A few months globalization the dollar is a shoe right so the loss of western germany that steamy globalization this came in with trump in 2016 that he the idea of monitor is ation the global Central Banks cooperating to put out a currency unit of account that was better than gold is a 6070 year experiment that is now collapsing which is leading to d. Dollars ation as b. Countries like russia move aggressively away from the dollar and buy gold and dig globalization simultaneously as far as these chinese debts that were issue 19 a leaven or 99911. 00 and are now being sought after for for repayment i would imagine what would happen is that simply u. S. Will default on some bonds to china. Approximately a trillion dollars worth and claim that well were just making good on the debt say you owe us to use to justify a default again dollars ation. Well yes there are some weird people involved some crazy texan sort of pastors and stuff like that and they are encouraging that they are claiming that with inflation and Exchange Rates and the history that is actually worth a trillion dollars with by the way happens to be how much debt that china owes that owns of the u. S. So they own a trillion dollars with the treasuries and like lets just cancel it out but you mention the globalization and for thousands of years weve gone through globalization and then d. Globalization globalization globalization weve weve gone through these constant cycles humans constantly do this this is we do this in markets thats why Technical Analysis and sort of that sort of thing also when you look at the history of globalization our empires rising and falling as happens we go through enlightenment and dmae in mint so i think this is what youre seeing with what mccrone is responding to when he says is the end of western hedge of money what hes saying is that like the sun kings before him before the us empire that we might not call them emperors or caesars or kings but they do act like it with caprice it become very capricious and random and ok weve worked on the you know huge nuclear deal with iran now its gone forget it you cant deal with them like randomly assigning like enemy status to countries and saying no you have to end all your trade deals with them and destroy your own economy because youre going to use a dollar and were going to shut it down so this is part of the what hes responding to de globalization is also the d. M. Lightman cycles are natural they happen historical cycles through a 100 year cycles 1000 year cycles the concept of having a central bank like the Federal Reserve bank is an attempt neutralize these cycles and say look we recognize theres a thing called the Business Cycle and the when things get hot. Going to raise Interest Rates and when things get slow theres a recession when to lower Interest Rates to mitigate the amplitude of the cycles to have a steadily growing economy with price stability thats the mandate of the central bank but what happened to greenspan when the markets crash then he was they went in they created the plunge Protection Team with a working group on finance to keep a perpetual rolling bull market and to get rid of the Business Cycle to favor a perpetual nirvana for wall street and this is. A supposed Greenspan Bernanke yellen here we have jay powell is now taking it upon themselves not only to get her in the Business Cycle but to actually challenge the president by saying were going to adjust our Interest Rate policies in to try to take you out of office so not only have they abandoned their mandate of price stability and counter Business Cycle ball cities but they have just decided that they are a 5th branch of government right so thats not in the constitution thats a way way off the constitution that is to type tyrannical 1st of all when they since 1970 have that divine right of banks theyve established this and its now solidified that they are divine they have the right to exist beyond all others they dont have to abide by the laws of that common man has to abide by about gone bankrupt and things like that the doesnt happen to the sun kings of wall streets it to be clear i know that there are 3 branches of government but i all i often clue the press is the more stated for the for that rather for them to be the 5th of patients and commenters you can go go go may since we talk about the fat out ill say this us president Donald Trumps trade war with china keeps undermining the confidence of businesses and consumers worsening the Economic Outlook this manufactured disaster in the making presents the Federal Reserve with a dilemma should it mitigate the damage by providing offsetting stimulus or refuse to play along if the ultimate goal is a healthy economy the fed should seriously consider the latter approach and he actually. Goes on to say it like theres even an argument that the election itself falls within the feds purview. But you know before you comment on that i want to say that because id like to compare for what is going on of france and where we are were home here in paris and france and you know when the divine right of kings and it here and it was a very brutal ending to the divine right of kings will say when this sort of situation when france was on the verge of bankruptcy thanks very much france because they went bankrupt because we there was a Gold Standard then and they used their gold to finance the American Revolution but that was good for us but they went bankrupt and what did john law suggest they do open the books he showed the books of the divine king to the people they publish and all the people of france read it and suddenly the king is like an ordinary person out you know he bought some toilet tissue he went. To safeway or tesco and you know there was an ordinary thing but also like the extravagance of his life and the courts life was suddenly so shocking to the people so heres the fed basically opening up their books its like oh were independents and were like the clergy were just you know funneling the messages from the economic gods but now theyre saying no were going to read the system were going to overthrow the government were going to like install our own puppet banker right the fed would like us believe that there is policy and economics behind what they do yes and they have dots and they get all of the dots yes and they get together these concepts like jackson hole and they discuss economics when in fact theyre politically motivated hatchet guys who are there to protect the bankers and make sure that their friends do not obey the rule of law and not sure its about the king being shown his true accounting so much as opening the kimono oh yes they are revealing that in this group. The theater of central banking is a very unpleasant looking gangly before so you know how each nation has a unique cultural sensitivity to things that have traumatized them in the past so germany germans are very sensitive to inflation because they know where it took them as a people russia is very insensitive to invasions theyve been invaded by napoleon by by the nazis they dont like it and in france theyre very sensitive to the people rising up and bringing out the getting and so finally ending on macro he says the world order is being shaken like never before its being shaken because of errors made by the west and certain crises but also by the choices made by the United States in the past few years and not just by the Current Administration and he then went on to say pushing russia way from europe is a profound strategic mistake essentially suggesting were doing this because of u. S. Politics and not about pushing them into the arms of china which is going to be a disaster for europe well you dont live in paris many years you know theres more statues sirup Thomas Jefferson than maximillian robespierre that dont find anything max millionaires now he won in the 19th or something and yet hes the architect of the revolution the reign of terror some could say he went a little bit too far he did what had to be done. He equated. Read it read his work and. Will pick up the mantle oh well thats the rub spear thats my question thats what matt ront thats what maccarone is worried about and thats what hes saying and yes you should say hes having to plan his own survival so this was going off saying i mean you know get a get out the you know either leave the country or face the consequences i mean that everyone here is on the cusp of this type of revolution god bless them i support them ill be wont be here of course youll be rowse fear modern day blog but i support their. Well we got to go take a break and when we come back itll be like a drop of a good scene on this and then we come back in the role and through the 2nd to go. Oh. And very well now can see you watching us in such. She stressed to make sure that the british and the bill of books set up. Shop pressure was so here she. Could use these. To which she does have time and look what youve seen the Member States future. For sure and. Want to go to the source of your money if your bonus for tribute. To mr ellsworth supporters are still welcome to the spirit of this interview but you believe that its a studio actually the most powerful group of people pushing. Them speed. The world is driven by shaped. Thinks. We dare to ask. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser time now to return to our conversation with mark malloch who publishes the annual gold we trust report look at this plan it is not. And look very least you can hold the door open and it should read it as chock full of goodies its available for free as a p. D. F. Just contact these folks of increment welcome back hi nice to see you again lets get into part 2 here i want to touch briefly on the interest seen in the rivalry between the gold bugs and the crips the bugs versus the crips and you know you have folks that are hardcore gold bugs and they dont like the bitcoin crowd some and because throwing rocks or whatever at the gold bugs that you are straddling both worlds what are they getting wrong well. I try not to be dogmatic in the sense in this debate the at least so. I think bitcoin is an obviously a great invention it has done a lot for men con already in my view at least if not. At least if not it will become perhaps in like one part of the extreme scenario a new global reserve currencies but if that shouldnt materialize and it goes to 0 because there is Something Better comes up but we go back to gold so whatever it did least has brought up a huge conversation into the young people what for us money is what money is and i think ideas actually form future so its important that people really think about their ideas so so that i created a lot well let me play devils advocate for a 2nd or in this case i only play peter shifts the advocate cell peter chef whos a prominent anti bitcoin and gold bug person will say well of because is a just another fee at money he doesnt see it as hard money as commodity money at all so and you are business think big quite an institutional accounts i mean theyre buying a lots and lots of it in the institutional money is pouring into big going this is not no its not a hobby for. Cypherpunks anymore this is becoming a factor in Global Finance its changing the Global Financial architecture so what do you what do you say well i think in both cases like an alternative store of value is kind of the final insurance policy for the central Banking System which are going crazy so if if if you have negative rates and never negative for you then bonds more and more 17 trillion and increasing but they then you need some place to hide and then people really i think think about what is money what could service money. In terms of stock the flow rate should both its really very hard money. People realize ok this this could serve as a spot of store for the and i wont be from a put fully a management view want to be dogmatic i would be pragmatic and i think one can play this very well in a combined book folio one other than have to bet the house an idea of these so its actually quite. Easy thing to play and i think these debates look goes back to Austrian School of economics doesnt mean its calm anger as an idea of money what is money if it its all subjective anyway and if the market says because it has money and it has the attributes of gold and thats its a limited supply people use it as money and its fungible is tangible all its divisible it has every quality you want of gold then it is money its just a fall if you claim i dont understand how austrians call economic on a mistake and not see this as money yeah i agree so many to say exactly what you just know told to you so i think sometimes mieses regression theory mistaken as like a counter argument because mrs kind of stated that you need. A commodity 1st something that which is often called in my view falsely called Intrinsic Value you need some some good which has a value 1st that then it can perhaps become money but i think the main garion argument actually trumps that i think so too darn it i like to go on record that mrs argument i think a short sighted and clearly he didnt see 2 things there was no such thing as negative Interest Rates during mazes this time and there was nothing called decline in base cryptocurrency so he is hes been trumped by big quine now lets move on so Russia Russia Central Bank has been buying gold quite aggressively month after month year after year what do you thinks going on there well its very interesting i mean thats developed this development has been going on for 10 years now they feeling this very on the consequent basis and theyre actually going to overtake italy and france is number. 3 and 4 of International Gold hold us in within the next the month and theres very little debt and they have very little of this doubt that titchy d. P. Right so so thats quite an interesting busy development i think that will be big news when russia becomes the largest gold hole this probably at the end of the year beginning of next year some time then you have really us germany and russia china is not that transparent obviously with their holdings there could be a little bit ahead already knows the big story with the globalization and the dollar is asian people are russia are saying look we dont want to be the dollar because its. Were tired of the censoring you know we want to do business and theres a school of that was thought that tells you that putins Main Objective sense of taking the presidency in russia is to do deals hes a probusiness he wants to do deals around the world thats his primary objective because he realized thats how to grow g. D. P. In that. Everything he does reflects that and if hes censored by the spurious sanctions based on extraordinary thin political grewal hes like ok forget it well just dump the dollar will be used gold will be like gold will seek other ways to do business we just want to do business you would think america being probusiness there would be a Natural Alliance but america seems to be kind of reverting into a shell of no business but you know i know when people on the 1st. Episode that we did you know of course there are going to be comments in there that says this guy sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger now you must get that a lot and why is that correct yeah. Some comas somebody even said im out so they go for strong economic so im ok with. It did with achieved quite a few things so yeah you have to doesnt thats not a bad thing. All right so not only did mark carney call for a post dollar world right so mark carney central bank said he said get out of the dollar ok this is after russias been accumulating gold and position themselves for a post dollar world at the good dollar rise world now mark carney at the bank of england saying we need to get out of the dollar as a World Reserve currency and hes looking at crypto what do you make of this idea that in america the Federal Reserve chairman your own powell no you know it was bill dudley the former new york fred he wrote an op ed he says you know we got to stop trying from winning we cant lower rates so this is beyond activist fed this is gone my personal view is that the independence of the Central Banks really hasnt existed. For a least a few decades for instance going back to George Herbert walker bush him blaming greenspan for not being reelected because he didnt he didnt lower rates in one. And so and so so nixon even going back to nixon this is this was always like a little bit of a game which now is. Busy very obviously going on in one can just follow dont tweet easily so the president always wants lower rates generally speaking and sometimes the fed resists and sometimes it doesnt so in my view i think this whole discussion is overblown because i think. At the end of the day the market is pushing the fed so if the you could. Test. The this is a much higher pressure than than any president pushing for lower use because really the main target of the fed or 4th of all the Central Banks is to keep the party going on and you really cant keep it going on if you have an inverted. Curve its really flashlights going on so so so i think this is this is politics and a lot of power structure going back and forth but the end of the day the market has to see right well on that point i must interject my thought here so to some degree the the Central Banks are a bit of a polar bureau you know theyre setting the price of the money and they have their thought was if we lower the price the money will create some inflation and thatll create some tax revenue it will