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Intel committee has been compromised by the russians as a possibility i tried to rush to the agent in the House Intel Committee on the republican side i hope thats not the case i mean this is behavior speak of that i mean im not the first person whos raised this hes behaving like someone whos been compromised now keep in mind this whole big stir is over just for pieces of paper but those four pieces of paper contain Vital Information information with potentially enough voltage to light up washington d. C. For months if not years. R. T. New york. We spoke earlier to the executive director of the Eurasia Center in washington d. C. He believes the memos release could create doubt over rush or later diversifications. You know hes frustrated with the russia gate. Investigation of which after a year and a half we have no evidence whatsoever and now what weve got is actually evident. Could a backlash on the democrats absolutely i think thats the primary thats the fundamental reason why they do not want to release it really puts in the question this entire investigation it shows at least indications that could be further investigated but from the initial appearance severe by us with senior levels of our Law Enforcement agencies i think what hes concerned about here i personally dont think anything in the memos probably is that embarrassing yes is that against will it threaten National Security i dont think so so the classification is probably more because its Sensitive Information and the president has the authority to release that. Russias medical community has been outraged by a criminal case brought against the moscow hematology shes accused of medical malpractise that allegedly led to the patients death many doctors though as well as legal analysts claim the case is significantly flawed. Looks into the story it was doctor a unanimous view it in his job to come to this clinic every day and work to save peoples lives she was the mastermind behind this brand new unit which was meant to be the most advanced center for bone marrow transplants and moscow the plan was to open it and january but instead a court ruled that she must go to jail. This is mr arenas office she has been gone for two weeks already we miss her she had a lot of plans and there are signs for the next week on her desk it all goes back to a tragedy that happened almost five years ago she was treating a patient with leukemia and that required a morning biopsy a routine procedure for a doctor me suited up it all went fine and the patient went off to work by evening he was suffering severe stomach pains and an ambulance took him to a private hospital then he underwent surgery and in two days passed away if a patient dies he is or her relatives always want to get justice when someones life is taken due to somebody else i think that some punishment must follow but what caused the persons death the biopsy the surgery or Something Else it took the investigators and the court for years to determine that for now the verdict is that this office will remain empty for two years. But some of russias top hematology called the ruling nonsense while dr masood in this call leagues and former patients were simply stunned now i feel that a future is being taken away from the person who saved my life and lives of many others thats unfair i am huge in the michoud in. Every scene medic understood that a person who fully deserved to be acquitted was being put behind bars and that means all of us doctors may end up in prison where all you learn the missing if we get punished just for following correct procedures then will be afraid to do our jobs as doctors the support Campaign Online is gathering pace with a just we starved hash tag. Me suit in the social network posts profile pictures being changed its native wish there was that it did you know that in the courtroom after she was already handcuffed the last thing she said to her husband was not about her child but about our patients she asked that they be taken care of so a doctor who was already convicted who should have been angry had not cared but was still thinking about her patients weve tried to get a comment from the private clinic that carried out the surgery following the biopsy and the stomach pains but theyre refusing to talk to journalists though in their Online Press Statement the clinic stands by its doctors and their work the case is so controversial tragic and has grabbed so much attention the authorities are scratching their heads over what to do with it. Prosecutors office request to overturn the courts decision the reason violations committed in the process of investigation the prosecutor and nationally had no doubts and found a basis for an Additional Investigation request and only often a public outcry the prosecution appealed sizing violations of g. Process the offices position cost doubts on the competency of its offices young is now i do not know all the details of that case i think its the coolest business and if necessary that can be a follow up to find out if theres a link between the dont his actions and the death of the patients the staff at this clinic they want justice to prevail so was the relatives of the patient who want the person responsible punished we might never have fallen for the truth but after talking to people who work at this clinic i believe there is little doubt that experts should be given another chance to look at this case. To stay tuned here naughty still to come the french city of quetta is again proving to be a flashpoint in europe smog crisis Mass Violence has broken out that story and plenty more after the break. Seemed wrong why dont we all just dont. Let me. Get to shape out these days active. And engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. With. Welcome back to the program and battle that turned the fortunes of allied forces of both east and west searing the Second World War took the lives of over two Million People this friday marks the seventy fifth anniversary since the soviet armys victory over the nazis at stalingrad after months of attrition. How are you do you have enough food. And health. And right to me as often as possible tell me everything i think about you are not my darlings i hope to return home safe and sound. Your son but. The history of starting right across many parts of the world affected by the war in several cities in france including the capital streets and squares and named after the battle sort of the case in the belgian capital brussels even in italy in the asian city of bologna streets has been named after the soviet victory now in modern russia is now known as the city of volgograd special memorial ceremonies will be held there over the course of today celebrating the bravery of those veterans who fought for city and country. I was decorated five times during my service and received twenty five medals as well when im asked which of them is more important to me i answer the one for defending starling grad here during the battle for starting grad the fate of the whole soviet union was decided the whole world cheered our victory here after starting grad the red army never retreat we never doubted anymore that we would defeat the nazis and we did it with. Extra police units are on their way to the french port city of cali where violence has broken out between migrants and food banks at least five refugees have been shot there are in Critical Condition another twenty two people are believed to be injured. And the fighting lasted for almost two hours reportedly involved over one hundred every tree and refugees using improvised weapons the incident marks another low point in the migrant crisis after those seeking asylum in the u. K. Remained at the site of the infamous migrant jungle camp and cali despite it being dismantled local organizations estimate that around eight hundred Illegal Migrants are still in the area frances interior minister made an urgent visit to carry calling the violence there unimaginable. I came to carry because what happened here is extremely serious we have reached a degree of violence not known until today the government will propose a bill in the coming weeks to try and help asylum an immigration problem. Without brawl comes just weeks after french president proposed the draft bill designed to tighten Immigration Law people applying for asylum hit record numbers in france last year topping one hundred thousand applications mccord hopes new legislation will make it easier to deport undocumented newcomers and will also double the Detention Time of migrants to ninety days. And the outcome of italys general election next month could put rome on a collision course with the European Union the e. U. Will be watching the election closely for three main reasons lets take a look at why italy may have the Third Largest economy in the eurozone but it also has crippling debt italian finance chiefs a recent recovery could be derailed by the vote also the popularity of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his center right for the party is growing although hes banned from Public Office for tax fraud conviction and thirdly the rise of the euro skeptic five Star Movement could pose a threat to the European Union. Lets take a closer look at currently the single most Popular Party according to recent polls is candidate luigi to my one twenty five percent of the vote back in the twenty thirteen general election we spoke exclusively with the leader of the five Star Movement about his partys chances and the countrys economy. Everyone talks about european ism but when it comes to giving solidarity to other countries they show a little support i hope the germans can retrace their steps to block migrants from greece and this really from seeking relocation there because a few years ago we approved a new European Parliament approved asian that provided for the redistribution and other European Countries parts of the migrants who are in italy and greece. Surely all the other countries have become skeptical towards the issues and aspects of the European Union for this reason i think this is a fruitful moment to start working on the revision of some european parameters especially those on the deficit allows us to make more investments. Last year the founder of the five Star Movement perpignan your call threatening to leave the euro zone is supported legal changes for countries that wanted to remain an e. U. Member but have not the dont have the Euro Currency or the party leader again explains currency issues are high on his agenda. I know we never said we should leave the European Union we had a referendum on the Euro Currency but right now this choice is an extreme ratio because we think there may be more dialogue at european tables. Its obvious that if we do not have the majority after elections but we are the First Political force in the country we will make a public call to other Political Forces proposing to converge on the issues ask the other Political Forces what their priorities for italy. So from myself and the team here this hour see you in off an hour for more global headlines. Heres what people have been saying about rejected and i suspect its full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch. Bleep yampa is the john oliver of our three americas doing the same thing we are apparently better than food lets see people youve never heard of love redacted tonight not the president of the world bank so there you go write me seriously send us an email. You seen years ago i traveled across the United States exploring americas deadly love affair with a gun if a bad guy tried to get to one of my family members he would have better luck with that better and i think they are and hurting when i buy my babies says my book was published in the year two thousand more than hoffa million americans have been killed by firearms in the us i only had a thought to me as i did this is a middle school we go through drills and we put ourselves some real scenarios it was interesting to see who actually got hit by the gun i just saw i did to return to the subject to track down each gun owner who id met and photographed those years ago i dont know that but we are not. With nor make this manufacture come sentenced to public will. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the famous merry go round the sun be the one percent. Thats not. We can all middle of the roots to. Believe the. Democratic anger over President Trumps state of the Union Immigration rhetoric will that make reaching a deal on dreamers even harder to take a look at that on this edition. Of the politicking on larry king President Donald Trump delivered his first state of the Union Address tuesday night and left many democratic lawmakers and activists furious over his remarks about immigration so that this mean of a deal on docket is now even further out of reach than it was before and its not what happens to the socalled dreamers who seem to be caught between the two warring Political Parties will start with cesar vargas cesar is an immigration activist director of the dream Action Coalition he is also in new york states first openly undocumented attorney he was formerly a latino outreach strategist for Bernie Sanders twenty sixteen president ial campaign he joins us from new york how did you feel about the address cesar. Hi larry thank you so much for having me well there is no question that this president had the opportunity to really heal a nation that has been divided along many racial lines along political lines along partisan lines and frankly the president dropped the ball instead of trying to unite us he put he threw gas in the fire and and really just continued to divide the nation exploiting fear exploiting the actual suffering of a family who had been our family who suffer the murder of their daughter by gang members and theres no question that we obviously want to keep our nation safe but this president pretty much put a solution for dreamers a solution for our immigration system even farther with his rhetoric and frankly you know this is the not a president there really is listen more to Stephen Miller and his allowance stephen millet to become president than President Trump becoming a leader and actually coming together to unify a nation and provide solution for the dreamers as well as provide National Security for our nation he said hes for a pair to citizenship for one point eight million dreamers you know one of those didnt that encourage you. Theres no question that it is encourages no question that dreamers want to be able to have a path to citizenship but at the same time not at the cost of other immigrants on the bus we obviously want to have a path to citizenship and aspire to the American Dream like many other people as we said all americans are dreamers yes we all are American Dreamers we all are americans and what this president is pretty much frankly trying to do is try to trying to pass a complete anti immigrant list on the backs of dreamers hes trying to say will give you a path to citizenship but in exchange we are going to criminalize and target detain and the poor your mother your father your spouse and frankly thats not a deal that we can accept we are not going to target other immigrants just so dreamers just or communities can own group of income be protected and thats frankly what this president s trying to do divide more people and put people in a position to choose their own safety over their parents safety and thats something that is unamerican whoa you came. I came to the u. S. When i was five or so after my father passed away and like and like any loving mother my mom took the break decision to come here to give me a better life in mexico it was either not having enough food to eat living in a one room with no windows or take a chance in going up north right to to the dream of one day perhaps one of her sons will become an attorney and for me the original dreamers the dreamers are my parents that risked everything to give me a better life and now as an attorney im going to make sure that i am fighting for my family im going to make sure that my mom has a path to citizenship and im going to make sure that dreamers as well as all our communities can be protected because this is exactly what this nation is about we are a nation immigrants but were also a nation where we are welcoming more people and embracing people who work hard and aspire to the American Dream representative joe tenley the third he switched them issued one point new speech and he declared to dreamers you are part of our story we will fight for you we will not or go away do you have a lot of things in that pledge. I do have faith that we are going to get this whether we have faith in congress the reality is a sixty percent of the American People have faith in congress but what we do know is that i do have faith that were going to get this done we have seen this anti immigrant rhetoric before we have seen this hate and seen a phobia back before whether it was people targeting irish italian german jews we have seen this before and were seeing this now like before were going to overcome this like before the American Dream is going to survive is going to flourish and its going to allow many people to continue to work hard and really aspire to their aspirations as lawyers doctors engineers and i know were going to make sure that we are continuing that work and it starts working here in our communities were going to demonstrate that myself and many people who come here as children or speak by potential protected status can have a chance to the American Dream and i do believe that were going to get this done. Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn republican of texas if the democrats dont figure out a way to negotiate then the dr program will end and they will be responsible whats your reaction to. Well they are pretty much trying to hijack a deal republicans and Steven Miller and attorney general just sessions is trying to hijack the overall deal they know that if they put all this anti immigrant list theyre going to try to try to show a wall down the American Peoples throat theyre trying to increase over twenty five billion dollars that could be going towards fixing our role if they could could be going to our infrastructure if they could be going into veterans medical assistance you know all this money could be used in a better situation and yes we have seen right now the biggest budget over eight hundred billion dollars being going to Immigration Enforcement thats combined and that the way. The f. B. I. And many other agencies combined so we already have resources our Immigration Enforcement what we need to do is republicans actually coming to the table saying we need to dream act but were also need some funding to to update technology we need funding to ensure that we have monitoring across remote areas of the border lets work on that lets not say what will give a dreamers but were going to target. Were going to eliminate the rights of u. S. Citizens to bring in there is an errant were going to bring eliminate that so i think republicans are the one to play the games and of course were going to pressure democrats to also work with republicans on a deal to learn to use these will be calling on you again thank you so much for having me im now joined by chris shays the former republican u. S. Representative from connecticut he was a Senior Member of the finance and Homeland Security committees and was vice chair of the budget and government oversight committees. He joins me from washington d. C. Ok chris will trump speech i mean he tweets all the time was his speech matter. Yeah it mattered to people last night i mean i i basically enjoyed the speech i thought it was one of the more interesting ones and you know i ive been on the house floor for those speeches twenty one times and i thought it was kind of a well thought out speech but its not a teleprompter and you just pray that thats the real you know the real donald trump but but im not sure it is and in fact lee i dont think it is his own speech i noticed that and you know he was having a little fun but it was a good speech you know you could raise questions about parts of it but the bottom line is. It was more a Campaign Speech but it was interesting i love the stories i love the introduction of the folks. And it was it was a president ial speech and i guess you know we set the bar so low for him sometimes that when he gives this we think its even better than it probably is government funding runs out again for were atheists make you know the shutdown. Its very possible i mean we are at a point unlike what we used to be you know twenty years ago or thirty years ago where the full house would decide a vote now it has to be practically all republican and all and when the democrats were in charge all democrats and thats not healthy. Trump once twenty five billion for Border Security is ministration intends to propose two hundred billion over ten years for infrastructure wheres the money come from. Well thats the thats the big issue i mean he its easy to applaud a tax cut and a big tax cut though this wasnt the biggest like you said but the eighth in rank. No its really tragic what people realize is one of the things that slows our economy down are our huge deficits twenty billion dollars i Left Congress feeling that i had let people down in two thousand and eight with such a Large National debt and so we have a twenty plus trillion dollar National Debt its outrageous concerning that the g. O. P. Was the one that always complained about the National Debt and now to the republicans against deficit is not a dirty word anymore no it isnt but remember under Ronald Reagan he was willing to have deficits and under george w. Bush we had deficit said weve kind of ignored it partly because we tell people theyre bad but they dont see it and it it happens in the future with some other president and some other congress so you kind of can enjoy the fruits without having to pay for it and thats tragic and and frankly the news media allows members to get away with it they dont talk about it as well because its not romantic right. Its not romantic its hard to people to visualize but they know intuitively in their own household when they have large that its not a good thing so i take one of my really my most satisfying time in congress was with john casing i was the number three guy on the budget and we balanced the budget four years in a row had surpluses and that was really satisfied and then two thousand came along and the tools that we had grabbed my admin and so on that enabled us to control spending disappeared they they had they were no longer operative and then the budget just started to float high again during the congress when clinton left the presidency and that was a major surface right it was a major surplus but what it was was president clinton saw what happened in ninety four republicans won he recognized that republicans were in control and john k. Sick and frankly under Newt Gingrich we really focused on getting our countrys financial house in order and we we saw four years of surpluses and the irony was that we started having people complain because the bond market was losing some of. Their bonds to sell and they complained that that we didnt have debt. Its kind of funny a new debt serving of nearly twenty point five trillion was imposed in december after a three month debt ceiling suspension House Republicans now believe that they have until late february to act on the ceiling what do you think will or should happen. Well what should happen is along with increasing the debt limit they should show that they can control spending and get a handle on spending but he mean even the amounts that theyre talking about for National Defense are pretty extreme i was reading recently what president eisenhower said in his farewell address and he talked about the the Industrial Defense complex that would always encourage us to spend money its not that defense doesnt need money but it

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