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Palestinian militant group to return fire with rockets. Youre watching are to international bring your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. Russias foreign minister is in the french capital this tuesday attending the Paris Peace Forum as an event aimed at promoting better Global Governance so i get lavrov was drawn on the subject of global responsibilities the west is pretty much playing to be blamed for everything. No not. Just mistakes well very strong speech by the Russian Foreign minister outlining his a vision of whats happening in the at the moment and talking about some of the issues of what he sees as the way that the west is viewed itself in the past and how we views itself in the presence in terms of its global domination he said that the west needs to take responsibility for its actions they need to understand that its domination of World Affairs has been melting away and it said that it needs to accept that the world at the feet change is a centric world in fact he even went as far as accusing the west of preventing this from taking place of course. Because for more than 500. 00. More than 5 centuries they dont mean that the Political Economic and cultural civilizational life on this planet. As this objective. Breaks well he also was talking about some of the recent events over the last few weeks he talked about catalonia he talked about things that were happening in bolivia of course the resignation of i know the former president evo morales and he talked about the fact that the intervention there wasnt the pointed finger being pointed at russia russia hasnt been accused of meddling in any of these countries but he suggested that essentially somebody else was somehow have not been accused of the coup in bolivia and this is strange so something discrepancy in the minds of those who normally a great job political agenda i believe that it is very unfortunate what we see in the uk it is very unfortunate. Stage. But dont forget that in the rock the people steal. The American American invasion we also saw a little bit of humor from the Russian Foreign minister he was asked during the questioning session how was russia preparing for the 2020 us election he talked a lot about the u. S. Today so i wondered the president ial elections are coming up in 2020 so russia getting ready for that. We will resolve the problem. But the main thoughts of gay lover of at the paris peace conference was the fact that they had to respond to the Global Demands to global conflicts that countries need to Work Together and that means that the way forward is a poly centric way forward and not the dominance of the west. They also bolivian president evo morales is on his way to mexico after he was granted political asylum there he resigned on monday apparently under pressure from the military and what he describes as a coup. Sisters and brothers im leaving for mexico grateful for the openness of these brothers who offered asylum to protect our life it hurts to leave the country for political reasons but i will stay in touch i will soon return with more strength and energy mass protests in bolivia it 1st began over the recent president ial election and. Breaking a sense routes resignation over the weekend has been rocked by more unrest there are scenes of moving in the capital and some locals have been forced to build barricades and stand guard over their homes. Is the most honest as we are watching our homes because theres a lot of vandalism that is happening in our area this is not. This there is just around. The surrounding area that we had to come out to defend. This day it is on that since yesterday the looting has begun in the Street Police and fire stations were torched along with shops cars and buses everything was burned in my district looters began to to mitigate meanwhile supporters of morals have turned out in large numbers both in bolivia and across latin america yet some are hailing his on a string as a victory for democracy despite the power vacuum thats left behind and Bolivian Armed forces said they will take joint action with the police to control the protests were now seeing here saleh has the details. You may have heard that bolivia has lately been celebrating a triumph of democracy the resignation yesterday of believin president ever more rallies is a significant moment for democracy in the western hemisphere these events send a strong signal to the illegitimate regimes in venezuela nicaragua the democracy and the will of the people will always prevail i dont know if it was a breeze in south america or if it was oblivious to hurricane of democracy be here today i feel a little breeze in venezuela freedom and justice well here is what a triumph of democracy has looked like in bolivia. President morales resigned the Vice President resigned the president of the senate the 3rd person in line for the top job you guessed it resigned. The Bolivian Army and Security Forces are the only viable force left after they renounce their allegiance to the government and took the side of the protesters leave we suggest to the president of the state to resign his president ial mandate to allow for peace and stability for the good of our bolivia. But its not as black and white as the Anti Government side might want you to think plenty of people have been supporting evo morales in the streets and its them who have been getting the short end of the stake here xena fit into all of that if they did get it and. In fact that was the key reason for morale is to throw in the towel he wanted the violence to cease this is that and why am i deciding to resign so the opposition does not keep pursuing my brothers and the unions we are resigning i am resigning precisely sort of my brothers and sisters leaders and authorities of the socialist movement you dont continue to be held hostage chased and threatened because in bolivia morales has no one not a 100 not a 1000 supporters hes got millions this a tobar of 47 percent of bolivians voted for morality and while. Critics of the ballot a screaming bloody murder this is specter the Election Fraud is within a 3 percent margin evil moralities a die hard leftist has been leading bolivia for 14 years under his rule the countrys economy has been growing faster than at any period over the past 3 and a half decades morale as viewed as the voice of the poor managed to drastically reduce poverty and economic inequality he significantly increased the minimum wage to and boosted social spending millions had no problem with that and all of them are now represented and protected by nobody really for a daily sort of a moment that the opposition is now enjoying its fleeting triumph i hope that this will not lead to even more violent because even more or less has huge support among the population when everything calms down most bolivians and i believe theyre good people will realize that they have been manipulated they have something to compare to 1314 years bolivia has experienced the highest level of prosperity in its history has been stability Economic Growth the elimination of illiteracy the reduction of extreme poverty to almost the question of who won the election isnt worth it everyone knows that even moral as well the only question is the margin by which he won and the right to calling for violence in the most insulin way there are considerable resources and weapons behind them if there are clashes in the streets when there are no Law Enforcement agencies present when the police say part in riot is when the military says it will not go against the people were not guard the embassies the palace of government what is left evo morales to do to avoid bloodshed to avoid more violence furthermore the Army Commander asked him to resign what could he do to avoid more bloodshed and violence just leave but this is what we call a coup the organization of american states not only allowed this but is also part of this coup the organization of american states has always. Tool in the hands of the us it is time for us Latin Americans to create something of our own we cannot continue to resolve disputes in washington or even worse in the organization of american states olivias political turmoil has given rise to questions regarding the future of the countrys resources some are predicting rosss departure could now open opportunities for Multinational Mining Companies bolivia is estimated to have 9000000 tons of lithium reserves the 2nd largest in the world and thats just one salt lake if other sites are out of the country it may contain up to half the worlds lithium and thats significant as experts predict Global Demand for the chemical element to triple by 2027 now that increase is being driven by the rapid expansion of certain markets that use lithium today its used in the electric cars batteries for various portable Electronic Devices and even military hardware Chuck Kaufman from the alliance for global justice things bolivia has been hit by the resource curse. Theres no question the washington is space time. The coup in bolivia its. Behind regime change efforts and. Every country. Particularly that has resources in june of this year president morrow us announced that bolivia was going to. Industrialize saying theyre there lithium so now its just export of raw materials. His plan was for bolivia to begin producing batteries refining the lithium producing batteries themselves which cuts. Of transnational corporations for a profit stream. Gazas Health Ministry says 5 people have been killed amid an escalation of violence between israel and Palestinian Militants the toll includes a leading commander of Islamic Jihad who was killed on monday night during an israeli air raid on the gaza strip such targeted assassinations have been rarely conducted by tel of even recent years. Shortly after the israeli assaults the Palestinian Militant Group responded launching a salvo across the border hitting tel aviv and surrounding cities the border between israel and gaza has been close as tel aviv says its continuing to target Islamic Jihad locations our middle east correspondent paul slayer has more details. This way the army has confirmed that its most wanted man in gaza and in fact its 3rd most wanted man internationally was assassinated just over midnight in the gaza strip now he is the leader of the Islamic Jihad militant group. And the strike occurred in the early hours of this morning we understand that an additional person was killed initial reports suggest that it was his wife and that 2 other people has been injured after the strike on a house in the east of gaza now dozens of rockets have been fired into israel primarily southern and Central Israel in response the israeli army saying that by 9 oclock this morning some 50 rockets had been fired at the country with its iron dome intercepting some 20 the 1st rockets were fired to tell of a downed 8 oclock this morning i was out on the streets and this is rush hour all the traffic came to a quick standstill the buses moved over to the side of the highways and people quickly disembarked and lay on the floor so that they would have a protection between the buses and the steel bars of the highway on the other side so the situation here in israel is extremely tense the reserve units have been called up people have been told to open their bomb shelters and People Living in the south and say into the country have been told to stay home and not go to work and unless they have essential jobs now the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that this leader was a commander who was poised to launch imminent attacks against israel take a listen in the past year this arch terrorist was the main generator of terrorism from this trip initiated planned and carried out many attacks hundreds of rockets the communities in the gaza periphery are suffering we havent ignored he was in the midst of crossing additional attacks these very days he was taking the court to clarify israel is not interested in escalation but we will do everything necessary to defend us and im not saying it in. Time. Its calm and cool headed we must allow the army to do its work now the Islamic Jihad has volunteered to take advantage on his death theyve issued a statement with hamas and this is despite israels warning hamas not to get involved situation there is extremely tense now all of this comes as a cypriot attack on the damascus home of a number of Islamic Jihad political took place also in the early hours of this morning and according to Islamic Jihad the son of the commander was killed in a blaming the israeli army as of yet this being no comment no response from the Israel Defense forces syrian media is reporting the attack they say that 2 people were killed and 6 people were wounded but at this stage they are not saying who was killed and who is responsible for this assassination indicates a resumption in the israeli policy of targeted assassinations more global news coming your way after this short break. You know world of big. Law and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy for and let it be an arms race on all fronts very dramatic developments only really im going to resist i dont see our. That strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and tom. Welcome back summer parades and wreath laying ceremony as have been held in the u. S. As the country marked veterans day but it comes as the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said the conflict in afghanistan is far from over despite all promises appoint troops out of their efforts ongoing its been ongoing for 18 consecutive years and i suspect itll be ongoing. Into the future for for several more years that mission is not yet complete. I also made it clear that our commitment would not be open ended and that we would begin to draw down our forces this july why are we continuing to train these afghanis who then shoot on soldiers in the back afghanistan is a complete waste of time to come home recent polls show a majority of veterans do not believe the wars in either iraq or afghanistan were worth fighting at the view also shared among the general public the u. S. Has maintained a continuous military presence in iraq since 2003 its been in afghanistan since 2001 the peace talks there which would allow the u. S. To pull out our ongoing donald trump has called off the go several times. Joining us is the founder of the bring our troops Home Organization and afghanistan veteran himself down mcknight they are very welcome to the program what led you to start your organization. Yeah in 2005 when i was deployed to afghanistan i was a member of the Idaho Army National guard in our governor jim risch was the commander in chief and we had a hard time getting supplies in afghanistan and so i climbed to the top of the hill in the pressure of a valley in afghanistan with a Satellite Phone and i called governor richardson explained our problem and within 48 hours so governor ridge worked his magic and our supplies were on the way and so i always held him up as kind of a hero of mine and a supporter of the troops and then when senator risch became the chairman in the senate of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations i saw an opportunity 14 years later to reach out to him one more time in asking for help and i had grown tired and weary of the wars and i was tired of seeing my friends deployed back to back to back to back to these conflicts in afghanistan and so i asked senator risch with his powerful position as the chairman to support a movement to end the forever wars and to bring our troops home from afghanistan and iraq and yemen and syria and initially he agreed but then he came back to washington and voted 3 more times to extend the United States military presence in the middle east indefinitely and thats when we started to bring our troops home dot us movement in february of this year. He talked about back to back to back deployments as a veteran yourself what can you tell us from your experience about the constant back and forth of u. S. Troops. Certainly the the weight that a deployment takes on a soldier in both mental and physical toll is incalculably you cant put a number to it its not quantitative and when you do that back to back times in the 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th time those emotional and those physical scars build up scar upon scar own scar and then the healing process takes longer and longer and longer and some some of our brothers and sisters that deploy this never do fully recover either physically or mentally we come on broken we come home damaged we come home broke and financially ruined become a home and we go through divorce. And hard time integrating back into normal society and it seems to be that theres a compound in factor that the more time they redeploy to these to these overseas conflicts the more time it takes to heal and properly real simulated back in the population and we just grew tired of seeing the same soldiers carry the burden of a war that 75 percent of the congress that we have today hasnt ever authorized 25 percent of those that served in 2001 in congress and signed the initial authorization of use of military force are all thats left in congress and so to 3 quarters of the Population Congress has never formally given authorization for these wars and so were going to ask them to do 2 things expire the 2001200200 extension 3 use of military force and if its important enough to send our military back into a foreign complet to get in if it has such an Important National security interest were going to ask congress to put their name on the line and have a formal declaration of war put your name on the line before you ask us to put our boots on the ground. At the same time so often we hear politicians president s promising to bring the troops back home what does it do for troop morale being told youre being pulled out being hearing these promises of returning home and then the next thing youre told to stay put. In the military we have a very common phrase that we like to say its called embrace the suck and we understand that we are there to carry out a mission and follow all lawful orders and as soldiers and sailors and airmen and marines were going to do just that but what were asking is that Congress Just give us the honor and the dignity and the respect to give us an authorization the way the constitution prescribes and that is through in article one section 8 declaration of war if if our oath of office or of our oath of enlistment the 1st line says that were going to protect and honor the constitution the United States we as the congress do the same thing and so morale in the military is always going to be fine we understand the concept that we are there to carry out the wishes of the. Our civilian elected leaders but were asking are they just doing this in a thoughtful and restartable manner i know you touched on this a little bit but can you tell us a little more did you feel personally that it was worth being there that you had something to achieve. Sure when we when i 1st realist i had been out of the military i realized after 911 because i wanted the opportunity to go and fight for the principles that i held near and dear to my heart and the american way and when we went to afghanistan i was all in on the mission i thought we were going to go there and we were going to do exactly what the authorization of the use of military force said and that was to kill or capture anybody that attacked us on 911. 00 to kill or capture anybody they aided in the attacks and to kill or capture anybody that gave them safe harbor and finally to find and kill Osama Bin Laden all of those. All those missions were completed in 2011 when Osama Bin Laden was killed and now were back there and were still there and its 18 years later so my thoughts of change over time i personally dont feel that the war was worth while were in a country that didnt attack us were were fighting people an enemy of our own creation for every. And any combatant or insurgent that we kill 10 more join and those are the brothers and sisters and neighbors of the people that were fighting and so were our presence there i feel is just propagating a perpetual war and its time for us to find a political solution and bring our troops home from those battles. Founder of the bring our troops Home Organization in afghanistan better and dan make night thank you for your service and your commitment to the troops i think you for joining us on the program. You bet thank you very much. Thats a news wrap up for now thanks for tuning in. With the. President. Of the free money. We would have a day of reckoning. Prices would revert back to reflect supply and demand. There would be. A catastrophic. Trap door opening underneath the u. S. Economy because the u. S. Wont do it for itself china will do it for the in the form of announcing as a surprise 20000 tons of gold and the introduction of a gold backed cryptocurrency this will kill the u. S. Dollar better than adorning. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability. A more equitable and sustainable well. They claim that production is completely hominis followed. Because. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is Something Else this lets keep going to anyone and i mean look. This is the move in unison we didnt do any minute and im stunned. On disconnect with who is going in. The. Ratings and sell you take it. From the jubilation over the u. S. Military raid that led to the suicide of isis leader abu bakar all baghdadi to be booed raining down on president drum during his visit the game 5 of the world series it has been headline after headline for the trumpet ministration all weekend long but one headline that you didnt see in the mainstream Corporate News media was this curious little memorandum released last week by u. S. Attorney general william barr entitled the implementation of National Disruption and early in gauge been programs to counter the threat of mass shootings. In the memorandum bar winds the new direction the department of justice will be taking regards to the threat of mass shooters writing i directed the department of justice and the f. B. I. To lead an effort to refine our ability to identify assess and engage potential mass shooters before they strike and just how will bar in the d. O. J. Accomplish this bit of precrime Crime Fighting us well with me webb with the Mint Press News observes that according to the memo the most jarring aspect of the memorandum is bars frank admission that many of the early engagement tactics that the new program would utilize were born of the posture we adopted with respect to terrorist threats. You mean those really fun the mazing tactics like the shredding of Due Process Rights you know torture in the hands to interrogation indefinite detention mass surveillance yeah well as of right now we can only guess just what war on terror style early and gauge mean tactics mr barr has on his mind his new effort to stop mass shooters but given the u. S. Governments controversial history when it comes to stopping terrorism. I think its time we start watching the whole us. To. Realize that its really. A part of. What its like you know that i got. This. Its like. Well the world is watching the hawks i am over and. Then f. B. I. Director Christopher Ray actually told lawmakers. In the 1st 3 quarters than 21900 s. Oh yeah that. Uro had logged more than 100 terror related arrests. And i bet you were in the white power things going on their name is more domestic terrorism and i was and it was probably because an f. B. I. Guy came to try. I just. Also the memorandum does differentiate so theres this between suspected terrorists. Terrorists terrorists from suspected mass shooters just to clarify one brown and one not. Not they didnt say well we raise our my money goes memorandum doesnt go too far right but unlike many historic terrorism cases quote many of todays Public Safety threats appear abruptly and with sometimes only ambiguous indications of intent and that many of these individuals quote

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