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Like about so they have school. Years before the so poster and. And started so its. Like the school. And high its its not as if i drew it goes right and its like everybody still thought its going to feel like they grow that they do in that schools but then we just here are the people seconds of going about life theres short you know like in the next beers and. Stuff i already got and like this is serious. As i dont know those will be on the floor like so no nobody can see us and all that stuff like not to be on our phones and. Its sunny and like most. When we realized we were just like wait and sample and they came and they told us like thirty minutes later that all those like everything was around but like were not going to let you out like right now. Thats all everybody was just trying to reach out of their friends and their family. I just like you know various kinds of lost is like i dont know what they were like oh its weird like those because its just never have been so me and so i just the one thing that binds us all is going to be like the same up there with. Police have identified the main suspect as Nicholas Cruz a nineteen year old former student of the school who was expelled for disciplinary Reasons Police said that he was armed with a semiautomatic rifle and that he had multiple magazines cruz has confessed to police that he carried out the shooting hes been charged with seventeen counts of premeditated murder fellow students described the suspect as being troubled its been reported that teachers were warned about him some time ago as well given his enthusiasm for firearms and significantly the f. B. I. And the police have admitted that theyve received tip offs about the gunman long before the attack but they failed to investigate. We have on target at the Broward Sheriffs Office where weve had approximately twenty calls for service over the last two years regarding the killer the f. B. I. Has a term and their protocol was not followed. The information was not provided by bill barber. And no further investigation was conducted that. Weve seen time and time again over the last he is our intelligence agencies across the west dropping the ball in terms of getting tips being aware of potential threats and not following up on those threats and. Taking out fences measures it seems lessons not being learned they need to have a proper view about you know what exactly are the threats what are they trying to do how can they best protect the people of their country to protect against these threats and that doesnt seem to be done in a tweet president or the term slam to the f. B. I. s mishandling of the tip offs about the shooter he suggested that the blame lies with the Intelligence Agency because it dedicates too much time to the investigation into alleged russia collusion of which she added there was none its weak the first legal cases were brought regarding the alleged russian meddling in the twenty six the president ial election all those targeted were indicted with conspiracy to defraud the United States to bring you details on that story a little later in this hour. But next the winter games in south korea have just passed the halfway mark and russian freestyle skier ilya a beautiful has just won bronze earlier on sunday the olympic athletes from russia or away our team won silver in the crosscountry skiing young ski is in question where without leaving russian teammates the more experienced team members having not received an i. O. C. Invitation despite never having tested positive for doping. I say sions of drug use prompted the i. O. C. To ban numerous russian athletes for life yet appealed that decision and the court of arbitration for sport overturned the lifetime bans for twenty eight russian athletes that was at the start of the court then they did an apparent u. Turn deciding not to act against the i. O. C. Which should blocked some of the cleared at least from competing at the games we spoke with of course secretary general asking him about the reasons behind both the court and i. O. C. Decisions the full interview is available on our website you can watch it there are t. Dot com for now though heres a preview these athletes applied but were United Access to the games because the i. O. C. Decided not to invite them so it was not just sanction it was an eligibility issue thats a legal difference for us. Only review the question of the application of the law of the rules of the i. O. C. Its reviewed only the process whether it was fair whether it was nondiscriminatory discriminatory. It found that it was not critical there was no. The rules were not unfair and they have complied with by the i. O. C. So it was only a legally stick approach again there was no review of every. For the entire case of the sochi case was not discussed here the report was last discussed here. The fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of that. Doesnt mean that you have established the innocence of the athlete this is the other way around with the sochi case because the i. O. C. Had to show that the athletes were guilty the fact that the only able to show the guilt of an athlete doesnt mean that the athlete has nothing to do other with the case. We are not acting on the pressure so it was not a pressure for us because we have different panel of arbitrators they work independently and they are not really. They are not employees of caste they are independent people. Once they have been notified to the parties we will publish them. Still to come the u. S. Joins in the debate over foreign i still find returning to their home countries after the break. Looking at Value Services russians arent so different from the european neighbors when it comes to individual rights and freedoms however they do have a very low tolerance for uncertainty in politics that translates into a strong electoral advantage for the incumbent making Power Transition and precarious. For russians to stop playing it safe politically. Welcome back the United States is joining the chorus of growing concern coming out of europe over foreign eisel fighters returning to their countries washington is urged its allies particularly britain to pay more attention to citizens see fled europe to join the terror group u. K. s defense secretary has previously said they should not be allowed to return. I dont think they should ever set foot in this country again they turned their back on britain our values and everything we stand for they are the worst of the worst were working with the coalition on foreign fighter detainees and generally expect these detainees to return to their country of origin for disposition present eisel terrorists of u. K. Origin who return home do face prison sentences while other European Countries have tried to reintegrate the former militants back into society in denmark xti how this of even receive departments and jobs to promote reintegration. We put the issue of how to deal with returning to how this up for debate. Initially britain said were going to make them stateless remove their passports not going to allow them reentry other countries then said lets take a more light approach some of the nordic nations said lets try to repatriate them have. Programs which in part have actually been quite successful in some areas at the same time then the u. S. Is now taking the lead and the u. S. Defense said Foreign Countries need to repatriate their own citizens and deal with them using the rule of law and i think thats a sensible way to go we should not come back here its as simple as that because theyve committed the crimes abroad so why should the taxpayers foot the bill for all this rehabilitation and all the short probably the do in jail for quite a while that cost more money when these crimes have been committed of course let the authorities deal with them under the rule of law in them. You know there are lots of different stories about what happens to these people if we make them stateless stand simply they will stay out there they will keep breeding extremism terrorism and radicalization and theyll keep killing and theyll keep hating us so we have its a problem have to deal with you cant hide from it you cannot fall back on this british passport so you all are committed atrocities abroad but all for we british passport into the mix so we get sent back home know how do we know people have committed crimes without any evidence in front of them and putting them on trial just assume people went out there so were going to go out of here in london and regularly on trial here we go i mean my own regularly caught well these are obviously the the un is so weak its laughable the you again is so weak just nonexistent the should have. Should have at the Un Peacekeeping forces making safe and so we could properly categorize these people rather than these people go in to fight for whichever side these people fight. Against but now because the fight for the cure is to be classed here it becomes a ridiculous situation. The u. S. Justice department has indicted. Thirteen russian nationals and three companies in connection with alleged meddling in americas twenty sixteen president ial election but as there is no such criminal offense in the United States as meddling the defendants were charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States among the three enterprises indicted is the St Petersburg based Internet Research agency which is accused of conspiring to sow political discord another is a Catering Company which is suspected of having helped to fund the whole skiing of the thirteen defenders allegedly used methods that ranged from organizing political rallies to posing as grassroots activists some of their reported methods you might say off the wall for example driving a Hillary Clinton impersonator dressed as a convict in a cage in the back of a truck they also allegedly bought facebook ads to promote a rally that was titled support hillary save american muslims but despite the links they apparently went to these ploys and said to have had zero impact there is no one elevation in the indictment that the charge conduct alter the outcome of the twenty sixteen election they wanted to quote solo dischord by. Breaking into elections no stealing their numbers no changing their numbers no voter fraud no vote by merely providing information advertisements thirty listings in social media accounts that were shared by americans the millions of dollars that have been involved in the Russian Investigation so far. Special constable counsel muller has indicted for people for that so thats all he has to show and so far nothing has been done let me remind you that we still dont know what russian collusion is we still dont know because Deputy Attorney general rosenstein today made it very clear that there was no evidence that anything that these russians or any russian did russian nationals or people who speak russian or people in the russian government but there was no evidence that any of this affected the election whatsoever isnt that fascinating and if it didnt affect the election whats the point of this thing stay with us here on on to international latest News Headlines coming up and i just have a half an hours time so you know. When you dont. See the teacher that is why to get a court to do. What they need not through only ten space. Let alone. Said. Time to know that it is best to let a. Few speak french. Let. Them send them to new. Busy cut down troops to take. Away your policies and as a way to practice is the precious oppressive measures being deployed against the Palestinian People everywhere the said letter colonialism the theft of land and the many many. You know theres a stating things that the army does of doing of course the gun calls the. Uprising. And is Getting International recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos im in built it was dismissive to do it living for you if you believe this isnt my cup of tea is going up the study hall may be a bit. Old john. The only palestinians who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i dont think this is about those who were under the oak vision didnt know who could give us. And the us to sell off enough knowledge to how to display any of the most of the jihad i know you can tedium of doesnt seem to do more commitments also dont piss off. What is described in the west as a russian invasion of crimea is a fact the presence of russian soldiers in crimea can you clarify that let us discuss all about they could have to give it a barely spoke all of the quote but the most of them whats go for the bill couldnt. As long ago as eighteen zero for sevastopol the naval base became the main military port of the russian empire on the black sea. During the Second World War the heroic defense of sevastopol lasted almost a year and took hundreds of thousands of lives. Therefore the naval base in crimea has a legacy of historical pride for the Russian Black Sea fleet as well as being of huge strategic importance. Those of us alive back then remember when there were soviet missiles put into cuba how frightened americans were and how angry and how we almost went to a Nuclear Confrontation over having weapons of that kind of destruction placed that close to the United States. Just so if the United States considers cuba to be in its backyard. Then crimea plays at russias doorstep. The consequences of a u. S. Seizure of the face or a nato base which internationally. But almost some of us india is and insuring is an actual plot which you had thought me to. Put you on with that. Was today and you know unless. You know its not just a quick practical bring it to the ship. Has no opinion on it. So its not just an imitator users into this about it when it said no in a system that was the old me the only leader on that has got to shut it down look to play well or. It was a piece thats just would. Just im opposed to what i get there but only in the way but as it used to but they both say you know that on the phone sex amongst the windows me with the cesium if you make one place they put the national system. Unless you mean its not. Supposed to think that if we act we would sort of the response. To me because you knew seemed up and you know look if when its just about you know in the u. S. Those challenges the notion of yours that you play in the in you in the lead you disappear you know the same so sometimes. Up in the back of the in the atlanta show and like get a little illusion when you see what i pay for a bison you get on a night on your show. Diane concerned about the expansion of nato nato has expanded into thirteen countries up to the borders of russia thirteen countries at the gym which ring up at the team away in the ship way not. D. C. Did you in the midst of i mean what should the business mean. In early spring of two thousand and fourteen Eastern Ukraine was also buzzing with protests against the new authorities in kiev this region with a population close to russia geographically and culturally feared that the ultra right leanings of the newly formed government would bring meal nationalism to their lands. And they have their reasons. The status of the russian language in ukraine has been a stumbling block for many years implementing russian as a second state language was one of the Main Campaign promises the president is going to fulfill in two thousand and twelve the government passed a law making it the second official language in the southern and eastern parts of ukraine the areas where the russian population speaking. Elation makes up a majority ukrainian nationalist groups initiated massive protests opposing the law and observing viewer might see some familiar faces there on the front. Part of our lot. On february twenty third two thousand and fourteen the very next day after the regime change the new government voted for an a no meant of the official status of the russian language and even though later this decision was vetoed by the acting president Alexander Turchynov it still sent a message and a powerful one this alarmed the russian speaking cities of Eastern Ukraine and people took to the streets to show their disagreement. In response don its conducted their own demonstrations when the two parties would meet it was always tense and eventually it led to tragedy. One person died and over fifty people were wounded in clashes during a pro russian march protesting the new government in kiev. On april sixth the crimean scenario began repeating Eastern Ukraine where protesters seized government buildings. And the next day april seventh they proclaimed dont yet see peoples republic kiev replied by announcing the beginning of an antiterrorist operation in Eastern Ukraine. By that time the International Media was screaming about a russian invasion in Ukraine Russia could now be on the verge of invading ukraine but strong words state only in the media the ukrainian authorities never announced a war like situation why i. M. F. Cannot give money to countries in gauged an ongoing war thats roboto shango over as they can only think you are strong when you go to of showable go to geneva too much money was already invested in you. To stop half way ive invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic train. Mccarthy writes in a city. New democracy just. Some of them but obviously the funds had to keep coming and the conflict had to keep going. And more bloody and deadly. So nice. As parties from both sides were using more sophisticated and lethal weapons. Thats why the. Daughter focus just did not feel well you know when this. Particular source though not all of them went bust. Through a new deal. You know thats really kind of a prelude to. The world seemed too busy welcoming this new democracy in kiev. To notice what was being done as it spread its wings over the country. Many in southern ukraine had been viewing the revolution with concern. And an anti mind on movement formed in the city of odessa in early january two thousand and fourteen the protesters set up their camp in front of the trade union house a building which would soon become a monument to a massacre of its own its difficult to overestimate the importance of odessa it is strategically located on the black sea and its ukraines largest seaport its not surprising that ukraines new authorities were watching the situation unfolding there with growing alarm. More and more of odessa as people were joining the anti my don movement at the same time as events in Eastern Ukraine were heating up. The new Ukrainian Government didnt have the power to wage war on too many fronts if odessa were to join the growing uprising in the eastern regions it would seriously complicate the situation. This rebellion had to be extinguished immediately and at any cost and that cost was high. On may second two thousand and fourteen soccer fans flocked to the center of odessa city for the ukrainian championship match surprisingly a great number of these fans who descended into odessa just the night before also turned out to be fighters from the my don selfdefense units along with members of radical organizations from all parts of ukraine that these. These families and asked armed and shouting nationalist mottos began disturbances in the center of the city as they marched to the end time i don tent encampment where they attacked. The anti might on protesters sought shelter in the trade union house but it was a track mind on supporters started throwing molotov. Cocktails into the building until it was engulfed in flames. People burned to death inside for trying to escape jumped from. A low a fire station was less than a mile away it took almost half an hour for firefighters to arrive when they finally did the damage had been done. But heres an intriguing fact just a few days before those dreadful events a messenger from my don andriy pair o. B. Made a visit to odessa its an interesting coincidence that some of the people he met with in odessa were seen at the scene that fateful day. But not everyone was mourning on the popular political talk show schuster live the news about the people burned alive in odessa was welcomed with a long round of applause for you trick or thought he would this it but lots of your i dont want to see you just said yes but in your story you know would you see it. On its Facebook Page the right sector announced the events of may second a proud moment in National History an official investigation into this sad event has been going on now for nearly two years and its yet to reach a conclusion but it seems the experts and all the information they needed from the very beginning which i. Dont need to just give you a cue. It looks like a desa really is a very important piece of real estate as it was honored with a very special new governor appointed on may thirtieth of two thousand and fifteen. Mikhail saakashvili the old friend of the United States and born and raised in ukraine. Neighboring country georgia down there in georgia a quick look at his biography gives one an understanding that hes been groomed for a special mission. Mr saakashvili received a u. S. State Department Scholarship and he worked for a new York Law Firm which represented the organization come on or a group that appeared earlier when we learned about the color revolutions were dealing with democratic bloodless revolution this is the revolution of roses and this is meet Kyle Saakashvili with camara busy overthrowing the legitimately elected president eduard shevardnadze. Was. Soon after the rose revolution blossomed foley georgia announced its intentions to join nato and planned fresh nato military bases in the fertile soil right on russias border never ever will give our freedom and independence never ever will give any piece of our territory saakashvili is mission was accomplished at least with his friends and nato the georgian populace wasnt quite as happy though in two thousand and seven they took to the streets to voice discontent and mr saakashvili responded with force. The peoples discontent. Saakashvili party lost parliamentary elections and the opposition took control this means that the parliamentary majority and new government the president. Decided not to wait for the results of the president s election and fled the country in october two thousand and thirteen. Today was the. First to visit the three different. Well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in europe something in america something overseas in the Cayman Islands or do we do all these banks are complicit in the tough talk or see we just have to give mccoll and say ok im ready to do some serious Money Laundering ok lets see how we did well weve got home got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. Luxury automobile again for max you know what Money Laundering is highly illegal dont be a close watch guys of course. Everybody im stephen ball. Task hollywood guy you know suspects every proud american first of all im just George Washington and r. V. s to say this is my

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