns for military forces. Did you know now anyone whos got an internet browser can locate even the most secret army bases around the world say journalists thanks to these Little Things so how come people are saying fitness trackers could have become the soldiers worst enemy look at this global heat map by a g. P. S. Tracking company wherever it gets bright are the areas of the stronger apps most active use some places seem totally black like of ghanas stand for instance but we know there are american soldiers in parts of it zoom in tot all the little bright dots is where sam must hang out or to be more precise exercise it was a twenty year old student who first noticed how easy it was to find the u. S. Bases this particular track looks like it logs or break into jogging routes i shouldnt be able to establish any pattern of life from this far away so thats a real threat which the pentagons admitted while only a few years ago they were happy to distribute thousands of fit bits among staff by the way there must be a number of temporary or even permanent u. S. Bases that we dont know about journalists have zoomed in on areas around mosul and iraq and roca in syria were told uncle sam is there to train and assist since the rest of iraq and syria are pretty much all black perhaps locals dont really have many of these devices so its fair to assume that the bright spots are where americans train others and train themselves another journalist remembered this article and scrawled all the way to the capital of somalia some heavy jog next to the two on the beach around two it looks like the reputed cia annex at Mogadishu Airport no one can say for sure all of this is correct but the. Cern is out there u. S. Troops Security Issues aside i was going to show you the koreas hows that for a contrast but even in pyongyang there are a couple of bright zigzags could it be mr kim enjoying a bit of western Technology Well i bet hell never tell us. Major german car makers are under fire after it was revealed that they had been involved in the past potentially hazardous experiments on humans and animals with the details is peter oliver. Having humans inhale toxic fumes is apparently how the german Automotive Industry carried out its Health Impact research its emerged in the media that the giants of the german car industry allegedly sanctioned experiments on both humans and animals. The experiments were carried out by a now defunct Research Group that was funded by volkswagen daimler a big m. W. In the experiments twenty five of volunteers inhaled nitrogen dioxide put through it arc in University Hospital the experiments were given the ok by the university for ethics board and its understood that there was no Adverse Health effects for those who took part in the study however this hasnt stopped people being outraged and shocked that this was given the green light in the first place and less according to what is known to the public the discuss that many people are feeling is absolutely understandable these tests on monkeys or even humans can in no way be epic they raise many critical questions for those who are perhaps they raise many critical questions for those who are behind these tests and those questions must urgently beyond the same organization that previously found itself in the hope water for experiments on animals including forcing ten monkeys to inhale the exhaust fumes of the w. P. Salt while watching cartoons the Car Manufacturers for their part of being quick to distance themselves from these experiments. We believe that the Scientific Method chosen that the time was wrong the b. M. W. Group is in no way influenced by the design or methodology of studies carried out on behalf of the e. U. G. T. The animal experiments in the study are superfluous and repulsive generating around four hundred billion euro yearly the german also industry has come in for criticism. In recent years as well as legal action over attempts to cheat all admissions tests diesel vehicles allegations of carrying out experiments on people and animals so unlikely to improve the districts refutation piece role of a board. I can speak live now to Animal Rights attorney j. J. As we heard from our correspondent there is yet another scandal doesnt reflect well on the german car industry but the big question is will there be consequences or will they get away with this. Thank you for having me and frankly the answer is almost certainly not and thats because these Major Industries have colluded together and have successfully lobbied governments around the world including the u. S. Government to basically rarely enforce and the few laws that exist to protect animals at all and so its extremely rare that any kind of enforcement will take action even against what is in this case extreme violence against animals in terms of the actual testing the people who took part well you know a lot of people say they did that of their own accord they knew what they were getting into you cant say the same for the animals its an interesting area or maybe a big gray one that germany for example is got a really strong Animal Welfare act to protect animals in some situations but its very unclear when it comes to Something Like this is this animal abuse or not. This isnt just animal abuse its violence plain and simple these animals are ripped from their families and theyre forced to you know in this case and hale exhaust fumes and then almost certainly when these experiments are over as you routinely the case in the industry theyre going to be killed and then thrown in the garbage and its just like any other animal use industry where animals are treated as things and treated like garbage and frankly until we actually get some real meaningful right legal rights for animals as long as we continue to treat animals as things they can be killed as a whim whether thats in farming or in medical research were going to continue to see this kind of violence reoccurring now an argument again support of these testing that was carried out what some people will say is that this was to try and discover the Health Impact of all human beings its trying to prevent not suppose the obvious question is is there any of the way they could have done this kind of Research Without using humans and animals some kind of technology. So again i think theres almost certainly a way and we cant trust these companies to be able to give any kind of meaningful assessment of whether this was the correct option given that these companies routinely have shown through their practice of literally turning abused animals using their skins to upholster their vehicles to have cafeterias where they. Serve the flesh of animals that have been tortured we can expect these industries to be able to give any kind of meaningful cost benefit analysis given that they shown time and time again that theyre willing to use and kill animals for frivolous reasons. Where do we stand now in terms of. How animals they used in business and in commercial industries i know there are some laws to prevent being used for example for testing because many its industry but how much more do you feel needs to be done. Clearly a lot more needs to be done and the fact is in every country in the world whether its the United States where the germany whether thats russia there is a grievous animal abuse going on and its completely normalized and accepted by these governments of these countries and the we need to in every one of these countries these animals are treated as things theyre treated as things that can be killed or used on a whim and i believe that as long as thats the case were never going to be able to have meaningful protection for them we need to actually extend legal rights to these animals so that its not up to governments that have been corrupted by industry to be able to bring in foresman actions against them they need to be able to have their day in court and sue for their own rights and the our Justice System needs to recognize that our our society and the legal system needs to exist to protect them too and right now thats just not the case jay appreciate your time on the United States for its yeah i do apologize you finish your point there have on the things up yet so i just wanted to quickly say that in the United States any kind of routine animal use that has an exam kind of plausible accepted economic benefit no matter how egregious whether thats pigs having their testicles cut off without anesthesia whether thats having cats eyes cut out from their faces for medical experiments all of this can be considered going to be considered by default legal under most animal cruelty laws and so yes we need to go a lot farther and grant them the legal rights that they deserve jaish use the Animal Rights attorney is my guest many thanks jane. Onto the new swedish retail giant h n n as recall the series of childrens socks after complaints the patent on them resembled the word our lot in arabic has apologized and said it was unintentional but the clothing giants made plenty of headlines of late a few weeks ago it was accused of racism at risk cantaloupe featured a black child wearing a hoodie with the word coolest monkey in the jungle the childs mother though rejected claims that that was racist the new controversy over the sox through plenty of reaction online this is ridiculous the next will be that they forbid the small w. And them people have choices if you dont like them been done by them getting a little tired of saying you cant make this stuff up on things that cause offense is the topic of arties new online project in case you missed it with polly. In case you missed it one of the great things about life in twenty eighteen is that youre free to be offended by anything. Its quite confusing recently people have been offended by history literature being a man being a woman meat proimmigration anti immigration the list is endless because its actually hard to tell is our guide to being offended in the modern world if im sure as a human youre offended twitter will always let you know what youre offended about if only one person out of one hundred is offended you need to pretend that you are offended to be signalling will cover you every time there is no time limit shakespeare was writing four hundred years ago im still some of the one dickens that Cambridge University had to be warned about the distressing cvs even friends is too much for some millennial zeal to choose an Italian American a guy with a transvestite dad who missed twitter and even throwing in a lesbian couple wasnt diverse enough the time and the statues always about the Nineteenth Century imperialist sessile rhodes students at Oxford University he wanted his small barely noticeable sound to go on why because he was bad at one hundred fifty years ago who wasnt. There and so with these chances my grandfather is david possible weinsteins situation that your liberty immigrant and christ the redeemer possibly offensive to jews and muslims the little guy being in the fountain naked its time to act what is great is there are places where everyones mind can rest in peace these are old times based is these are places where freedom of thought speech and expression all put on hold in case anyone should have their feelings. America safe. Well the u. S. Continues to hit Russian Energy firms with sanctions it turns out russian gas will soon be heating us homes after a french cargo ship loaded with liquefied natural gas from siberia docked in boston now this wind has been far colder than average on the east coast of the u. S. Its led to much greater demand for heating and gas hence the tank youll see in a moment on a video unloading in america its owned by the French Company n. G. Who says it bought the cargo because of the current spike in demand the ship made a delivery in the u. K. Then sailed to the u. S. And its thought to be the first shipment of russian liquefied natural gas to the u. S. A second tanker coming from russia is expected to dock on the east coast in mid february. And the fuel was produced by your model n. G. Of which the Russian Company novacek has a controlling interest both are currently subject to u. S. Sanctions but russian oil and gas shipments and not french and Chinese Companies hold forty nine point nine percent of shares in your model so technically the cargo is not subject to sanctions as long as it is bought and delivered by a third party thats not russia in mallinson former british diplomat used the word hypocrisy to describe the situation. The more effective these sanctions are paradoxes the more they are likely to strengthen the russian economy which has to become more independent and selfsufficient than it is even more so the other effect that is likely to have ease is that its helping the russians and the chinese to move away from the dollar so in that sense the us move is slightly suicidal thus it is important to get round the sanctions as hypocrisy other presentational yes weve got sanctions but then a French Company a clever French Company makes a profit by buying. Gas at a certain moment by the way one very important final point is another excuse for these for these sanctions of course is the. Alleged meddling in the us elections ive never seen such hypocrisy from the arch medlar of the last century which is the United States which is meddled not only meddled in foreign elections but actually replaced government cynically by staying with us more news in half and. Release the memo russia gave more cindy f. B. I. Gate also for the u. S. And turkey on the part of confrontation in syria and the great to be Jordan Peterson is called the army and is taking the internet by storm. You keep. One fact. That. Its him in the summer morning and im on a bus headed down south from chinatown new york there breathless driver speeds up on the ice who really its and traveling across the states in a snowstorm because of a book. Written over dishpan of twenty years back and forth from the mining area some Eastern Kentucky the book by italians corner. Is a monumental collection of moral history it tells the struggle of the words males to round mining of coal when amy grants would come to the area to work well paid but often has faded jobs the book tells the story of Harlan County thats where im going. To bury. This or part of. Its own. Land. Im headed to the depot mary kom of this book i want to see whats left of the three years since his first visit now that the us is shifting to major and gas and coal mines for shutting down one after another i do not expect to find a lively city when i drive into harlem i find a ghost of a city where people are stuck like car turns from black and white picture their stories and there. Have not changed much from those recorded by pushing pills research and that they are leading me in this journey. With. Well we really dont know what you. Would have been in thirty. Plus at least through it we. Were through. No maam. But i am brand in their place now. Appalachian man but. Appalachia now even with even. Greater. Crime our former fault. Are shall. I got married when. I was sixteen years out and my husband was seventeen years old and lead me in myriad about six months then he went into the mountains and then six months after that down and went to court accident. I had two week old son. Lady who lived down the street here only. Killed. Vertebra that he would hit really. Low. Where no. Company wants to cold real its gorgeous at all for the coal ready for the christmas they wanted him there and we. Shot the whole milk but done it was done back to that old wallet i wrote killed of me if. You know it much. Two three tell them both so much get one through till it. Shielded. The faith you see i would say oh. I see there. Any other. Soon as. I find remnants of the mining history or longer memories of the casualties and the hard labor are alive in the stories told by the young and the like theyre not had to crowd the glory of collective struggle and hard work paid off. Speaking to the local scene dusty barson saloons conceded their life was and still is mine mines harder now. Relief their collective legend and whether played a part where said when private sector survived the war right disappearing before day i ask for those probably. The best part for any of the work first erases gunshy of but they first come in six of them at meyers grill so. It was work and i got there while as my grandpa grabbed the six awful sweater. Maybe three. Will. Go. In every lady made homemade had at it. He always had because you know now what if thats the life that youll say. Im. Going through. You wont want to hear that theres no water in the mine and soon you would have to drown through water it would get it over your knees and. The horses would have to pull through the opponents mouna and then they would lay to balfours for tracks sometimes when theyd run out of traffic people here named were you know anywhere. Theres nothing for them to day and theyre having all the young pay for the turning to see. Us and. If we were some one would have to stay and say

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