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Say it does happen im glad to say its not absolutely widespread. A very warm welcome to you youre watching R T International with me nikki. And i mustnt b. C. Host has been forced into a fake news apology after a bombshell report on donald trump by just ties to russia now is claims the us president had a russian oligarchs Coastline Loans for him with Deutsche Bank but the story backfired when it appeared that the source hadnt checked the facts it was dawn of reports. In news the loudest the most since sation list the most explosive is often the winner media is a ratings driven economy and this week a miss and b c opted for nuclear reporting and this Single Source close to your bank has told me. That the trump Donald Trumps loan documents there show. That he has cosigners thats how he was able to obtain those loans and that the cosigners are russian all of that time Lawrence Odonnell the host seemed to have little doubt in the news he broke. That would explain it seems to me every kind word donald trump has ever said about russia and Vladimir Putin but then came the fallout and just like the report all would was nuclear indeed and it came back to haunt us and we see these statements of false and defamatory and extremely damaging. Can easily be proven based on your reckless disregard of the truth and the unreasonable reliance on an alleged source he will not even identify a news story and is likely seeking to mislead you and the public for political reasons or other or to remove. The channel was at a crossroads they stick to your guns and fight a potential 1000000. 00 lawsuit in court or own up to the mistake and apparently this time the source wasnt solid enough to risk financial and reputational damage tonight we are retracting the story we dont know whether the information is inaccurate but the fact is we do know it wasnt ready for broadcast and for that i apologize or donal left his foot in the door he still said he didnt know if the story was 100 percent falls but since the story didnt go through the rigorous verification and standards process it was unfit for the year and by the way if we take trumps lawyers word for it a Google Search would have passed for rigorous to show the story was untrue it seems emerson b. C. s very few cation proses isnt exactly bulletproof news fire wall in the 1st place or a very short defense russia can just shut off the electricity they have that ability now and it is like negative 50 degrees in the dakotas right now what would happen if russia killed the power in fargo today and intelligence officials now believe with a high level of confidence that russian president Vladimir Putin was personally involved in a covert effort to interfere in americas press. Potential race the only thing we do know is that putins enemies have a way of turning up dead and that evidence has a way of being meticulously covered up when you have a public figure in this particular case donald trump the president who is suing he has to show that the alleged defamatory statement was the product of actual malice either that the individuals knew it was wrong or they use and heres a word reckless disregard for the facts they are at the ratings basement there are Baby Monitors that have higher ratings than this they dont care and as soon as theyre done with this lie theyll go to the next slide because they can drive as fast as they want through the street called mendacity and its not even journalism its not even remotely that its i can say what i want. And if its wrong ok well give a little bit of an apple and move on not even a slap on the wrist nothing. 3 years after a majority of brits voted to leave the e. U. With Parliament Still paralyzed and suffering from a severe crisis of legitimacy far stars and has decided to shut it down the radical move means that after the suspension takes effect lawmakers will not reconvene until 2 weeks before the brags that deadline that will leave them little time to pass legislation preventing a no deal departure tell reporters. Boris johnson is being well boris hes being bold as brass and he wants come what may rather. What you do when parliament wont play ball you suspend it he needed her majestys permission to do that which he thought will get a week into october the 31st before getting on with our plans to take this country forward we are going to have a queens speech and were going to do it all october 14th and weve got to move ahead with a new program but why cant the lawmakers a quick refresher if youve been avoiding the news because you just cant take the b. Word anymore for a number 1010 and to resume a whos currently getting away from it all hiking in the swiss sulks spent 3 years trying to deliver after the referendum something we are definitely clear on bricks it means bricks it bricks it needs threats it wrecks it means bricks it and were going to make a success of it but parliament had other ideas patchy shouting had out even what have her key points had her reaching for her water then she found that brussels wasnt very happy about how to bit a juror to old blighty and wouldnt budge on key points like the irish backstop to maintain a seamless border on the emerald isle they managed to thrash out a deal though and may tried 3 times to push it through. Element no luck so she shared a tear and left i do so with no ill will but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country i love. And to Boris Johnson ardent bricks a tear and leave cant figure head johnson promised to take the u. K. Out of the European Union by how do we do you dont know and thats really riled so where are we now well just 2 months from b. Day and with Parliament Due to be suspended before its even got going and only have 2 weeks to try to block a no deal bracks said everyones crying foul saying its a constitutional crisis others though have just had enough hes gone on for so long now we just need to get on with it because its just causing more trouble whole process is discussed in. Parliament is being bypassed and is. Not democratic its a catastrophe so anybody who tried to bring it in would be called to disaster anyway we should care what the people voted for i think its a constitutional outrage he wants to see. You know when. You know its your selfimportant little man you know blame any problems on others and he will be patted on the back for delivering bricks and when an election thats what he sees Boris Johnson should do everything he can. To get back for it if you cant get it through then hes out although where is cynics point out that whats really on democratic ah m. P. s in westminster spending 3 years and piles of taxpayers money by dithering over to leg breck said ok perhaps it was a little rogue to disrupt the queens Summer Holiday in scotland and maybe suspending parliament was quite drastic for whats supposed to be a parliamentary democracy thats apparently taking back control but then this is Boris Johnson whos never been one for the convention and it has been 3 years already just about every hour for new explored every negotiation tactic used every amendment consider it so maybe just maybe birch is going to get his way and bulldoze britain away from brussels altie london. Which is political commentator john gaunt told us he believes the impasse over briggs it for spars johnsons hands to take dramatic action. I think you left with no choice i think he sidestepped round the calling now has given him permission says ben barman and lucky dog lou our full weeks is actually fall during these number 13 cause a 1000000 people moores law a petition 17400000 people demographically voted and the largest demographic this country let alone to leave so lets put the petition to one so yes i believe Boris Johnson was delivered whether all beautiful black suit them to do so i really want. Cio terms i dont know but surely like she lived a truism a dead in the water and Boris Johnson is for world as a politician trying to deliver what he promised all that we should be saluting the. Environmental activists have reacted with anger after it emerged that nestle is seeking permission to extract millions of liters of water a day from natural springs in florida Santa Fe River is part of a post by the food and Beverage Company to increase its bottled water production the river runs through the north of the state and is rich in biodiversity among the animal species that live there are for instance 15 breeds of tercel its ecosystems are already considered to be at risk though due to years of overpumping indigenous communities in neighboring canada have also been complaining of nestles activities saying theyve been losing access to clean water theyve launched a petition calling on that government to stop permitting the exploitation of local rivers well weve asked their slate for comment but havent had a response yet however the company has always maintained that it at heres to all relevant regulatory standards and seeks to ensure the protection and preservation of the river as it draws water from. We asked riverkeeper John Mcwhorter meant what he thinks of nestles latest plans. I think that senator the river already has problems too little water last thing it is nestle drawing more water out and selling it back to us and plastic bottles that people will then have to clean up on the rivers and springs. Right near this nestle bob what water. Water now. Are springs really hard to read but its those on their roofs Madison County thats on the with the dixie river which is in our basin they paid if i recall correctly the ground some of the 128 dollars a few decades ago thats all that. They get its a huge amount of water im good at in bottles like this which people throw it on the river so in addition to the pollution its also causing the local to go right now just because we need that water or drinking for agriculture or industry we dont really need it to be making profit you or the Swiss Company for something that nobody actually needs. Or tend to think of the Tech Industry as being at the forefront of tomorrows world and also leading the way in equality and diversity among staff but it seems one European Web Developers conference in germany didnt get the memo despite promising a rich and diverse lineup if canceled octobers event after a number of delegates objective that no women because were taking part in this years conference seems to have gone with the white males only Conference Lineup shame is 2019 we can do better there were numerous speakers with 2 sessions myself included that works up in the session but no women at all im not comfortable that. The organizers have said that only one female submitted a session proposal critics say though that those behind the aventura have reached out to more women we asked our guests for their thoughts on the controversy. The fact is that women are still half the population i think were just marginally over the half and the people organizing it seem to be a group of men it was their duty. Requirement to ensure that they had a wide range of people to speak about the issues that they wanted the debate when you want to be diverse you know on some occasions with people waving speakers on some occasions with more bad speakers but it is also the also the childish to say that you are going to have people in and effectively racially or sexually profiled i just said were not interested what your speech is get the baby were not interested your level of talent were not interested in the relevancy all were interesting is the color of your skin or your gender that is a joke the point is not about qualifications the point is about a culture which im sorry to say you seem to represent which is which is about accusing women of daring to be in your workplaces that would be a further comment if the women had applied local who got pushed out what all the applied there was basically no candidates now how old earth is that the fault of men its very unlikely in the real world. That somebody would just not want somebody to speak on the grounds of their gender i dont think thats very realistic i dont think thats something thats really going to happen i dont just dont think its its factually accurate it does happen im sorry to say i dont im sorry to say it does happen im glad to say its not absolutely widespread but you may be in your little. Haven in which everything is right and rosy but for lots of women though lots of ways in which women are excluded however competent they are im sorry that still happening i wish it wasnt but unless its get spoken about i dont think much will change. Its really cool a new site has revealed that a number of Us Democratic president ial hopefuls have been taking donations from Hedge Fund Managers with a stake in puerto rico soaring debts despite the funk that those same candidates have made repeated attacks on donald trump for failing to address the island territories desperate economic situation. Believe. Puerto rico is just like the rest of the United States except it isnt and if their votes dont count in the final election why should president ial candidates care. 20 candidates 5 moderates says 2 debates and only one mention of puts a rico in a democratic debate that took place in florida home of 1200000 puerto rican and these are the progressives show is your p. R. Policy when it comes to going after donald trump anything goes even the all but forgotten puerto rico democrat certainly did speak up when trump snubs puerto rico didnt sign a Disaster Relief bill at the 1st. Hes shameful the way were treated puerto rico in the islands im not even sure people in the president S Administration you poor 3 kinds are all citizens if were talking about territories lets make sure the people of d. C. Actually get senators lets make sure the people of puerto rico are actually treated like fellow u. S. Citizens that they are and lets make sure that we have some handle on the financial future of this country are very honorable of them but what is not honorable is cashing in on puerto ricos difficulties and big Hedge Fund Managers have been lending lots of money to puerto rico money the government cannot pay back and those very same hedge funds are now funding the democrats joe biden has gotten roughly 25000. 00 from hedge funds like Oak Tree Capital black rock and to comic capital and hes not alone a coalition of puerto rican activists is calling for the democrats to give that money back these hedge funds have pushed a program over stary Team Privatization in order to secure dep amens in that in many cases could not be paid by the puerto rican government the lives of countless Puerto Ricans have been destroyed as a result create a ricans will be denied a Better Future if hedge funds are allowed to continue to profit from austerity and privatisations on the island you can either stand with the people of puerto rico or with the hedge funds that have harmed puerto rico you cant do both but so far only Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have returned their donations these democrats did not pay. Any attention to puerto rican issues intil they had an opportunity to criticize the president and isnt that ironic isnt that so hypocritical that it wasnt until they had an opportunity to find a criticism with President Trump that they found puerto rico even an issue for them they should have been addressing this the entire time if this was important to them the only reason its important now is because they found a way to criticize donald trump these hedge fund do nations are the core of hypocritical the fact that these democrats can sit back take these donations where people are profiting off of the economic problems in puerto rico and then at the same time say that theyre concerned about this country is one of the worst things that i have seen i think when these democrats accept donations they dont check and i think they check only when its convenient for them and they want to look at Donald Trumps Campaign Donations but they dont want to look at themselves and they dont want to look at the fact that they are taking donations off of the very thing that they say that theyre against so far hedge funds making money off of puerto ricos debt crisis donated roughly 230900. 00 to democrats who are running in the 2020 alexion imagine what that kind of money could do for the people of puerto rico. Are to new york. Those trillion governments is going to have an Intelligence Task force to investigate perceived foreign interference in this universitys countrys Education Minister has sunk to the growing vulnerability of australias institutions in the face of foreign adverse riis. According to the lightest advice from these try and obvious Security Center the targeting of a strain universities continues to increase state sponsored cyber sarees my use University Networks as infrastructure due to their reliability and high and very traffic. To hide in the noise the federal government is working with the University Sector to develop based practice guidelines for dealing with foreign interference although no particular state has been named directly the finger is now being pointed at Chinese Students who account for close to a 3rd of all foreign students in australia last month the university of queensland saw tensions between supporters of the hong kong protests and those in favor of beijing and other cases some teaching materials have sparked outrage among Chinese Students and it described china and taiwan as 2 separate states if you strongly opposed by beijing the Chinese Foreign ministry though house denied any involvement in australian politics quoting the notion extremely irresponsible. Chinas socalled infiltration of australia and other similar claims are totally fabricated and underpinned by ulterior motives politicizing education and cooperation and artificially create an obstacle is not good for either side. Well the guests we heard from earlier told us such increased scrutiny could devolve into ethnic discrimination chinese. Dumb explained students would become more vulnerable the kind of ethnic and Racial Discrimination by school to mix up the intelligence part and d. C. Is a big to be because. Im not told Counter Intelligence in kind that is pure nonsense in a school should not open and transparent a large part of the we will leave us in the dark and were not what quite sure what would happen to be Chinese Students and you could them its very fundamental point that critical which the fact that straight universities receiving money from the example futurists use yes this is something that never. Discussed much of an issue and so recent things straight since this year. The Education Minister has not really mention anything connected with the 1st since so i do think there is a bit of a double to say that. Italy has just got a new Coalition Government because the say thats after the 5 Star Movement struck a last minute deal with the Democratic Party to scuttle an attempt by the countrys popular but deeply divisive interior minister to take power 2 weeks ago mattels salvini brought down his own Ruling Coalition in the hope of triggering elections but thanks to his rivals negotiations thats not happened hes calling on their agreement to affront to an affront to democracy. A very thought of it as something you know the real truth is that 60000000 italians are being held hostage by the 100 m. P. s that are afraid of losing their seats this is the real truth that there are just 100 m. P. s clinging to their seats so you can call that a democracy but then dont be surprised if people say why do i need to vote lets alyan politics is a bit of a minefield some describing the latest crisis as being the most craziest yet. What resulted is in 2 bitter enemies strolling hand in hand to form a new government thats the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement of them a little president with a lot of. We told the president we have reached a deal with the Democratic Party that would love to be the next premier and try to form a long lasting government. But we have expressed to the president of the republic how much support for the attempt to create a new government with a new political majority why have the 2 forces been brought together well this always all is the result of the 4 partners a 5 Star Movement headed by the anti immigration interior minister. Trying to pull down the last government in the hope of having snap elections thats because he was boid by polls showing that he was on 38 or 39 percent in terms of Approval Ratings and thinking that perhaps he could go it alone and form his new own government if they were fresh elections held in italy so we need one of italys perhaps most popular politicians the moment has been frozen cold government described as being made up of. Millions of italians are probably wondering why vote if those who were kicked out by elections really enter via the back door just for political games before so this still a lot of tricky hurdles for the new Italian Government to meander through including creating a new budget that brussels will approve the new government will be led by. He was the Prime Minister in the last Coalition Government will he be the glue that holds these 2 parties together or is he going to be pulled into very different directions. With parties with pretty much at most points opposing ideology there is still a chance that matter yourself being he could get his wish and its a he could see snap elections before those scheduled ones at the moment pasted in for 2023. And choosing r. T. International were back in 30 minutes with the latest headlines well see you then. Geysers financial Survival Guide i dont buy any i prize on a teachers. Face most of friday as last time i buy it from the future trucker watch kaiser. Why a paradise with so much all year round turned into a round the experimentation field the agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up and suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. Are. Their. Own welcome to well the part in the world of political matchmaking the European Union has long claimed to put values about Value Creation and that worked well for a while but now that some countries counts. A whole new industry in the time it takes the e. U. To come up with a single policy decision is that credo still satisfying. To discuss that im now joined by. The president of the European Economic and social committee mr years good to talk to you thank you very much. You often talk about the idea. For europe while also praising the enormous success of the european project thats been so successful why does it have to be reborn. So let me see the tools to. Be an enormous successful as many. Historical period of empire the been totally lost. And they need to a new start. At the end of the middle age. You know the. Many i used to say that the middle age was age was exactly the opposite it was a. Dark age and there was a change of the. Change of. The u. K. And leadership of a country that there are many out there. But its interesting let me focus on this idea. Because many historians some historians believe that. Wasnt. And the region. It was. More sort of

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