Transcripts For RT Watching The Hawks 20240714 : vimarsana.c

RT Watching The Hawks July 14, 2024

Distinct and formative discussions between a variety of topics and guests with unique political viewpoints starting with my a very own perception and perspective. Joining me today to give their perspective host of r. T. The big picture alan cook r t america sports anchor steve christakis an hour to americas correspondent in canada alex mahela bitch thank you all 3 for coming here i want to start with this riot boosting and in south dakota in his ruling against the riot boosting act in south dakota u. S. District judge lawrence pierce all wrote imagine that if these riot boosting statutes were applied to the protests that took place in birmingham alabama what might be the result dr king in the southern christian Leadership Conference could have been liable under an identical riot boosting law was put there i want to ask you 3 are we are we putting the security of our businesses and properties over the sanctity of our freedom of speech and can there be a ban. Between the 2 ill start with you alex and. Well yes so obviously were pretty businesses of corporations ahead of the people i mean i think thats something thats been going on forever if its not a king its a corporation and look i mean the bottom line here when you have protests and this is something that its to tears the Mainstream Media 1st of all does not Pay Attention to peaceful protests until somebody throws a rock nobodys watching whats going on so this whole peaceful protest thing which is protected by the 1st amendment in the states and which is protected here in canada has almost become Something Like a yeah go occupy yourselves go march go protest go do what you going to do but were not going to Pay Attention to it anyway and then theres the 2nd facet of it which we saw during the occupy movement and you can even talk about the bill of the 1000000 man march back in 1995 break it up so well you have to do is instead of having a cohesive message you toss in somebody like Louis Farrakhan in 1905 or when it comes to the occupy movement toss in some communist toss and some anarchists and forget about why occupy wall street was there from the very beginning it was about wall street the message gets diluted i dont know if these are operatives that are sent in by the government im sure there are some people that are working for the government in there youre dilute the myth that you destroy it and there goes your protest protest should be protected obviously whats happened in dakota we know is a very important thing but the bottom line is protest is not as effective as it should be because the governments just simply dont care when they do care they try to push in laws like this definitely do holland what is your take on this story well im glad you mentioned dr 5 king because. The basis of this action was outside agitators and thats what George Wallace called the ranged protesters way back when Everybody Loves to bash the a. C. L. U. Its all about whose ox is being gored so they love to bash the a. C. L. U. And. Till they come after you and then theyre your pals and to alexs point the Indigenous Peoples were targeted in this dakota thing and its kind of like the voter id even if the intent is not to exclude minorities that consequence is that they get singled out weve seen a lot of protests now taking place in pro sports and thats a private entity but there are you know kind of either clamping down or you know youve seen all the controversy with cap or nick or you know the you know what sports to me is oftentimes a really good model of what you know the outside world is you know what society is dealing with you know how sports kind of handled these going to protests over the years what you see they they try to silence anyone who tries tries to bring change or awareness to the people such as of course kind of captured it with his nearly a protest but it goes back to mexico city in 1068 with tommie smith and john carlos raising their fists on the podium youre seeing that more and more and olympics events recently at the Pan American Games we saw fencer racing boat in and hammer thrower gwen barry protests on the podium so now theyre worried for next year in tokyo 2020 games the Olympic Committee is worried that theyre going to see this more and more as its been becoming more prevalent at the Olympic Games and they do have that since they are a private organization they have rules saying no kind of demonstration or political religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any olympic sites or venues so itll be interesting to see what happens if somebody does protest because these athletes like you said there are consequences they get suspended calley copper nick many believe hes been blackballed from the n. F. L. But in the n. B. A. You see it more adam silver the commissioner is more lenient theyre allowed to protest Police Brutality more than the n. F. L. Its you know i want to look at this other this lawsuit over the biometric based scanning of at home depot and lowes its interesting because you know the stores claim theyre using this data for security purposes to track shoplifters and things like that but the catch is that theyre not informing people as they walk into the stores that theyre scanning their faces and Walking Around and thats where the big catch is and thats what this illinois law is trying to protect should we be giving up our bionet metrics in the name of store security should be should we just be handing that over to private companies in the name of well keep me safe or keep your products safe while were there alex well start with you. You know weve had this discussion or something similar to this in the past i personally dont care i mean you know im an open book theres really nothing youre going to find out about me but heres the heres the thing were talking about bio metrics ok so you start getting a little bit creepy theyre reading your face but lets face facts you walk into pretty much any store with your cell phone in your pocket or you want to call their smartphone they know that youre there they know what youre looking at its a g. P. S. Thats tracking you were ever you go so this is a ready happening they do what products youre looking at they know what ads to send you so this is you know were talking about biometrics here right you know face scanning thats so horrible but this is happening no matter what and its happening all over the place and if its happening in states you know its happening in canada as well so yeah creepy has a big going on for a while yes in different shapes and forms so does it really bother me when i dont watch it but hey that life goes on and on just going to keep doing what im doing well and thats the interesting kind of perspective i want to read you this is its 56 where they did a Pew Research Poll and they found that 656656 percent of respondents said they trust Law Enforcement to use facial Recognition Technology responsibly however 36 percent said they trust Tech Companies to use it responsibly while minuscule 17 percent said they would trust advertisers to use or. When you look at these numbers and its kind of disconcerting to think that you know people feel more comfortable with Law Enforcement being able to scan and have our data than companies or for this matter advertising agencies and things like that was it what do you guys feel about it which lowes home depot youve been to a casino lately you know in the oiled and times the griffin book was actually a book you know damn well that they know who the card sharks are before they walk in the door and i imagine the home depot and lowes legal are going to have some sign thats probably times new roman a taluk 12 font on the door advising you its there to alexs point this is just a technical evolution there were already grainy black and. White closed circuit cameras this is just more sophisticated the genies out of the bottom and theyve been using this for years a couple years now for sports stadiums for example in 28 seen in moscow at the world cup they had 160000. 00 surveillance cameras in the streets to scan fans faces for face or facial recognition to discover they wanted to know if any of them were criminals they had they said they were only scanning the people on a black list so if youre black listed which they had about 50000 photographs of criminal suspects on the blacklist that were uploaded to the system and that resulted in 42 suspects arrested at that world cup for example so they say they are not using any if you have nothing to hide like alex said theyre not using your information or holding on that only if you are in a blacklist as a criminal but heres my fear of all this at the end of the day when youre excited here that argument a lot of you have nothing to hide what do you care all about but you know what look theyre passing laws against your ability to have free speech and protests like we see in the dakotas eventually you might have something to hide without even knowing it cops are using this sting ray thing anyway to tap into our self assured if you dont want to be surveilled dont leave home and but thats the problem how do you we shouldnt get shouldnt be at that point should it even out on your t. V. Is watching you exactly i mean to me and it frightens me how easily were allowing this to happen i mean you pick up your i phone you look into it now it scans your face to unlock it and their reasoning for this a lot of these corporations are saying oh we want you to be safe or we want to provide a safer environment and thats the reason for using or keeping your information in scanning your face but of course thats a cop out we all kind of agree to that when we check the box without reading all those small little words before scanning our faces on snapchat and saturday you know that is the big problem and ill just put it was this its brightens the hell out of me that we so easily are ready to kind of just hand over of this data and this information because where does that and at what point does it end because to me it is violating who we are its one thing to hate the guy looks familiar im going to go talk about some other thing because these companies can very easily take all your biometric data and then they can turn around and. Sell it or they can turn around and hand it over to the government weve seen that a numerous times from you know what snowden taught us with the leaks and things like that it to me its a dangerous world that youre living in your dog is already chipped or have we actually said as a very accent that is very true i want to thank all 3 of you for coming on always a pleasure having you on alex mail of its always always a pleasure sir steve coll and cook thank you all 3 for coming on. All right everybody as we go to break dont forget to let us know what you think of a proper topics weve covered on our video be sure to check out watching the hawks the podcast which is now available in spotted by apple music and every word was your favorite podcast coming up micro tab but wallace opens up the gallery of the biases in the Mental Health care system to both hollywood and our military veterans they turned to watching the. Tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been played only implement from the inside venezuela things are different were going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associated. And this will have a son of the moment goes. Down person. Than it is so on the moon the people mad the moment. The whose story isnt new nixon called in Henry Kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated that in latin america. An alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make the chilean economy scream so once in the making the economy of venezuela screed. The process for constructing this was to him as a barcode to bright of the staff told which is porous and when this is inserted beliefs the skin when the stainless suction over the scaffold over a period of about 6 months you have to shoot in growth investor always isin occurring in other words the cells the mule in your body grow into the scaffold it grows its own blood supply so now this is fully integrated as part of its own living. Joining me every thursday on the island so im unsure and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you that. The World Health Organization has reported that despite the fact that overall rates for Mental Illness are almost identical between men and women gender determines the differential power and control men and women have over the Socio Economic determines of their own Mental Health and lives their social position status and treatment and society this week her a lover and we are 11 year long conservatorship controlled by your father james spears right these fears came into view once again miss california courts begin the process of determining whether he should control the singers personhood and while this would seem reasonable if we were discussing an l. Older really adult with Something Like dementia it has never really made sense for many for a hard working woman in her twentys and thirtys a woman who began daily rehearsals for a multimillion dollar tour just weeks after a court decided that she wasnt legally allowed to decide who she dates what she eats how she supports herself even when her doctor is but this isnt just about the palpable fear many have for Britney Spears well being is that while the media still blames her 2008 breakdown as a reason for the lack of freedom many other well paid hardworking actors and musicians of hollywood have punched photographers assaulted women even killed people and yet o. J. Simpson gets to decide really dates sean penn doesnt have permission to drive a car even Robert Downey jr has control of his finances partly because we live in a world that still feels that while men deserve the space to make mistakes and retain their liberty women did not and 2800. 00 Melissa Silverstein founder and publisher of women and hollywood magazine told marie claire that the culture is still patriarchal its still male run the bar for women is just so much higher and i think we have to understand how women are treated in the business in general converse lee massachusetts representative sestak introduced a bill in congress recently that would require funding for and requirements for interim Mental Health evaluations for all servicemembers telling the press if we dont show america that we care about our veterans when they come home people arent going to volunteer so lets look at the toxic way we treat both genders Mental Health and step into the gallery. Thank. You again out in the gallery is the host of new fees hes got a you know if you are to correspondent there montecito and r t correspondent there in front fred back thank you guys all for germinated a one have 600 call that their culture about why you didnt go to. And then theres that in the 3rd or 4th row in a diary with bing its very weird so this is across a Britney Spears while shes going to this conservatorship was just described as working people the specific specific. Conservatorship in california is defined as for people who are special means or are disabled to a point that they cant handle this they literally this is a woman who by the way while shes under this conservatorship she said 15000000. 00 performance contracts to successful las vegas show shes made almost 10000000. 00 a year after her breakdown is it strange that while britney has asked for permission to bite she is Harvey Weinstein gets to like walk around even though hes clearly mentally ill his a threat to other people is a threat to himself no and let me tell you why it is no criticism against you or its because this conversation were probably all going to agree on this now lets bring men and even if we didnt have a mentor lets get them down and lets put them up to a polygraph so they have to be honest and feed them after that same question because theyre going to go in the doghouse with us because the majority of them probably will not say exactly what theyre thinking or maybe we have some good men and i know in the station we do thats the problem this conversation keeps having amongst us and women the men have yet to have the kahunas to have a conversation amongst themselves in front of a crowd of people and be held accountable for their opinions and i think also too when you look at the case of Britney Spears i mean you said they all go back to what happened to her in 2008 i will say this so as a die hard for any fan that girl has gone through so much and for how famous she is for how much money she brings in i kind of understand a little bit why they want somebody to be there to protect her too i think like picking out her cheese and stuff thats a little too extreme but i can understand why having somebody there to be like not this person is using you like i mean i was probably either go to our mothers or fathers to be like dont ever go back and ive got to get good people that are being with me when i do hear. What are the rights that are now using them as. It was coming up you know coming in age with her hits coming into all this money becoming so popular at such a young age like Lindsay Lohan and other stars who have had their breakdowns it happens especially when youre in the spotlight so young and have all this fame and money dont know what to do with it but again it goes back to like he said that we all agree its who the people are that are having the control over her finances why cant it be a 3rd party and i think its its speaks to the problem of our system alone how are you allowing somebody who is controlling and wont let her pick who she dates what she does its going too far you have to feel sor

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