Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20240714 :

RT CrossTalk July 14, 2024

Anytime you want and i always appreciate let me go to joe joe very broadly speaking speaking has Political Correctness just simply poisoned political discourse because what weve gotten down to is people only talking to people that agree with themselves and and what its done is it is its really completely corrupted any kind of debate i debate people all the time with different political views and i learn something and i enjoy it but i dont see that happen its happening less and less where people of different views speak to each other because when they do their call they call the or interlocutor amoral or go to some historical reference a nazi or Something Like that they go very quickly to that point without really any kind of goodwill discussion and when youre talking to a person that disagrees with you go ahead joe yeah we call it safe spaces here and in this country it now. Not just on College Campuses anymore it happens in the way people consume news as well they will watch certain channels or read certain publications that validate their own worldview without trying to to your point learn about anything else here a different perspective weve become more closed minded than ever before and to your point about Political Correctness as youre asking the question fortunately for computer right in front of me i googled it because i wanted to reference a poll that i read recently 52 percent of americans and clued in a majority of independents said they are against the country becoming more political politically correct and are upset that they are too there are too many things that people can say any more about a 3rd said they are in favor of the country becoming more politically correct like to meet those folks and like you want to people are being more sensitive in their comments about others so yeah youre not youre not alone on this a majority of americans say were becoming way to pull out of the correct and as a result the discourse is being muted and were not learning anything were simply just staying in our safe space as i mentioned and probably just getting more and more angry or even let me go to you i mean it seems to me instead of a substantive political debate its basically birches legally signaling if we go google we go back and look at the democratic the for the 1st 2 democratic debates thats all what it was ok i mean everybody was like the red guard everybody has to get lined up and agree and put up your hand and and if you look at a lot of the issues that were discussed during that debate the polls show go back to joe here that the American People dont even have a 50 percent support for many of those issues for example late term abortion and that its a very small group of people actually support that but its its basically turned into a plank virtuous signaling is also poisoning the discourse arvin in in washington signaling is going deep we see it even in the Libertarian Party leadership in my views often involve taking something away from somebody that they didnt rightfully earn thats why i oppose ending the entire welfare state because yes it could be seen as mean but welfare is wrong. It damages the people who give it it damages the war the people who receive it i believe in open borders and no welfare where you have so many people who just stick with the open borders busy and keep the welfare state intact side because its nice or nice and this is not a good way to create a reasonable and effective Public Policy Public Policy needs to focus on what a person actually deserves thats why we need to end programs like affirmative action its why we need to end the entire welfare state and we need to make sure that people keep every single penny they earn unless they choose voluntarily to give it to someone else ok well i agree with you on ending the welfare state but im not an open borders guy let me go to david right now i said in my in my introduction you know the the were talking were told about diversity diversity diversity all the time im not really sure what thats supposed to mean it sounds like a quota system to me but you know its at the expense of unity and i think thats what were lacking so much in the country in our politics theres so little that unifies us and if there isnt arent things that unify you and your country falls apart quite literally go ahead david. I suppose so i can certainly disagree agree with the previous speaker on opening the borders and disagree on destroying the welfare state such as it is little that it is in the United States but i but i do think that the way its done in the United States with huge bureaucracies and identify and the worthy and the on worthy is a disastrous way to do it and turns people with certain bigoted attitudes and other people as well against it if you look at countries that are doing better in terms of prosperity and happiness and health and Life Expectancy and and environmental sustainability and so forth what they tend to do is give things to everyone equally as basic human rights if everyone has health care and full. Education and retirement and transportation and clean energy and Clean Environment as basic human rights then certain groups of people dont get to resent other categories of people for having them and thats divisible just as in all this sort of tokenism in these in these president ial elections is is if there used to be it used to be people were ashamed of the stupidity of tokenism of wanting some new disastrous walking catastrophe of an elected official but a black one or a gay one or a female one now thats just openly advocated with no shame as if it is somehow substantive and its not regretted in the case of obama its never been regretted joe i mean i guess its really interesting theres a lot of views already expressed in this program that i agree with and strongly disagree with but this is the whole point of the program is to get this kind of mix in play here i mean david brings up a really good point in a lot of people are afraid to speak the truth what they think and sign but you know again you know were looking for the ideal democratic candidate i mean all of these elements you know you have to you have to put check all these boxes what about competence what about a Competent Person would not be refreshing in politics instead of looking at their attributes if they were born with go ahead. Yeah i look at people to judge for example right boy he checks a lot of boxes does any he has an afghan war of that thats good harvard grad thats good Rhodes Scholar thats good classic pianist speaks fluent french also openly gay hey hes a mayor of over there in africa where all those other things. Ok. Well i dont know if he murdered them i think he was an analyst i dont think actually shot anybody but i hear youre saying but the point is i would just look at that last part mayor of south bend because thats him actually governing actually managing something from an executive perspective so to speak and he hasnt done a good job if you look at the way south bend is running how much Media Coverage have you seen a buddha judge in terms of his record in south bend you hardly hear about that all you hear about are the boxes that he checks off from a social perspective and thats just not good enough if you want to be president and states but we focus on the civil instead of the state too much in our media and we end up with the kind of candidates that we have running on the democratic side some very qualified some not so much ok david you want to jump in there go ahead. Qualified you know in a debate is qualified in terms of speaking skills and appearance and issues lining up with the biases of the Corporate Media and their commercial sponsors during the commercial breaks im looking for policies i support i dont care whether the guy wears a ta i dont care whether he speaks well and you can learn vastly more by looking at these candidates websites in less time than you would spend watching one of these idiotic debates and if you compare their policies here youre looking at a guy in judge who is you know a corporate friendly military friendly were supposed to praise them for having participated in the disastrous catastrophic war in afghanistan that even donald trump right knew enough to run against even though he didnt mean it apparently this is this is not what im looking for you know we dont need another walking disaster who speaks better than trump everybody speaks better than my kids better than a truck as long as its you know as long as the guys a gay or female or black itll be an improvement no it wont you will regret it you know that theyre the best. That form among these candidates is is Bernie Sanders and you know he may not be the best debater i dont really care that much of a new you know jump in there because i guess again you know were all or i kind of were all going around the same thing here in different ways here is that we were lamenting the lack of substance in politics over the form ok i mean you know what i mean if you were but if you were a victim of busing in the 1970 s. Is that a reason to vote for you im not sure i get that ok it was very well choreographed i must admit go ahead in washington. I agree on one part which is that public speaking skills they dont matter one of the most electrifying speakers that ive ever seen is ron paul and he is not a great speaker in terms of technical skill but his ideas are so powerful and so like refined that they spurred an entire revolution and you know even Bernie Sanders i dont agree with him on almost any issue but the substance of his ideas is still significant but i want to go back to the idea of universalizing welfare making it somehow fixing the problem you can look at near universal welfare in america through things like government schools and there maybe you dont have the same level of resentment although i think you actually do among people who dont have children being forced to pay for those who do but you do have is a staggering level of incompetence government mismanagement leads that kind of incompetence and when you have government taking it a step further and mismanaging something as complex as nuanced as Race Relations theres such bludgeon stupid ideas as affirmative action or afirm of action or quota system you end up using a dumb tool to fix a complex problem and we need to get away from that you know whos the least racist private business is because they only care about the color of your skin not the color of your money. Either way or outside the other way around i want to tell you that all right well. Im not confident on that mitt. On that misstep here were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on Political Correctness state with. Half the country for thats part of its a country a sum of all that youve got. Stock markets that are owned by lets call 10 percent of the population most of us. And there are what else is more and its a condition that poor americans dont want to cop to its targeted at the core but the fact is now youve got 150000000 more people america. This is a pretty you know to move through but it certainly is one of. The new poll when you look for clues a little with 3 minutes to do when theyre. Looking. At. The morning good sort of produce youre already in the you soon so good you know but you know maybe it seems to tracy. To be the. Last stand. When it comes to. Saying great clarity that the position all the way under the mountains and drug among the government is Crystal Clear it is a business project it is not a political approach and we understand that the americans would like to sell the natural gas instead but it is among the job of the federal republic of germany Crystal Clear. That we stick to the plan and through the drama and European Industry go ahead with this approach. Welcome back to crossfire where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle remind you were discussing Political Correctness. Ok lets go back to joe one of the interesting things that i find is this trumped arrangement syndrome and this is really fuels on this Political Correctness and virtue signaling because if you can just prove youre a better person youre more virtuous then the resident in the oval office then you should get the votes ok i dont think thats a good game plan because i dont again i think that using virtue as a prism for politics is a gross mistake and it will end up very very bad and it shows that they have not learned the lessons of 2016 go ahead joe. Precisely remember way if youre looking at a stock right and sometimes they say when youre buying a stock in the stocks but on the the market on the board for a while things are built into the stock right that things are already embedded and with donald trump things are built into the stock for 40 years and i grew up in new York New Jersey area and he has been in the gossip pages going all the way back to the eightys hes been married 3 times right he his. Affairs with women are very very clear theres obviously the access Hollywood Tape any other candidate that access Hollywood Tape and what he said should have destroyed that candidacy most i would think probably candidates would have dropped out he ends up winning and winning quite easily from electoral perspective despite that tape despite everything built into the stock in terms of who donald trump is as a person people dont want to you know hire a priest for president vote for one they wanted a president they want to somebody who is very definitive in his ideas you can disagree with those ideas but to the guest earlier talking about Bernie Sanders at least Bernie Sanders has the honesty of his convictions so does donald trump he doesnt waiver from them and he is authentic in terms of who he is and thats what people want imperfections and all because were all imperfect ill bet you if somehow all of our emails were hacked that we would be all proven to be pretty bad people and we talk about what we say so yeah i think that being the perfectly polished to modernize candidate like Hillary Clinton to be in 2016 that doesnt fly and i think joe biden is going down that same exact path in terms of being risk averse and being morally superior when we although that just aint the case and its true david let me go to you on that im going to go to an area that you and i completely agree with her how very close overlap is looking at trumps Foreign Policy and again if we lose this to arrangement syndrome of people that would nominally be against an intervention or against a war and being for such things because trump is a. Against it this is whats really dangerous in our politics right now because even you know trump pulled back the last 10 minutes thats the story maybe its a fairy tale but he didnt strike iran which i think was the right thing to do how we got there in the 1st place is problem he painted himself into a corner but you know this trump it when hes put in the center of everything it really short circuits you know straight thinking calm rational thinking go ahead david. Well i totally agree with you but i think its only a small part of the story i mean someone like kaamelott harris thinks that peace in korea is the big danger because trump might be involved in it exactly exactly volved it is evil and so we must have war in korea thats insanity its partisanship gone haywire but nobody brings up the question of all the wars that trump inherited from obama and escalated and the military spending records that obama set that trump has shattered and heightening of the drone murders that we so opposed when obama was president you know this is someone who campaigned on ending the war on afghanistan on on scaling back the insane militarism and yes he could have done worse and he has moved dangerously in the direction of doing worse to the point where it may no longer be in his control whether a war breaks out in iran and it will be largely his fault if it does but nobody nobody is going to ask any of these candidates in any of these debates do you think over 60 percent of federal Discretionary Spending good should go into militarism which wars would you end how many of the wars are you aware of which bases would you close which foreign dictators would you stop arming and training their troops none of this is going to come up unless perhaps they have a war and peace debate as well as a quiet debate doesnt seem to be on the agenda it certainly doesnt in unfortunately but its on my agenda and i will continue talking about such things on this program here lets go back to washington your one topic that is very close to my heart because i was trained as an academic historian teaching modern european history and that was many many years ago lets put it that way and the undergraduates at the university of california their knowledge of history was pretty scant now blowing whats going on in education its probably even less now ok and one of the things that the mantra on the left is taking down these statues of historical figures particularly in the south and i dont i. To talk to david about that but if we destroy it why put the history away as if it didnt happen how we could learn from it you know im very very sensitive to people white washing History History is painful and one of the reasons why we study it is to learn from it go ahead our event in washington that thats very true i want to speak on one other issue very carefully which is the idea of virtue say signaling shaping our politics and once a large enough group can convince people that a group of people is automatically good no matter what they do we end up with terrible policy and are seeing this with militarism where theres this near universal belief that all soldiers are heroic no matter what they do when the simple fact is the actual action being done by actual soldiers today is anything but he

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