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Scheduled to impose even more tariffs on 250000000000. 00 worth of chinese goods but analysts and experts are saying that they wont be surprised if every single product export import from both countries are tariffs so there will be some scheduled to be added next week whether or not theyll actually be added who knows because weve seen this before when President Trump says that its been a successful week or time of talks he later comes out and imposes more tariffs so its really unpredictable but earlier today vice premier li did say that hes come with great sincerity and ready to make certain exchanges and mike pence yesterday said that that hes really really ready to see where this goes but they here agrees completely with President Trumps trade policies take a listen to what he said. The chinese Senior Leadership will be here meeting with our team at the white house were encouraged to soybean purchases that have taken place in just the last few weeks but the American People. I believe know that this is a president thats fighting. For agricultural fighting for manufacturing and were going to continue to stand strong with china until they address the. The really fundamental structural issues that have worked against the interest of the American People when a chinese have said that theyve agreed and they have been purchasing more Agricultural Products right now i think its more even kraig even more critical time because trump a seeking reelection and the farmers the urban cities this is where he got some huge votes of farmers have been disappointed over whats happened with this trade or china was their number one soybean agricultural were talking about the 2 Worlds Largest economies but there are people that are hopeful that there are you know because its such a critical time theyll make some sort of a partial deal and it looks like the chinese and the u. S. May be getting there but again weve seen this before a successful talk and then here come our tariff so it wouldnt be a surprise if president does issue those new tariffs next week ok so were getting a maybe lets turn to alex behala bitch in toronto alex youre in canada which has been at the center of the dispute between the 2 nations china and the u. S. Centering on huawei because the court case going on there but as this trade war continues there might be some relief in sight for the company President Trump has signaled that hes prepared to allow for sales of u. S. Goods to wildly under certain allowances whats the latest on that. What we basically will be able to do business with some American Companies which some people would say is a big step forward considering that President Trump put a ban on the Company Earlier this year now this is all to move towards what President Trump was talking about last week about some licensing so actually giving licenses to companies that have applied for licenses so this is not necessarily new whats new here is that these licenses will now be handed out hopefully sooner than later in this process started back in june when president 1st mentioned this whole licensing thing that there were some companies could get exemptions. Work around the ban and in august or up to august the end of august i should say 130 companies had applied for these licenses so obviously theres a lot of interests to do work with while away of course theyre talking about nonsense that have goods when the American Government says that what it means is goods that wont be are can somehow get into what theyre accusing wall way of doing as well as other countries of using their equipment for spying and that theyre tightly tied to the Chinese Government while way of course is time and time again said theyre a tech company they have nothing to do with the Chinese Government and lets face it theyre the number one Telecom Company in the world so for us companies its probably very important to be on board with the wall ways and to push forward and make some money and alex you are there in canada where the case of the rested weiwei executive men one who continues to roil you canada china relations whats the latest on that. Was you know daniel was you know was arrested last december 1st here in canada shes still being held under house arrest here and now we just got through a round of hearings here in canada it was all about her lawyers pushing for the america for the canadian government to open the books they basically want to know what documentation was available to them because their claim claiming that her rights have been abused here in canada that they can any government went above what should be the legal limits to getting the information they wanted and to share that with the United States so these round of hearings as you can imagine the lawyers are still hard at work here but they really pertain and a lot of this comes to what could be happening in january which is the the extradition hearing the u. S. Wants or expects or died in and to face trial in the u. S. For dealing with iran as you know theres the u. S. Has sanctions up against iran and some of the information that has come out both during this latest round of hearings is very important and in particular its dealings. Documents that the Royal Canadian mounted police had. Sent technical identification documents to the f. B. I. This is what the the crime attorneys are to say the Defense Attorneys are saying which shows some type of cold luzhin the word that weve used in the past and work shows the canadian American Governments working closely for some canadians that you know may be going beyond the measures that the canadian government and the r. C. M. P. Should have done this is something that the Defense Attorneys are arming themselves with or waiting that trial that whole period is going to start january eagle aidid tales from correspond in toronto star montoyas deal day here in washington thank you both so much for your indepth reporting. And for more on todays market moving events we are joined by david to calvin mcalpin financial david welcome back to this show 1st of all i want to get anyone to be with you and i 1st of all i want to get your reaction to the markets from todays apis ode of the trump trade reality show and also catch up with a bit of news here from Deutsche Bank earlier in the week put out an analysis that said stamp that the manufacturing slowdown continues which is likely unless theres a deescalation in trade tensions the electoral map putting the political spin here could be more difficult for President Trump and republicans in 2020 according to doits of bank ironically one of mr trumps house creditors but what is going on here with the what is the market really think is going to happen here. Well i love the way you put that it trade reality show because it is from day to day a bit of drama for all of us to look at its been driving the markets for the last 12 to 18 months and its up today down tomorrow depending on whats tweeted or how its responded to i think one of the things we cant forget is is that for the trumpet. Stray ssion this is a helpful propaganda tool in an Election Year this is a way of saying im fighting for you america im doing i get everything i can this im going to get the best deal possible and on the other hand we have to ask the question why would the chinese ink a major deal prior to the election i still am not clear on what they would benefit from having done so so i think what we can expect for the remainder of 2019 and into 2020 if we dont come to any conclusions is continued volatility in the markets both stock market bond market and the commodities as well right and on the point of volatility turning from the relationship between these 2 Worlds Largest economies to another fundamental factor the price of oil those 2. 00 factors of the trade fight and the oil price of oil seem to be interacting of course and generating more volatility in a feedback reaction whats the story in markets oil markets today and are we in for more feel about this when these factors are more volatility. Yeah well as an Asset Management company were interested in undervalued sectors and the oil and Energy Sector is certainly something that catches our attention this is a sector that was 20 percent of the s. And p. 500 not that many years ago today its less than 5 percent so it looks to be an area of undervaluation its an area thats been slaughtered look at the price action in crude and you can see that so this is an area where as an Asset Management Company Specialized in hard assets theres theres something very attractive we do think that the dynamics in oil are likely to change next year particularly on the supply side whereas most of the attention from the market is on the demand side in particular demand destruction if if theyre concerned or continue to be concerned with the slowing Global Economy and also on the oil staying on oil been a swale is partially recovering some market share in a major market that is india which had suspended oil imports Prime Minister well in march in deference to tighten u. S. Sanctions aimed at regime change and south america now india is are allowing Reliance Energy to import somberness while an oil bots the transaction reportedly will be a trade of different fuels which the indians say is an express exception to be u. S. Sanctions what should we know about this transaction. What youre looking at is a restatement of a legal case and i think what you would find if you roll the clock back is that india did very little to reduce their exports of oil and trade with venezuela during this time frame what theyre doing is restating why they are in a Barter Exchange taking crude in exchange for diesel but quite frankly im not sure the u. S. Sanctions have been all that effective and again on oil the wall street journal is reporting that Investment Bankers working for saudi aramco will release their highly anticipated valuation for the company as early as friday and perhaps more importantly the journal says that the us them it will come in well below Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin solomons target of 2. Trillion dollars valuation for the company this comes on top of deferral of i. P. O. Plans and reports of. Allegations of extortion being used to generate investments in the i. P. O. How big a deal is this reported sub par valuation thats expected. Daniella context is key here because if you look at the backdrop to oil its a very weak sector as i mentioned earlier that may represent value Going Forward but theres very little capital flowing into the energy space you have to leaven bankruptcies here today 25000000000 in creditor claims that are in question compared to only 3000000000 in the 2018 timeframe so when the saudis want to bring aramco to the market its in a context thats pretty well strained now as a mission on the supply side here in the United States this is one of the things that i think sets the tone 4282210202 extension 0 maybe a flop with the aramco announcement but you have Borrowing Base redetermination letters of credit that bankers are looking at with a more critical eye as they move into 2020 and theyre reducing what theyre allowing in terms of these letters of credit that puts a huge squeeze on the oil drillers here in the United States less drilling money with their huge decline rates the falloff in our production for 202020 i think youre going to see a push higher in oil that will be supported by opec of course weve already had their general secretary say in december since december they could cut rates but i think what youre seeing is really a strain the Capital Market and thats a tough time to be to be asking for anything from the saudi aramco deal so not looking too great for saudi aramco theyre not going to pull a premium for for the company in this environment Interesting Times were going to have as our guide david and i doubt many of them calvin financial thanks so much for your insight. Thank you dana great to be with you. In International Sanctions news the adore Adobe Corporation now says it will refund venezuelans for licenses on purchase products which adobe canceled earlier this week on monday adobe emailed all addresses on file for venezuelan customers informing the recipients that the company was canceling all licenses for adobe products in venezuela citing purporting obligations under an executive order signed by President Donald Trump adobe initially claimed that they also were barred from giving refunds because the executive order in the Software Makers interpretation required quote the sation of all activity with the entities including no Sales Service support refunds credit etc now the company says refunds will be offered and received by customers before the end of the month the company also clarified that it now believes that its free product be handsome can legally be used in venezuela. Now for a quick break but stay tuned because when we return just weeks after the collapse of storied british travel. There is some hope for workers who were set to be laid off of a bridge American Business association. Give us the aerial view on the buyout and much more. As we go to break here are. Talks would be possible if united. Im increasing resource poor. Martin states because over here all the farms are used to do it so there was a real concern that if you are goes through the negotiation new negotiations with your martin stays on your margins things again refuses to move to cya shows like the same they do in north korea everything would be. Worse than. A paradise with some ground turned into a round the experimentation field for agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of Environmental Research going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. On this edition of crosstalk we demystify serious kurds almost all of the criticism launched against syria policy is not rooted in facts actually back criticism is driven by false narratives and the inability to admit that International Proxy War to overthrow the damascus government has failed the sooner all american troops leave syria the better for syria and the region. 3 of. The a little. To a oa. Welcome back indias finance minister says her government is considering new regulations of the countrys cooperative Banking Sector and is publicly calling on the ne and central bank to address Customer Rage and growing worries of systemic insecurity in the Banking Sector in the wake of the latest poster child for a by nature financial malfeasance the punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative bank or p m c India Central Bank the r. B. I. Took over a p. M. C. Last month quickly imposing withdraw limits to stem the banks financial hemorrhaging of 617000000. 00 in relation to now suspect loans p. M. C. Seems to have gotten into trouble with its loans to Housing Development and Infrastructure Limited or h. D. I l. And is now in dire straits after that major borrower declared bankruptcy former p. M. C. Leadership and owners of h. D. I. All have already been arrested on related charges indian banking has been unstable at least since the collapse last year of infrastructure lending in Financial Services a lender focused on construction perhaps with some of those current risks in mind the r. B. I. On wednesday said it had denied Lakshmi Bilas bank a license requested in april to merge with India Bulls Housing Finance limited. And a group of thousands in france known as accidental americans have filed suit against france with the European Commission because certain rules could see them blacklisted by french banks early next year r t charlotte job dubin skee filed this report from paris. Well accidental americans are these french citizens who might have been born in the u. S. In hospitals or even spent a little bit of their childhood best some of them didnt even realize they had u. S. Citizenship until they received letters from the i. R. S. Demanding that they file their annual return some of them was 67 years old when these letters arrived on their doorsteps what theyve done now is filed a suit with the European Commission this is against france because theyre concerned that banks here in france might end up closing their accounts or they might actually be blacklisted from Financial Institution causing so much worry at the moment france banks here in france are exempt from having to give personal details of the account holders to the i. R. S. And other institutions but that comes to an end at the end of 2019 after that banks will have 2 choices either hand over those details which could see these accidental americans being taxed or close down their Bank Accounts and know either of which is something that these accidental americans are happy with so they say that theyve filed this case because handing over this data would be in breach of. Data previous c. And they say that theyve been to the french government asking for help the french government so far hasnt provided them with the help that they need so this now is their only alternate route. They also have been asked why not renounce that usa citizenship and many say they have tried but thats also an incredibly costly process some people spending tens of thousands of dollars to try and renounce that citizenship it seems for these french citizens the American Dream is more like an america nightmare. For boom bust in paris. And in other Financial Crime news the European Union is removing a total of 7 countries from a defacto blacklist any socalled greylisting of nations designated at risk of being used as International Tax havens but experts in advocates say the suspect countries have not done enough to warrant their delisting on thursday the e. U. Announced that the United Arab Emirates would be removed from the e. U. As tax haven blacklist the e. U. Also said thats whats real and more issues and 3 other countries would be removed from a lower tier of concern called a grey wist tax policy advocated oxfam will mentored via twitter that by relaxing the rules on switzerland imrie says the e. U. Has quote whitewashed 2 of the worlds most harmful tax havens and joining us now to catch up on the u. K. s air travel sector and give us her take on the events of the day is hillary for bridge board member of the British Medical Association welcome back to that you know hillary quickly on this relaxation of e. U. Money laundering blacklists engravers that we mentioned just now mr. Sims are we judging you actions by an odd metric when he says flatly that the best list is a short list which i can imagine his argument for a short list to focus on but it sounds a bit of an off no was this relaxation warranted in your view well i think it was because a lot of regulations were rushed through and actually the only way to positive way to look at it is something is better than nothing and certainly switzerland the united. Arab emirates and also have executed and number of reforms they rushed them through theyre not as indepth as were purported to be a bridge early but something is better than nothing thats what i would say i think what its done i think what theyre doing is theyre issuing sort of a carrot by letting them have this theyre trying to encourage as other countries that have not yet instituted reforms in the hope that theyll want to take the bait and on the story of the long time u. K. Bass player in trouble thomas cook theyre getting back in the game today theres trouble the airline is reopening at least some of its sales new locations or new own. Their ship and management whats new and whats the same about this whats new and whats different about this post crisis thomas cook well so you actually is this new couple thats actually bought thomas cook said john and irene hayes they built his business from the ground up and i thought you some it was rather touchy they they were saying that the employees they bought back which is 597 those employees many of them have been in tears as as irene hayes is quoted as saying theyve been cuddling up i mean theyve taken these people who actually turning to food stamps because theyve been laid off theyre taking them theyre employing them whats new daniel is that they very much look at this the web as their friend theyre kind of a theyre actually an elderly couple theyre in their seventys but theyre very hip they have managed to stuff their business with a very good managers that get this world today and so these Package Holidays that really offer like a sort of a social economic a lower Socio Economic band in the u. K. Those package policies are going to remain because ill be taken over by the hays company and theyll be taken over and then i think theyre going to employ another 2500 employees you know that basically get on very high most of them were told the company is on a path to profitable to take it in another hes a very good managers and excellent and on the other big Airline Story today in happier news i agee the Parent Company of British Airways has become has made British Airways the 1st Global Airline to make a commitment to net 0 Greenhouse Gas emissions by 20 by 2050 b ms to fully offset domestic operations starting next year what do we need to know about this landmark commitment well 1st i think its wonderful the 3 things theyve actually done the 1st is that theyre going to be making theyve made a commitment to use sustainable. Airline fuel and actually by 2024 its purported theyre going to use British Household rubbish to be burned to be new now allying fuel jet fuel so thats number one number 2 they are actually buying a lot of new lines i have to fly airplanes theyre replacing the old ones and theyre going to by about 124. 142. 00 of these and its going to about 24000000000. 00 theyre going to spend Something Like that something between 2120 1000000000 on these new planes and that will give them 25 percent greater fuel efficiency which is excellent step the food wonderful step actually is theyre going to be partnering with an American Company mosaic of materials and they actually have developed annually fascinating the sort of absorbent material that absorbs c o 2 from the atmosphere and i think thats a wonderful move you know you have all these celebrities jetting around the world these these hypocrites and i wont name them but if you know who they are these hypocrites fly around the world in their private jets purportedly to protest Global Warming and really theyre doing something awfully this is a really good move and this absorbent material Mosaic Materials as the company is helping to remove them i think that this is a very good movie more those 3 aspects are for the environment a little bit bit of good news in the skies and in the environment yes the british merican Business Association always good to have you pleasure that you. And thats it for this time you can catch boom bust as always on you tube dot com. So you know. You want to be gone or should. Be doing music right was. Freaking out. Anywhere near. I mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow. They have no protection. Thank you. Its ok. Across the u. S. Crude puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a Group Businesses are involved like agoa mom santa there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs dont buy dog. He. Says this could. Cause. The job just look. At this commercial moment to laugh him should ask for the last 70 and seeing and im interested in this day for the rights pro who should commission. Branches just chew gum disease from the. Asian man. Teach it to mom. And i know you are so set on the open mush famed new mama is just that our no end of. The brain does north. In the way. When you were in the labor trying to. Liberate you damages in a way a couple insatiably of the brain is incredibly sent delegates. Can damage some votes the brain can kill the patient damaging the one and 2 millimeters of brains. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids. And as a parent. I can come up with arguments and theres a lot of conflicts within the games between the teams most of the conflict i would say. Is made. Close one of the childrens clothes seen on each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 20 alive where. You dont care. Anything. The german interior minister pledges to boost security for all synagogues in the wake of wednesdays attacks adding its the countrys duty to never again allow the rise of antisemitism. In other headlines Environmental Action Group Extinction Rebellion iranis around the world for a 4th day efforts though to block infrastructure sparks a backlash from locals this is looking good in the minds like instead moments leading up to it and im sitting he really needs to i dont even know what the lot of them i want to listen for its for the environment. So hes going to trip aeration against the kurds in

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