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Not the. Knife from moscow studio its just past 2 oclock in the morning youre watching International Welcome to the program. And donald trump has said peace talks with the taliban have resumed the u. S. 6 president paid a surprise visit to the background based afghanistan and is the 1st time hes ever been to the country he announced a substantial cut in troop numbers that. Were doing a tremendous job. And as you know a big part of the job is isis certainly the biggest and we. Weve got them down very low numbers we have that totally taken care of an aversion period of. And well see what happens if the taliban wants to make a deal well see if they want to make a deal its going to be a real deal but well see well trump made that statement after a meeting with the afghan president ashraf ghani we heard from karen task is a 4 time u. S. Air force Lieutenant Colonel and she says a u. S. Pullout from afghanistan is long overdue. Seems like theyre trying to rebuild it and i do think theres a chance for i mean were wasting american dollars in lives in afghanistan truck ran on a platform of bringing the troops home hes got less than a year left to show that he can do that so i think he is motivated hes been trying to do it everywhere in small ways and every time that he takes troops out or announces a small small reduction of troops the Defense Industrial complex the congressional complex goes ballistic on him no matter what he does he realizes he will be criticized he might as well just do what he wants to do what he wants to do is bring our troops home you know we support bringing the troops home but congress does not you know we certainly the United States is not going to do 30 years in afghanistan 20 years is enough theres no desire for that i think even the corporate defense folks have made the money that they think they can make its time to leave afghanistan is long overdue. But nato secretary general young stoltenberg has met with a man while mccraw in paris and that softer the french president calls to start by describing the Transatlantic Alliance as braindead eco standoff has the latest. Well indeed the 2 were emanating tension as they were trying to keep a straight face with a less than a perfect game again even as they were delivering their statements Standing Shoulder to shoulder to each other it was obvious that one is way more optimistic about nato than the other have a less nato is a Strong Alliance but more than that we are adopting it we are agile and we are active so we are responding to a changing world and the reason why nato is the most successful launch in history is that we have been able to change in the world is changing and thats exactly what we have done over the last years thats exactly what we are doing to see questions i asked our open questions that we have not resolved peace in europe the i never position the relationship with russia in turkey who is the enemy so until we resolve these issues let us not negotiate whether coast sharing a burden sharing is this or that maybe we need a wake up call. This is effectively the french president refusing to retract his previous comments about nato experiencing brain death this is the exact quote by him from a couple of weeks ago and that was not the only instance one of the 21 the secretary general of nato and the french president werent exactly seeing eye its why for instance young stoltenberg has retreated repeatedly that while the alliance the allies in the block do have some issues that they do have their differences he reiterated that well they agree on the fundamental issues but nato is relationship with russia is one of those fundamental issues and thats where and when youll mccrone again in on 1st of all those members of the bloc who refused to have or any sort of dialogue with russia or refused to see russia as a partner this is where Emanuel Mcquillan called on a more open and a more friendly stance and a more friendly relationship with moscow that. We want to loosen robust and demanding dialogue with russia with neither naivety nor complacency our alliance is based on a certain common history and geography the nato secretary general he also emphasized how he believes that europe is effectively defenseless without nato that europe cannot defend itself well i talked to some of the french citizens and my colleagues in berlin did the same to find out whether or not they realize how crucial nato is for you to be honest. We dont really know whether they do. It was afraid of ok to use methods. And then to the design them and to certain countries. I dont know what all achievements were well i think it was necessary after the ball. But nowadays. Its not important anymore i think basically. No war the last. 60 years 70 years i dont know to be honest i dont know since the eastern part of warsaw is down i dont know she needed to nato was historically beneficial for us but of course we have a completely different situation now i should say such Public Opinion goes in stark contrast with for instance what Angela Merkel the german chancellor had to say the other day when she said that she believed that nato now is as important if not more important than it was during the cold war and by the way she was also among those who criticize mccrone for his brain comments so clearly today young stoltenberg anemone emmanuel mccrone didnt come any closer to resolving their differences but next week nato is celebrating its 70th birthday so well see for that parties overshadowed by all the differences that this big family has. A convicted murderer in germany has won the right to have his name and other details are raised from web searches under the e. U. s right to be forgotten the man was sentenced for a double murder back in 1902 and served 28 years in jail the case and his name were widely reported in the media he claims his right to privacy and ability to vote to develop his personality have now been infringed germanys highest court agreed tech giants like google will now have to remove the mans details from search results. Well the law states that any european citizen can ask for links containing Sensitive Information to be erased from Search Engines since being acted in 2014 google says more than 800000 requests have been made to remove more than 3000000 web pages earlier our guests debated the case. Well they certainly deserve a 2nd chance but what they dont deserve is to have the historic crimes of theyve gone wiped off that no one can find them this is clearly an attack on free speech freedom of information and its International Censorship because the rights of those that he killed the families the victims should never be forgotten but what he wants to do he wants his past to be completely wiped clean but once you start to we raise Historic Events then youre. Rewriting what historic what history was this person should have a slave why clean on the fact that the still showing up is going to be discriminated against or it could push him back into a life of crime if hes not given the right to leave his old life but a lot behind if you go for a job you still got suit you still got to give your past previous convictions which will discriminate against you anyway but the thing is theres no point releasing the individual from prison if you still going to if you still want to live in the past im all for giving a 2nd chance and like say the rehabilitation of offenders should should help but sometimes its down to employers not having confidence in the judicial system to corrective behavior for people to come out a changed person and sometimes you need confidence in businesses to give a chance but the problem is when you start to hide your Historic Events then that adds another dimension to the people will look into employer if hes trying to hide this what else is he trying to hide this person trying to better themselves the trying not trying to raise the past the trying to be given a fair shot of the way of thinking you know what clean slate start again this is me now not then do you want to raise the posse continuing always off the internet could just change the name if they want to eventually like let me buy your. Right you want to repeat yourself but the fact is you can change your name and you can just do exactly that anywhere. I change my name for example when my job on it is called you can have a go at your current with no if you if you actually go for jobs where they need to do certain disclosures because of the certain criteria you have to say if you change your name or you know by other names so that they can do a proper search yet serve you serve you that society you released as a new person with a with hopefully with a new mindset you should be given every opportunity so that your past is stricken from the record like ability to go in for jobs it will always come up so theres no getting away from it just about being a new person pretty produce projection yourself in a different lie and try to become a productive member of society the criminal may have served the time they may want to move on the families cant move on is still there and the should never try and wipe it because if this try and hide their past what else are they going to try and hide in the future. A video from a rally in paris last saturday raising awareness of violence against women has gone viral shows around that broke out when women from a feminist group called nemesis collective joined the march. Oh ah. d the nemesis activists were holding up placards saying that 52 percent of racists are rapists are immigrants a figure taken from 824000 survey the movement says lax immigration policies and france have put many women at risk and they were confronted by other demonstrators who started booing and tearing up their placards. Or the nemesis activists have since been subjected to a wave of online anger theyve been branded fascists and racists the group claims other feminists want to silence them or we talk to one of the campaigners you asked us to distort her voice to hide her identity. We arrived at the demonstration with our plaque cards and started to protest and within minutes other demonstrators saw a massive placards it was clearly to quickly we wanted to cross in a calm way now we are freed we know that our masses shes truthful but there are people who are aggressive to us the violence against women the protest raises questions and demonstration with the slogan all of us turns out not to be for all of us at all since we have been treated like fascists im asking what is the basis for this do this women know the definition of fascism i am angry about this attack being treated in that way we are feminist movement we denounce any kind of violence people speak about freedom of expression but do they mean it we have questions to women who pretend to be families who say that they represent other women another nemesis activist we spoke to told us that rapists of migrant origin and not prosecuted enough she also asked to remain anonymous. I was in the rage we went to this demonstration because we wanted to defend womens rights we thing not enough we said on the subject of migration and when they attacked us like we were fascists it just shows that they attack themselves it is a real problem that in france a woman cannot go out on the street where she wants because of migrants when i am on the street im often harassed by men and their nationalities obvious rapists of migrant origin is not prosecuted enough we need to tell the world that everyone should be punished regardless of their skin color there are several types of threats that we get on social media were accused of fascism and racism these people from the far left do not want to accept the reality they want to prevent us from speaking up. And other news this hour the u. S. President or trump has pardoned 2 turkeys saving them from being served up for thanksgiving the lucky called bread and butter the pardons are part of a 30 year old white house tradition trouble so use the occasion to crack some jokes about impeachment but while the president might be enjoying himself the u. S. Media has cast a gloomy light on the whole thanksgiving holiday as arties donald quarter explains. But i say thanksgiving whats the 1st thing that comes to mind turkey. Warm hugs with seldom seen relatives well you can forget all that this year thanksgiving is cancelled or at least the media says theres too many pilgrims killing natives involved too many children appropriating Indigenous Culture a big Carbon Footprint is left behind and of course peter thinks its on ethical thanksgiving can be the scariest time of the year if youre a turkey more than 45000000. 00 of these fascinating birds killed to disgrace thanksgiving tables each year. Turkeys you dont want to mess with them not after the toms river turkey rebellion flock of wild turkeys are terrorizing a new Jersey Community toto show how the 20 plus pound birds can be dangerous blocking traffic on yorktown boulevard some residents feel threatened as they walk out their door turkey might be the centerpiece of the traditional thanksgiving dinner table but p. Cand pie is almost just as important to bad this year theyre coming from china even a loving embrace could now be off limits next time think twice before hugging your daughter reminder she doesnt owe anyone a hug not even at the holidays they could without even realizing it also be a time when your daughter gets their own idea balance concerns and physical affection and the beef gravy on top family chats going around the table and naming what were thankful for is a great springboard into small talk with our Political Climate nowadays its no doubt a slippery slope into dinner table debates good thing weve got a former state Department Official to tell us what to do like every family we have people of all political stripes and somehow my loving family members find a way to keep a lid on it at family gatherings the has probably been the saving grace i will be tapping into the common power of a cocktail i would advice others to do the same thanksgiving is having a tough time finding its place in our new wolk world who knows if well even have anything left to celebrate ive never thought about turkeys but theyre raised for this purpose theyre bred for that purpose my family is a little bit divided religiously but we usually put our differences aside despite the differences that people may have you know they come together and they say what theyre thankful for you know with the other aspect of it on you know the native americans. Take that down as history however in the present day modern time should we not you know follow along the traditions of thanksgiving i can understand for some people maybe they dont feel the need to celebrate it but i am not everyone so people can do it makes them come to rome. The Global Chemical weapons watchdog has passed a controversial new budget well have that story and more off to this short break. The u. S. House of representatives has wrapped up its 1st round of impeachment hearings against President Trump but its not done with trying to oust him with new impeachment proceedings ahead is impeachment of viable strategy against the president. The nato military alliance is a relic from the cold war back then it was relevant and even necessary today it is an alliance in search of a mission that search as almost we haled eastern expansion towards russia but the lingering question remains is the average american and western european interested in a war over the sovereignty the school year make. Much of a palpable unstrung the system then you have the records and what we have done is to try and identify something happening in the brain where the explosion of the ripples corresponds to the depths of your consciousness. The Global Chemical weapons watchdog has passed a budget for 2020 despite objections from both russia and china moscow noted that the plans include funds for illegitimate activities referring to the o. P. C. Investigation and Identification Team since being set up last year the team has investigated chemical instance and apportion blame countries including russia and syria say that such activities politicize the organization but the u. S. Envoy says those nations just want to cover up crimes unfortunately the Russian Federation has played a central role in this cover up russia and syria may sit with us here but they stand apart from us in a fundamental way they continue to embrace chemical weapons. Earlier a leaked internal email showed an unnamed employee was concerned that the organization misrepresented facts over the doomer incident this oppose it chlorine gas attack in the syrian city last year led to u. S. French and british missile attacks on suspected chemical weapons facilities while w. Investigators had no mandate to assign blame a joint team pointed the finger at the Syrian Government both damascus and moscow said from the outset that the chemical attack never occurred the Russian Ambassador to the o. P. C. W. Gave his response to u. S. Accusations in an exclusive interview with r. T. What if i knew the expression embrace all the weapons we are certainly not one to embrace chemical weapons let me remind you of that the Russian Federation completed. The destruction of its chemical arsenals we are committed to a big Chemical Weapons Convention to kill the spirit of this convention there is only one country in the world we feel poses to embrace gimmick called weapons. These scum treated years ago none of the United States disposed to all kinds of. Resources there is still delaying the destruction of chemical arsenals so all. Call up on the United States will fall or the example of the Russian Federation going to do straw it all the chemical weapons. And see beijing protesters in hong kong have been celebrating and waving american flags after donald trump signed bills backing the Movement China are some of the u. S. Ambassador in response beijing says the white house is may have a mouse interference and has threatened washington with consequences. Move on. The u. S. Has been disregarding the facts and distorting the truth openly backed violent criminals who rampantly smash the cities started fires salted innocent civilians trample on the rule of law and jeopardized the social order its any ms to undermine hong kong stability and prosperity sabotage the practice of one country 2 systems and disrupt the chinese nations endeavor to realize the great and youll remind the us that hong kong is part of china and Hong Kong Affairs the chinese internal affairs where no Foreign Government or force shall interfere this act will only further expose the malicious and hedge monic nature of us intentions we urge the us not to continue going down the wrong path with china which it Counter Measures and the us must bear all consequences. While the hong kong human rights and democracy act opens up sanctions for Human Rights Violations and makes it easier for arrested protesters to obtain u. S. Visas it also requires an annual review of the regions special trade status and hong kong will qualify only if it has enough autonomy from beijing or this could pose a threat to the citys position as a Global Financial center if Hong Kong Special status is revoked it would be subject to the same sanctions imposed by the u. S. On Mainland China and the same goes for trade tariffs and banking restrictions limits could also be placed on Sensitive Technology sold to Hong Kong Hong kongs economy is already suffering as a result of the violent protests that have been raging for 6 months companies and investors are setting their sights on more stable places like singapore and tourists are also staying away we discuss the situation with antiwar activists sara flounders. But is see aim of this sanctions it really is an effort to totally sabotage hong kong demonstrators theyre not demanding democracy imagine theyre demanding sanctions on their own city sanctions everywhere in the world its Economic Warfare and its strangulation why on earth would anyone in hong kong make a demand that sanctions be passed on hong kong there is an inch and they may not be aware these are young people without a future. And thats because of what has been imposed on them from the west. Or the day from now well be back here in 30 minutes time with more news from around the world. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. More something i want to. Have to do i could be close to see what before 3 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters in the house. There should be. Thinking of getting a new phone the ones we got in here shows no problem was as he didnt know until he was trapped in this tiny low wired were going to near the crate with him the wall just. Freaking out into the wall when its pretty much anywhere near. Breeding dogs that caged in into lane conditions on puppy foams i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. For the you. Know its ok. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a Group Businesses are involved like agoa mum son to there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs. I dont i dont thank you nothing. Thank. You thank you. Thank. God the there was out to. Welcome to the alex adventure where we continue our series on whether catalonia in the aftermath of the spanish elections is the battle for the future going to move from on the streets to online alex reports from barcelona where hes been interviewing government ministers and International Observers on the future of the belize province but 1st to your tweets and emails our recent issues and last week shoe our panel of political pundits on foreign white assessing the prospects of all the parties competing for seats and the u. K. General election speaking about a pundit show morning says another excellent show alex always informative and relevant dickey says the only sensible thing thats worth feeling well thank you dickie katz says the pundits dont always get it right but theyre willing to admit it yes they are i always enjoy listening to research she has sort of freshening well done alex interest me an effort to create we program arthur says i a grown up civilized discussion among thoughtful political observers fabulous issue and hylander says i thoroughly enjoyed it the pundits and i thought very good now when an ardent tory says the tory lies need to stop then you know boris is in trouble then speaking about her 1st programme in the cities on catalonia caroline says the dignity im cutting edge of laura and chill and most incredibly the lack of bitterness were so moving i Hope International pressure so far milk toast coming brought to bear on spain and that all 9 are released so the families are very united thank you caroline now weve asked the news. Donnish government for a response to our 1st program on catalonia featuring the spices of 2 of the independence campaigner sentence to long terms of imprisonment but take it to deceive a response when they reply we will cover their comments or their interviews however reuters reported last month that spain socialist leader Pedro Sanchez was stepping up efforts to control separatist groups and Party Activities on the internet saying that his government would not allow catalonia to set up a virtual independent republic online the kind of to stick of demonstrations in catalonia and indeed elsewhere has been the ability to mobilize large numbers of people into street demonstrations at very short notice using Online Communications online the Catalan Independence movement may have reigned supreme however this may be about to change with the catalonian minister of digital politics and Public Administration your depression at all claiming that the madrid government are intent on a shipping extrajudicial powers to clamp down on social media traffic which alex whos speaking with him in barcelona. Mr jordy pinera welcome to the hour exam and sure thank you for inviting me. Your responsibilities in government and compass the digital calling me as well as the Catalan Civil Service tell me a bit about how youre positioning catalonia as a digital hub. In the europe and the world. Has been over the past the. Fabric of of spain the most industrialized area. In the Spanish State we are the only part of spain where we did the Industrial Revolution like you know in england part of the world and now we want to be. Not spain by the of at least a half of east south of europe and what successes can you point to as a killer statistic you can give us which you will see how catalonia is successful in becoming this this digital hub well it will be i think in a very objective if if i save myself that i will use the fetus according to Financial Times right now we the south of europe the most attracting reason to invest in these new additional economy. We hosted in barcelona capital of at anya the most important thing was to go in right now in the world which is the mobile world congress. We also hold this massively well congress which hes how we use these technologies you know

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