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The back of a bullets water cannon and tear gas are used as antigovernment protests rocked the georgian capital tbilisi. I am. A very warm welcome you are watching r. T. International with me making erin our top story this hour the u. S. President has spoken on irans shooting down of an american drone over the strait of hormuz on thursday saying to wrong has made a major miscalculation meanwhile Iranian State t. V. Has read a video that allegedly captures the moment the u. S. Drone was shot down. You know i made a big mistake. This drone was in International Waters clearly we have it all documented its documented scientifically not just words and emitted a very bad mistake because i didnt read it im afraid youll find out and maybe youll find out youll find. Obviously obviously you know were not going to be talking too much about it youre going to find out they made a very big mistake weve heard trump indicating that not only did iran make a mistake but also hinting that this could have been some kind of human error we have him saying i would imagine it was a general or somebody that made a mistake in shooting that drone down now at this point weve got iranian officials saying that they intend to take this to the United Nations to show that indeed this drone did violate their territory and the southern part of their country it violated their airspace and it was not in International Waters the u. S. Wages economic terrorism on iran has conducted covert action against those and now encroaches on our territory we dont seek war we zealously defend off sky land and water has we take this new aggression to the u. N. And show you that the u. S. Is lying about International Waters now at this point weve got the u. N. Secretary general Antonio Gutierrez saying that hes calling for all parties to exercise maximum restraint now many observers have noticed that it seems like the white house is policy toward iran has zigzagged and been rather inconsistent lets review some of what has been said from the Trump White House toward the Islamic Republic of iran if american citizens who are facilities are threatened or attacked that there will be a very strong response taking all the appropriate actions both from a security perspective and well as. Our ability to make sure that the president has a wide range of options in. Move this up the should actually take place they should call and if they do were open to talk to we have no secrets and they could be very very strong financially they have Great Potential now tensions between washington and tehran have been rising over the last few months we saw the United States sending a 1000 more troops to the middle east region citing a supposed threat from iran is the reason for escalating their military presence 6 weve also seen the United States blame iran for the attacks on 2 oil tankers that recently took place now we have iranian officials coming forward and saying that they absolutely did not attack those oil tankers and that in fact it was iranian ships that rescued the sailors and was able to get them medical assistance and relief but at this point people are watching the situation to see what will happen next trump says there will be some kind of response did not indicate what it would be saying essentially wait and see and that iran made a mistake we got a Running Official saying that this drone did indeed violate their territory and their airspace and that they intend to prove this at the International Body the United Nations so all eyes on this situation weve got eyes on washington seeing what might come next from them weve got our eyes on iran and their response weve got our eyes on the United Nations to see how this plays out in the International Arena many many questions about what could come next as this situation develops we want to hear a pound stepped up efforts to preserve the 2050 new raney a nuclear deal the u. K. France and germany on the can see unite in a diplomatic push to persuade iran not to pull out of the agreement. Well theres such thing as an effort by these European Countries to try and salvage what they can in terms of the 2015 the kid deal that the United States withdrew from last year that also stepping up efforts to try and beat escalate the recent tensions that weve witnessed in the gulf region the japanese Prime Minister was in the rain in capital recently for talks as was the German Foreign minister and france has announced that it is sending a high level delegation one of them off committed to on the one hand trying to preserve the deal but on the other hand also trying to reach as the european leaders have said some kind of peaceful solution to prevent the situation in the gulf region from complete deescalating we want to unify all efforts so a process of deescalation starts theres still time and we hope all the actors will show more restraint theres still time but only little time before youll be the most important mediator for the jews like. You are trying to do what we come to diffuse tensions open channels of communication to make sure the snow and its completion is avoidance but the fact is that time is running out and one cannot discount the possibility of war breaking out who find his own former advisor to Irans Nuclear Negotiation Team cover for the rb so hes washingtons positions was to run is failing to gain traction. It has failed to build any kind of International Coalition against iran and all is you know spate of accusations against iran have been unconvincing to the International Community saw busy i think the world has wised up and is a smarter now and is not going to adopt at face value various wild allegations leveled iran gooding that allegation that wily iran was holstein the historic visit of Japanese Foreign ministry when an attack the japanese cargo ships and anyone familiar with irans culture of hospitality alone would know that thats an impossibility and its another false flag operation in that blaming iran and paving the way to an eventual war which hopefully will not happen and the International Community will stand up to the us and its war mongering led by those hawks that have a clear record pushing for and this is the wars of choice instead of necessity. Of course in britain ruled on thursday that the u. K. Government broke the law by authorizing weapons sales to saudi arabia the judgement comes in response to a legal challenge by piece counterpane as he claimed that the arms supplied to riyadh have been used against civilians in yemen the British Government has suspended new arms export licenses this is it intends to appeal the decision with more on the story hey solid. Well a significant victory caps here at the coup to the field after its rule u. K. All the sales to saudi arabia could be used in the war in yemen a move fall that follows the quashing no. Previous decision by the High Court Back in 2017 but those sales would norful the court of appeal specifically the one element where it said that if you take up with romney even in a significant way and the judge went on to say that thats because the u. K. Government made it move concluded assessment of whether the saudis that coalition had committed violations of International Humanitarian rule in yemen in the past and had made no attempts to do so this was the reaction following that judgment this goes to the very top of the conservative party we now need a judicial review in the whole licensing system parliament has been shown to be totally broken we had 4 years to sort this out and the committee failed to meet the 2 years we now need a Public Inquiry on this matter the government should not waste time in appealing this judgment the government should fix our system all im saying is to saudi arabia by the u. K. Government significant amounting to around 4700000000 pounds since 2015 in the u. K. Is the 2nd biggest exporter of all to riyadh the United States it exports aircraft. Poems and missiles well weve been speaking to cat 2 brought this case against the government and also to its solicitor whos told us that they will review not just the u. K. Government steals but also all the seals to saudi arabia from other countries this has been a brutal call damnation of u. K. Foreign policy business been a very strong judgment against it. And to see action from the government the court has done its job its time for the government to do its job the decisions that took in relation to existing licenses and make the decisions they took to continue to grant licenses those decisions are unlawful and they have to go back and reconsider well in regards to the war in yemen its estimated that the death toll direct deaths attributed to the war is now closing in on the 100000 people meanwhile half of the countrys 22000000 strong population is said to be in Food Insecurity lets have a look now at the conflict of the last few years and the impact its having on the client. Well in the coalmines following that who decision we heard from the secretary of state for International Trade liam fox who has said that the government will now review its licenses to sell all of this to saudi arabia but the u. K. Secretary of trade did also decide to federal government previous decisions to award those arms contracts dont about for the government has made the right or wrong decisions about granting export licenses but concerns the rationality of the process used to reach decisions as i said earlier we disagree with the judgment and the secret mission to appeal this judgment wont immediately stop the holds the export of sales to saudi arabia but it is a landmark case and for fact its a big. Day of the big result and they say that they will continue the fight to stop any further arms sales to saudi arabia. Over 50 people have been injured during an antigovernment protest in the georgian capital tbilisi with police using rubber bullets water callen and tear gas against a massive crowd. Protesters attempted to storm the Georgian Parliament building in the countrys capital tbilisi an estimated 5000. 00 demonstrators have rallied to oppose the participation of a russian delegation its apollo enter recession from 0 to orthodox christianity during the events one of the visiting deputies thoughts in a chat with the speaker of the Georgian Parliament the angering protesters georgian authorities have called on the demonstrators to refrain from any legal actions on deployed police to the area generalists working for video agency ruptly was hit with a rock of bullets early and my colleague mentor or tutor spoke to our correspondent along closer at about the end rest. Sirrah gas and rubber bullets have been used against the protesters on the street so its very easy right outside the parliament of the country. The police riot police when the once they use that they push the crowd back and ive got to warn me the video that were about to show you some of the pictures may be disturbing. Were going to know that. Some of the. Leak was only. One night i mean just to let you know we have sources on the ground who let us know that one said the situation calmed down just a little bit the police started to give people water they started tending to people trying to help them out and we have the ministry of health of georgia there saying that more than 50 people have been taken to hospitals on thursday night most of those people are from a Law Enforcement well get some more figures but. We do have people who are injured everyones alive as far as we know but to get back to what had actually happened say you told us about it in your lead in but there was more provocation even before the russian delegate came to this assembly for those countries local opposition its all Opposition Forces they claimed that he poured in a local conflicts with a posse and that signed what it did happened and theyre saying that he killed georgians all this the the russian delegates and he said that this is absolutely fake news he had never taken part in any conflict like that and actually we have already an apology from one of the deputies all the georgian Political Party one of the organizers of the event who admitted that this particular event should have been take should have taken place in a different setting but the opposition a radical position as we had seen they stormed the building they had sacked the russian delegation with the water they tried to take away their documents and basically shouting obscenities at them in russian and asking them to leave the country soon as possible so the obviously the event was said disrupted and the president saw the chairman of the event he was a from greece he could not continue so that by the way they were twentys and a geisha is from a Different Countries present at the time well russians are on the way back meanwhile we see that the pictures in georgia of the protests are that soldier about those people who were injured injured already but at the moment it seems like there are only hundreds near the parliament and the police pushed people back with the tear gas and rubber or rubber bullets and then they send it to those people who were hurt and our we have a people working on the ground than there is save people covering their faces with basque or with anything they can protect themselves against. Syria gas. And once again it all began once the Russian Deputy not willingly but his sat in the place of the speaker of the parliament and. Nobody paid any attention to that except for activists from the opposition and this is where it all began at the moment. Whats driving them very asking for the Prime Ministers to step down theyre asking for the interior Ministry Minister to step down and. The servicer said if that nice to be done to keep the peace hes willing to do that but it looks like the situation is resulting by itself and moment is getting pretty late in the n. B. C. On thursday nights and hopefully the situation would have come down by the time this morning. Well facebook is planning to launch a new crypto currency but many are raising concerns about them if we have one not so with one of our hosts max kaiser after the break. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. Some want to be. Right to be thats what the fuck are you the more people. Interested in the logs. There should be a. Welcome back for the russian president has finished his marathon q. And a with the general public off to 4 hours lottery appear to answer questions on various subjects including relations between the u. S. And iran. I just it was probably id like to say straight away that a military conflict between the u. S. And iran would be a disaster at least for the region it would be an outburst of violence with terrible consequences its very hard to predict what would happen in the case of military force being used the president didnt stop that is he ben met with foreign and russian journalist. Was at the address. It was all most like answering questions for hours here in this hole behind me was not enough for him but well one of the 1st things he was asked as he will showed up for a Media Conference was the 17 and the question was whether or not russia is ready to accept responsibility to bear the brunt of the blame for the tragedy that happened in 2014 well the question on this response came a day after the joint Investigation Team of the International Dutch led investigation presented their new report naming the 4 suspects for the 1st time giving names and photographs of people they believe responsible for giving the order to down the malaysian boeing heres what Vladimir Putin had to say about that everything weve seen presented as evidence that russia is responsible for everything doesnt suit us we think its insufficient evidence it doesnt say anything weve presented our version of the events but unfortunately no one wants to hear it until there is proper dialogue here we wont find any answers to the questions about the plane crash and the deaths of the people on board which remain open really people from all sides of the societal spectrum of view of the broad of the of russia have had a chance to ask their questions weve had questions from ordinary people from journalists from celebrities from bloggers from influences and while the focus was mostly on the internal affairs of russia which is quite expected Something Like russias relation with the United States people couldnt help but mention it heres how Vladimir Putin commented on the current state of relations between moscow and washington when these but if the american side shows interest we are always ready for dialogue we see what is happening in us domestic politics the president will always look back on the race hes in right now some in the american establishment are speculating about our countrys relationship trying to find problems and telling lies. Well when it comes to other instances other subjects it wasnt all. Heavy hearted there were more like nolde still wait there were some jokes a bit of humor for instance there was a question as to whether or not Vladimir Putin was an alien to which he said no and that was one of the one of the final questions in that q. And a now this was one of the major one of the 3 major president ial level events here on par with putins address to the federal assembly and the annual also q. And a with journalists that happens late in the air so i mean were still early in this race and there were still there are still plenty of time and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask more questions to Vladimir Putin what i get from the prison putin is a desire for the International System to function as its supposed to a desire for dialogue primarily with his American Partners as he calls them a dialogue for things to function according to rules of the world order busy as theyve been established for a considerable period i also detect a slight disappointment that actually a lot of that is not happening precisely because of the attitude of his u. S. Partners in washington who seem to prefer who seem to view agreements between contracting parties as matters of inconvenience to be abandoned as soon as another plan comes along and. Instability in the global order as a result so i detect a slight pessimism about the chances of this thing changing anytime soon certainly on the basis of the current crises in the world which mostly seem to be being created by the unwillingness of these American Partners to engage in dialogue. Its quite realistic to suppose that instability is the new stability. Facebooks plans to launch a new cryptocurrency next year are paid to be causing growing unease in washington the u. S. Senate Banking Committee has announced it will hold hearings next my. Attempts to understand how libra will work and the potential risks it poses the social media giant says it hopes the Digital Currency which will be backed by assets will offer an efficient means of payment with low transaction fees the initiative will also talk of millions globally who currently dont have access to Bank Accounts critics are already insisting though that it must be heavily regulated as facebooks 1st foray into this crypto space would allow it unprecedented access to use its private information arties chief financial commentator max kaiser gave us his thoughts on why the project is causing so much concern and this implications for the Monetary System competes with Central Banks and it competes with banks on wall street as a as a fear of currency and it will do a better job than the u. S. Dollar the u. S. Dollar is challenged by a libra jamie diamond at j. P. Morgan will be challenged by a libra Jerome Powell at the Federal Reserve bank will be challenged by a libra those are the guys who are put on notice if you notice the reaction in the Financial Press was immediate the finance ministers in france and the folks in washington immediately came out and said we need to hold hearings were afraid about this were not so sure about this because they know instinctively that theyre going to be disinterred mediated out of existence because you can create a much better free out currency thats accessible all over the world as a medium of exchange with 0 transaction fees so it puts the u. S. Dollar as World Reserve but germany out of business which is great for bitcoin. Thanks for joining us on r. T. International were back in 35 minutes with the latest see that. Democracies do not deport human rights defenders over there peaceful expression democracies do not rule over millions of people for another people you know for decades on there is a larger context here and that context starts with the fact that israel has been occupying palestinians for 52 years and that occupation itself has deteriorated the most basic ideas of what a legitimate democratic government looks like inside of israel. What is due before you came here where did you work before you came here when as you live well death row in many us States Capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims families they are very much in favor the Death Penalty there are some people because of what they do have given up the right to live among us somebody even proven innocent enough to years on death row and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about. The pope the pope of. The. Number. 6 on that stuff for. Less than 100 feet i knew i mean a side of him like to kluge water bottle. Sort of thing like to. Live in my own mind like. The monsoon wolfie only because of it and a few stuff in the clothes day not enough yarn im getting out. Most unwelcome and not enough clothes at the low for something going any. In the house of holly and henry who claims to introduce. Me. To. An undergrad him in the studio in the hell out. Of a sudden something that even im going to want to help me i should take another. Almost. Up to machine gun. In hand so im gonna sue to your mothers through to you know for i know. That. Most of us 30 school had the thought oh oh. Yeah i mean you can. See. From the same source shes sitting at home oneill going to. Give. Me i have to stick with. This name. In the reason shes. Doing. This to him all hit close to home this assumes you can win. It all maybe but im going to look. Down on. Me. I was. My brain shut down so i can. Know what its happening more you daughter she was this a shes have. Done

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