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Very good evening to you thanks for joining us this is art. Whistleblower Julian Assange may be facing more than a century and a half behind bars in the United States but he wont find out whether that will happen until at least next february after an extradition hearing in the u. K. It was postponed until that. But every day it was crunch time for you in the sun just this extradition request was being heard here at Westminster Magistrates Court though he was given a glimmer of hope as he will not face a full extradition until february of next year and 2020 its understood that a 5 day hearing will take place at a later date off to february the 24th which his lawyers have agreed to that timetable now of course it did follow indeed yesterday the u. K. As home secretary sajid javid signing that crucial order that paves the way for this. Procedure now he believes that this was the skewing the right course of justice but protest as an activist with outside westminster much to say school think that this is not the course of justice in fact completely goes against justice and simply they believe that this is the gangs freedom of expression prize you know there are more journalists here complaining because obviously Investigative Journalism is under now we should be released and i think this know enough people will realise that this is such a snack im freezing the race and also just over everything for the right of us to know whats going on the things that he exposed most oppressed the american moon mission thats what we should be checking of so well today might be slightly more symbolic in terms of laying out the procedures and the very next step it does actually set the ball rolling towards extradition to the United States for 2 in the sun we know in the United States theyve been talked to on to 17 counts under the espionage act for have been classified documents related to the iraq war on the war in afghanistan but also one of conspiracy to hack a government computer to actually make these secret classified documents all some say his crimes his socalled alleged crimes awful whistle blowing and indeed posing as National Security risk and threat many say that he will not face a fair trial in the United States and thats an opinion thats been held also by the wiki leaks editor in chief i do believe that we are going to win this with legal arguments there is no chance the julian will get a fair trial here in the u. K. Me or in the u. S. Of course unless theres a change of reporting that people actually start speaking out were not talking about a prosecution were talking about a persecution opposed to misunderstand back into the public ah this is in april when he was pulled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy by British Police he was that for a no amount of time in fact 2 and a whole 1000. Which is the sum amount of 7 years in that confinement he was of course seeking political asylum he then moved to belmarsh prison where he was serving out his 50 week sentence for skipping fell in 20 trials now this is actually a video from inside that belmarsh prison that was obtained by alex he wrote for me which is the video agency and in this footage you can see your innocence to think someone may see it didnt get it till its known that hes lost a dramatic amount of weight loss something that his father has voiced concerns of earlier this week and we know that he was also sent to the medical board in prison there but on top of all of this its not just the United States though wants to decide hes also want to find swedish prosecutors far locations of Sexual Assault something of course good asuncion selfimage lead to noise and he also believes its a pretext to extradite him to the United States earlier i was doing fine Award Winning australian journalist john pilger who was also in the court room behind me when that ruling was indeed and now said he told me that this is an incredibly clever tool moment freedom of expression universally and we have a direct impact on journalists while 5 charges will be made up the charges are contrary to the 1st amendment of the Us Constitution. What they call down which is that he is a publisher. Released information which he has a right to do under the Us Constitution of the us wants to see itself as a great passion. For free speech no which no when it arrested her so much why so Many Americans are now so nervous about it. Because it applies to them was to you was to be close to everybody who we should journalists choose what they call the 1st to get it. Means that journalists will. Almost certainly be in him and they are doing they join you. We spoke to tracy was the duchess of bo forte and friend of julian the son she believes that he might not get a fair trial if hes extradited to the u. S. In america he goes to the americans he wont be covered by their free speech 1st amendment of their constitution so its very dangerous for everybody who in any way is working towards revealing the truth whether you are a journalist or a human rights expert or an environmentalist and any time that you criticize the American Government its secret service its military you could be literally extradited by the British Government why cant we stand up on our own 2 feet and say no hes a hero he has allowed us to have information which is precious we need to know if i government is committing crimes in war we need to know if its true committing crimes in the democratic process this man is a beacon of hope for free speech. Among julian assizes supporters is lori love love love british hacker who was charged by u. S. Authorities for stealing classified data from Government Agencies including nasa and the army 28. 00 team he won a landmark appeal after a british judge ruled against loves extradition to the states citing fears who commit suicide while in the custody of american or thirtys now hes speaking out in support of a such. 3 viking we will succeed again we will be victorious and unify not be active i would say. Its none of us should be able to live with one tray with each. Of them that courage. That we would have betrayed journalism she had with east. 85 if you could bring. Washingtons claim a round was responsible for attacking 2 oil tankers in the gulf of our manners down cast on it earlier the us presented a video claiming to show radians removing an unexploded mine from one of the vessels the tankers owner though says that his crew reported the boat being hit by flying protect us and more than a good job with the crew say they were hit by a flying object we dont think it could have been a bomb attached to the boat. As mentioned the u. S. Military Central Command claims the video shows he runs responsibility u. K. Foreign office also confirmed to Us Accusations saying the revolutionary guard corps should be held accountable if any leader Hassan Rouhani is accuse the u. S. Of destabilizing peace and security in the middle east but u. S. Sect of state my compost says no one else in the region the capacity to carry out such an attack Islamic Republic of iran is responsible for the attacks that occurred in the gulf of oman no proxy Group Operating in the early has the resources and proficiency to act with such a high degree of sophistication. Over the last 2 years the us has been implementing an aggressive approach violating International Law and using its financial and military clout this poses a serious threat to the region and to global security. Well the Iranian Foreign minister has branded the claim is could she was behind the attacks as sabotage diplomacy russias foreign minister said that the u. S. Was creating an artificial escalation of tensions in the region with more of the story has killed more than. So there were 2 oil tankers that were hit. First or. Forward but i want to know. From one of them to from both of you to. Your father son on one company here to go if youve been wondering why. The boat by the with the dock was going to civil the building so when the did it will get on the. Lets go over the facts now the 1st one belongs to John Frederick so hes a long time norwegian trading partner of iran his relationship with iran goes back to the 1980 s. One biography even refers to him as the ayatollah as lifeline so at a time when washington is using all kinds of pressure to try and stop or running an oil exports it really doesnt make sense for iran to then lash out and attack one of its oldest friends now the 2nd oil tanker to be hit is even more interesting this is a japanese owned chemical tanker and it was hit at the same time that japans Prime Minister shinzo ave was in tehran meeting with irans Supreme Leader is that youre going to iran from the ancient times of the persian empire into the present day as being the great country of the middle east and will remain so i mean the future so were to believe that at the time that iran was making nice with japan while japan was helping them to find ways to help their oil exports keep flowing despite u. S. Sanctions that iran then turns around and decides to bomb a japanese vessel in fact iran has been rather nice to the United States in the last few days a us resident who is charged with espionage was just released as a gesture of good will so why would they then choose this moment to fire tar paedos in the gulf of oman the Iranian Foreign minister job and zarif is describing these events as suspicious reports of the tax on japan related to tank use occurred while pm was meeting with ayatollah for extensive and friendly talks suspicious doesnt begin to describe what likely transpired this morning while iran is struggling to keep its nuclear deal intact and keep its economy afloat by selling its most prized resources on the International Market like bomb peo would have us believe they then flipped out and torpedoed their 2 key Business Partners now why exactly would iran do that well because theyre the bad guys of course dont ask too many questions hale bopp and r. T. New york. The 2 vessels call far in one of the worlds key oil routes near the strait of hormuz its the only way in and down to the gulf incident prompted all prices to surge tehran has threatened to shut the waterway in response to u. S. Threats about sanctions melinda mistress senior lecturer at Lancaster University thinks that theres no evidence the tankers were attacked by iran. Remember that the food is that we see our grainy black and white pictures and it doesnt say whether these are iranians because there is no evidence to suggest that it is indeed an iranian battle board and how do we know that the people who are on board are iranians in fact and if the iranians did it why would they be so silly i noted to kind of open themselves up to criticism when the noid very well that there are surveillance cameras satellites are going around taking these pictures thats number one and the number 2 is the fact that we have harder jubilantly pointed out. When evidence have been doctored and we have our kind of some mis and hooch and not actually revealing the truth and that is the reason why i would use the very phrase weapons of mass deception. Has removed the video by project veritas which encourages the way social media pinterest allegedly censors conservative use twitter also chimed in temporarily banning the group for sharing internal communications from pinterest the founder of project veritas as accused of waging war on journalism. Tech giants retaliate the side who leaked docs showing censorship of christine and prolife material they have removed our investigative inside reports you tube now 14 bullet proof journalism by deleting it censorship thats how you tube responded to a recent report by project vera 6 posing well censorship in social media the investigation features an inside source from the social media platform pinterest concealing his identity during the interview whistleblower Eric Cochrane exposes the ways his employer censors conservative voices on the platform words like bible verses and christian are put on a socalled sensitive terms list basically words that might offend people are excluded from search suggestions a list of what the Company Considers conspiracy theories was formed also to control the spread of certain information and a prolife website was even labeled as pornography to prevent usage of its link on the platform the documents weve obtained raise serious questions about whether these companies are neutral platforms or publishers with an editorial agenda or her School Groups and cruise through talking about. When somebodys going to notice. Wardrobe should go to war. Are the ones who support our. Troops from war grow older so what did this whistleblower get in return for shedding some light on social Media Censorship the boot from his job and the backlash didnt stop there twitter also suspended project veritas after the organization leaked pinterest employee chats publishing conversations without permission violated the terms of service they said but the published talks revealed employees calling ben shapiro a white supremacist the pinterest insider also saw how quote white supremacist unquote content like ben shapiro. Commentary for instance goes from identified to censored and somehow his name found its way to pinterest sensitive terms list alongside cocaine and some not so very tasty sandwiches see the connection and to be honest this isnt the 1st time project vera toss has so controversially done what journalists are supposed to do. One strategy is to back. Down from one thing they dont know. But what she should get. The vote and i will go i says i think that is the you know the you. Youre good. I think a lot of fun. But a bit. Like. You know what they say when the going gets tough the tough get going pinterest said the website was targeted for misinformation relating to conspiracies and vaccination of vice you tube added its robust guidelines exist due to the importance of user privacy a tech expert told us platforms like you tube are increasingly losing peoples trust. But they didnt want people to know what what they found out i mean what they found out was actually very bad they found out that that there was a systematic suppression of conservative voices on on these basically on these platforms that are open and in fact under the law are these are supposed to be Communications Systems which are protected speech that people have its just like a telephone they dont censor your telephone calls and why should they be able to censor you when you go on twitter or on instagram this is the kind of thing thats happening now and people just need know one thing they cannot trust these platforms for anything. The b. B. C. Is facing a backlash from u. K. Pensioners theyre angry after the broadcaster announced that it was scrapping free t. V. Licenses for the over 70 fives so explain all his aunties my guest if respecting and all knowing our elders looking out for them is one thing but moneys money if a 75 year old can watch t. V. They sure as heck can pay for it says the b. B. C. Currently all households with people over 75. 00 are entitled to a free t. V. License that government funded scheme which is expected to cost 745000000. 00 pounds by 2021 slash 22. 00 comes to an end in 2023 teles over the grandpas and grandmas time to cough up insured millions of pensioners many of the disabled and living on very modest incomes are going to have to sponsor the b. B. C. Because the corporation doesnt feel like shutting some of its hugely expensive projects the b. B. C. Did the math right what they got wrong was the public reaction outrage boycott the b. B. C. There is disgrace money grabbing all sound a 5 year old should be exempt from pains a license fee. So over 70 fives have served their country and worked for decades to make our country a better place will not be church 154. 00 pounds for a t. V. License a week after d. Day commemorations shima new b. B. C. Petitions popping up left and right anger frustration a feeling of injustice why of those who worked serve the nation for decades being put in the same level as everyone outs where are your manners even government ministers Party Leaders are upset pensioners have spent their lives contributing to our society providing over 74 hours with 3 t. V. Licenses is not too much to ask here is the kicker the b. B. C. Plans to make an additional 500000000 pounds by making the seniors pay for comparison thats roughly the cost of 5. 00 f. 35. 00 fighter jets which the u. K. Is buying 140. 00 of talk about priorities some are angry about the t. V. License cost say the b. B. C. Of today the quality of their programmes dont justify the billions that go into it with the latest public hits show hosted by a cartoon Vladimir Putin who has what appears to be a middle eastern accent. You see now why the b. B. C. Needs more money the poor fellow has cant even afford a russian voice actor public patience is wearing thin there are those that are getting tired of the scandals of the scandal coming out of the b. B. C. Be it ridiculous salaries for the top guys or lack of objectivity so many british people are asking openly why are they still paying to. These in the age of the internet almost certainly this idea of a t. V. Being a separate box that different to your computer will completely disappear. From many many households and then the question do you have a t. V. Will become a weird question to ask by the way the b. B. C. Is still 250000000 pounds short of keeping the all of its stuff on air so if you have any ideas of who else to squeeze for a few more quid immigrants gingers centenarians dont hesitate to get in touch and appreciate it. You can a National Advertising watchdog has banned verse which promote gender stereotypes they claim sexist campaigns could negatively restrict people and limit their life choices. Our evidence shows how harmful gender stereotypes in ads can contribute to inequality in society with costs for all of us put simply we found that some portrayals in ads can over time play a part in limiting peoples potential but we go back now back to me now back to me now back to me sadly he isnt me he is the man 3 times just if you miss the. Rich times to greece. Is now u. K. Broadcast online and print advertising will have to stick to the guidelines which among other things rule out women taking sole responsibility for cleaning men struggling with household duties or any promotion of an idealized physical appearance as being a key to success. Is. Lets discuss this now with feminist campaign to linda and the leader of the justice for men and boys party thats might become a very good evening to you both linda 1st to you what do you think of these new guidelines are they necessary. Unfortunately they are necessary this were still talking were still talking about doing something that we said would happen 2030 years ago we have the sex discrimination act since 9075. 00 and there was a promise then. That men and women will be treated equally fairly and weve yet to see it im sorry. Mike what do you think about the banning of certain types of ads. I think the idea will be the this is of course just the opposite i was going destry bowing down to radical feminism. The idea that theres some big problem here what will you say that linda but only 9 percent of british women suffered and far as feminists yet feminists have huge influence over of course hes got a lot to do it because all this gender stereotyping thing is just one of countless. From this narratives its all aimed at making basically he did making the low and i. Didnt interrupt you so please dont interrupt me thank you. I mean this is all about trying to make women more like men and that requires men to become more like women and you know the men thing is not even most british women only 9 percent of british women according to the force of society self identify as feminists they do not want to become more like men they they cherish things like family life and theres a big difference in the in the work ethics of men and women and that that isnt changing no matter how much feminists like you would want to. Linda if we take an example for one of the guidelines says they dont want women to trade just during the household chores all the time in that kind of that you would see what is the problem for you is it restricting the opportunities that women might have when they see adverts like this it makes them think that this is the sort of thing they should be doing do you feel it doesnt adequately reflect society what do you not like about it. Well i say to you this ive got a son on the on the grandson i expect both of them to know how to clean up after themselves rather than expect a woman to do it for them its not a reflection on society men and women need to clean up after themselves it is not merely a womans job and if it is i cant see see what a uterus has got to do with clearing out even picking up your own clothes putting in a washing machine washing the dishes only cooking food for yourself these are things that humans need. Im not into seeing. Measuring and but men and women need to know how to clean themselves in a similar way that a woman needs to know how to fix a. Wheel on that car if its broken down there are lots of things that have got gender names and im sorry that mike seems to think that this is to do with feminism i mean i happen to be a feminist i was making more did mones 30 years ago than i am today some of the things that weve all stalled that we demanded have happened theres still happening with weve got more women in parliament now not enough we still are still 52 percent of the population and lots of women have tried to be in lots of places and we are still seeing seeing many more women as doctors as as politicians as. Doing all kinds of things as they should frankly having a penis is not a its not a qualification and. Theyre calling me a feminist yes i am lots of women who want to see equality and justice dont call themselves feminists ive got nothing to do with them it isnt actually has got to do with the law like the law has says its 975. 00 sex discrimination that women should be treated know this favorably than men and therefore we dont want to see stereotyped versions and visions of us cleaning up after chaps my part of the point that was made there was that you know the roles of men and women have changed dramatically now in terms of in the household and at work over the last few decades shouldnt the adverse we see reflect society more accurately now well they have changed to the extent splits but not nearly as much as people think men do a great deal more paid employment i mean from the from from the moments that they leave school early full time education to retirement age women are far more likely than men to not work at all or to work part time and this is this is this is got nothing to do with this got to do have its eyes and its got to do with gender differences in work ethic and i refer you to dr Catherine Hackett in the world renowned social or just who showed in the paper but the phenomenon she called preference theory that for in 7 british men works but only one in 7 british women is. Men and women are different i mean however much feminists might want to turn women into men and men into women they dont want to and i go back to the point that only 9 percent of british women today call themselves feminists youre in a small minority and as a radical feminist there to do as. Because it informs your whole analysis is that linda i repeat i didnt interrupt you i didnt interrupt you so please do the same for me the. Radical feminists are a tiny proportion of the population and yet they have huge influence they have a decade so i know from from what we could pedia page the linda. Has consulted for the british army the metropolitan police the association of chief Police Police force. What shes doing a great look at what rate and what your live in the police is to do and what you do what youre doing is corrupt you should they shouldnt they should have you within a mile of them ok lets get it slightly back on track in the antiracism then lets keep it back on our talking get a handle on it working with these about antiracism if we if we look at the under the not talking about racism lets keep it on the advertising guidelines with those organizations. And kind of a nice ad companies spend huge amounts on Market Research surely they know the people they are targeting with their ads and whos carrying out what roles in society so arent they by their very nature accurately reflecting the world we live in. You know im sorry to say they dont

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