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Question joining us this evening youre watching international. Syrian proGovernment Forces have attempted to enter the kurdish held Northern Region of our friend however president there the one says that they were pushed back by turkish artillery fire i discussed the escalating situation now with our senior correspondent. Well the video rumors and reports emerge that a convoy of two three hundred fighters militia fighters as had militia drove into afrin the territory that turkey is currently assaulting where its launched its anti terror operation and they were they routine in a huge convoy with pickup trucks armored personnel carriers tanks you know with cheering cameras and and waved them weve confirmed this our video agency has shot the video in africa and this convoy was headed for afrin city inside the inside the province itself and thats all we have managed to establish so far the president says that the syrian militias decision to went after him is an acceptable and it will meet with the proper response so aggressive words coming from what else are we seeing from the turkish side not only aggressive words we have footage for example of presumably the turkish Army Artillery perhaps air force borgnine near the convoy near the route that the convoy took you can see explosions there artillery by the looks of it there are reports of a number of people being injured the turkish president also added that this convoy of militias it turned around before getting into afrin city and there withdrew about ten kilometers back the way it came but here you cant say they didnt have warning i need to be preparation on the ground takes time in the coming days will see just to afghan city and of course the forces theyve been fighting against the kurds whats the reaction been to this while the kurds zero the white b. G. In this case which control afrin in which turkey recognizes a terrorist organization theres been all sorts of. Talk about them making a deal with the with the Syrian Government but this wasnt the Syrian Government that went in this was progovernment progovernment militias the kurds of you know theyve been joyful theyve said our prayers have been answered the syrian the syrians are finally taking sovereignty their sovereignty seriously which you know is the exact opposite of what they were saying before they needed the syrian army to come in and perhaps help them in the in the fight against or you know offer a guarantee that turkey would he would withdraw the key figure here is as i reported earlier as sad. As it assad is clearly a terrorist and is carried out state terrorism there is no peace in syria cannot be any peace with assad in power. The regime says we will hand over our regions to the regimes army we will never handed over that was then before the Us Led Anti Isis Coalition began butchering each other now when everyones dying and they need him asaad isnt such a bad guy anymore. If the regime is intriguing to cleanse the peters cain people i deal in iran who publish however if it comes in to defend why puji the nothing and nobody can stop us soldiers simple if asaad took over african and african syrian territory he could this arm or sideline the y. P. Ji ankaras enemy would be neutered and thered be no more need to throw away turkish lives the kurds in turn would survive and afrin will be turned into another crater its the least bad solution so far the only solution to stopping this now kutluk your question but it is a very good step its good news for us may god help them and everyone who supports our flynn but honey collette malitia we are all very happy about this decision and we want this crisis to end people can return to their homes we are waiting for the proGovernment Forces to help us the issue is no one trusts anyone the turks are afraid asaad will ally with the y. P. Ji the white b. G. Are afraid that asaad will sell them out to the turks and asaad assad probably wants both gone. We spoke to her saying by cheap professor of International Relations that anchor is middle east Technical University who says that if the turks enter the city of afrin itself it will take the confrontation to a new level then turkey and after and then it will be difficult because the city war will start and it is another type of military confrontation for what turkish president say is that turkeys ultimate cleanup area from dubai p. G. Whether he will reach it others question but at the same time the dialogue between turkey and the search region is very much. Russia off that turkey regime. Direct told at the moment turkey is rejecting this but from the syrian side this is not rejection maybe the russians arbitrary two sides. Both samples of a medal winning curler from russia have tested positive for the prohibited drug melburnian thats according to russian olympic officials alexander crucial it has already stated that hes never used banned substances he said to try and get reports from pyongyang. With this official confirmation from the russian side we now understand for sure that both doping tests a and b. Were positive and this is bad news for the o. A. R. Team and for the entire country of course as well Russian Sports officials have ruled out that there was systemic consumption of and that alexander crucial need ski could have taken the drug on purpose the man himself also reacted to this by saying i have never taken any banned substances openly stating that i have never used prohibited substances or competed unfairly since i started in sports thats why im the person most interested to see an investigation as soon as possible the Russian Olympic Committee is starting a comprehensive investigation of how the pills may have ended up in alexander crucial need skis body and some of the other key points that i should bring up here are that the concentration of mill donia in the samples suggests single use plus all the tests that crucial need ski went through before the games as many as ten and total were negative so that means that so far there is no proof of systemic use we have already heard suggestions about this unusual case that someone could have spiked alexanders food or drinks and the Russian Curling Federation have said that they are opening a separate probe into these specific claims and for that they have already demanded c. C. T. V. Footage of the places where alexander trained and state other curlers including the russian female team coach have told us that there is a possibility of that kind of sabotage but there was reason you would miss them and you dont need to bring is a. Agent to give athletes a local with any kind of banned substance that is hurtful and protected and just put it in a hotel room its easy to be few can see the bottle and its like locked then it can open it you can see it was locked he open it drink it and as long as you keep an eye on the bottle thats fine if you just like turn around for a second so he has this bottle curling is a peculiar sport where accuracy and intellect perhaps weigh the most Important Role so in a sense it may be compared to sports like poor perhaps nuker or bowling and experts in the sport have also told us that they cant understand how mold dhoni him could work and their case with its effect such as enhancing and durrance and helping athletes recover i think it is unlikely that a sportsman of such a level as alexander the crucial need ski he used well done him on purpose during the olympics all sportsmen knew they would be checked moreover there is no point in taking a single dose to have an effect i dont really understand what what it would be approved for what it would improve you and your game kind of things to apply i dont understand what it will do for you and alexander crucial needs keys case the next stage is the hearings at the court of arbitration for sport which is temporarily housed here and yung chang they start on thursday february twenty second. We also heard on the issue from the press secretary for the russian a limp dick committee he thinks that given how closely russian athletes are being monitored in pyongyang taking a banned substance makes absolutely no sense. First of all we have to sort out exactly what happened a thorough investigation should be conducted on the matter because this instead of raises a lot of concerns almost one hardly ever sees the opening clearly its not needed there every athlete doctor or Sports Official will tell you that secondly banned substances words all can about doing which was found in alexanders blood doctors are found that the man discovered them will do only a mistake and once that has no facts of performance it was absolutely no sense in knowingly taking the soldiers north dakota moreover those two killers have passed over. The past two years alone even when the with the olympics you know never had any violations considering how close the russian athletes have been lodged at this little. Substance two weeks before the event was just or so it was signed. Said to japan now where recently discovered government documents have shed light on the practice of forced sterilization which affected thousands of people with mental and physical Health Issues the procedure was carried out under the now scrapped eugenic protection it was adopted after the end of the Second World War and it remained in force up until nine hundred ninety six it permitted sterilization to quote preserve the purity of the japanese race according to some estimates up to twenty five thousand people in total were subjected to the procedure the healer revealed records deal with fewer than three thousand of those victims some of whom are now taking legal action r. T. Spoke with one of them. Has a hard time going through the middle. One of the teachers took me as a casting at his house that i was constantly be used by his wife i never got enough never got paid and never had the chance to see the official paper to back my diagnosis either she hated me. My teacher took me for a magical chacon and i was taken to hospital he didnt explain anything. When i woke up i was there stephen they told me not to drink water thats what i remember. At the time my parents told me that i was operated on and now i cannot have a baby my father didnt agree to reach us forced to sign documents by legislature and welfare or for science. But i had many chances to get married when i was young but have to the operation i felt period i married and divorced and married again my husband left me when i told him about the operation. Of the committee further recommends that the state party adopt specific measures aimed at providing all victims of forced sterilizations with assistance to access legal remedies and provide them with compensation and rehabilitative services. The government should make a point of pay compensation to them if i was not forced and the guy the break should be happy i know i will suffer until the end of my life if only i can be a one time. Womans lawyer told us that the fight is far from being over he says the japanese governments refusing to deal with the problem. Well two and a half years ago i received a call from mrs zucker it was the first time id heard about this matter and we found out that people were taken to the facilities and forcefully operated on little hundred structures from the government or it was a whole organized system that japan still has a problem with ideas and eugenics and this you claim that disabled people have no right to live some psychiatry as to started speaking out about the things that they did not dance instead of taking their licenses away i think it would be better to ask them to bring their confessions to light and open up the issue it was now that were discovering the truth we need to make those responsible apologized and make sure the victims get compensation its clear now that the main problem here is the japanese government continuing to ignore the problem and advice from the un. And japans not the only country that has at some point resorted to force sterilization programs inspired by eugenics and the notable examples of germany during nazi rule and sweden both those countries since offered compensation to the victims. Afghan citizens of submitted more than a million statements to the International Criminal Court Alleging that they were victims of War Crimes Court began collecting testimonies in november of last year and the statements describe accounts of alleged atrocities perpetrated not only by the taliban or by Islamic State but also by the afghan army and by American Military forces stationed some of the testimonies were submitted on behalf of a number of people and so the actual number of alleged crimes could be even higher we spoke to. The last fifty two members of his family in the conflict. In fact there are different kind of war crimes happened in afghanistan in the past sixteen seventeen years American Bombing villages to bomb wedding parties thats one kind of crime another type of crime Afghan Security forces enters villages. Without any reason do you kill people without you know identifying with the dealer against the government or dia just simple People Living in the village. At the end of last year the International Criminal court released a statement alleging American Armed forces as well as the cia committed war crimes in afghanistan in the early two thousand is Jennifer Braden an attorney specializing in Foreign Policy believes its going to be very difficult to bring about justice there could be many more claims that come out these claims have come out against three different factions the taliban and their Hakani Network in afghanistan also against afghanis Government Forces or of Afghanistan Military there and as well as u. S. Military and u. S. Military personnel in afghanistan now on the domestic side the United States military code has a very strict in stringent of very long list of laws that military personnel men and women have to be subject to and they have to follow but in terms of International Crimes that fall under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal court then no then the u. S. Cannot be held under their jurisdiction because the United States is not a signatory to the rome statute which created the International Criminal court so in that case it would be less likely that theyd be brought to justice by Member States or those that are aligned or fall under the jurisdiction of the i. C. C. The Mainstream Medias trash talk on the existence of socalled russian troll forms has been increasing the littering the airwaves over the last few days and c. N. N. s latest report has reached a new low quite literally. You look through the trash there what did you find. Because. Yes we did a. Little study. Rationalists for some says computer. Comic stuff. The latest hollywood superhero blockbuster blank has been praised all round but for some the problem caleb maupin explains the new hollywood blockbuster black panther is creating quite a stir in an era where diversity is a favorite word the film is seen as a huge breakthrough for africanamericans the first ever be going to comic book story with a black superhero the cultural significance of marvels black panther is immense sting praised for its impact on the black community its white people as we see ourselves even as we like to see ourselves as again masters of our own destinies not waiting for white savior to come in and rescue us from whatever receiving ourselves now theres a common criticism of hollywood that film directors and actors of color are less acceptable in mainstream culture so the fact that a film like black panther is making such a huge splash is seen as a huge breakthrough and success by Many Americans is positive africanamerican and heroes. And thats something that hasnt been in film and i think its fabulous now this foley a movie that represents black people was like you know the good guys for once the name black panther brings a pretty loud bell it reminds people of the black Panther Party for selfdefense an activist group in the one nine hundred sixty s. And seventys that was quite controversial across the United States now its pretty clear the film is touching a nerve in us society as some say criticizing the film is unacceptable i implore Media Outlets to please seek out write us of color to you the black parents in the not so bold prediction of the first critic to write a rotten review of black crime for will be white now we decided to ask moviegoers here in new york city if they thought the film was good or bad for american political discourse folks on the internet are saying that if youre white and you criticize the film that thats unacceptable thats racist do you buy that no absolutely not its like any other film its a bad movie its a bad movie doesnt matter what color i think every movie should be criticized on its own regardless of where you or no matter what your background is people have their own opinion do whatever say whatever they want right now just let people be happy you know theyll read it good or very views if you read them later now the film is widely celebrated by advocates of diversity however some activists are criticizing the film for the fact that no l g b t scenes are characters were included it looks like today in the age of social media and you just cant please everyone caleb mop and art see new york. An anonymous trader has bought four hundred Million Dollars worth of bitcoin pushing its value back up to eleven thousand and dulles the purchase became visible thanks to book Chain Technology in the last days of the wool blog Economic Forum in singapore aunties may go from santiago could it with a former mexican president to chat about the future Chain Technology. As a token economic botching forum in singapore was in its last day i managed to catch up with mexicos ex president has sent a fox news saga who was very keen on bringing people together with blah change acknowledging my podcast is that if we keep knocked out boy then maybe he brings a concept that i do not that we denounce it we do it better so even ovation and good knowledge that are needed in one generation more were going to be one what makes a great United States work into the river will be more which stronger why did you choose to become such an active participant in it this means being opened my eyes is like discovering their world began their world of banking there were a lot of people to reduce poverty to great middle classes to create a better world we need to move past many people is getting desperate i will say that the world of the sort of there is growing faster than the world of warfare and this just a potential conflict for the future according to the un four billion people live without an address including mexico theyre not necessarily poor but they do not have a shipping out just because they are inadequately serviced by their government intern they experienced social segregation and our neighbor to participate in online commerce the only botching solution present the conference with a working app for this part of the rules this order to my surprise was a russian startup called knob i adjure this they are currently back to work with mexico asia and other places around the world who have People Living without imagist we develop in markets where the interesting system that provides users with a unified didnt light seat for a place not just on the world and generals are just a concentration on providing you know populous people in the world with. Very finite itas the writer says. Police places in locations theres a huge issue there because now these people just are detached from the online insurance economy so just we believe that i was solution would help a lot change the just that we believe there will be interacts with governments with online economy and just with other users bridge shoes to see the process of development it doesnt happen by the miracle except that youre connects. The pace with that knowledge acceleration and brought to new ideas thats todays world. Leonardo dicaprio who picked up an oscar for his portrayal of a mans fight for survival pitted against the elements in the revenant is worried about the weather in siberia lead to Capital Foundation as alerted its instagram followers about low temperatures in the region. Louis. Hello. Some moments is broke when temperatures reach near record in the siberian village of qana the estimated temperature was around minus sixty two degrees celsius Climate Change is posing a real threat to local peoples lives and life structures are little touch. That brings you right today join me for the latest in alpha. This is the film i was. On my. Feet to. Get. Down to. Get home. Safely to. My room for me. When the make its manufacture get sentenced to public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the famous merry go round of lives only the one percent. Doing all middle of the room sick. Doing the rounds in the real news room. That just. Says sir i want to do things that show me face do we really be very clear like. The way your. Management. And they are they they when they have them they have. To feel that. Sucks yeah im them what do you how much theyre bahamas off and what your body looks local just out do you wonder. If the limit if this was actually my own living that would be near you still want to talk more like you passionate. About your sudden passing ive only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last wrong turn. Your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you im sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. I remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. But then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didnt like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave the funeral the same as one enters the mind its consumed with this one. I speak to you now because there are no other takers. Claimed that Mainstream Media has met its maker. That i am max keiser this is a kaiser a party you know we talk a lot of various topics on the show and one topic that we dont talk enough about is love you know love makes the world go round with love nothing is possible im so fortunate to be so in love with stacy. Ok well thats quite interesting that you bring that up because actually our first topic is all about hate and how hate drives huge profit hate and fear and its all about the american huckster so you know that the right wing in america the Republican Base was kind of you know rallied into a passionate fervor with the tea party once obama won and it was all about irrational fear of obama who were supposedly born in kenya as a muslim and

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