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Return to russia. While i was lying in the hospital people came up to me and tried to convince me to become a suicide bomber. Around the clock across the world this is R T International from the team if you know neal welcome to the program we begin our bullets in the u. S. Where a shooting incident has on folded. The Security Agency headquarters fort meade three people have been taken to hospital according to the f. B. I. One of them is the suspected attacker authorities now say the incident is over and under control with the details heres r t sim your account. Blisse shooting took place just outside the n. S. A. Headquarters at one of its secure entry gates and according to a statement from the n. S. A. Several people have been hospitalized and the local reports say that a Security Guard was injured and then taken to the hospital immediately following the attack and we dont know the particulars regarding who was responsible but photos came out on social media showing a black van and a handcuffed man sitting on the ground and you can also see a bullet holes on the will windshield of the van and the f. B. I. Has sent personnel to respond to the incident but the n. S. A. Says that the incident is under control and local authorities have warned that highway m d a thirty two is closed in both directions advising drivers to take alternate routes and expect long delays and a President Trump has reportedly been briefed on the shooting but we havent heard anything else from the white house now this isnt the first time theres been an attack at the n. S. A. Headquarters back in twenty fifteen two men disguised as women rammed a stolen van into the agencys gates now the attack left one person dead and two injured. The u. S. Is joining in the chorus of growing concern coming to all of europe over foreign fighters returning to their home shores washington urged its allies particularly britain to pay more attention to this in souffle drip to join the terrorist organization earlier the u. K. Defense secretary said they should not be allowed to return home i dont think they should ever set food in this country again they turned their back on britain values and everything we stand for then the wars over the wars were working with the coalition on foreign fighter detainees and generally expect these detainees to return to their country of origin for just position. Well another british officials suggested extreme measures be taken and the minister for International Development said that the only way to deal with returning fighters was to kill them for terrorists of u. K. Origin who come home are facing prison sentences while some other European Countries have tried to reintegrate former eisel fighters back into society in denmark extra even received apartments and jobs to promote integration. Earlier we heard opposing views from our guests on how to deal with returning to harvest. Initially britain said were going to make them stateless remove their passports not going to allow them reentry other countries then said lets take a more light approach some of the nordic nations said lets try to repatriate them have cut radicalization programs which in part have actually been quite successful in some areas at the same time then the u. S. Is now taking the lead and the u. S. Defense said Foreign Countries need to repatriate their own citizens and deal with them using the rule of law and i think thats essential way to go they should not come back here its as simple as that because theyve committed the crimes abroad so why should the touch. Foot the bill for all this rehabilitation and all the short probably they do in jail for quite a while that cost more money when these crimes are being committed to god let the authorities deal with him to the rule of law in them. You know there are lots of different stories about what happens to these people if we make them stateless stenciling they will stay out there they will keep breeding extremism terrorism and radicalization and theyll keep killing and theyll keep hating us so we have its a problem have to deal with you cant hide from it you cannot fall back on this british passport so you know i committed atrocities abroad but all for we british passport into the mix so we get sent back oh no how do we know people have committed crimes without putting the evidence in front of them and putting them on trial just to assume people went out there so i dont want to go out of here im in london regularly on trial id like to go on in my own regularly well these are obviously the the un is so weak. The you again is so weak just nonexistent the should have. Should have at the Un Peacekeeping forces making safe and so we could properly categorize these people rather than these people go in to fight for whichever side these people fight. Against but now because they fight for the kids to be classed here it becomes a ridiculous situation well here in russia generally the most dangerous form of this. Are imprisoned though in the past a number did join the radicalization programs which have no clue as to one case has come to light in russia a former fighter sees he escaped the terror group and turned himself in to Russian Security services he then face trial here but was later released the court explained that he was never involved in other and also cooperated with the investigation after admitting his guilt our team members to speak with him about his time in syria. I got interested and started reading forums and watching video online i was given a phone number of a person who could help me get to syria he is sure me that those who came could leave it any time and no one would be kept there but they immediately took away our documents and telephones it was a shock for me i felt helpless everything was different from what they told me. In syria yuri shin lost a leg in an earth strike before finally deciding to flee hes now working closely with Security Services and has been shown a certain amount of leniency but action was one of the thousands of russians who went to syria and iraq to join. So there were. After an explosion i lost my sight and felt a sudden pain i realized my leg had been torn off i had surgery and went through rehabilitation at the same time they were making a prosthetic leg for me while i was lying in the hospital people came up to me and tried to convince me to become a suicide bomber and they said that i anyway had no leg what else could i do but i couldnt refuse directly it could have caused a suspicion. I was first overcome with joy while on a bus in turkey and only once i was in russia did i realize i had managed to escape and sort of i went to the f. S. B. Department and wrote a confession i decided that it would be better i was interrogated a lot and i told him the whole story now i have a new family i married a russian muslim girl i work at a Construction Company and still stick to islam but i dont want to go to mosques anymore i want to avoid questions. Or attention to the u. K. And its planned exit from the European Union the British Foreign secretary Boris Johnson has been giving an update on divorce negotiations with the e. U. Which many have criticised for lack of progress with the story heres the rest myth. This is the first in a series of six speeches to be made by cabinet members in the next three weeks Boris Johnson has opened this series of speeches in titled road to brets it and it was an address aimed at persuading people who dont think that leaving the e. U. Is a very good idea that its actually all about hope and opportunity but in the same breath saying that reversing that decision would be a very bad idea here here is a fear that some people are becoming ever more determined to stop brics it to reverse the referendum vote of june twenty third twenty sixteen and a frustrated will of the people i believe that would be a disastrous mistake that would lead to permanent and in the radical feelings of betrayal hes identified three main fears that people who dont want to leave the e. U. Have they talk about security the fear that it would cost the u. K. Address to fend for itself they talk about it being a pulling up of the drawbridge that breaks it is synonymous with xenophobia and also of course economic worries that britain would be worse off outside the Single Market and the Customs Union so johnson this morning tried to address those fears in turn the consensus is a speech that as i say was long on what full and slightly off color jokes but very short on detail which is arguably what might make some remain as change their minds about brets it on twitter of course opposition m. P. s were very quick to point this out Yvette Cooper said that with thirteen months to go what we need is on says and not bluster and david lammy made a similar point weve heard it all before a few bad jokes and a few long words even boris himself was sounding a little bit desperate by the end he hears under a hail of questions from journalists enough of your Sweet Nothings with the clarity do you think that you are the right person to be reaching out to to those remailer do you worry that this in certain approaches breaks it the were feeding this country is because we have a pm who wont social vote for it today some of the anger that. Remain is has come from your own government i accept this morning im not going to. Persuade everybody but ive got to ive got to try and ive got to make the effort that is in the end these are peoples feelings and peoples feelings matter two questions remain that well also todays Media Conference and that is whether boris is the man to deliver this message and of course whether its actually too little too late for. Severe weather conditions prompted the if i q ation of olympic park inside korea on wednesday spectators who are us to go indoors now the number of events were postponed strong winds forced authorities to dismantle information tents and theyve been trying to was in the eye of the storm for us. Some very serious wind issues in this part of south korea we saw earlier on wednesday for the first two days of the olympics people were complaining about the cold and then when it finally got warmer some unbearable wind gusts here just a few hours ago i was working outside the coastal olympic park and then and we have to stop filming every other minute because it was almost impossible to work but the volunteers have to stay outside and i even saw one of them being carried away and then taken away by and i view and so there have definitely already been angry because of the high winds i saw the temporary tents with the merchandise being blown away fences falling things falling off the roofs and the trees so that is the reason obviously why the fans were being told to stay indoors but again the volunteers they just have to continue doing their job so it remains incredibly dangerous for them obviously this kind of weather is a headache for the athletes and the organizers and a number of sporting events have already been postponed including. Alpine skiing and biassed flawed speaking of my own duties here at n. P. R. Chang i just want to show you a few funny moments that happened to our crew a little earlier because of that very same high wind. They. Would say this time. Just lets wait a little bit lower. It just because. Its a hurricane the second. Its hard. For. Americas top diplomat assured his middle eastern country parts that double trumps this isnt to recognize jerusalem as these really capital will not affect the citys borders or holy sites Rex Tillerson gave those assurances on the relations building tour across the middle east important to note that when president truman made his decision regarding the jerusalem he also made two very important points as well one of which was. Where he was not advocating for any changes to the status quo as to oversight over the holy sites and secondly he made clear that the positions on the final boundaries are borders of jerusalem theres a matter of this left for the parties to negotiate and discuss well back in december President Trump threw his support behind israels claims over the city of jerusalem saying that the u. S. Would move its embassy there from tel aviv the move was condemned by World Leaders and the United Nations and stirred violent protests around the globe. Well we spoke to palestinian politician Dmitri Telhami he died tillerson this trip will help improve relations with countries already hundred trucks move. This is doesnt go beyond a Public Relations effort after the the mess that was caused by trumps decision on declaration on drugs from back in december i dont think he will be successful he known to be a lightweight in the us Foreign Policy especially pertaining to the middle east as he admitted himself the peace plan that he talks about its only he have seen it he have seen points of it that these are his words so in other words the secretary of state has no idea what hes talking about. Also on other side we know that how donald trump runs his white house the ones that like a corporation and he is the only one with the ideas hes only want to take credit for everything but he will push really on everybody else and i believe that. Involvement at this point just seeing case something goes bust which things are going. In the middle east this really comes to the Peace Process or the nonexistent Peace Process i think is here just to get the blame later on thats all. Ok some breaking news just coming into us now from the u. S. Were reports are saying that there is an active shooting situation happening a high School Inside florida authorities have confirmed there at the scene and are urging residents to avoid the area we also know from local media reports that up to twenty people may have been wounded it is a large school around thirty two hundred children from grades nine to twelve stages around fifteen to eighteen in the high school that police on their twitter page are asking teachers and students to remain barricaded in side the building just a reminder our breaking news from the u. S. Side florida an active gunman is believed to be near or in a high school. Around fifty kilometers north of miami we will be keeping right up to date with this story. Reports that the american Led Coalition in syria has killed dozens of russian mercenaries have led the headlines reading the specter of direct u. S. Russia confrontation well moscow responded to the claims. Russian citizens might be in syria but they dont belong to Russias Armed forces over if they do remain russian citizens once again we are calling on everyone not to move on in time to move forward from formation and the serious approach in describing such an important issue to me because also suggested all media sources to reach out to Russias Defense Ministry to various facts before publishing and asked for the us side the world there has been no confirmation coming from the air on the contrary the us defense secretary said that he has a no information that a knee a russian army servicemen were and the casualties following the u. S. Air strikes now a number of reports first appeared on Different Social Media platforms last week suggesting that anywhere from several dozens to up to several hundred russian mercenaries were killed in syria and the reports of alleged russian casualties were very quickly picked up by Different International media sources including the bloomberg c. N. N. And the daily mail the New York Times and many others so as it stands for now there has been no confirmation provided to regarding the story of whether we could go progovernment forces in syria were attacked by the u. S. Led coalition near the Euphrates River the Coalition Says it was responding to an provoked attack on the Serbian Democratic forces headquarters there who are fighting the government these are some of the survivors being treated at a local hospital. In front of a run to the known citizens who travel to join islamic states in the middle east intelligence sources say that sixty seven came from one particular part of suburban charlotte dubin ski trouble there. A short train ride from paris is trapped on the surface theres nothing much to set it aside from the thousands of other towns in the country but you dont have to scratch very deep to see that trap is very different where you wont see any non how the butcher shops there were i think at the moment over fifteen hundred prayer rooms and five mosques if you look at people on the street you wont see Couples Holding Hands youll see the women are dressed in strict islamic dress. Theres a lot of home schooling so you couldnt really consider trap. Typical french town anymore its a little bit like a state within a state for decades its been considered a magnet for muslim fundamentalists hardline salafism and what a widely practiced and trap has become synonymous with jihadism. And dozens of people. Islamic state i was have carried out attacks on french soil have been linked. In two thousand and fifty why with her right appears to. Think that. There is some plain white pride remaining bad but your heart is its only a matter of time before we have another attack the basic problem is that the ideology thats driving this and this goes much deeper than terrorist cells planning and executing attacks that ideology is so ingrained that last year a poll of French High School students revealed thirty two percent of Muslim Students believed islamic doctrine was superior to scientific fact another in two thousand and sixteen showed that sixty eight percent believed islamic law was superior to french law theres also concern that in an area like this that was once branded. By the authorities. But syria is becoming the lands. The full veil covering has been banned for a ts yet the police are often reluctant to intervene off the riots in two thousand and thirteen when officers try to i. D. A woman who is fully covered with a very very fragile situation which the government doesnt want to provoke urban riots which would quickly spread like wildfire all over france. President mccord says he wants to reorganize islam in a bid to fight fundamentalism but some experts say thats a pipe dream radicalization in places like this they say hes already far too deep rooted to take out jollity been ski r. T. Trap. Ok lets return to that breaking news that were across this hour from the u. S. Reports are saying there is an active shooter at a high school in south florida authorities have confirmed there on the scene urging residents to avoid the area what youre seeing are live pictures from a helicopter in the area and a lot of police a lot of vehicles on the ground surrounding that what seems to be a large campus of a school i do know that theres thirty two hundred students in the high School Fifteen to eighteen the would be they have been told to stay inside teachers have been told to stay inside by on twitter as well so these are live pictures youre seeing from scythe florida its a run fifty kilometers north of miami this particular high school and we also know that there is one tank this is coming to us from a c. N. N. Affiliate along with a team of heavily armed Law Enforcement run the other side from here as well from what youre seeing im assuming this is one of the entrances maybe the exit for for this particular school where there is a supposed octave the shooter either in the school or. The campus. Now the police are on their twitter page theyre asking students i say teachers to remain barak aided inside the building we are just hearing the shar Sheriffs Office which is where this school is located they are saying that the shooter remains large donald trump the u. S. President has also been informed of the situation these are helicopter pictures here of the it does seem to be a large school around youre seeing a lot of Law Enforcement there surrounding at the school which would seem to indicate that the person or persons. They are looking for is inside the school right now. Just thinking what time it would be at right now in florida you know youre thinking it would be one three coming up to three thirty so school would be getting any moment as well so were just waiting on confirmation about what is happening here we do believe there is an active shooter either in this high school or. Compass again this is a school in south florida just fifty kilometers or so north of miami we will keep abreast all of this developing story here on the program we will be coming in. All of it and also just before we leave it for now there is some new development coming in a Fire Department a local Fire Department has confirmed this is the first time were hearing that there are at least twenty injured so this is confirmation there had been speculation about the numbers of injured with this active shooter twenty are believed to be injured this stage we do believe its been going on possibly for an hour or more we will be keeping up to up to date with this story. Yet were just hearing just before we go as well a lot of new lines coming in on this above the proposed attacker at. Theyre looking for some description of him or her the person is wearing a burgundy red shirt or sweater and described as a white male i also read just before coming on air as well that there were reports in the local media there inside florida that the gunman had some kind of long rifle has not i must stress being confirmed but it does seem as if this active shooter which is what the media is saying and the Police Confirm is in this facility right now again these are live pictures from a helicopter right above the school ok we will be coming back to that well keep a close eye on any and all developments and bring it to you from that high school in south florida. Ok staying stateside now are police in boston are facing a barrage of criticism for their choice of person to honor during black History Month they picked a white baseball coach who promoted black players. And around six thirty tonight p. P. D. Post a tweet saying in honor of black History Month we pay tribute to celtics legend red are back the first n. B. A. Coach to draft a black player in one nine hundred sixty. Below world your couldnt think of a single black person tanner can do you know missing the whole point of black History Month what part of black History Month dont you understand. B p d realizes they dont know their tweet may have offended some and they apologize for that our intentions were never to offend. The people of boston deserve an apology and not a tweet that says may have been planted some. People need to be understand that what has happened in this country with this group of people called africanamericans as that theyve made an impact on the world its World History that we should be a part of and not just as victims but people who played a role that would make america more smart than to pretend that were not here or that we should only be recognize one month in the year. Ok we return to our breaking news story now these are live pictures from the u. S. Reports are saying there is an active shooter of a high school in south florida authorities have confirmed that they are on the singing under urging residents to avoid the area what youre seeing though is i think a media news. Helicopter in the area and they have been going there for the past hour or so just circling. The school they seem to have left that vicinity of the school have been in the top left corner i suppose these are perhaps children who are being a school or dead from the school let youre seeing in the center of your screen we know that. Earlier on twitter local authorities had asked all children all teachers to stay in the school what looks to be happening is the children are leaving it just to recap what we know local rip media reports say that up to twenty people may have been wounded with an active shooter in the outside the Florida High School as you mentioned police on their twitter appeared students and teachers earlier to remain barricaded inside the building were looking at more Law Enforcement coming from their vehicles to join their colleagues at the school i can confirm those earlier pictures whether or not they where students who are leaving school whether or not because that would be leaving time around three thirty in the Afternoon School would be coming to a close that there would be still a lot of students within the school because were thinking this occurred after the first time maybe around an hour ago or so so that would be just before school was ending for the day just to some information that we have all this according to the broward Sheriffs Office the shooter remains large that was a tweet around ten minutes ago donald

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