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A very warm welcome to you youre watching r. T. International with medicare and. Making history donald trump has become the 1st sitting u. S. President to end to north korea and the north korean media and trump himself dubs the meeting and amazing event the reaction back home was far more muted if not outright critical. Vague talk about talks while kim continues to develop Nuclear Warheads and missiles seems like this gigantic p. R. Stunt in trenches unembellished his authoritarian rule without any real meaningful strategy for denuclearization out president shouldnt be squandering american influence on photo ops and exchanging love letters with a ruthless dictator instead we should be dealing with north korea through a principle diplomacy that promotes us securitate defends her allies and uphold human rights i have no problem with him sitting down with kim june in north korea or anyplace else by whats going to happen tomorrow and the next day if were going to bring peace to this world we need to move forward diplomatically and not just a photo opportunities. After crossing the demarcation line between the 2 careers with its counterpart kim jong un trump said a lot of progress had been made during that talks but function for against pyongyang remain in place our Senior Correspondent galaxy of explains whether the symbolic may think it affects the almost total economic blockade of north korea. For all the buzz hype and the coverage denuclearization was going nowhere it had stalled again despite all the summits all the handshakes perhaps what it needed was something crazy something radical. In. The food sitting u. S. President to visit north korea who would have thought the worlds most militarized border to boot they shook hands again and talked moon and drum trying to revive denuclearization efforts that were clinically dead made some progress so we had to start small form teams to find Common Ground Little Things that could lead to bigger ones and spoiling everything and as is tradition now of those sanctions theyre standing on memory or some point look im looking forward to taking well i dont like sanctions being on his country im looking forward but the sanctions remain yes but at some point during the negotiation things going to happen and thats what well be talking about promises promises it was sanctions the to the last summit and the state says trump until there is verified. Progress however long that takes and thats what bugs north. Riya how can 2 sides have meaningful honest discussions when one of them is on its knees being strangled by the other this is a manifestation of the most extreme hostile acts by the United States all these speak clearly to the fact that the world dream of the United States to bring us to our knees by means of sanctions and pressure has not changed at all but grows even more undisguised now factor in those thousands of u. S. Troops stationed in south korea with guns trained in the north and youll understand why trust is well it isnt their feeling young knows its history too many nations that have gone through denuclearization were then invaded or bombed by the us i doubt kim jong un wants to join that club america fears north korea is just needing them on to get out from under those sanctions decades of talks and the kids have stuck by their nukes we dont expect. To tell the truth thats where were going to verify any denuclearization that takes place thats why we will ensure that we see actual on the ground on the ground outcomes were not going to take anyones word for it its not all doom and gloom though this is an ancient conflict by modern standards and this is never going to be solved overnight they need to talk and thats what theyre doing and they seem to get it now that you start small and build up the big and hopefully sometime soon the worlds most militarized moved dangerous border will well i bet on become any less tense but at least there be no Nuclear Standoff to worry about i think it likely healthy it will show that at least superficially he is trying to gain Nuclear Allies the world a lot is actually a serious even if the superficial aspect tweeting tweeting. Going on that there are also a lot of people who support from the state Department Lot of people a lot talk about goldsteins of this world and he probably needs those and theres a sort of yang we surely will be in controlling people like that trump is in the middle of times right in the middle where i dont think hes doing a bad job however seattle it looks but it is historic i mean stepping over that 3936 parallel. Takes some guts i have to say. Chaotic scenes in Hong Kong Riot Police have fired tear gas as protesters end of the occupation and vandalism of the Central Chamber of parliament rioters got into the building after smashing a glass door with a trolley despite being pepper sprayed by offices. Was was thank. God. As monday marks 22 years since hong kongs hunger or from britain to china but the anniversary has been overshadowed by weeks of demonstrations against a new extradition bill and Brutal Police response to the rallies if passed the bill would allow beijing to seek the extradition of those convicted for serious crimes from hong kong to Mainland China supporters of the bill say it will stop the territory from becoming a refuge for criminals however many fear it will lead to political persecution from beijing and undermine the areas autonomy were since foreign secretary has waded in with an anniversary statement warning china to respect hong kongs autonomy but beijing reminded him to stop meddling. Dont shoot for this one agent hong kong says appeal with china since turn of a no foreign country has the right to intervene were urged britain to know its place and to stop interfering in any way in hong kong matters and to focus on the respect due to instability rather than the opposite. Said beth thoughts on the u. K. s reaction to. What germany 100 stealing of course east because the election is the Prime Minister east approaching and then he need to show the photos and the British Public that he is doing the right thing here and hes trying to be the creation on hong kong with china so this is basically i believe has to do with the domestic politics in the u. K. More people more foreign secretaries more president s more Prime Ministers in the world should actually express their concern about what is happening in hong kong about what trying now is trying to do for the people of hong kong because charnel is technically trying to impose a system of governance. Imposed on the Chinese People play pro in hong kong very rightly opposing. F. B. I. Agents have been sent to facebook headquarters in menlo park california after the media giant received a suspicious package which may contain fire and according to reports our correspondent caleb morgan picks up the story. Well according to what is being said by facebooks representative 4 buildings have been evacuated and this is a mail receiving facility in menlo park california owned by facebook the social media giant now the buildings are being evacuated or have been evacuated because the machine in this mail receiving facility tested a package as having containing having containing seren the nerve agent 2 out of 3 tests conducted by the machines in facebooks facility did determine that sarin the nerve agent was there and now this isnt officially confirmed by federal authorities that are on the scene but we understand that there are 2 individuals who are at risk of having possibly been exposed to the nerve agent to be waiting to hear what comes next for confirmation if this is indeed the sarah nerve agent if anyone else has been exposed. Commission chief john crude young again suspended a bloke summit is that it is the Member States who should get the top job it took them brussels were in today 20th our europe correspondent peter. Well a number of big jobs in the european institutions need to be decided in the nearest future really but the biggest job among them in the one thats causing the most consternation when it comes to putting forward a candidate is European Commission president its who will take over from john claude younker and what we understand is that that is not happening at the moment because of a split within the conservative bloc in the European Council of the European Councils made up of the heads of government of the 28 e. U. Member states they decide on who they want to nominate the candidate that can that its then put forward to the European Parliament who vote on it they can get past the nomination stage at the moment young himself part of the process of searching for his replacement wasnt giving much away to the press. Monism. Leadership someone. Well a manual certainly wasnt holding back the french president was well visibly angry at times when he spoke to the press he said it was embarrassing that they couldnt come up with a solution in the e. U. 2028 in the European Council and he said that if they were in this position perhaps the whole system needed to be changed it would be sydney today has ended in failure we were unable to reach any agreement something i think reflects very badly on the council and on europe well when it comes to who is causing the problems who is causing the problems with getting this deal across its really a group thats being led by poland and by italy well i had initially. For the job of European Commission president she then switched her allegiance when she realized that wasnt going to happen and had backed the timmermans plan however she said that its progress was being made but this it was a very difficult road ahead still to be delayed. Things are going to get talks wont be easy and thats putting it mildly the e. U. Parliament with its 2 big factions is fixated on the principle of top candidates and yet the biggest force the European Peoples Party has no majority take and so donald to school had a difficult task today who will try to be constructive so the European Council the heads of government of the 28. 00 Member States of the European Union will recall invasion in brussels on tuesday at 11 am as they try and work out who should be the next president of the European Commission plenty still to go yet when it comes to who will take over from john claude younger still anybodys guess right now palestinian leaders are furious after a top u. S. Diplomats helped to open a tourist site in East Jerusalem but got more on that and other news after this short break. What politicians do you should. Put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So you want to express an injury. Or some want to be reached. Thats a great tribute thats what the. Real people are. Interested in the why. They should. Thank you. Thank you thank you. Welcome back now the man expected to become britains next Prime Minister has taken issue with remarks made by Vladimir Putin but my strong suit has vowed to show that the president was wrong to note that liberalism is now obsolete the favor to be a case conservative Party Leadership contest insists that it will prove his point his aussies polly boyko from london with more details. Ever since that demand putin declared that liberalism is obsolete in that interview ahead of the g 20 summit in japan theres been plenty of discussion about what liberalism actually means there are plenty of those that are keen to counter the russian president s hypothesis one such figure is Boris Johnson the favorite to be the u. K. s next Prime Minister hes written a lengthy article in the telegraph where hes defended liberalism in the u. K. Saying that its made the country a fair a prosperous and a Meritocratic Society and he contrasts that with the way that he views the kremlin and in one part of the article he really lays into the russian political system but the conclusion of boriss defense of liberalism is that the u. K. Has to leave the e. U. By the 31st of october otherwise the u. K. Risks looking like an illiberal and undemocratic country one of the problems with the e. U. As it has developed over the past 45 years of our membership is that it has begun seriously to undermine that fundamental characteristic of a liberal democracy that the people should have the power at elections to remove those who make the laws the e. U. System makes this impossible if we want to uphold liberal values we must leave by october 31st and we will see from boriss perspective the u. K. Is a liberal democracy and to prove that its got to leave the e. U. By that how low we deadline now the European Union doesnt consider itself any less of a liberal democracy than the u. K. I have to say that i strongly disagree with the main argument. That liberalism is obsolete. Years europeans also too. Really unions will call the defendant promote liberal democracy donald tusk so ready complain that the u. K. Is wasting all the extra time it was granted in april for that brags that extension and i suspect he might not agree with Boris Johnsons idea that the u. K. Should leave the e. U. A. S. A. P. In order to prove that its a liberal democracy and what its exposed is that everyones definition of the concept of liberalism and has to be different and that may be due to their personal political objectives juice hard work welcoming me gratian and over the country forward but since the last couple of years since the referendum of cameron its going down so im here 47 years and i believe seen this on. So a lot of things but we dont have the right person coming out and you actually kind contradicts what were doing of our word in what we say and when it came to it and it came to the whole opinion on whats going on it was full of lies and fake promises so when it comes to liberalism is that really. Did i dont think its going to prove anything i think if anything its going to truth how incompetent a lot of the people sitting in the top are. Palestinian leaders have reacted fieri asli after top u. S. Diplomats took part in the opening of a tourist site dug under palestinian homes in East Jerusalem u. S. Ambassador to israel David Friedman and Donald Trumps peace envoy jason green plants were filmed enthusiastically hammering the wall leading to the pilgrimage road size as part of the Opening Ceremony the tunnel was opened without the permission of palestinian residents some of whom reportedly had to leave their houses due to the excavation. This is not a u. S. Ambassador it is an extremist as ray was with green work also the digging underneath so were. Palestinian town. Trying to legalize colonial practices in jerusalem by using a religious cover friedman and greenblatt already to freak history for this colonial purpose. The Us Middle East peace envoy has responded that palestine should recognize history and stop pretending it isnt true gideon levy columnist at Israels Haaretz newspaper sais such behavior by american officials is dangerous. The current american is in its relation. To putin and to their long policy of the United States in the middle east told police nor the International Law to talk to league nor all kind of resilience of International Institutions supporting the settlements a bald eagle. And once they decided to go on the slide your old describes the lummi now theyre digging the world they will build settlements by their serves. Its really the gold who very dark places this kind of policy it pushes israel to do to become even more violent and brutal told the palestinians instead of restraining israel. As pride month concludes around the world the community in the us is divided competing rallies are being held and there are claims the main event has become too commercialized the reclaim Pride Coalition held a separate march in new york with what it called no corporate floats and no police is the official events no longer addresses the political struggles of the community under the trunk but ministration meanwhile a new report suggests a sharp decline in acceptance of gay and lesbian people among young americans. Well according to the survey the number of young people who felt comfortable interacting with the l g b t community fell last year while more felt uncomfortable about a relative coming out and more americans aged 18 to 34 also didnt like the idea of gay issues being taught in School However the acceptance rate rose among people aged 72 and over we got a reaction to the decline in tolerance from a Community Representative and from the author of the study. Least munisteri experiencing could be leading to the survey ocean its in eunice to take time for people to understand our job is to educate about nonconformity. We counter the narrative that young people are more progressive intolerant these numbers are very alarming in signal a looming social crisis in discrimination. Activist Brandon Straka ses radicals are turning people against that community. Our community has been overtaken by a very sort of extremist very political faction that has tried to essentially politicize everything under the umbrella. There is sort of this more extremist progressive faction that has really overreached i think theyve made a lot of people uncomfortable i think a lot of people in the ill do you can take community feel uncomfortable once it is put out into the internet and to be the atmosphere that you are a racist or a bigot or a hate group or whatever it lives and be on the internet and so then other people in the future will use that against you to say well you cant come here we cant come here we want to live here because theres always those already been in the south recently. But i think that you can have your say on all of our stories by following us on social media and even all your comments than we will be back in 30 minutes with the latest headlines from my colleagues ask you taylor. As we speak large organized. Are on the march to the United States. And a player coming out for a gaming. This is a virtual invasion of our country. So far. Its going to get. A knife. As you do is you know were going to see a more. Notice. That. The. Manufacture come sentenced to public wells. When the room enclosed as a project themselves. With the final go around we dont want. To ignore middle room signals. The real news is. The world. Dream agreed to prison which im old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working. There wasnt it was bed you know much worse subject to listen today but there was an expert. Taishan of the things were going to get better. There was a real sense of hopefulness there isnt today todays america was shaped by the 10 principles of concentration of wealth and power. Reduce democracy attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no im jones to one set of rules for the rich. Thats what happens when you put her into the. Narrows of will which will is dedicated to increasing power for just as youd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. Back geysers financial survival guide. Housing bob all. Oh you mean theres a down side artificially low mortgage dont get carried away thats kaiser report. The and. By the way bankrupt pres or bother to back up what all that is there is about them save us see them as institutions completely divorced from your mom so. The Justice Department said today the inmate population of federal and state prisons in this country is at an all time high. The public sees a need for more prisons because crime is the number one concern of the people in this thing. Too many inmates not enough space. In their crime another. 100 already have met up with the start of. A. Combination of an american with all of this going to prison time going or just want to. Know im. Going to prison are going to die. A shocking new number was released today and it deserves our undivided attention one out of every 100 americans is now behind bars walked up in prison or in jail. The most important thing. As to talk from your heart if you have more than one child give a like an overall message but then do an individual one to each child throw them a kiss talk to them about what you do daily the rest should be just you if youve written a porn weve had people pray weve had people saying one guy showed his little boy how to shoot a basket the creative. These are gifts to your children. The families are punished right along with. They have found people dont think so but the collateral consequences of somebodies incarceration effects not just that whole family but it affects the whole community and affects you as an individual or the you know whether or not and whether you know that person or not thats incarcerated. To pay inform. You should care. I have a background in film and video as a producer and i thought theres got to be something i can do so why not combine my career and my experience with the present system and come up with something for these kids. And a parent in that camera. And that they can look at and say. You know this isnt your fault you did nothing wrong it means a lot and for many of these men and women its the 1st time theyve really taken responsibility which is huge and thats a 1st step in recovery of any kind anytime is to take responsibility for. But even with. This little. Readiness of everybody that. I was going to go to. Im going to do the best they can to stay out of this please. Continue job for. Good this. Its been the way. This was you guys know the numbers are can we be with. Us. Next hour. From 1921970 this whole half century of American History the rate of incarceration was roughly level at about 110000. 00. And this is a broad span of our history this is the worrying twentys and prohibition to do

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