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A coherent strategy the americans today do not have a coherent strategy for weve jorian from syria once again in large measure due to a fault weve jorian from syria once again in large measure due to agencies in washington who are like weve each other namely the stage and sees in washington who are weve each other namely the state department depends again and the cia and of course the situation thought the potman depends again and the cia and of course the situation for washington is not helped by having a president who is under washington is not helped by having a president who is understanding and knowledge of the conflicts in syria is largely confined stand in a knowledge of the conflicts in syria is largely confined. So we can page i think for washington there are 3 watch signs so we can page i think for washington there are 3 watch its the 1st option is to keep retain an influence in syria the 1st option is to keep retain an influence in syria i havent americans there or the other option is to react i havent americans there or the other option is to withdraw all American Forces from syria and maintain an influence in syria we draw all American Forces from syria and maintain an influence in syria through one of its more strategic allies in the world namely turkey but through one of its most strategic allies in the world namely turkey but i believe the state department and the cia and the pence again do not see how i believe the state department and the cia and the pence again do not have a unified opinion on how america can maintain insolence a unified opinion on how america can maintain insurgents in syria ok you know it was in a was a couple in syria ok you know it was in a it was a couple of weeks ago it was all about the kurds now its all about oil now its all about all weeks ago with all about the kurds now its all about oil now its all about oil protecting serious only oil you know its denying syria its oil oil protecting sirius or oil you know its denying syria its oil oh but they dont want isis to get the oil well theyre in no position to do that when the United States but they dont want isis to get the oil well theyre in no position to do that when the United States finally leaves it will be the regional partners that will take in primarily arabs that will be finally leaves it will be the regional partners that will take in primarily arabs that will take. Take care of this problem called isis that western powers were so much involved increase take care of this problem called isis that western powers were so much involved in creating in the 1st place here so its all about all the oh isnt it what what foreign oil waiting in the 1st place here so its all about all the oh isnt it what what Foreign Oil Companies going to go there with american troops there to protect to explore Companies Going to go there with american troops there to protect it to exploit it its not going to happen its ridiculous on its face in my opinion its not going to happen its ridiculous on its face in my opinion trump is a developer you want to. Tell where any store is to leave syria trump is a developer you want to. Tell where any store is to leave syria and when he took the decision with you which is a good decision in my in my opinion because and when he took the decision with you which is a good decision in my in my opinion because a war at least. One of the 1st president doing there the last year and a war at least. One of the 1st president doing the city years. And what will happen after that. Call and what will happen after that what about the cure that what the world or what the world d that the pentagon of the cia are going that what about the cure that what the world or what the world that the pentagon of the cia are going to find. The right to to slow down this sort of find. To try to slow down this retreat but the point is. Is this season to retreat but the point is. Is this season we know that when we. Made a statement supposed to be we know that when we. Made a statement supposed to be. The fact that. The so there were the fact that. The so there were a world war and 21. 00 looking at all the rhetorical i mean if he wants to say he wore it to 21. 00 looking at all the rhetorical i mean if he wants to say he won the war if he wants to saying that he defeated isis thats ok when he won the war if he wants to saying that he defeated isis thats ok with me Mission Accomplished go home ok but by staying there me Mission Accomplished go home ok but by staying there thats an admission that they have lost ok but let me go back to thats an admission that they have lost ok but let me go back to marcos here use the operative word here retreat ok the markers here use the operative word here retreat ok thats how this is being painted here and that is a very big mistake if we can look at thats how this is being painted here and that is a very big mistake if we can look at the outsized influence of someone like senator Lindsey Graham the outsized influence of someone like senator Lindsey Graham which ran in 2016 for president couldnt give get 2 percent which ran in 2016 for president couldnt give get 2 percent popularity his eyes his ideas are not popular his Foreign Policy in his eyes his ideas are not popular his Foreign Policy is not popular but he has this outsized influence on trump and is not popular but he has this outsized influence on trump and he likes to brag about it this is part of the incoherence that you mentioned he likes to brag about it this is part of the incoherence that you meant. And earlier and i wanted to throw in congress because theyre rattling the cage as well and earlier and i wanted to throw in congress because theyre rattling the cage as well and for someone like trump it seems like to project that he knows what hes doing and maybe he for someone like trump it seems like to project that he knows what hes doing and maybe he does some things but certainly not on this issue he looks indecisive he does some things but certainly not on this issue he looks indecisive he looks very weak and apparently he listens to the last person he talks to and looks very weak and apparently he listens to the last person he talks to go ahead marcus i think its fair to say. Go ahead marcus. I think its fair to say that donald trump is 1st and foremost a businessman and he really does not come across an assistant for almost a businessman he really does not come across as being someone who is an affective politician he understands its been someone who is an affective politician he understands economics i have no doubt he understands what needs to be done for the American Economy economics i have no doubt he understands what needs to be done for the American Economy but i believe that Foreign Affairs that donald trump are exactly that they are but i believe that Foreign Affairs that donald trump are exactly that they are foreign and i believe that hes trying to balance the competing not foreign and i believe that hes trying to balance the competing forces around him not just in the white house but also on capitol hill in forces around him not just in the white house but also on capitol hill why because next year there is an american president ial election and of course why because next year there is an american president ial election and of course he wants to be reelected he doesnt know which way to terms he wants to be reelected he doesnt know which way to turn yet to put it colloquially he doesnt know the river hes come in or going to put it colloquially he doesnt know river hes come in or going he wants to have someone like john bolton there but when he feels that the up he wants to have someone like john bolton there but when he feels that the other people who advise it or telling him listen dont know what this magnet schools who advise it or telling him listen dont know if this magnet schools youre a serious loss of prestige it could jeopardize your chances or or be you a serious loss of press. It could jeopardize your chances of or or be a real active then he gets rid of john or john bolton and we have seen this probably reelected then he gets rid of john or john bolton and we have seen this practice since he entered office at the beginning of 2017 boxes since he entered office at the beginning of 2017 but what is a bundle e clear is that since the start of this dreadful come what is a bundle e clear is that since the start of this dreadful conflict in syria for obama to trump this conflict has some plates in syria for obama to trump this conflict has seriously damaged americas reputation its that well its its the damage seriously damaged americas reputation its that well its its the dam its its in texas yes we can say iraq to that up because they have and its in texas yes we can say iraq to that up because they have not had to create here in strategy in syria this is explosive or not has occurred here in strategy in syria this is explosive options and for being almost like a circus almost like cooled jesters kids and for being almost like a circus almost like cooled jesters but we must never forget this pizza its a circus but it has a cost but we must never forget this pizza its a circus but it has cost ungenerously isnt just any you know in 71 i think its really interesting stuff ungenerously isnt just any you know in 71 i think its really interesting if you look at western Media Coverage of it its really remarkable to me if you look at western Media Coverage of it its really remarkable to me because you have the russians you have the iranians and you have the turks because you have the russians you. The iranians you have the turks that essentially wrap this thing all up they have some difference or the turks that essentially wrap this thing all up they have some differences among them but they know what direction they want to go to if you look at western meters among them but they know what direction they want to go to if you look at western Media Coverage of it they were oblivious to all of these things here the interesting thing is that coverage of it they were oblivious to all of these things here the interesting thing is that the reality on the on the ground is that the American Forces in the reality on the on the ground is that the American Forces in syria are essentially irrelevant they have nothing to do with ending this conflict syria are essentially irrelevant they have nothing to do with ending this conflict but you wouldnt know that following western Media Outlets to which you wouldnt know that following western Media Outlets its really quite remarkable they miss the real story this is the comeback of the dictator of really quite remarkable they miss the real story this is the comeback of the dictator of reality and again when the us decided to. Again when the us decided to be involved in syria they didnt have any planned but said ms go lets go involved in syria they dont have any plans but said ms go lets go yeah this is where the only one and after that it was we we have to do this if that was the only one and after that it was we we have to. Do these people because our brave people and the need we need to go to. These people because our brave people and the need we need to want to support the idea. Of talking to the russians an aside ok. If you look at today were talking to the russians and aside. Ok its only. If you look at it on the contrary where did the russian since the beginning as soon as i sense some planes on the contrary where did the russian since the beginning as soon as i sense some planes. Some troops to support assad in the same time started to. Some troops to support assad in the same time they started to a. Political solution of the conflict and that what they did the political solution of the conflict and that what they did the russian diplomacy succeeded to bring to the center of all the. Russian diplomacy succeeded to bring to the center of all the turkey and the run the 2 need. It in the run the 2 need. Its very impressive as a result but the problem is the russian are the only very impressive as a result but the problem is that the russian are the only the only country having a real political aim in this only country having a real political aim in this in this every and i want i thing we dont need to be too in this every and i want i thing we dont need to be too hard because again he decided to leave syria it would be. Because again he decided to leave syria it would be very difficult because if you believe what said i mean guy the former president i read if you could because if you believe what said. The former president as well was creator of the. Us disease as well was creator of the deep u. S. Deep state if i can say so of course as long as he will retreat state if i can say so. Of course as long as we dont retreat from syria maybe you are different from iraq when those. From syria maybe you are different from iraq when it was ok you want to. Go back to marc and thats a really good point here and i think its a bipartisan issue ok let me go back to mark and thats a really good point here and i think its a bipartisan issue unfortunately in the United States with the pliant media going along with it this is just one fortunately in the United States with the pliant media going along with it this is just something that cannot be comprehended of leaving a place ok that something is something something that cannot be comprehended of leaving a place ok that something somehow thats under american law is imposed i would make the statement that its the most american outlets under american law. I would make the statement that its the most american thing you can do because youre wasting a lives youre wasting treasury youre destroying your reputation thing you can do because youre wasting a lives youre wasting treasury youre destroying your reputation but you know this is that trump is up against and i will be hard on trump and but you know this is that what trump is up against and i will be hard on trump is that he is the president it is his Foreign Policy and he doesnt have the where is that he is the president it is his Foreign Policy and he doesnt have the wherewithal or the vision to fight back against this consensus that is theres no there with all or the vision to fight back against this consensus that is theres not further the American National interest whatsoever go ahead marcus. Further the American National interest whatsoever go ahead marcus. Well i think for america its up there is a great deal well i think for america its up there is a great deal all shock that they have been defeated in syria to death shock that they have been defeated in syria to death rates the 99 season that suits thousands america have got used to being 6 or 8 or 99 seats in that suit thousands america had got used to being victorious across the ropes in the form of you because of you had to iraq to libya tourists across the ropes in the form of you because you have to iraq for libya you tell me the last time america has to the streets of the country because you tell me the last time america has 2 streets from a country because they failed was viet nam and that is a long long time ago so i think this is a failed was viet nam and that is a long long time ago so i think this is since a shot through the college or what it all should call tell you t. Been worst since a shot through the college or was it all since ill tell you t. Been worse than that marcus because i agree with you but you have to look at the other side of the coin person that marcus because i agree with you but you have to look at the other side of the coin when its the last time they have won in these military endeavors thats all the time we have for this part when its the last time they have one in these military endeavors thats all the time we have for this part of the program Marcus Papadopoulos thank you very much for joining us we are to go to a short break and after that short part of the program Marcus Papadopoulos thank you very much for joining us we to go to a short break and after that short break well can you were discussion on some real news state with r. T. For equal can you were discussion on some real news state with r. T. Cooked additional subversive so i know what does and gets up to linger some of these its just a cooked additional sunburst if so i know what was and gets up to linger some nice its just a good usual thing its nice to know. What youre looking its nice to know. Whos doing it. See him do you have seen him if you can call shall. See him do you have seen him if you can also post here. Look at with a showing at the where its going to snooze last when the church both me. Look at with the showing of the bread which it was going to sing is lost when the church. Hes like a pickle ship you know youre pushing 30. Hes like a pickle ship you know youre pushing 30. Boat up shipping. You up and most of the. Boat up shipping. You up and most of the book hit the roof of the bus and you will much still losing your idea of the book hit the wall with the bus and you will have still missing notes i dont know what the 4. Of them know what that or. If it was the latest news in the pulse. Stuff now if it was the latest news in the pulse. Stuff no worries im all right so yeah ive put this was going to say. Boys and im all right so yeah ive put this was going to say. Lyricist through the summer in the store oh yeah the soulful its a. Lyricist through the summer in the store oh yeah the soulful. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises apologise to the people and promise to be you know weve all boxed politics to the people i promise to be you know weve all butts in this. Place. Lets be honest. They feel great for a 0. 30. Pretty good bertha now you bush screwed. Pretty good bertha now you want to 1st correct that. No. One ever correct that. No. Balls be cut cut. Bald be cut cut. Coming out my yard. Coming coming coming out my yaar. What politicians do. What politicians do. They put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. Put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. Some will want to be less so when you want to be president im sure. Some will want to be us. Thats why the press is allied with the 43 in the morning thats why the press is like the 43 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the water in the house cant be good. Im interested always in the waters about how. I see it. I said. During the Great Depression which im old enough to remember there was. During the Great Depression which im old enough to remember there was and most of my family were unemployed working plus other wasnt it was bed and most of my family were unemployed working plus other wasnt it was bed you know much worse objectively than today but there was an expectation that things were going to get bit much worse objectively than today but there was an expectation of the things were going to get better. There was a real sense of hopefulness there isnt better. There was a real sense of hopefulness there isnt today todays america was shaped by the 10 principles of concentration day todays america was shaped by the 10 principles of concentration of wealth and power. Reduced democracy of wealth and power and. Reduced democracy. Attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture attack solo down engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no im jones but your consent and other principles according to no im chomsky one set of rules for the rich opposite set of rules for. One set of rules for the rich opposite. Thats what happens when you put her into the hands of. Thats what happens when you put her into the hands of a narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power arrows sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for itself just as youd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time for itself just as youd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. Speaks about the modern civilization of america. Welcome back to cross talk were all things. Welcome back to cross talk were all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing some real news. Is it considered im Peter Lavelle remind you were discussing some real news. And now to nicosia where were joined by alex was a farmer. And now to nicosia were joined by alex. So far he is the director writer for the duran dot com welcome to the program alex here let me start out with you he is the director and writer for the duran dot com welcome to the program alex here let me start out with you we have. Returned to russia finally we have. Returned to russia finally i would like to point out to our viewers that you and you know neal only i would like to point out to our viewers that you and you know neal over the News Division in a wonderful interview with her here at r t and i recommend everyone go over the News Division in a wonderful interview with her here at r. T. And i recommend everyone go over and have a look at it here i mean one of the things the if this is such a bizarre and sober and how to look at it here i mean one of the things the this is such a bizarre and senseless and tragic even cruel story i mean. The senseless and tragic even cruel story i mean. You know this is how the American Media reported her return just let me give you 2 outlets you know this is how the American Media reported her return just let me give you 2 outlets here alex and let me get your comment here political ran a story titled here alex and let me get your comment here political ran a story titled who admitted being a secret agent of the kremlin out of prison the a. P. They know who admitted being a secret agent of the kremlin out of prison the a. P. Followed up with the news title story titled on her rush followed up with the news title story titled on her russian woman who admitted being a secret agent out of prison its not an woman who admitted being a secret agent out of prison its nonsense its simply not true but so much im sense its simply not true but so much so many other things about this story are not true as well alex go ahead. And so many other things about this story are not true as well alex go ahead. Yeah this is really a small part to a bigger story piece yeah this is really a small part to a bigger story peter and i think we should dissect it a little bit you know maria patino is essential and i think we should dissect it a little bit you know maria patino is essentially put in prison because she was a unregistered lobbyist and actually put in prison because she was a unregistered lobbyist and i mean if we did that you would have half of d. C. Of course in prison so yes she got untangled if we did that you would have half of d. C. Of course in prison so yes she got untangled in you know russia hysteria and the russia gate hoax old in you know russia hysteria and the russia gate hoax and its my opinion peter that what were seeing here is really the 1st and its my opinion peter that what were seeing here is really the 1st you know shoe to drop here in the unraveling of the russia gate hoax in that you know shoe to drop here in the unraveling of the russia gate hoax in that maria has been sent to moscow in order to just kind of be rid of her husband sent to moscow in order to just kind of be rid of her thats my impression of because what youre seeing now is youre seeing bar in durham close thats my impression of because what youre seeing now is youre seeing bar in durham closing in on investigating the investigators and they werent itll being in on investigating the investigators and they were in italy and they were looking for a professor miss sued who as we remember really and they were looking for a professor miss sued who as we remember started the entire russia gate investigation by trust started the entire russia gate investigation by trying. To entrap George Papadopoulos its my opinion that maria with tina going to entrap George Papadopoulos its my opinion that maria up with tina was all also a part of the of this interest in trap. Yeah but by the state need to tell the diligence since agencies in that they want to try to find a way maybe maybe a sexy story to can agencies in that they want to try to find a way maybe maybe a sexy story to connect trump to russia and here you have maria but tina whos this seminar trump to russia and here you have Maria Bettina who is this semi semi well known semi famous you know gun advocate in russia now working ive said my well known semi famous you know gun advocate in russia now working with the r. And betting herself into the n. R. A. And i think will help with the r. And betting herself into the n. R. A. And i think will tell you maybe it is not a trap maybe ingratiating her imbedding i think maybe it is not a trap maybe ingratiating her imbedding i think that it shows some kind of conspiracy which was never proved keep going right she was she was part of this kind of conspiracy which was never proved keep going right she was she was part of this this n. R. A. You know movement she was she was very fascinated with guns and very this n. R. A. You know movement she was she was very fascinated with guns and very fast and with the gun lobby it was an interest of hers but we take a step back and we fastened with the gun lobby it was an interesting person but we take a step back and remember that fox news had an interview with the overstock i believe now remember that fox news had an interview with the overstock i believe now hes the former overstocks stock founder Patrick Byrne and he had now hes the former overstock c. E. O. He has stock founder Patrick Byrne and he admitted believe was Martha Maccallum show he admitted that he was planted believe was Martha Maccallum show he admitted that he was placed by the f. B. I. The f. B. I. And the deep state to face by the f. B. I. The f. B. I. And the deep state. To find maria this is a billionaire now seeking out Maria Bettina i would say this is a billionaire now seeking out maria to tina and be friending her and maybe the relationship carried further we dont really know but and be friending her and maybe the relationship carried further we dont really know but he admitted that the person that told him to do this or at least its his opinion of the he admitted that the person that told him to do this or at least its his opinion of the person that gave this order was none other that peter struck so we can see this and that gave this order was none other peter struck so we can see a lot of dots connected for maria tina to the russia gate hoax you know examine what a lot of dots connected for Maria Bettina to the russia get hoax you know examine but it didnt work out all of the allegations made against her you know honeypot didnt work out all of the allegations made against her you know honey she was trying to infiltrate the n. R. A. Trying to infiltrate she was trying to infiltrate the n. R. A. Trying to infiltrate into g. O. P. Circle in circles that if it was true they never infiltrate into g. O. P. Circle and circles that if it was true they never proved it in court and of course as alex just pointed out if you want to use to prove it in court and of course as alex just pointed out if you want to use to not being interested as a Foreign Agent than half of washington d. C. Could be charged not being interested as a Foreign Agent when half of washington d. C. Could be charged for the same thing but they probably even if they were they probably wouldnt be put into some kind of marriage for the same thing but they probably even if they were they probably wouldnt be put into some kind of maximum security prison which she spent a good part of her time behind some security prison which she spent a good. Part of her time behind bars under those conditions here i mean they were trying to create. Bars under those conditions here i mean they were trying to create. A smoking gun to tie the republicans particularly donald trump to gun to tie the republicans particularly donald trump to to russia and it failed like the mobile report showed it failed every single step of the way and i went to russia and it failed like the mobile report showed it failed every single step of the way and alex is right they want her to go away because they should be so red face all it says right they want her to go away because they should be so red faced of what they did to an innocent person who only sins were she liked what they did to an innocent person who only sins were she liked america and she lied to gone you know and she lost 18 months of her life in america and she lied to gone you know and she lost 18 months of her life that. Shes in love with america and she still you know was america shes still that. Shes in love with america and she still you know was america she still wants us but she criticizes a american just in the last interview on one. Criticizes a american just in the last interview on r. T. And it was very interesting because its a no no just this country because she played and it was very interesting because its a no no just this country because she plead guilty why because she followed that 90 percent of the people to worry because she followed that 90 percent of the people who plead guilty because there is no gone to trial she could have gotten. Plead guilty because there is no gone to trial she could have gotten years yes so. Again we were talking about the u. S. Imagine the world but so. Again we were talking about the u. S. Imagine the world but. With this woman the u. S. Image in. Which this woman. Would be completely destroyed its not just his country or 20. Theyd be completely destroyed its not just his country or 20 so. They didnt swear by the but we know that hes interviewed on our t. V. You know we go back you dont swear by the but we know that hes interviewing on our team you know so we go back to you and say i mean what were saying general flynn the legal situation take a few nicko say i mean what were saying general flynn the legal situation take a turn here. It seems like theres a possibility turn here. It seems like theres a possibility his lawyers want to have the entire case thrown out because it is his lawyers want to have the entire case thrown out because it was fake from the very very beginning i mean even jim called me when he was the f. B. I. Director was fake from the very very beginning i mean even jim called me when he was the f. B. I. Director im going to paraphrase him you know they snuck into the white house because the white house was going to paraphrase him you know they snuck into the white house because the white house was hadnt settled in with the new administration i mean it was an admission he even admits hadnt settled in with the new administration i mean it was an admission he even admits that he was being underhanded here and thats that story is fall foliage that he was being underhanded here and thats that story is fall falling apart everything related to socalled russia gate is falling apart thats one part everything related to socalled russia gate is falling apart thats why we have the impeachment process over ukraine which is a lot of ukraine we have the impeachment process over ukraine which. Theres a lot of ukraine in ukraine gate unlike russia gate alex yeah youre exactly right in ukraine gate unlike russia gate alex yeah youre exactly right peter what were seeing right now and the information that were getting is that the f. B. I. 3 o 2 peter what were seeing right now and the information that were getting is that the f. B. I. 3020 being tampered they were being doctored in order to entrap flynn and i think use were being tampered they were being doctored in order to entrap flynn and i think u. S. I. B. M. Made a very good point in that when you look at maria patino you look at us i. B. M. Made a very good point in that when you look at maria patina you look at flay and you look at papadopoulos what do you see peter you see a constant and play and you look at papadopoulos what do you see peter you see a constant and consistent line of tampa of entrapment every one of these people in one form or another are being targeted and entrapped and they all plead consistent line of tampa of entrapment. Every one of these people in one form or another were being targeted and trapped and they all pleaded guilty in order to left. The prison or consented to lead to less sin so i the prison since this is dense so i mean this is this is really shocking what were seeing and maria buttin i think is is just a big this is really shocking what were seeing and maria buttin i think is is just the beginning and the lowest level and i think youve got to start to see papadopoulos youre going to start to see ending in the lowest level and i think youve got to start to see papadopoulos youre going to start to see flint going to start to see the truth coming out because youre looking at durham and youre looking at the flint going to start to see the truth coming out because youre looking at durham and youre looking at a bar and theyre closing in they really are investigating what happened and theyre good bar and theyre closing in they really are investigating what happened and theyre getting to the truth and the truth starts with professor mis sued and thats watching to the truth and the truth starts with professor miss suit and thats why you saw the a. G. The attorney general peter actually get on a plane and go to you saw the a. G. The attorney general peter actually get on a plane and go to italy thats incredible to find out how this thing originated you know but alex you know some viewers of this program and some viewers of what you just italy thats incredible to find out how this thing originated you know but alex you know some viewers of this program and some viewers of what you just said are just going to call us conspiracy theorists thats all theyre going to do said are just going to call us conspiracy theorists thats all theyre going to do but you have you have but you marshaled a number of facts right there that are very it where you have you have but you marshaled a number of facts right there that are very inconvenient exactly and this is whats happening here and. This is what i would call them convenient exactly and this is whats happening here this is what i would call the 2nd shoe dropping as we heard earlier. Its going to be ignored the 2nd shoe dropping as we heard earlier. Its going to be ignored these people that were behind these shenanigans are going to be called pain ward these people that were behind these shenanigans are going to be called patriots they were doing it for the good of the country they dont want to look at the facts the tree if they were doing it for the good of the country they dont want to look at the facts that our laws were broken all of these illegal leaks laws were broken all of these illegal leaks i mean theyre theyre not even being there theres no interest in it it all because because yes i mean theyre theyre not even being there theres no interest in it all because because it doesnt drive their narrative because theyre used to court in the United States there is a legal drive their narrative there is to call it in the United States there is a legal court and there is a medias if you look at what happened what the court and there is in medias if you look at what happened what. Described during in the interview that she saw herself on the u. S. T. V. Accusing her of being a 6. Described during an interview that she saw herself on the u. S. T. V. Accusing her of being a 6. Of being a spy. Of being a spy that was in the legal court actually but there is. A legal court actually but there is a media escort and shes already guilty and she knew where it was going. Shes already guilty and she knew it was going to. Russia makes her guilty and even if the court decided to free russia makes her guilty even if the court decided to free. For the media. In court in the United States. For the media going to court in the United States. We guilty to the end of their life and if you deny that you are. Guilty until the end of their life if you deny that you were. You were you were exactly what you would and thats what i mean because if you were you were you were exactly what you would and thats what i mean because if used to you if you deal in the realm of facts and the law youre a russian agent its interesting how you deal if you deal in the realm of facts and the law youre a russian agent its interesting how that does happen here alex. When we come out with these reports with durham and we have more information coming out from a. G. Barr but that does happen here. When we come out with these reports with durham and we have more coming from asian coming up from a bar thats going to rattle some cages i might tend to think a lot of people are loring up right now thats going to rattle some cages i might tend to think a lot of people are laura loring up right now oh yeah i think youre exactly right peter you know the big question is. I think youre exactly right peter you know the big question is you had you know. Papadopoulos actually served prison sentences you had you know. Papadopoulos actually served prison sentences or they were found guilty when he pleaded guilty to process or to a process or they were found guilty where he pleaded guilty to a process or to a process crassus crimes in order to avoid very long prison sentences. Im very curious to see rosss crimes in order to avoid very long prison sentences im very curious to see whats going to happen with brennan clapper cosi whats going to happen with brennan clapper komi mccabe how high does this thing go me mccabe. How high does this thing go if brennan knew what was going on and he was behind though if brennan knew what was going on and he was behind this and komi how high does it go peter the d. N. C. As an komi how high does it go peter the d. N. C. Suppose it crowd strike you know email server hacks investigate suppose it crowd strike you know email server hacks investigated by crowd strike and hand it over to the f. B. I. Without the f. B. I. Looking at the server you have a cd by crowd strike and hand it over to the f. B. I. Without the f. B. I. Looking at the server you have assad right now rotting in a u. K. Prison rotting for what saga right now rotting in a u. K. Prison writing for what for being a journalist yet exactly you know it is exactly what i think is for being a journalist yet exactly you know it is exactly what i think is really sad is going back to maria the story is that in her interview really sad was going back to marias story is that in her interview on r t after everything shes gone through the miss the on our t. V. After everything shes gone through the miss the the miss justice she still talks about improving us with the miss justice she still talks about improving u. S. Russia says its really amazing here. And i think its really amazing here. And i give her a lot of courage for wanting to do that but the penalty i give her a lot of courage for wanting to do that but the penalty of wanting to do something is nominally a good idea cost her a lot and she gets no quantum to do something that is nominally a good idea cost her a lot and she gets no credit for that in the media here in the media as they should and hero and the Russian Media for that in the media here in the media as they should and hero and the Russian Media shes an air of but the point is. You know shes an air of but the point is. You know last time talking about the u. S. Politics you said there will be. Talking about the u. S. Politics you said there will be a fight to death with the democrats who can deep state not only the democrats its to tween the democrats who can deep state not only the democrats and trump and poor woman is a part of and trump and poor woman is a part of. This. We dont know who we are next to. This. We dont know who we are next to the next to victim of these but anyway during the next year or next to victim of these but anyway during the next year we would have a. Very very bad. Fight against a demurrer we would have a. Very very bad. Fight against the democrats and the republicans one way is if we use any means anything its really interesting if you look at the continuum look right on the republicans one way is if we use any means anything its really interesting if you look at the continuum you have you know we have we have collusion with the russians then you have you know we have we could lose even with the russians then you have racism they knew how of. Ukraine its always says a new house of. Ukraine its always d a continuum here it never seems to end here and you know what its good its a continuum here it never seems to end here and you know what its good the people that perpetrators are going to be the biggest losers mark my words november 2020 as all the people that perpetrators are going to be the biggest losers mark my words november 2020 as all the time we have many thanks to my guests in moscow and in nicosia and thanks to our viewers for watching us here our time we have many thanks to my guests in moscow and in nicosia and thanks to our viewers for a walk. Sing us here artie see you next time remember cross hospitals. See you next time remember balls. I am. Afraid. I am. Cooked additional note of what was. Cooked additional note of what was in etc to linger some of these its inconsistent with what youre looking is my feeling etc longer some of these its inconsistent with what youre looking yes no no. No. See him do you have seen him if you call show me. Live to see him do you have to renew my treatment or shall post me. Look with a showing of the skeleton is lost when i. Dont know hes like a kid with a showing at the Scottish News last one i. Dont know if you think itll show me your view of the sheep slowly move both typical shit in your view of the sheep so to leave both of shipping. Yup i knew most adults in the book hit the wall with the book shipping. Yup and most of the book it. Well look at the books in your books are still missing ok i do know what the oldest in your books are still missing ok i do know what the move. Was the laser. Cut. Was the latest loses in the focus. Or easy the right solution is in the focus. Or easy the right the flow yet of putting this was going to serve. Lyricists the flow yet of putting this was going to do some. Research through some really stupid social it does raise. Some really stupid the social it does. Seem on one long almost. One small role seemed wrong when all the roles just dont call. Me old beliefs yet to shape out just dont call. Me old beliefs yet to shape our disdain becomes to educate and in gains from an equal disdain becomes to advocate and in gains from an equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. We choose to look for common ground. As. For union. Its rational. Rational. Desire for love need and. Desire for love need. More than a financial. More than a financial. This navy do you really believe that. This navy do you really believe that. No threat to grace the pentagon congratulated itself. No threats to grace the pentagon congratulated itself on killing islamic states later saying the United States is unwavering in its commitment to tackling from killing islamic states later saying the United States is unwavering in its commitment to tackling terrorism. The United States more than any terrorism. The United States more than any other nation in the world this is the power and the will to hunt other nations in the world this is the power and the will to hunt to the ends of the earth those who wish to bring harm upon the American People to the ends of the earth those who wish to bring harm upon the American People. British Prime Minister to get an election to break the. British Prime Ministers 3rd attempt to get an election to break the. E. U. Earlier agreed to extend the withdrawal deadline. You agree to extend the withdrawal deadline for another 3 months. By the 21st consecutive 3 months. Gripped by the 21st consecutive weekend protests. Driving money away from. Protests. Driving money away from outside

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