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Trump apparently has some other ideas. From. 1 am on wednesday here in moscow at 5 pm in washington d. C. Thats where were starting there democrats on the u. S. House Intelligence Committee have published their report detailing how president allegedly abused his office for personal gain and solicited interference from ukraine for the 2020 election the release of the 300 page document which is based on testimony given in a series of closed door and public hearings marks the start of a new phase in the impeachment process. And taking a closer look. Well the report from the house Intelligence Committee democrats essentially alleges 2 things about donald trump 1st it alleges that he conditioned military aid to ukraine on an announcement that would have been beneficial to his Reelection Campaign and secondly it alleges that he obstructed the house of representatives impeachment inquiry investigation now adam schiff representing democrats came forward and painted a pretty grim pricks here donald trump and his activities this is adam schiff this report chronicles a scheme by the president id states to coerce an ally ukraine that is at war with an adversary russia into doing the pleasure of the president s political dirty work and he was willing to sacrifice the National Security of the United States by withholding military aid and diplomatic recognition in the form of that white house meeting in order to get what he wanted now before departing the country on monday donald trump dismissed the allegations that were expected to be leveled in this report this is what donald trump said prior to leaving the country before the report was released by the radical. Democrats decide what im going to set up a year ago when im going that was. One of the most important. Thing. For them to be doing saying putting the feet of the table which. I grew up with in a recent interview the ukrainian leaders the lenski also dismissed these allegations about president trumps behavior and interactions with him look i never talked to the president from the position of a quid pro quo thats not my thing i dont want us to look like bagus now before this report was released on monday we had a report from the republicans that. Released it was 123 pages long and it divan did the actions of u. S. President donald trump saying that his dealings with ukraine had not been inappropriate and had not violated the law and many are continuing to point toward the timing of the release of this report the fact that donald trump is out of the country celebrating the 70th anniversary of nato the North Atlantic Treaty Organization that many have pointed to the timing of the report as being somewhat suspicious however while some are looking at the report and saying it shows very very damning evidence against donald trump others are looking at the report and saying its simply a rehash of long discredited allegations different views from different sides of the political spectrum here in the United States what we have here is unprecedented and no one knows what it means because it Means Nothing lets assume the president is impeached lets assume hes tried in the senate and they vote on a super majority 67. 00 votes to remove him which is impossible but lets say through some act of god or he is removed can he run for president again and the answer to most legal questions of course is it depends but the answer is yes its still unsure the constitution provides you can impeach as in the cases of judges you can impeach somebody and prevent them as a part of the sentence in almost a separate proceeding to keep them from ever running again but absent that additional ruling that additional finding that they can never seek office again there is nothing to prevent a president from being impeached tried removed running again and being reelected again. You say its been a landmark day for nato with the leaders of its Member States convening in london to mark the military alliance his 70th anniversary having been hit by a series of high profile dispute in recent months including over defense spending its looking to promote internal unity at the summit and it would seem the organizations chief has been feeling optimistic. And that is your breakfast with president trump. It was us always a good breakfast. Ordered. As always paid by the United States. We are some people in london for their thoughts on nato and its successes to date. Police officer people what they think are the main 3 achievements of nates. Model and even though it stands for. So you know here in terms of achievements know very little i dont know what its about have no idea of any advantage of me tell you but you know i honestly dont know anything about it and so the psyche of the day and only my husband recognized what it was cool its a good question but let me think of a little bit. So one is probably yeah to be honest i dont have i dont have even one. Day one of the something wrapped up and leaders headed to Buckingham Palace for a reception with the queen crowds gathered in Central London and protest some adopted the slogan no to trump no tonight i think the sally was there force as donald trump and other World Leaders arrive in london for that nato summit these protesters have gathered with many different fighters many different causes all coming together we see how the Science Magazine balance against a potential war with iran weve seen many other battles against the good just as it was. In libya but also because of the how domestically many fan is in support of the n. H. S. National Health Service and what protesters here fear could be an attempt to privatized the n. H. S. In the in the event of a post briggs a trade deal between the u. S. And the u. K. And thats something thats long been feared by those particularly on the left it in the k. And were expecting a number of n. H. S. Workers national Health Service workers to join this protest as well in order to show their solidarity not just against donald trump and nato but also again on those domestic issues and i was joined by. The belgian answer war activist and also alexander a german parliamentarian who gave me their views. Everything to do with donald trump later we are here because we want to protest a nato summit is taking place today and tomorrow and we are doing this because for example the nato is forcing its Member States to increase their difference budget for my country for example belgium it means doubling Defense Budgets while we are asked to have an austerity policy and the same time they are transferred using this money to transform armies into intervention armies we have seen what this means in libya or in afghanistan this to realizing countries and sold another important issue is the confrontation policy to towards russia which is exactly creating this kind of arms race so there are many many issues why we have to oppose nato thats why we are here if hypothetically tomorrow nato ceased to exist would not create perhaps a security vacuum a security problem in europe that would lead to more instability this is an old argument done by the conservatives a little words i dont think so what we need is a new Security Architecture what i say to the security quality of. Your stock this is what helps. Do secure. The alliances chief also says he expects the bammer states to agree on methods to further strengthen the block at the summit as despite growing divisions inside the organization itself as nichiren reports next. Happy birthday nato thats 70 years of strategic economic and security stability especially if you ask them yourself and your we are proving every day that this alliance this. Is our joy is our own its the liberating nato is the most successful alliance in history that strive to join showing the historic suspects on liberal nato and they does been the most successful alliance in the history and the reason why nato is the most successful launch and history is that we have been able to change in the world is changing but not everyone is in a party mood the thing is the Alliance Members just dont get along as well as they used to. The advent of donald trump s 13 least which stopped the dynamics nato is obsolete it covers the soviet union which is no longer in existence this led to questions over whether the alliance can even survive donald trump perhaps in an effort to mollify him nato has announced a new spending projections and a new formula which will spread the costs of the alliance in central budget between its members a move that might prevent any more embarrassing trump tirades aimed at his nato partners the relationship with nato has been very good the relationship with the secretary generals been outstanding i said it was obsolete its no longer obsolete but the truth is hes not the only potential party pooper. In october this year president emanuel mccrone of france stole the spotlight when he dubbed nato strategically brain dead while questioning the validity of article 5 of its founding treaty that is the commitment to collective Security System of the defense critic nato is a collective Defense Alliance against who and what is organizing who is our common enemy what are our common issues these are questions that deserve clarification but this the idea. Is quite similar to the one expressed by another dissatisfied nato member turkey. Turkey has not received the kind of robust support it expected from nato in recent years meanwhile turkeys president appeared to demonstrate his true feelings towards the alliance when he chose to spend money on Russian Defense systems rather than american so not exactly the model of nato member but despite these similar complaints about nato tensions have escalated between turkey and france in recent weeks with mccracken warning turkey but it cannot expect solidarity with its nato allies if it continues to carry out military operations in syria response only up the ante so. Im talking to frances president Emmanuel Macron and also say that nato 1st of all have your own brain death checked. As for the u. K. S Boris Johnson well theres not a verse or a gathering could not have come at a worse time. For boris is clearly invested in maintaining the special relationship with the us he knows that a loose lips trump giving a glowing endorsement could be catastrophic donald trump is coming to terms very shortly he offered his support for you and indeed for my colleague knowledge of russia on this Radio Station is that welcome what he what we dont do traditionally. As lobbying allies and friends what we do traditionally is get involved in each others Election Campaign he did when nato was forms the common goal was clear to stand against the u. S. S. R. But the thing that once held the Alliance Together is now the missing piece what is naders biggest threat today. Uncertainty and unpredictability we havent identified one main target but you see much more complex im much more unpredictable Security Landscape with a more sort of russia nato needs a purpose and reads our. Russia as an enemy they have no real purpose so it is propaganda to have russia as an aggressor and this is a good reason to buy a lot of. Rockets basis and so on and so on most probably day will continue to russia to be an aggressor so they have a reason of existing and they would continue to buy arms billions of dollars and this is not their very good contribution to peace in the. Altie americas rick sanchez discusses the current purpose of nato and his latest show which you can watch online. Youre a diplomat youve had a lot of experience in this field what is it that nato either must do today to stay viable or does do we even need it anymore you know its a bureaucracy in search of a mission i was right in 2016 when he said it was obsolete and so afraid was the establishment that he meant what he said on the very day he was inaugurated and they tried to ram through the addition of a new country montenegro thankfully they got it through because it turned out they didnt have to worry about trumps intentions once he filled his administration with a bunch of bushies and retreads of the Heritage Foundation theyve simply adopted the policies weve had the last few decades and somehow turned into nato as obsolete into lets make nato great again well just strong on these countries to pay more for their defense against nobody in particular you think they know has in fact outlived its usefulness i thought so in 1909 and i think so today its been as a list of from a standpoint of being a naturalized american and having read the Founding Fathers warning you cant seem to angling alliances i mean what is this but in entangling alliances its our own Foreign Policy that did reason nato is being kept around by the Foreign Policy hawks in washington is not because its necessary for the actual military operations and nato itself doesnt really contribute a whole hell of a lot there are very few countries with the notable exception i want to say france and turkey but it would put it in as if this is not a good idea for the United States and its very close allies to have an association a military but i would close our eyes thats what i was trying to say france and turkey could theoretically mountie independent military operations everybody else is just a hanger on and theyre just window dressing for us military operations the are literally like roman exactly erisa want to do what ive been hearing go bad where did that word of the destruction went or where that is what it seems to be a dismissive alliance and 991. 00 when the soviet union and the warsaw pact would out of business nato should have as well as why didnt they let russia in that mean that literally that time ive read on many occasions buddha himself has said why dont you get is that. If you are youre going to tell you who it was but one of the youre a big european nato hack said if we did that the nato would be like the un just to talk shop it couldnt take action by which they meant military action all the so way to listen to what you just said if youre saying it doesnt work if we dont have enemies exactly what if we had great to have had the about as the ability to inflict military force and i dare to say aggression in places like serbia and libya whatever we want to using nato as a platform but enemies can change by the way russia could be s. O. B. s at one time like of the 1950 s. But not so much now. But better why dont you have a system that allows that ability i guess because because whose interest is that serve and all these all these are the head of these these military companies and these bureaucrats who have the nice cool rice balls at the expense of their taxpayers because theres a threat out there is a bear in the woods. Attention to the alliance from full display during a joint News Conference between the american french president. For their meeting donald trump it described emanuel my suggestion that nato is in terminal decline. The pair then went on to joust over a range of issues in front of reporters a clue to the fate of european isis fighters in this bizarre exchange. For the right to. Be where you are. Number 5 is gone wrong on this from the c. E. O. Uses he. Is more hes a great politician because were going to do is never. Just i was before that meeting the u. S. President threatened to impose huge tariffs on french goods including cheese and champagne. He has more the rift. Will to add into those tensions that nato there is even with the simmering tensions between rolls and the us this comes off to the us just threatened to add more taxes on french products in retaliation for the socalled for talks this is a tax on digital joints such as google amazon or facebook and apple suggesting it will levy those taxes of up to 2400000000. 00 some of that champagne on luxury goods that just handbags and also all the famous french cheese some of these products could see taxes of up to 100 percent doubling that price for u. S. Consumers now the u. S. Trade Representatives Office has said that this socalled gaffa tax is discriminatory and trump escaped out to gates that tax saying fronts will not be taking advantage of his watch. Friends say terrorists are on our companies. Companies that are against you know they were against me if i read the papers correctly i dont know why they were against me but they were give me the supposed to be very powerful and you know so maybe theyre not so hard but there are companies i dont want to bridge gaps in American Companies if theyre going to be taxed its going to be the United States were taxed while the front says paul they think that they have a right to the slice of the pie of the profits of these big digital joints saying its unfair that theyve chosen to put the European Headquarters in low tax countries and thats why they slap this 3 percent levy on these companies this year and the french finance minister says hes fear is it is unacceptable that america is now threatening more taxes. This is unacceptable behavior by the United States towards one of its main allies france and europe in general in case of new american sanctions the European Union would be ready to respond. At that into the mix of the other tensions weve seen over the past 2 years between the 2 administrations things such as the Iranian Nuclear codes and of course the u. S. Administration pulling out of the paris climate accords and it looks like theres going to be a lot of discussions a lot of hard soon faces at this native meeting and unlikely that theyre going to be popping the champagne corks as they should be celebrating that end of this story. Its been 35 years since one of historys most devastating industrial disasters hit the indian city of paul highly toxic gas leak from an insecticide producing factory spread to nearby towns with catastrophic consequences thousands died and around half a 1000000 more were affected. But its still unclear to this day what really caused the incident as the Indian Government continues to argue over the disaster and how it was handled the company would run the factory at that time called it an act of sabotage and back in 2018 former plant employees were sentenced to 2 years in jail apiece although Rights Groups working with the victims said the verdict was too little too late we heard from the curator of the remember Bhopal Museum he says the consequences of the disaster still run to. The 2nd in the current generation and continued do they continue to suffer debilitating health has the impact of the tragedy that took place in 1984 and rule out using many many families were destroyed they were pushed forward because you know able bodied workers who no longer work they could not bring out to these homes they could not sign full Employment International attention has been there my need of you know peoples individual small donations have come in that sustains and activists have been honored like real justice continues to elude them because people of bede been to this after decades people who literally 95 percent of people got about 500 dollars out of 2 decades of waiting thats how bad it was. In africa demonstrations against United Nations peacekeepers and the democratic republic of congo have left 5 people dead and at least a dozen others injured. Violence broke out on monday as protesters marched on the u. N. Base maybe eastern city of beni demanding they withdraw from the region locals accuse the peacekeepers of failing to protect them from attacks by rebel fighters. We want Different Military units in our country we no longer want all those soldiers who have been here for a long time. Their mission is to restore peace and to accompany the Government Forces but the population in the territory of benny has been mourning for at least 5 years there has not been a satisfactory reaction from monusco. They had of the u. N. Mission in the democratic republic of congo says the escalating unrest is making it increasingly difficult for it to fulfill its judis. Where this we know that we assume and accept because we have no other option than to do and to try to mitigate their attacks against this event population of protests started last week after peacekeepers and Government Forces failed to prevent a massacre by the socalled Democratic Forces a shadowy islamist inspired grouping the Congolese Army launched operations against the organization in october which responded with brutal reprisal attacks on civilians. Is the uns largest peacekeeping mission there are more than 16000 military personnel in the area the organizations operated in the sea for the past 20 years it says its top priority is to protect civilians there from the groups the Morris County from the french of friends of the congo Advocacy Group told us that the current unrest is a symptom of far deeper problems than ineffective peacekeepers. The context in which the instability is taking place in eastern congo is one of 20 years of invasions wars of aggression sponsoring of militia groups in the east of the congo plundering of congos minerals by congolese neighbors over one and uganda in particular and at that time during that aggression unfortunately has been backed by the members of the International Community the United States and the United Kingdom im so theres a whole chain. Starting from local to international where theres been a lack of accountability where theres been a lack of justice where theres been impunity so a comprehensive approach is is needed not just a question of assuring that the u. N. Troops are doing their mission to take in their mission properly but there is an International System in place that. Of which the congolese people are in. A thats it from a thanks for watching thomas here in the coming hours to keep you across developments hes going ext update after max and stacey stand by for the kaiser report after the break. I think. What politicians do something. They put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Or somehow want to press. You to go right to the press its like the full story in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters in the. City. You know world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy its time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. I am max kaiser this is the kaiser report and we are talking about the complete absence of gravity thats right gravity no longer exists quite quite quite quite quite quite amazingly they say you know history oh of Financial Markets analysis is filled with people who get the call right way too early and Irving Fisher may have been right that stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau of course he said that in 1929 right before they crashed into the bottom of the barrel but maybe you know had he waited around for another 80 years he would have been right so its all about stock prices right hitting new all time highs all the time many times during the course of this year fuelling the trump phenomenon every time his opposition tries to attack him markets make a new all time high and of course everyone likes that look look at markets make new all time highs i like to watch football the weekends i like to watch baseball they like to see that with teams when you know its all very basic winners and losers and the markets are winning and were winning and its a very simple message and theyre making new all time highs and either thats an economic phenomena or theres Something Else going on and if you look at the statistics of the history and the trends it looks like its trading at a phenomenally overextended level most percent of g. D. P. And the stock market which is Warren Buffetts favorite metric to determine valuation overvaluation if you just for stock buybacks is trading for all time record price to earnings multiples right if you were

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