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Said theres been our best a lack of candor no worse to cover up yet they still will marks out their legal liability. American basketball faces a backlash from one of its biggest ordinances and sources of cash theres anger in china over a tweet in support of protesters in hong kong plus. I could go rails in violent clashes over cuts or feel subsidies a correspondent from our spanish channel is caught in the middle of protests. Very welcome to you youre watching r. T. International with me nikki areas great to have you with us now. We start with a developing story. Iran now warning that turkey warning turkey against a military operation in northeastern styria calling for an korea to respect syrias sovereignty to ron joins a chorus of concerned voices which also includes european officials turkey has reportedly already conducted and artillery strikes in northeastern syria according to local media it comes hours after washington announced it was pulling its troops out of the area and prison also been deploying military hardware along this border with syria on monday video emerged apparently showing American Military vehicles leaving 2 of its outposts until recently washington had around 150 military personnel stationed kurds in the region are outraged with some leaders saying they will curse the us as traitors heres just a taste of what they think about chunks decision. Will serve as a human shield a nice story lou im not alone in the aggression against this region when we defeated terrorists as you called yourself. And what it was seen as the coalition is letting us down were hearing constant threats coming from turkey and complete silence on the part of the world now why do you been displaced and suffered a lot by. Have until recently been drilled to save his own. Intimidations and a part of turkey its an acceptable is a way to keep keeps threatening us. President trying to pass justify the move and threatened reprisals this ancora steps out of line in syria. Weve been in syria for many years you know syria was supposed to be a short term hit just a very short term hit we were supposed to be in and out that was many many years ago and we only have 50 people in that area thats a small sector and i dont want those 50 people hurt or killed or anything i dont want anything bad to happen our people and i told that to president early on i said dont hared any of any of our people get hurt if turkey does anything out of what they should be doing we will hit them so hard in the economy and career has responded to trump throughout saying it wont bow to u. S. Economic pressure and that home dont trump found himself in hot water with both democrats and republicans launching scathing attacks on him over his latest decision on syria as aussies in the polls. Standing in between the turkish an s. D. F. Fighters was not a fight to win or a benefit for the United States why because theyre both friends and allies of the usa so if you support one side youre inevitably betraying the other its a perfect no win scenario and for his decision to abandon the kurds donald trump is already taking a hit so the kurds stepped up when nobody else would defy isis if we abandon good luck getting any help america in the future will radical islam alqaeda and i says the kurds are now aligned with the stars because they have nobody to count on cause we abandon them so this is a win for on a minute when prices the president s decision to withdraw u. S. Forces from Northern Syria is a deeply Disturbing Development that betrays i would analyze well have been instrumental prognosis you know a mission to eradicate isis we must always have the backs of all allies if we expect them to have our back the kurds were instrumental in our successful fight against isis in syria leaving them to die is a big mistake losing the reputation as a reliable partner is the main concern after all nobody wants to partner up with a backstabber so we decided to ask new yorkers if they think that donald trump is taking the right moves should the usa have pulled out of syria so suddenly i do not support anything donald trump supports hell flip hell flip flop just like you know his does honestly i dont think we should be there. Somebody is going to suffer we stay there they suffer we leave they suffer the snow we have reason to stab them in the back weve helped them as much as we possibly can and that some point they have to be able to stand on her own 2 feet syria you think its too soon. Probably i just think theres a lot of hypocrisy. To doctors in the u. K. Were aware that donated blood from the United States in the 1970000 eightys could have been infected with hiv. It was exposed when the minutes of meetings of high level doctors back then were obtained by several u. K. Media outlets now we talked to jason evans the founder of the functor 8 independent Hemophilia Group who told us the story of his family. My father was born with hemophilia which is a manageable bleeding disorder and he like thousands of others was given this factor 8 medication he himself was infected with both hepatitis c. And. When i was 4 years old in 1903 he died of those infections and so thats kind of been the thing that spurred me in to beginning to campaign on this issue into research into it well i 1st asked for these documents from the guardian births in n. H. S. Trusts many many months ago and initially the trust refused to provide me with the document in question so i had to go to the Information Commissioners Office who stepped in and the i. C. A. O. Did promise them to eventually release the document to me however the 1st time that the trust gave me the document i know is that 2 pages were missing from it so then had to go back to the i. C. A. O. Saying you know theyve theyve missed out 2 pages here and i did eventually get those 2 missing pages and i was told by the trust that that was due to an admin error if we choose to believe thats true and it was on those 2 pages that were originally missing that this revelation was in there and 2017 jason evans initiated a Public Inquiry into the case he claims key files are still missing according to the latest report from the u. K. Government 30000 people were infected with hiv and hepatitis by donated blood from the us in the seventys and eightys well that led to hundreds of early deaths while the exact figure is still not clear. The u. K. Government expressed its condolences to the victims and their families calling the case the tragedy that should have never happens it also says that all thirtys are open and ready to help with the inquiry jason evans doubts though that there will be any real assistance from the government i dont think the government the department of health of really move this forward at all in recent times the bizarre situation were in now is of course victims and families say this is a scandal or lawyers say its a scandal Civil Servants ive spoken to say its a scandal weve got 2 former Health Ministers to say its a cover up the important point here is the department of how the opening hearings of this inquiry said theres been our best a lack of candor and at worst a cover up yet they still will not accept their legal liability despite saying that so were in a situation where they kind of make the right noises but the action just isnt there to back what theyre saying and i think its time for that to change. Families and victims have been seeking justice for decades marty has a feature length report on the case and you can watch bad blood on our web site r. T. Dot com. Its too early to say the anti mosque law is not affective state hong kongs chief executive can rely on adding that it usually takes time for new legislation to get the desired result this comes after a long weekend of violence in the city that stretched into monday night. It was. It was it was thank. Her her. Meantime a tweet from a basketball executive in the u. S. In support of Anti Government protests in hong kong has sparked an uproar in china and the countrys state broadcaster c. C. T. V. Has Just Announced it will not to add the National Basketball association is games that this week the tweet us has been deleted but not for golson as dawn quarter explains. Activism is in nowadays and american big business is always trying to stay on top of the latest trend is that something i need to change. And Sexual Harassment but she says. It isnt just. The. So when the manager of the Houston Rockets Basketball Team posted stand with hong kong on twitter it was nothing out of the ordinary right or wrong his bosses clearly didnt support his political viewpoint because the n. B. A. Threw him right under the bus we recognize that the views expressed by Houston Rockets general manager general mori have deeply offended many of our friends and fans in china which is regrettable it wasnt long before more he himself had a change of heart ive had lots of junior since that tweet to his inconsiderate of the perspectives i have always appreciated the significant support of our chinese friends and sponsors i would hope that those who are upset will know the defending will miss understanding them was not my intention so why the 180 all of a sudden it could have something to do with a 1500000000 dollar contract signed not long ago by the n. B. A. And a Major Chinese tech company its called 10 cent and it broadcasts basketball games in the hundreds of millions of chinese homes last year more people watch the n. B. A. In china than there are even People Living in the United States with such a Huge Consumer base china hasnt only landed morry in hot water one of my key issue designers recently made a post supporting hong kong protesters on instagram the Company Received intense backlash. In china where they eventually pulled the designer shoes off the market but marriott made a similar mistake when it listed taiwan tibet and hong kong as separate countries on its website beijing shut that site down and the marry up issued an apology starting trouble with china and its elephant sized market might have become a dangerous business practice in the u. S. But the n. B. A. Is brave enough to snub an invitation from the white house with trump entrenched in it i dont want to go because. I mean thats kind of. The the nucleus of my belief and i think for is there for us not just me going to the way i was there was this would be a pretty short conversation but its i guess it is the organization is the team i guess we know who is leading in this trade war. This is Nazi International filth economy europe for my Current Crisis the tragedy wont go away. What politicians do so. They put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Or something want to be thats. What you going to be for us this is what the 3 of them cant be good. Interested in the why is it that. This should. Seem wrong. But i. Just dont. Get me. Yet to see. This day become active. And engaged with equals betrayal. When something find themselves worlds apart. Just of the common ground. Because this long see the blood of them so more in. Your local was before. Much of those who heard its a very. Similar north we go were going to. Move but it. Will show you just look beautiful the militants good looking good. More muslim also these girls good youve gone through good girls. Dont go to shows from the pollute the same you believe its good to go. To starts to. Get to meet until it was a little the most debt ceiling it is its. Just not a chance to just move to the mashed old truck stop the president and please control his project until. You have produced you dont listen to snoop on the time you have because that is the cousin with you sir your supporters to your sheep station shouldnt for you should cut off the one whos your designer. Welcome back ecuador has shut down 3 or oil fields because of ongoing protests in the country tension has been building since the governments move to scrap fuel subsidies which is resulted in price hikes for goods. Thank you. And the latest wave of protests started throwing demonstrators clashed with police who responded with tear gas and rubber bullets around 500 people have been arrested since the latest thank you president let me move when i have to credit 2 months state emergency claims actually that was former leader but head of another south American Country venezuela this countrys problems. The tyrant who along with korea that destabilization. There the corrupt people who filed the food stamps and just disclose known as make them. The ones behind this its time to do it is hard but the sunday president moran i also said that the government is currently relocating from quito to the city of guayaquil more than 400 kilometers south of the capital and ill take correspondent from our spanish chart also 1st hand how protests quickly escalate the area still heavy here we have tear gas and smoke this is the aftermath of whats just happened here massive clashes between protesters and the Ecuadorian Police the protesters mainly students they started peacefully in the early hours of the morning but around midday and in a split 2nd they turned violent. That was healing. Our team was affected by sound bombs and tear gas and flying rocks were a constant threat after 3 hours of violent clashes between protesters and police the streets of quito looked more like who. Brought bottles and tear gas cottages scattered everywhere so these definitely been violent. And heavy protests that people we spoke to were telling us this is just the beginning they waiting for the biggest protests to happen on wednesday thats when Indigenous Leaders from all around the country are going to come here to the capital and theyre going to protest next to the president ial palace. Later off the French National rally Party Marine Le Pen has called for an immigration free claiming their friendship is thinking the true dont have undergone the my garments had long grudge tolerating and naturalizing around the clock shows that nothing is under control any longer urgently need to end this pillaging of our country which is happening in part due to lax immigration policy we are demanding a freeze on immigration because the friendship is sinking. You have chosen to make migrants the scapegoat for the countrys problems the migrants rather than the financier who plungers our country taxes not disputable in 2018 france registered 123000 asylum applications the french Prime Minister we heard from there also says they could be soon they could soon be on quotas for the number of new arrivals present mccloughan earlier added weight this claiming france that shouldnt be too attractive for immigrants should the defense case takes up the story. All around you can get a sense of the number of people who are living here this is salt in need a commune in the northern suburb of paris and its estimated that there are around 3000 migrants currently living in the northern parts of paris many are living in these makeshift tents that are provided by so say sions they rely on food handouts just to survive the stress of living on the edge can be explosive in entering camps can be dangerous even for those who are there to offer help now what weve done today is weve asked if we can come in and weve been given permission to film as long as we dont show any faces now some charitable organizations have also been raising the alarm over the situation here saying it evokes memories of the height of the crisis back in 2015 a cataclysmic situation even in 2015 at the height of the migrant crisis we never had such a big spike. And these are some of the fears that have been shared by locals the mayor is doing Everything Possible hes working on the situation but unfortunately at the governmental level it is taking too long. And lot of things are going on here there is fear i see a lot of things people are going mad and there is a lot of aggression i find this very sad that our government accepted these people and left them on the streets and polls show a significant percentage of the french feel that there are too many foreigners in france its half way through his presidency and its already an issue that mccall is getting tough on in what many see is an attempt to stop voters drifting to parties such as marking the pens National Rally and we are increasingly getting waves of immigration. Because everyone young people. But the problem with Illegal Immigrants is not only a french problem its something that the whole of the e. U. Is trying to grapple with and while the countries are struggling to find a workable solution there are more warnings coming up we have to help our European Partners even more in patrolling the use external borders we have left them alone for too long if we dont we will once again see a refugee wave like into into 15 maybe even greater than 4 years ago his solution to that is to strengthen patrols on the e. U. s external borders but thats going to have little impact on the situation already at hand in places like this like some tinny camps like this have been regularly demolished by the french authorities yet within days of that happening the tents and the migrants return theyve been subjected to gangs and drug dealers out to profit from their misery and thats exactly what this is. This is a life of misery a life of constantly living on the edge all while e. U. Countries wrangle over figures and numbers rather than perhaps facing the human calamity that its so clear to see. The. Bunch. Of them are going to. Gaza and. 8 people have been injured in central germany after a stolen truck slammed into cars at traffic lights in a small town one person remains in a Critical Condition after the incident on monday the trucks owner claims that he was forced out of the vehicle before it sped away soon after it was it was slammed into cars waiting at a stop lights near a Railway Station in the town of limburg crushing them together prosecutors have confirmed the arrest of a 32 year old syrian man or Security Services of a portably investigating the incident as a terror attack. Afghan and u. S. Forces have reportedly killed a top taliban commander in an air strike in the east of afghanistan it follows Donald Trumps withdrawal from peace talks with the militant group last month and a series of terror attacks that have rocked the country in recent days at least 10 people were killed and 27 wounded when a bomb struck a minibus carrying army recruits in jalalabad on monday its not clear who was behind the attack with both the taliban and islam mixtape active in the area last month a u. S. Drone strike targeting Islamic State in the province killed at least 30 civilians. That what do they do this were not with islam they went to war we dont. And you got a prince and the comics a damn body parts are going to start. The day after that on the 2nd night the u. S. And i will says it wants to lose it and bought all of these my family members bring to them my brothers in fife and my cousin with. The other one my father went to harvest pine nuts but john skilled my Little Brothers crying for him thats coming. Up on the end of my coworkers work feel i was left injured there were over 200. 00 people all workers would come to earn money i still knew the telegraph or know at least 1. 00 extent militants but the phone just. Last. To the one i did but it got one up and want the americans here in afghanistan they should leave because they are liars still they see they can see small things from the air so why couldnt they tail on the militants from the workers. And learn to just want our government to bring us peace we dont need and announce. You could have your say on all of our stories by following us on social media live in your comments that will be back at the top of the hour with the latest headlines. Oh yes. And the connection to mom im glad samson asked for the last company and seeing and on the best day for the match from. Christian. Branson just. Just in the. Green zone teaching mom. And im going to go so sit on the open much to me mama its just that. You know world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slam. Door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight. For the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. And there are 14006. 00 i was substituting for a 5th grade class all of sudden thats kids come bursting in a library really agitated one of the boys to the health room and on the way he collapsed the next morning was denied denied tonight we were not spraying anything. The teachers had actually gone out and taken pictures when all this chaos was going on the school and students were being and they were spraying right in the fields right adjacent to. A follow up study was done on that 32. 00 page study the last 4 pages or the chemicals that they have found. We have shown an association between organophosphate exposure as measured by those metabolites in the mothers urine during pregnancy and shortened just station abnormal neonatal reflexes decreased Mental Development in the children and 2 years of age decreased i. Q. At age 7 and 10 years of age pervasive developmental disorder which is like. Symptoms. Attention problems in schooling age poor executive functioning in preadolescents and we have also shown that there are some populations of people that might be more affected than others i have virtue of their genetics. Hurting our kids from chemicals is a common sense thing that everybody can get beehives leave points to examples in recent years of so

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