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With the European Union and you are negotiating can you bring me to that moment and what youre thinking just sitting at the bill or translucent video with what i mean the local uni. But i believe him would be pleased to treat that in thats them will do but them will not. Go up but if you want us. To shoot through in numbers no hold no one who. Knew me was not old naval lieutenant who are not but it is written you would goddamn way villepin how would it numb but it loud you put a human we had then thats what you wanted to see in this and that she didnt thereby did not you know. Very full blown the silliness clears you see were now in that on the sea chilly in the house or was the trip to new york also hold of mr lynn but also the whole bit but he isnt here when they are the only partially. Through here very on here. But also. I think a customer is not old nor will you know when the when they are but here deities to try to not some of us thought well less that this year. But i see it now because of a storm we had always so i mean i bought it but if you want to use it which you are National Interests it. Began with nickel grain erase you. Know as you do in the economy. So little you can only afford when you can get the shit. Bullish throughout committed no since you dont about it im not going to separate them which im almost just going to. Take in one of them. Could possess a user seems to me that what i mean the national t. V. To do is just take it to go where. You got them when that tradition. Door. Opened at all and you would hope my local. Variable would be economy but i scored 0. But year your little park and inserts a new bit of fruit toast or you are. Really at them. Stuck in a shelter. Because they look and usually used to go initial it appears to be good to you will but move into the. Norm when you dont need to but up let you. Know stripping her water so you would open a new even shellys to spear home where there are more than they are done pretty but it was really zealots but i was. Violent clash. As erupted in the ukrainian capital kiev fast malls and 100000 people protested against a government decision to delay an Association Deal with the e. U. The telly you are a minister of interior affairs for the ukraine during this period when you were chief of police essentially of the country can you tell me your version of what happened from november protests through february protests and. Law. And putting it. Right but decide. To be as consumers are semi leader of the Opposition Party fatherland book leader of the opposition nationalist far right Political Parties Vitali Klitschko leader of the Opposition Party. Both e. U. And ukrainian officials said on thursday the suspension of talks on closer ties could be revived after the 2 day meeting but officials said the deal was off the table for. War. Pro e. U. Protests on the streets of kiev and to their 2nd day the crowd of iran a 1000 protesters were joined by the leader of the opposition or any well boxing champion Vitaly Klitschko he called on the demonstrators to maintain pressure on the government after it decided not to sign a major trade deal with the e. U. You go back to kiev the next day after the meeting with merkel and the protests are up but can you take me through that period. By the minute the worst with the mute and there are. More. Yuck at the mobile have. To go to. Me a. Little. Up just in the company. Is a little bizarre i dont like their interest in the least a little to shift my ground. Robert perry is a longtime investigative journalist based in washington d. C. Best known for his major disclosures about the iran contra scandal in the 1980 s. He is the founder of Consortium News where he has reported extensively on the crisis in ukraine and the forces behind the unrest and in geo is a Nongovernmental Organization how many n. G. O. S are quite legitimate they represent good causes that maybe they help people in a country the door deal with water problems or deal with various kinds of social problems but there are some n. G. O. S that have become funded by Government Entities and serve more of the purpose of that government rather than trying to serve the people that they are sensibly working for one thing we saw in the 1980 s. At that point the Central Intelligence agency had been largely discredited because of the scandals that had been exposed in the 1970 s. But that being years the cia has secretly financed its overseas activities of the National Student association but then there came to light a fantastic web of cia penetration so when the Reagan Administration came in there was this concept that instead of having the cia which traditionally would go into these different target countries funding their Media Funding n. G. O. S funding different political operations that was essentially farmed out to. A new Organization Called the National Endowment for democracy which was created in 1903 and it would do pretty much what the agency used to do it would go into one of these countries and it would support various political groups train activists deal with journalists business groups and try to advance u. S. Foreign policy interests sometimes against the interests of the host government the target government and beyond that they receive financial and other logistical help from the National Endowment for democracy and other u. S. Agencies that help them training activists working with journalists to get their side presented more favorably they work on things like how do you get traction how do you get things to go viral how do you then use that to generate support for your cause and support was generated was the. Founder of one of ukraines new media outlets. Just throw much good t. V. Knew very well how to make something go viral. It was his notorious Facebook Post on november 21st 2013 that brought the 1st crowds to my down yes in the south of the quit your bitching its difficult to put the list. If you dont read the newspaper you are uninformed if you read the newspaper you are misinformed. To deliver your message efficiently enough in the modern world with so many different technologies and means of communications you must embrace them all as the disturbing events of your own my don started on november 21st 20133 new t. V. Channels went on the air and suddenly became stunningly popular in ukraine spill no t. V. November 21st. T. V. Nov 22nd. T. V. 24th directly. From opposition protest these channels went viral supporting the protests and encouraging more and more people to come to my don. In your must so intellectually. Lets go on the other. 6 that only use the euro. Just like. You could. When you feel for you months like a miller was. And should. Be. The conclusion of zim each and then i mean. Its. Really. Up to. Me you stole the. Show but i was her need to look at the. Photo in up with. Her in the prism of whats better which is long look you mean business. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard. You see that ive got kids. And as a parent. I can come up with arguments and theres a lot of conflict within the game between the 2 and most of the complex i would say throw the balls around and. Close one on the childrens children is Good Business the state of california makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 25. 00 where. You dont care. Anything. With no let me just manufacture 0. 02 and stick to the public well. When the ruling class is protect themselves. When the final merry go round lifts and be the one percent. We can all middle of the room sick. Room real new. Problem in syria how it started and became exacerbated is probably because the United States and the Russian Federation both of them decided to deal with it at an arms length they allowed their regional allies to take care of things there are a number of opportunities. Where if they were seized and there were real serious attempts by moscow and washington to shoulder the problem and i was witness to a number of them and it could have been possible and would have shorten the war and would have saved a lot of life is no dont. Rub up with a lot of that comes out of a war that you dont have the set up one among them. A friday afternoon tea they tell you not the high. And i mean. That the set on montreal in front of the us and so on. So totally unknown to me a lot of the. In the. Back of the neck that here is someone i would do the board. Because. If. November 30th of 2013 became the 1st turning point of your mind down in one of its most reported and mysterious events the other then you must go. To some with you. When you want the poll what. It means thoughts are in the world like you are on google so though it was who wouldnt them which were to liberals always each of bottling a little know what would you know polish yeah you more be still but youre perfectly well you know for that some of your code youre with names. For in your chosen motion through the muscle would be machine for use of these routes of which the good will but you will know so could you tell us a little bit of process to carry us personal you will teach visiting their own quarters with you so but you wont because all. The flow books was a conscious shame for months if you look at them still still look but almost full foci just is not spittle which slow me i will continue to post those who. Remember but some. Dollars of spite or color through yup you do them as a rule just so you know. What i mean he was of some of them from the post also only a bonus thrown in about the canal it will take on no demons to deal with but. The thump of between after riot Police Attacked Peaceful Protesters with clubs happening in the early paying our eyewitnesses that were there said that the police did hes trying since were just going to put a blue post behold me pull. My done what d. C. Police is below me in the. Door bell pretty cussed at us when you add me to who is sure but i mean yet can him seal your bill puts you in your committee who is simply mean youre less seal or not will surely put on while you did. The queue for some of that and pretty much across the auckland you will somewhere was focus. To the poor will some go and get him but the glow of me is thoughts through sit here with him out of it all which can. Coincidentally sergei love again is a close associate to many us politicians. The Security Service of ukraine had evidence that on that night in was in contact with Opposition Leader yatsenyuk where they discussed the clearing of mind on the pretext of installing the annual Christmas Tree news media reported that the riot police cruelly attacked the students peacefully sleeping in their tents but scenes from the event seem to tell a different story it appears that the protesters were waiting for the police additionally there were dozens of journalists and cameramen from all the new public t. V. News outlets prepared to cover the events and most ominously a group of well trained young men arrived to mind on almost simultaneously with the riot police. They infiltrated the crowd and began provocations with insults stones and torches. The right sector in ukraine represents a part of the ukrainian population that has often favored Fairly Extreme right wing positions they had militias that came especially during the may den protest. There were groups that were being shipped into kiev where they would provide the muscle in effect for the demonstrations so the demonstrations went from being relatively peaceful political protests to be increasingly violent the 1st step in a new detective work is to establish. It is now said that sergei lovats skin is held in high esteem by his powerful u. S. Friends. Outraged by what was reported in the news the ukrainian people came out in force on the next day to vent their anger with the police actions. The violence started to take off when. Naturalised was rigged. With institute theyre not so old. T. V. What youre going to do when you put in the neo nazis. Of the. Middle east has. Been going to sleep was the less. I read that i mean that i mean now you. Know. I need to. Look at the shell and into the well as the white teeth but he just is the study of these thoughts that this is. What is the deal more. New will probably i. Have already. I mean yeah. I mean the. Spelling you go to. As a failed unmasked as the color revolutions can be an attentive viewer can see subtle patterns and similarities revealing their true nature. To make crowds act as one group they have to be united at the unconscious level the masterminds of color revolutions know this well and have perfected the art. Symbolism is one of the most powerful tools to achieve this and revolutionary political organizations with surprisingly similar names and even more similar logos have appeared time and again almost as omens marking the countries that would be hit by the colored plague next. They are often described as being aware and active. When theyre actually trained and. They are the ones who take the 1st shot literal and metaphorical to transform the peaceful protests into full blown. Their fingerprints can be found everywhere on the map of the color revolutions. Using all the experience of past generations simple but effective tools like catchy singalongs and chanting are laurie. Well known for exciting the crowd and creating a group identity. And make them easier to manipulate. Oh clear over the littlest look in your. Incidentally one such organization t. V. Receive generous donations from the dutch and u. S. Embassies as well as from the Renaissance Foundation and geo founded by george soros. I set up a foundation in ukraine before ukraine became independent of russia. And the foundation this me im functioning ever since and through the and the important part and events now. I like criticism but it must be my way. Did you see any evidence of u. S. Involvement did you feel the presence of the u. S. Just to me i stammered really put a statement in there said you know english thought of going to this me and live we live. But it is. Just. One way done but deals roll up its a solution given you know but often it india or honey but i mean you know all this shit is we have a list you know some of it you see and with that we did it in the way that we. Use this with. The members of congress were visiting ukraine during that period most famously congressman john mccain so some of the people who were challenging their government their elected government at that point were were being told by a senior u. S. Official a person who ran for president in a top official in the u. S. Congress that the u. S. Was with them and senator john mccain and its always a pleasure to be back in ukraine senator mccain was in a sense giving the people in the maidana feeling that they had the backing of the most powerful country on earth. This is about the future you want for your country this is a future you deserve. To have. Yeah. We need. You probably knew someone. Who is sure its. A conflict. Who is she is the what though it but if you just in is the idea which it is the. Who is that on the. British Rule Committee who issue. It if. They didnt. Yes should tell you. When you what do you want a piece is that in the. Political with the shit who is your highest level contact with the Us Government and its pretty. Close within them but i didnt use a president. To fill in the video water. Store those but didnt buy them and what he loved. Through it and the us ambassador. Will continue on the putting him well. At the which he is not with. He says the wall as the queer picture of. The socialist would stop. Him but its. Because they copy him hes so good that even said to be sending. Im not go to plug anybody and. Im here to find the next guy. Who looked up live on canyoning approving done the infernal to feed the dog she even dumped the attempt. To deflect some move for the c. E. O. To say to the deflection board are pretty safe. That is a god given that i got our premiums are. Going to go out about. That that you cant buy a gun you get nothing like a. Long long while and he goes along the bottom theres a playlist which i lived in chicago. And a one person and later today 100 gandhi the new normal im going to run the cities across the river to go to you then well mark you join you. On the local. Told us look. At us cholesterol a little ask him should ask for the last company and seeing and on monday for the batch. She. Gradually. Just chill just in the. Ocean. At least you. Know you care so sit on the opening much fame is just an act yeah no. Problem in syria its hard to. Became exacerbated because probably because the United States and the Russian Federation both of them decided to deal with it at an arms length. The regional allies to take care of things through a number of opportunities therefore if they were seized and there were really serious attempts by moscow in motion from to shoulder problems and i was witness to a number of them and it could have been possible and would have shorten the war and would have saved a lot of lives theres no doubt. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask heat and as a parent. I can come up with lots of arguments and theres a lot of conflict in the games between the teams most of the conflict i would say over balls around money and most of that money is made. Close one on each of those he knows each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of prison complex just to get some 20 a life where. You dont care and cares about your so you dont care about anything. In the United States democrats demand protection for the whistleblower at the heart of the trump impeachment inquiry dramatic departure from the way other kids have been treated. For people in india and around the world 150 years since the birth of Mahatma Gandhi seen as an icon of nonviolent resistance posters of his image defaced in some regions celebration. And flashing the ok hand gesture is apparently not always ok its now branded a hate symbol. Of the sack in the u. S. Its also fired up debate here. You can find it ok so. You search for the. Ok the problem is that the symbol has become

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