A synagogue the suspect has been arrested. Other thanks for joining us this is r. T. International. Turkey has followed up with a ground offensive against kurdish groups and Islamic State terrorists in syria comes after a 1st phase of airstrikes on 2 towns in the north of the country mohamad her son witnessed the initial assault. You know im with all of them near us now from here i can hear turkish fighter jets flying behind my back i just got an urgent message that the eastern part of the town commish lee was attacked 3 mortar shells know by turkish former here near. Locals are very concerned about whats happening its quite possible that civilians will start leaving this area its expected that thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands of civilians make flee so the operation by turkey has indeed begun but no concrete action is being taken by the International Coalition or Syrian Democratic. Video shows thousands of locals fleeing the area following the launch of the Turkish Operation the Syrian Democratic forces say 5 civilians have been killed in the offensive earlier would also accuse anchor of deliberately targeting civilian areas. Operation peace spring as its known was it out still in the week after the u. S. Pulled out of syria likely jacket discuss the implications for the r. T. C. Gets done. Turkey has been portraying this as Something Like an Anti Terrorist operation they have been threatening with it constantly repeatedly over and over again now this is has finally happened and heres how president gunn talked about it the Turkish Forces together with the Syrian National omi Just Launched operation peace bring against p. K. Kyi p. G. And terrorists in Northern Syria a mission is to prevent the creation of a terror a corridor or across our southern border and to bring peace to the area well so far we know about 2 towns that the airstrikes have been launched against this is the russell and teller towns and again it is not a coincidence that as peaking in the y. P. G. Kurdish military groups in the same sentence in the same context as diversion Islamic State these groups are designated terrorists so thats why it portrays the operation the way does tell what kind of reaction have we seen from the kurds about that well obviously theyre not happy about being branded as terrorists and theyre saying that this whole operation is a disaster there is saying that civilians are being targeted and in fact that people in panic that people in those cities are in panic his the official statement by the as the lets get it were ready to confront and respond to all kinds of attacks that could be launched against us because our minorities african religious groups to come together as one soul and raise our voices against turkish attacks the young people have a great responsibility and role in confronting attacks by the turkish state but ankara basically wants to do there it doesnt want any connections between the kurds in turkey and the kurds in syria so it aims at establishing and about 30 kilometer wide buffer zone just to prevent the kurds in syria from you know talking so to speak to the kurds in turkey and also theyre aiming at v. Seeing those people who are the residents of those towns of red and residents in that buffer zone lets take a few steps back what has led up to the launch of this operation well apart from the general you know hatred from turkey towards the kurds and the kurdish recent prosody towards ankara i should say the actions of the United States because the United States throughout the syrian war they have been saying theyve been telling the kurds that they are their biggest allies that they are their force on the ground they have been relying on the kurds heavily and the kurds have been counting that the United States wont let anything happen to them and very often United States troops they literally put their bodies between the Turkish Military and the Kurdish Military to prevent any bloodshed essentially whats happened now the choice of those 2 towns of russell ein and tell of it is no coincidence these are the exact 2 towns the United States with drew its troops from the kurds they even for instance trying to prevent the attack from happening the United States advised them advise them they put down dismantle all their fortifications in the region so they did still there didnt help still the United States decided to withdraw its troops to allow turkey to move in the Russian Foreign minister for instance or. Picked up on such behavior to produce its hard to say whats wrong with americas actions in syria but they are riddled with contradictions and exhibits the impossibility of negotiating with washington donald trump claimed he would withdraw u. S. Troops from syria and other countries but after taking office hes gone back on those promises and my guess is it will be the same this time around such a frivolous approach can aggravate tensions in the entire region and so must be avoided as weve repeatedly told the us this thought it understood that nothings changed. Seems even within the United States political establishment there has been little support to Donald Trumps decision to pull those troops out of but. As mentioned the history of as well theres a long long history of the americans abandoning the kurds in fact they put together a report on just that so lets have a look it seemed impossible sounded like crazy talk and yet it happened a moment of unity between republicans and democrats as they both condemned americas disloyalty to its kurdish allies the person who United States is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven this is crazy. Which allies in syria or elsewhere in the middle east will fully trust the word of President Trump in the future the thing all of these politicians pundits and channels seem to forget though is that the kurds i used to waking up to a groundhog day of american betrayal the only difference is that its been going on for more than half a century and hasnt been funny at all. In the fiftys and early sixtys the cia pushed the kurds to revolt against baghdad as part of their efforts to overthrow their leader a bill karim kassim eventually he was toppled by a coupe but the new ruler wasnt a big fan of ideal of kurdish independence so he bombed them into submission bombed with napalm kindly provided by the United States. The kurds seem to either have a short memory or a forgiving heart because in the 70s the us was back on their good side iraq and iran were involved in a border dispute and washington was covered the supplying the minority with weapons. Once again pitching them against baghdad but then iraq and iran kissed and made up and all of a sudden the kurds were on their own being blown to pieces as they are supposed transatlantic Guardian Angel was watching idly even the americans at the time admitted that keeping their involvement under wraps was simply no excuse this policy was not imparted to our clients who were encouraged to continue fighting here in the context of covert action ours was a cynical enterprise hoovered action should not be confused with missionary work. Fast forward to the eightys and for the us it was the golden decade of big hair metallic umma dawn and m. T. V. For the kurds it was well just another decade of more u. S. Betrayal in the late eightys Saddam Hussein unleashed his chemical arsenal against them an atrocity looking bound to draw the wrath of the worlds policeman but it was still a long time before saddam was to turn from friend to full so american wrath didnt go further than statements like these we want to maintain good political and economic relations with iraq but the issue of chemical weapons gets in the way of that. In 2003 it looked like the u. S. Was finally ready to make amends for its decades of forsaking the kurds helping them was among the pretexts for the invasion of iraq but then even in washington many took such goals with a pinch of salt but the kurds have every reason to believe or think that they will be betrayed again by the United States or softening the person in fact the spectacle of our inviting turks in to this war youre trying to bribe them into it could not have been reassuring to the kurds even under the turks of. For trial against betraying the kurds that is your point yeah surely your point isnt that because we betrayed them in the past we should betray them this time and i think we should just we will we will not will not yes they did in 2007 the us let turkey have its way with the kurdish rebels in iraq as ankara launched a lethal bombing raid against them this is of course nowhere near a full list by 2019 america had left the kurds for dead a few more times both in iraq and syria. American traditions go beyond partisan lines america loves having turkey on thanksgiving going to the Pumpkin Patch for halloween and launching fireworks on the 4th of july screwing the kurds over is nothing but a decades long political tradition for america and they will abide by it be the democrat or republican. Were joined on the line now live by allowing a trial shes a british born kurdish activist also interesting near former u. K. Parliamentary candidate for the labor party very good evening to you. Weve heard the story that possibly millions of kurds in the targeted area there have been claims just out of the moment claims of civilian casualties how worried are you by this operation of turkeys. I mix good evening im extremely worried about this operation this is one of the worst humanitarian crisis of the 21st century we are talking about displacement and effectively genocide of innocent kurdish civilians innocent communities within that region so it is absolutely terrifying to know how you know the communities are feeling as they are continually being bombarded by the turkish offensive. Donald trump threaten to quote obliterate turkeys economy. Ticky goes off limits and the further explanation of that was if they did anything that was not humane do you have any confidence that the United States would step in to defend the kurds. The United States unfortunately. I mean donald trump has made the unilateral decision to give a green light to turkey so any confidence in rating turkey within the house and the congress in terms of the unity between the republicans and democrats. Unfortunately there is no confidence in trumps words in terms of supporting you know the kurdish population at this moment of time do you consider that u. S. Withdrawal of forces a betrayal of the kurds as a lot of people have did discuss described it and could it have been seen coming. I mean there is a carriage saying that there is no friends but the mountains however whilst its a betrayal of the kurds i think its if we think about the wider picture its also a betrayal of the you know if the Security Council the issue that we thats raised here is by withdrawing and allowing the green light for turkey to go on an offensive what youre causing is instability in terms of destabilizing the whole region and also allowing them prompting the resurgence of isis you mention isis as i understand it. The Kurdish Forces theyre actually responsible for. Keeping in line thousands of isis former isis fighters are now prisoners and family members i dont know why they have that responsibility but presumably this is going to affect their ability to do that. Absolutely i mean so i think thats demonstrable of the amount of trust and loyalty that the Kurdish Security forces and the actual citizens have provided in aiding the coalition which is why its come across as such a big betrayal of the kurds to allow a turkish offensive the problem is now you know the kurds have always been on the defensive but now they know they must defend themselves and their families which means that unfortunately they may not be able to police the camps that hold isis and the isis prisoners and also you know there are reports that actually within the camps there are some rebellions you know some isis rebellions going on so unfortunately the Security Threat is there for then raised and you know it is now going to cause a big vacuum and a significant problem in terms of security in terms of military strength how well equipped are the kids to meet head on the forces where could they look where could because look to for any kind of support. Well the kurds have always been on the defensive it must be noted that the weapons and the Financial Support that was provided to the s. D. F. Was limited in supply only for the battle against isis this is been verified by top american diplomats so in terms of how well and equipped they are they are not well equipped they were they are victims which is why its being described as a genocide you know they are not equipped to go into war with a nato country and which is why this unilateral military action has been condemned there is a theres a Security Council meeting tomorrow the u. K. Has made their position clear in that they want to ensure that theres an approval from the United Nations to implementor no fly zone because of the fact that the kurds are not equipped to deal with isis and also a nato you know nato force. During the chaos. Really appreciate you calling us anything to get you to this story line a try she is my guest is british born kurdish activist former u. K. Parliamentary candidate it is well. Thank you. Thousands of people are protesting against austerity in the capital of ecuador now a 6 day earlier the government in quito relocated to the countrys 2nd city that was amid a rest and clashes protests were triggered by the removal of fuel subsidies part of a loan deal with the International Monetary fund and demonstrators come from poor and indigenous communities from across the protests themselves became violent protesters surveillance of cocktails and stones at the authorities the Police Responded with tear gas also hitting our correspondent. He reports from the midst of the investigator. I dont even want to bring return to that right now in an absolute chaos there is down hundreds and thousands of 1st texas lets try and get closer to the front line just just a few feet away its the president ial palace its heavily on. Military and Police Forces these protests to try to get there just 2 minutes ago while i was doing a live show you that were spanish version we dont hit by tear gas and thats what weve been seeing all day the protesters. Stones bricks just like the. Police firing back with tear gas with sound bombs its a situation of extreme tension in the streets. Just to give you an idea of. Suspended any activity in the city center they say its not safe for doctors and for ambulances instead who got crews all volunteers that are just taking the dozens and dozens of wounded people. Bus stops and treating them there so its actually pretty shocking as you mentioned these protests. 30 years that were implemented by the government. Included scrapping the subsidies so do you know. Gasoline. And that has triggered these protests the monday we had the students then on tuesday we had been degenerates communities today they will move together they join together in the same kinds of thousands of people taking out that exclusive so a couple of minutes ago we also didnt let in moreno was actually want to kill but he just landed here apparently because he wanted to monitor the situation on the ground but well hes going to say you know what hes going to hit this message. Group post his government his ministers and say the measures that you mentioned came out there with the i. M. F. 4200000000. 00. That struggling with that. The people in the government is going to say banks and big business instead of the people and thats why with these people protest in 3 days this week theres massive protests 2 this is a National Strike and what weve seen here on the front line is absolute chaos in clashes between the protesters and the Police Forces that have been tear gas with smoke its practically on bearable. And this is definitely not the end. Only all post true local time and they promise to stay here till till dusk maybe even tomorrow so this is just the beginning of a lot its promising to be a tragic day and for those history. Ok im joined now on the line by Daniel Schorr whos a professor of latin american studies at the City University of new york the new we weve come to the situation. On the streets now clearly people extremely unhappy about where they think any money coming in is going. But yet theres been a lot of support from neighboring countries for the president limiter a no why is this situation so different from what we saw in venezuela and the lack of support the madeira got. Here thats 100 percent correct the countries in latin america that aligned with the u. S. Very quickly supported lenin moreno in the neo liberal agenda supports come from to win. And. Its the classic playing out of class forces in latin america this is not the 1st time certainly that the. World Bank Intervention has sparked massive revolt against austerity measures weve seen this in jamaica in the Dominican Republic in haiti and across the region. Radio was cool mocking you used the term drone be mocking you know the countrys workers and poor as they are described by the countrys elite was not a huge folk part that shows these completely out of touch. Yeah the words on the no can also be translated as is moron in the echo to ecuador in parlance and it shows it leaning more to know who many people have crossed latin american the world the calling the great betrayer has. Sold out this cause in the words of. One of his greatest mistakes was his confidence and interest in many more and was betrayed the 17000000 people of this Indian Nation a country thats a majority Indigenous People a vast majority workers in peasants and thats why were seeing hundreds of thousands of people in the streets of in quiet kill in throughout the country. The president s. You know the no these are tough economic measures but theyre going to balance the budget is going to set us on a but to try could do you have any faith in one. Thats what theyve been saying for decades and decades to poor people throughout the 3rd world that while the oppressed countries across the world this 4. 00 to 4200000000. 00 package this pact with the devil if you will is going to be cruel to the everyday workers as weve seen their wages have already been cut as of october 1st the fuel subsidies and weve seen what was also a predictable response with the everyday people of ecuador coming into the streets and saying no and theres also as we speak big showdown as in quiet kill where the right wing neo liberal mayor has supported linnean moreno who had to go into hiding there basically because theres such a. Popular uproar against his policies. From the government survive this uprising. Yeah thats the 1000000. 00 question were going to have to wait and see how it plays out. A lot of conspiracy theories are coming from twitter in the office of leaning more in trying to say that this is Rafael Correa in brussels and nicolas more rule caracas who are behind it hes never addressed his deals with the i. M. F. With the worlds elites so right now were seeing a showdown in the playing out of the different class forces with each respective government in the region lining up either with the people of ecuador and. By east as it was called before or lining up with the government of ecuador so the lines are drawn in the next 72 hour we should be critical. Appreciate you coming on thanks to analysis done shows my guest is professor of latin american studies at the City University of new york. Now moving on german interior minister hor say hoffa has described the shootings around the city of hama as an anti semitic attack 2 people have been confirmed killed 27 year old shooter allegedly shown in this video at the moment of one attack has now been arrested on shooting occurred outside a synagogue another at a combat shop there are also reports of a grenade being thrown at a Jewish Cemetery police have now reduced the threat level but still mourning locals to be careful. The shooter streamed his attack on the twitch platform he also used an anti semitic slur in a video that was posted before the incident you may find this video coming up now disturbing. National and world politicians have expressed their condolences minute of silence has been held at the European Parliament israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attack and called it a sign of growing anti semitism in europe chancellor Angela Merkel attended a vigil at the berlin synagogue honoring the victims of the shooting our correspondent evangelos cips us was there. People behind me here have gathered in the front of the new synagogue in berlin not to celebrate the holiest day in the jewish calendar but to stand in solidarity with the victims of earlier shooting in holly germany 3 shootings took place earlier on wednesday leaving some people that and many more injured one in front of a synagogue the other i dont local kabob house and the other one was about 15 kilometers away in the nearby town called landsberg. 1 pm local time and is believed to have opened fire and killing a man and a woman and during many more it is believed that the perpetrators also threw a grenade at a nearby jew which cemeteries eyewitnesses who have seen the pick for the suspects believed that they were wearing combat clothes some more like helmets vests and they were carrying multiple guns with them area is still on high alert as well as many Jewish Community centers and synagogues across the nation the attacks are believed to be from right wing extremists this comes after 2 more incidents took place earlier this month with the one a jewish man was attacked with a walk on his head and the 2nd one at the synagogue right behind me where a 23 year old armed with a knife tried to storm into the synagogue but was arrested by police this is no strange the police the sins of jewish communities have raised their concerns about Security Issues for this upcoming holiday. Chris phillips former head of the case National Counterterrorism Security Office says the fact the attacks took place on the jewish holiday could be significant. Just one day a year that could have been chosen but of course it is significant we often see terrorist attacks take place on significant occasions religious education and i suppose you will soon find out who the suspects are to the people of the. But the fact that it. Has been attacked as well tends to lend to this is probably some something of the right wing extremism that its on this well theres always the possibility of prevention but that comes from a good intelligence work and clearly does not always going to be successful the interesting point here is that synagogues do take security seriously and and i think the fact that they are. Aware of the dangers that they face when there are a prayer except are probably prevented lots of deaths and. Finally to france where farms in the wrong have been banned from selling their produce thats after a major fire occurred at a local Chemical Plant the farmers are now seeking compensation from the government. Is over with weve been affected by the cloud of smoke from the lubrizol factory at the moment weve suspended the production harvest of my vegetables because of this cloud because we dont know what substances infiltrated the soil. He was at risk of the day of the blaze they told us that there was no danger that all would be fine and there was no problem and 3 days after i found the local governments to create banning all sales and commercialisation of our Food Products in the specifics. You could not so after the blaze of lubrizol on september 26th i throw away between 10. 1800 liters of milk every day where do one thing thats almost related to brazils maybe are recovered by the status or the sure. Appreciate you staying with me here on r. T. International this evening news updates on our top stories in off about. 6 geysers bilateral survival guide. When customers go buy your supplies. In elf well reducible our. Thats undercutting but whats good for market is not good for the global economy

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