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Into there let me ask you one more question about the kurdish the Syrian Kurdish decision to align themselves more closely with the americans now you obviously come from iraq and formally speaking the iraqi kurds are a separate entity but im pretty sure that youve been following the developments across the Syrian Border very closely do you know even what word the syrian kurds x. Picked a chanst when they aligned themselves with the panther gone back in 2015 of were they promised anything concrete no archer or nothing has been promised to them by the must because government when the. Foreign minister of love rule visited iraq on a visit to kurdistan and i met him and ive been. Really to initiate some kind of dialogue between the mosque goes on that as if this was before that. Because rebbe. They will have a Better Future were trying to reach some accommodation of the region is also a lot of voting much still it is acting or behaving in the old mentality of the baath regime unfortunately but the recently that has been some positive movements i think some interaction. Of course we look forward to this me things that happen in suits in geneva the un is trying to do to have a constitutional conference on for the kurds also to be represented that. They have legitimate rights and concerns with the. New see the new constitutional d hopefully Democratic Syria mr zebari youve been talking about the lack of promises on the part of the damascus government but my question was about what the americans promised or didnt promise to the kurds back in 2015 they are there just to protect them they have fallen. On the ground to fight the isis. These were the promises then when they pulled out all of us saw the news so there could this reaction which was voted angry young also International Reaction and american reaction by congress by the media by the think so all this pressure as i think convinced that mr asian to reconsider their position. Reset in some forces of the name of protecting the oil fields not to fall into unsafe hounds thats part of the way the reason im asking this question is because i covered the syrian war extensively from from the ground and in the 1st years of the conflict there was a tacit. Agreement between the Assad Government and the many kurdish communities in syria and not chad taki chad that there was. A bit of a neutrality in the works and then the kurds decided to abandon that neutrality for the sake of what we now see to be a very short sleeved alliance with the americans in hindsight do you think it was a mistake to for the courage to align themselves with the pentagon that dot time back in 2015 of the moment they were facing this existence will threat by isis by. Terrorism. See what happened in many parts of the could this. Combined. With the constant through. The kurdish communities so theyre looking for support or for. That assistance from other countries that. Seized on the fortunate to step in to provide. Logistical support for the. Forces they formed. So really it was our current of. Of convenience the support to. In order to fire their common enemy but there could should not see them so. Out of younes to be honest with you too far to be good fighters and so on the should have a political agenda. We are using all up influence to encourage them really to be part of the political process speaking about this political edge on the kurds in iraq where the main beneficiaries of the iraqi invasion your people managed to secure very good terms for for that tommy both politically and economically as far as you know. Were they similar assumptions assurances may be hold in the case of the syrian kurds going back to 2015 did they hold that this alliance with the americans would pave the way for larger autonomy and hopefully maybe even independence. Of independence is not on the table lets be very frank with you but some form of autonomy. Regional Council Autonomy yes our experience differs with the syrian brothers are to move come along. I mean the kurdish struggle for freedom for recognition as it goes through. The foundation of the states from the twentys onward but. Honestly with secured. With the iraqi constitution iraq is their own state and we have a federal entity or region. To run out on affairs to have a vote on the elected parliament of all and Regional Government we have the board the. Regions the guard which is the Peshmerga Forces and also working very closely with. So our experiences differ from them i think they are aspiring they look forward to copy what we have achieved but the situation and see the journey graphically demographically is a little bit different somehow you just mentioned that the issue of independence is all of the table and yet nothing is permanent in the middle east and i think the iraqi kurds joe that message home for everybody 2 years ago when the Masoud Barzani left government held an independence referendum dont you think that that referendum despite its nonbinding nature in a way the how to bring the american pullout from syria about big. It definitely made the turks far more perhaps if im perhaps far more persistent with the trumpet ministration in communicating its apprehensions yes we. Went into different them to exercise our right of selfdetermination 1920172 years ago. And it was an overwhelming successful process 92 percent voted for that but either we declare to the war that really that cutting out of that or from them doesnt it does not mean automatically to establish an independent kurdish state but this is a message by the kurdish popular to the war that this is the desire this will how that could be translated it should have been worked out with Iraqi Government i mean you have ideas also in crimea. Which also you call for selfdetermination and you see absolutely but we acted on the resolve of those referendums and like the Kurdish People bad there is a big difference there no no i think we have those discussions with our russian friends by the times the standard should be equal to see the judges. This is. Have a right the right of selfdetermination and have a nation but the geopolitical situation differs definitely from different parts. We did have that a thought on them but also we will resist the not only by turkey by iran by the iraqi army. By the Iraqis Security forces who tried to restart as that of control but they failed because the people resist they felt they havent done something wrong just express their views so i think were out on the on us. Longer footing with our people and also in all other relations with baghdad neighbors took ok well mr zebari we have to take a very short break now but we will be back in just a few moments statement. What i suggest is a call the reverse hunger games then we must understand our randomly pick 10. 00 to 15. 00 billionaires every year and strip them of everything get it down to 0 and course im out there and make it into the world of commerce and see if they can build it up to scratch again introduce risk back into the American Capital system because once you have a certain amount of money theres no more risk youre just clipping coupons for vanity and you have no stake in the game whatsoever. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth. Is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes that are wrapped and its going to chill. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers quote. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace the should have. A turtle life between now and the. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy on sunday shouldnt let it be an arms race is on all fronts very Dramatic Development only im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and tom. What politicians do you should. Put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. So when you want to be president. For something i want. To go right to the press this is what. 3 of the 4 people. Im interested in the war. In. Iraq come back to worlds apart because she has the body of prominent Iraqi Kurdish politician and former Foreign Affairs minister of iraq mr zebari just before the break we were talking about the strategic process and cons of the Kurdish Alliance with the americans and you said that it was a marriage of convenience which is hard to deny because both sides needed each other to fight isis but what im struck by is the sheer gap in casualties the as d. F. Is believed to have lost 11000 of its fighters while the americans in the same period recorded 5 called casualties while still maintaining that they are the ones who defeated i says how do you take it. Well it was very painful definitely i mean after all this losses i mean over 11000 people that have lost thousands of injured people hundreds of thousands of displaced people definitely knew it was it was very painful i mean to look back to the recent history with this. Alliance was it was new and. It found of that a bit of taste to be honest with you with the kurds that our alliance with. Allies is not reliable and they have abandoned us and they have abandoned their friends and the past also on many occasions but the United States is the. Foobar power factor. That has interest here we have to be realistic really how to deal with this changing position. As i said they have reconsidered their. Position that back in the small of number but we hear from that diploma. That there are still committed somehow and they would prevent through see a massive turkish incursion or invasion. Of yes and one of our main concerns actually is ethnic cleansing in this kurdish areas or demographic changes this is an extremely warning and we are also boarded up accidents of people from issue freight is from kurdish areas and seed into Iraqi Kurdistan as i give you the example i checked today even the interior minister he confirmed that all the 15000 refugees have crossed into Iraqi Kurdistan recently now i think. You dont have to agree with me but i think there is a definite tendency on the part of the United States to kind of short change the currents and i think it was well demonstrated in the recent story with the killing of the isis leader abubakar died because the americans claimed all of the credit and yet according to the as the af all intelligence had access to all but died as well as the identification of his location of his identity were the results of the kurds own work who are you more prone to believe in this case whose achievement is that reading the world of that horrible man well if the student questions yes they were hopeful archer the. Location of. The head of isis is a terrorist organization and also. Have been helpful tool in the kurdistan region as well as the iraqi Intelligence Organization have all collaborated some people believe i dont know how true or not of believe in their Conspiracy Theory but 6 some some do have been struck between. Turkey. Over this issue im in but on us they are not believe in Conspiracy Theory but they were helpful instrumental in tracking or following the location of a bunker above the yes when the Obama Administration managed to eliminate the sama bin ladin there well there was a lot of talk about decapitating al qaeda but it certainly didnt still being a major security challenge with all baghdadi hopefully gone do you think ice is will continue being a problem for your country and for your region as a whole no arses threat the ideology of isis is the invite. Which led the isis to rise really is Still Available both here and in iraq and we can sense it we can smell it and also in syria so the head of isis is the capital but the organization the ideology is still there just 2 days ago there was an explosion. Near much more south of the guests on the Italian Special forces unit which led to the injured are 5 of them this is the most recent incident and therefore. Regrouping they have sleeping cells not on the here in iraq about in syria too so we have to deal with this problem actually for a long term its not the media. As well its been loved and was decapitated but then was offered to so i think a certain logic applied to this story that i was asian which have a global. Now one of the most pressing issues as far as isis is concerned right now is the refugee camps the security of refugee camps in syria some of them of being still being guarded by the kurdish units there are a lot of isis women and children there are some of them are many of them in fact are iraqi citizens and not many countries want to take them back how do you think this issue should be handled. This is the comeback of the whole come which really holds thousands of isis families and their children that is why there are former members and some of the double nationality from European Countries france of british german and saw. Through to receive. Those looking after this comes but the danger actually if this god will be removed definitely they will go back to that old tactics most of the iraq is not all of them. Really within the Iraqi Government there are discussions and debates we should. They have this 5 millions or this people or try those who have committed crimes. By iraqi laws so those discussions are ongoing but it is an embarrassment to everybody what to do with this sons of isis or their wives who are stark and come well its not only the embarrassment its also a major security challenge and present area don of turkey when mentioned a couple of times during this conversation just earlier this week sad that turkey is going to actually died those fighters regardless whether their home countries want them or not i think he already sent one of the former isis fighters to america to the United States there are 7 aves who will be sent to germany and perhaps other countries what do you think about this initiative do you think thats a way to handle the. News or compressive solution not by piece smell. Some dollars. Cases i think this is a problem that not concerned see the. Iraq are such but all those countries who. Listen to fight isis and some of the other nationals have taken part and crimes and war crimes and definitely this should not be used as a bargaining chip. To the security of our people of our countries. There has to be Different Solutions i think i mean through on screen these people to suffer through those who are wanted. By the court in iraq or in c. D. O. Or whatever countries and the rest of the families should be rehabilitated in my view now you mentioned just a moment ago that these people are very dangerous people some of them should not be used as a bargaining chip in geopolitics and some accuse president are there on of doing exactly that because hes conditioning his relations with the European Union on what turkey dies with and many of those rebels or that many of those jihadi fighters as we are talking president are there on is visiting the United States do you have any concerns about what may result from that meeting because he already said that he wants to turn a new page with the trumpet ministration and develop a new call peroration based on security do you have any concerns that hes in top radiation of security may come with insecurity or for your brother and across the border in syria. No definitely there are concerns on this the fate of this people should not be used as a bargaining chips against european and other countries that has to be there is a problem of Security Problems and needs to be dealt with collectively. And we have codes of this people are released. They will pose a threat on a danger to our security to the security of others but. So far according to my information i mean these people are still under the protection under god. They have not is the control of the scum. For them all saw as not are good policy to recount all we would release. This is also an acceptable i think we have to to engage other countries lets to deal with this issue collectively to find some last a solution its not. Convenient solutions or Symbolic Solutions to this major problem and how thick now weve talked a lot about the syrians and the iraqis and theres a lot of mutual grievances between these 2 countries the Syrian Government has been accused of providing safe haven for the iraqi insurgency and vice versa iraq has been accused of abetting the insurgency in syria now that to be our sort of back to square one do you think these 2 governments these 2 countries could come up with a more new chile accommodating and arrangement one that would focus on the security of their own people rather than the interests of foreign players. But definitely havent the Iraqi Government relations with the Syrian Regime or government. Government gets. Its scope in terms of security in terms of visits by Security Officials there is that count as im so on the ground yes in the possibly suffer from all this jihad. Coming from Different Countries Foreign Countries through see the internal and that has been a problem between iraq and syria but no i think. There is a better understanding between the 2 countries because of the threat of isis because of the civil war and see. That this may spill over to across iraq already has suffered from. Major protests these days and back that in other. Southern provinces and iraq. We all out of try to contain this peacefully and to Seek Solutions to respond to the demands of the demonstrators because the whole region is boiling to be honest with you while mr zebari we have to leave it there thank you very much for sharing your perspective but thats today most of us most of our viewers can keep this conversation going in our social media pages as funny in the team we hope to see again same place same time one of wildes a part. Of. Time after time to repeat the same mantra sustainability very important. Transition to sustainable transport sustainability. A more equitable and sustainable. They claim their production is completely harmless. It. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is a this. Is a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been a holy temple in the inside venezuela things look different were going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associate. Famously have a supplement good. Footballing data to move the pedal to. The who story isnt new nixon called in Henry Kissinger to tell him it would not be tolerated in latin america an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream so once an economy of venezuela screed. I suggest call the reverse hunger games. And our randomly pick 10 to 15 billionaires every year and everything down to 0 and course im out there into the world of commerce and see if they can build it up scratch again introduce risk back into the American Capital system once you have a certain amount of money theres no more risk youre just clipping coupons for vanity and you have no stake in the game whatsoever. Because you will. Had lunch while to this morning a College Student goes on a shooting rampage of russias far east killing one and injuring 3 others before taking his own life also. Supports his ability as former president clashing with police demanding the government leave and bring the old one back. And the news channel a. B. C. Hunts for the whistle blow the. Video revealing that killed an explosive story and convicted jeffrey up steam

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